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Chemistry SPM Revision (Concept Check!

) – Chapter 1: Rate of Reaction

Question Answer
1 Definition of rate of change in the concentration of a reactant over change in time
reaction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Rate of reaction is a measurement of the change in quantity of
reactant or product in a certain range of time.

2 2 ways to measure rate of 1) Measure the decrease in the mass of reactant

reaction 2) Measure the increase in the mass of product
 Average Rate of Reaction
 Instantaneous Rate of Reaction (Rate of Reaction at any given time)
3 List out factors that affect 1) size
the rate of reaction 2) temperature
3) concentration
4) presence of catalyst
5) pressure
4 How does size of Reactant A smaller size of reactant increases the rate of reaction. This is because
affect the rate of reaction? smaller surfaces have more surface area when compared to a bigger
Use small pieces of calcium object which has less surface area. For example, smaller calcium
carbonate chips react with carbonate chips will have a faster rate of reaction with HCI when
HCl compared to bigger calcium carbonate chips.
as an example, to explain ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 The rate of reaction of the small pieces of calcium carbonate
chips is higher than the rate of reaction of the large pieces.
 Small pieces have a large total surface area compare to large
pieces of marble chips of the same mass.
 The smaller the size of marble chips, the larger total surface
area of the marble chips.
 The larger the total surface area of marble chips, the higher the
rate of reaction.
5 How does Concentration of A higher concentration of reactant will increase the rate of reaction. This is
Reactant affect the rate? because a higher concentration of reactants contains more moles of the
Relate the Concentration reactant. This increases the chances of a proper collision to occur and
with time therefore decreases the time taken for a product to be formed.
 The higher the concentration of reactant, the higher the rate of
 The higher the number of particles per unit volume
 The higher the frequency of collision between particles.
 The higher the frequency of effective collisions.
 The higher the rate of reaction.
6 How does Temperature Higher temperatures will increase the rate of reaction. Higher
affect the rate? Use temperatures increase the speed at which the particles collide with each
observation to yellow other, therefore increasing the rate of reaction. For example, when
precipitate (sulphur), the sodium thiosulphate solution reacts with hydrochloric acid it produces a
product of the reaction yellow precipitate which is sulphur. When this reaction occurs with a
between sodium higher temperature, the time taken for sulphur to be produced decreases
thiosulphate solution with and this increases the rate of reaction.
hydrochloric acid. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 The higher the temperature, the higher is the kinetic energy of
reacting particles. The reacting particles move faster.
 Temperature is inversely proportional to time. When the
temperature of Na2S2O3 increases, the time taken for yellow
precipitate formed that covers the ‘X’ mark is decreases
 The higher the temperature of Na2S2O3, the higher the kinetic
energy of S2O32- ions and H+ ions.
 Therefore, the higher the frequency of collision between particles
[S2O32- - ions and H+ ions].
 Therefore, the higher the frequency of effective collision between
particles [S2O32- - ions and H+ ions] the higher the rate of reaction

7 Characteristics of catalyst. Catalysts are chemically unchanged by the end of the reaction. Catalysts
What does a catalyst do in a do not get used up during a reaction. Catalysts are specific, which means
reaction? that it may affect some reactions while having no effect on others.
Catalysts can be physically changed. Catalysts increase the rate of reaction
without affecting the amount of product produced.
 Catalyst is a chemical substance that increases the rate of reaction
[change the rate of reaction], but it does not change chemically at
the end of the reaction.
 Positive catalyst increases the rate of reaction while negative
catalyst decreases the rate of reaction.
Characteristics of catalyst (Remember at least two)
 It does not change the quantity (amount) of the products formed.
 It is unchanged chemically at the end of the reaction.
 The amount of catalyst is the same before and after reaction.
 It is specific in action.
 Only small amount is needed.
 It could become less effective when there are impurities.

8 What state of matter does Gaseous state

pressure affect the rate of
9 According to collision The particles must have enough energy and must be in the right position
theory, what are the ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
conditions for a reaction to  The colliding particles must have the right orientation of collision.
occur?  The colliding particle must have enough energy; i.e equal or more
than a minimum amount of energy known as Activation Energy, Ea
1 Define Activation Energy, Ea Minimum energy required for a reactant to enter a chemical reaction
0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 The minimum energy the reactant particles must possessed before
collision between them; can result in a chemical reaction.

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