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What Is A Crystal?

A crystal is the result of a group of chemical compounds that have switched from liquid to vapor
into solid form. In the process of the formation they developed geometrically as well as chemically. For
example, diamonds and coal are both pure carbon, yet they look completely different due to their
growth patterns known as lattice (the formation in which the chemicals grew together).

A Brief History Of Crystals

Crystals have been noted in history books as being both ornamental as well as used for healing.
They have been used in various forms of amulets, bracelets and plates by priests of many societies. The
crystals within these items were used as oracles, helping the priest connect with the divine for the
purpose of getting advice. Many soldiers wore crystals within their breastplates of armor to help protect
them from harm during battle.

Crystals have been mentioned in many books, even the bible. One stone in particular that is
mentioned is moldavite – “the green stone that fell from the sky”. To date, moldavite is the only green
stone that is proven to “have fallen from the sky” via a meteor. In another biblical example, they are
used by the priest Aaron in his breastplate for communication with the angels.

Crystals have been revered as sacred since earliest times. They were used for divining the
hidden meaning of events for traveling in non-ordinary reality and for healing the sick.

Many of the world’s religions have associations with stones and crystals. King Solomon’s
legendary ring said to have been given to him by the four angels of Earth, Air, Fire and Water showed his
power over the elements. The rebuilt Jerusalem had gemstones placed within its foundations. Pope
Gregory the Great assigned gemstones to the angelic orders which were said to attract their energy to
the wearer.

Early Egyptian lore said that the heavens were made of stone. Carnelian, turquoise, lapis lazuli
and occasionally obsidian were most often used for amulets and charms.

In the shamanic traditions, crystals are believed to have originated from the sky. They are still
used for initiations and healing.

In Islam, the most famous is the Black Stone of Mecca. Today the stone – the “right hand of God
on earth”- is most highly revered by pilgrims to Mecca and is shaped from countless devoted touches.

Diamonds were always a symbol of purity and a powerful charm against evil. However, stolen
diamonds have not been so lucky for their owners. Such as The Koh-I-Noor Diamond, The Orloff
Diamond and the Hope Diamond – all of which have coincided with tragedy.

Druids have used crystals for eons. Some in particular are the ones they called “serpent eggs”.
These stones were believed to have been created by etheric serpents of energy beneath the earth.
When these stones were worn around the neck, they believed they then had the power to protect their
auric field to favorably influence the aura and mind of anyone who came within range. Likewise, they
learned that by placing or wearing crystals over certain areas of the body relieved imbalances and

In China, (approximately 259 BCE) the Emperor Tsin Shi is said to have possessed a mirror-like
stone which could illuminate the bones of the body thus pinpointing where diseases and illnesses were
located. Alchemy is rumored to have originated here and the use of crystals in this ancient art is

Even in a brief look at the history of crystals, a near global pattern emerges. Crystals and
gemstones originally came from (or at least are connected with) heavenly spirits or gods, linking the
spirit world with humanity. They have the power to affect healing cures, to enhance perception and
protection or disaster to the bearer. Looked at from a different perspective you could say that crystals
help humans expand beyond their accustomed limits, enhancing their ability to step outside their normal

Researcher A. H. Fry made many interesting observations concerning crystals during his lifetime.
One in particular relates to the use of crystals to the Crystal of the Earth itself and to ourselves, which
are made of crystalline forms. To quote him, “It is a literal fact that most of our planet is made up of
crystals of specific shapes. The present energy problems will be a thing of the past when we start using
the wondrous potential of these shapes. Even the food we eat must be converted to tiny crystalline
shapes before it can pass through the tissue walls. The ancient Central American word for blood was
‘chaichulhati’, and it literally meant ‘water of precious stones’.”

Why Do Crystals Work?

Crystals are one of the simplest and more stable structures that are known to man at this time.
Due to their growth patterns (duplicating the same formation of atoms again and again) which gives
them a consistent type of energy that is emitted when fully cleared and charged. Unlike ourselves who
are made up of many, many different kinds of atoms and molecules, therefore we can work quickly,
slowly, etc. depending on many different outside circumstances. (It may not even be very consistent,
either.) Therefore crystals can assist us in keeping a steady stream of energy to work with. Your watch,
you computer, etc. all have crystals in them to keep them working at a steady pace. They are always
ready to work when you need them. So, you see, crystals are not a “New Age thing” but a material we
have been utilizing for decades. It was just recently that crystals have become more mainstream and we
can use them more and more for healing, creating and guidance purposes.

What To Use Crystals For

 Physical healing
 Emotional or mental healing
 Spiritual and psychic awareness
 Mediation
 Assisting in manifestation

How To Pick Your Crystal

Be as selective as possible where you acquire your crystal. Is the store clean? Does the store feel
good when you walk inside or is the opposite true? Does it look like the crystals have been lying around
neglected for quite awhile or do they look loved and cared for properly? Are they shoved in a display
with more clutter on top of the case? Are they being pawed over with a lack of respect? (This is not to
say you should turn tail and leave such an establishment as I have purchased some wonderful and
powerful crystals in museum gift shops where they were most definitely not treated with the reverence
they richly deserved.)

Once you have determined THIS is the store for you, there are a number of ways to employ in
the choosing of crystals.

Intuition – This is probably the quickest way in which to pick your crystal. This is also the least
“showy” if you are the self-conscious type. Simply quiet your mind. Don’t get caught up in the moment,
the hunt or the possible frenetic energy that is surrounding you at the moment.

Your eye may be the first guide to picking out the right one. You will find yourself looking at a
specific crystal, often without even realizing it. Sometimes your eye is instantly drawn to a particular
piece, other time you find yourself going back to it over and over again.

Confirm your thoughts by holding it. Does it seem to resonate well with your energy?

*Note on ebay – This may go against what we just discussed, but you can get lovely, lively and
high-energy crystals on ebay. Just be sure the crystal feels good. How is it presented on the auction
page? Does the seller sound greedy, rude, etc.? Be very certain the stone is genuine! I strongly suggest
that you research the stone you are looking for. What are the going rates for this stone? Then look for it
on ebay, set in your mind the highest price you are willing to pay for it and STAND FIRM. If the crystal is
meant for you, you will get it. DON’T get caught up in the “win”. I have gotten some fantastic stones
through ebay for very inexpensive prices because they were meant for me.

Tipping – Hold the crystal you are thinking of purchasing in your non-dominant hand up against
your chest, quiet your mind and focus on it. Ask the crystal if it wants to work with you. If the answer is
“yes”, you will feel yourself tipping forward or toward the crystal. If the answer is “no”, you will feel
yourself tipping backward or away from the crystal. If you get a “no” answer, you can pick up another
and ask it. (This is also a very good way to initially learn to communicate with your crystals via yes and
no questions.)

Scanning - A wonderful method to use at a large metaphysical store or at a crystal

conference/show that has a large selection of the same kind of crystal.
Again, quiet your mind and focus on the crystals. Gently pass your non-dominant hand over the
crystal selection. When you think you have found one, pick it up and hold it to make sure it is attuned to
your energy field.

Dowsing – This is another method that can be used when the selection of a certain crystal is
quite large.

Let your pendulum do the walking! Ask your pendulum to find the right crystal for you. If you
have a pendulum, and have worked with it, you will know how to activate its response for your benefit.
Simply ask it as you pass the pendulum over the selection of crystals which one is best for you.

As before, gently pick up the crystal, quiet your mind and hold it to make sure it does indeed
resonate with your energy.

Kinesiology- This method requires a partner. Hold out your right arm, strongly but not stiffly.
Your partner will gently push on your right arm. This gives them a baseline from which to help you test
the crystal(s) you are considering for purchase.

Hold the crystal in your left hand. Your partner will now gently push down on the right arm
again. If there is no change (meaning your hand stays at the same level as the baseline) or improves
(resistance is much stronger) then this is the crystal for you. However, if your arm drops drastically and
is significantly weaker, the crystal in question is not meant for you. It doesn’t mean that it is a “bad”
crystal, simply that it is meant for someone else.

All of the above methods are an excellent way to find the right one. Don’t get intimidated or
self-conscious how you pick out your crystal. Use whatever method works best for you. You are the
customer, the store is waiting to receive your money and you do what is best for you.

Cleansing The Crystal

No matter where you acquire your crystal, who gave it to you, no matter how enlightened you
may think you or they may be, the crystal NEEDS to be cleared before it can start working with you. The
reason is pure and simple – it has acquired, accumulated and integrated the energy that was
surrounding it, for better or worse. You want the crystal to work with you. If it has not been cleared, it
will have a very difficult time doing so, thus making your relationship with it very frustrating to say the

After you have had your crystal for a while (whether you use it or not), it will need cleansing
again. This is easy to ascertain with a clear crystal such as clear quartz – it gets murky in color. For
crystals that are denser in color to begin with, the energy that they resonate at is not as high as it was

Some of the methods listed below allow you to set it up and leave the crystals in whatever the
cleansing agent may be. PLEASE be sure to check on your crystals regularly if using any of these
methods. Some may require less time than others and will want to get out of the cleansing agent. You
may ascertain this purely by your intuition or by dowsing with a pendulum.

Salt – I personally DO NOT use salt at all, but if you must, use sea salt. Salt is a natural purifier
and cleansing agent. It is wonderful for cleansing out all properties, the negative energy that the crystal
has absorbed as well as the properties/reasons you purchased it to begin with. This will not happen
immediately, but rather over time the salt (due to its high purifying properties) will actually start to
erase the essence of the crystal making it not as effective as it once was. Also, due to the hardness of
certain crystals, the salt may actually scratch the crystal making it less physically beautiful and heighten
the process of eliminating the essence of the crystal.

If you like using salt and don’t want to use another method, simply put the crystal in a clear
container or bowl. Put that container in a bowl of salt. The process is still very effective.

Water – Immersing crystals in a large clear glass bowl/tray is a very effective method of
cleansing crystals. I find most crystals seem to love this form of cleansing. One of this method’s best
features is that once it is set up, you can walk away from it. Leaving the crystals immersed in water
during a sunny day, winter or summer solstice, autumn or spring equinox, new or full moons, etc. can be
very potent depending on your intention of the energy that you wish the crystals to then absorb.

I never use salt water on my crystals. There are many crystals that are soft and become easily
abraded by the salt and some will even dissolve in salt water (pyrite, opal, lapis lazuli, hematite, etc.).

There are several schools of thought as to how to dispose of the water. Pick the one that
resonates best with you – flush it, pour it down the sink drain, pour it out into the earth, etc.

Flower Petals – Immersing the crystal in a bowl of flower petals sounds heavenly, doesn’t it?
The loving, nurturing nature of flowers will softly and lovingly cleanse all crystals especially those
resonating with the earth and water elements such as ruby, cuprite, rose quartz and larimar.

The downside – If left too long, the flower petals will turn brown (this may happen quicker than
“normal” because they are pulling out the imbalances within the crystal). The crystal will then start to
absorb the dying energy of the petals, which defeats the entire cleansing process.

Rice – Rice can be a great modality of cleansing to use when it may not be feasible to put
crystals in water. However, you would use rice in the same method. Fill a clear container with the rice
and imbed the crystal within the rice bed. You can then cook the rice and reuse it in a meal. All the
negative energy will leave with the steam in the cooking process. Recycling at its best!

Fire – Pass each individual crystal through a small flame. This allows you to be in the moment
with your crystal.

A very powerful method that allows more crystals to be cleansed with fire energy is to place the
crystals in a group. Surround the crystals with six candles (preferably white). The number six creates a
sacred space for the crystals as they are being cleansed. Light the candles and enjoy the moment
yourself by meditating while the candles are cleansing.

The downside – You can burn your fingers so be careful. Never leave a burning candle

Sage – This method allows a great number of crystals to be cleansed simultaneously. An added
benefit is that you get a cleansing at the same time. If you are not familiar with saging, be sure to open
outside doors or windows to allow the smoke and released energy to escape.

The downside – You may not be in a place that allows the burning of sage. There are sage sprays
that are just as effective. Don’t like the smell of sage? Try incense. I find frankincense and myrrh or
rosemary will work just as well. Find one that resonates with you.

Sound – Use a crystal bowl, gong, bells, drums, etc. Play the instrument of your choice until you
feel the energy in the crystal has shifted for the better and it is cleansed. This method is more powerful
if you can tone with the instrument. This method allows for a large group of crystals to be cleansed at

The downside – The cost of crystal bowls (and other instruments) can be daunting. However,
there are a number of excellent cds on the market. The hard part can be finding one that resonates at
the right frequency.

How To Charge Your Crystal

After your crystal is cleansed, it is helpful to charge it with some form of energy. If you know
your totem animal, you can imbue their essence into the crystal allowing you to have that energy with
you at a moment’s notice. Listed below are just some of the ways you may charge your crystals.

Angel Energy – This is associated with hope, protection, warmth, love, compassion, universal
energy and guidance. Simply hold the crystal in your non-dominant hand and ask for the angels to enter
with their angelic energy. You may call on specific angels or ask all that wish to assist enter. This process
is immediate! When they have entered and you feel grounded, always, always give thanks.

Stones that are naturally drawn to this energy are danburite, selenite, seraphinite and angelite.

Sunlight - This is associated with power, fire, ambition, intellectual activity, anger, joy, expansion
and yang. Simply place your crystals out on a sunny day. To make the process more powerful and
immediate, give thanks to the sun for assistance.

Stones that are naturally drawn to this energy are ruby, garnet, citrine and sunstone.

Moonlight – This is associated with the feminine, calm, intuition, the mysterious, hidden and
yin. Place your crystal outside during the full or new/dark moon, depending on your intentions. Full
moon– new banishment of energies that are no longer serving you - eating habits, spending habits,
relationships, etc.) New moon- new beginnings, new habits, new relationships, etc.
Stones that are naturally drawn to this energy are moonstone, labradorite, snow quartz and
mother of pearl.

Storm – Most transformational, it is all the elements rolled into one – water, earth, air and fire.
It is very powerful and not to be worked with or taken lightly. It will imbue the crystal with the creative
and destructive forces of nature. Due to its yin and yang nature, it is also perfect balance. It is a form of
rebirth. Place your crystals outside prior to the storm commencing and retrieve after the storm is over.

Stones that are naturally drawn to this energy are moldavite, fulgurite, phenacite and Tibetan

Reiki – You must be at least a Level One Reiki Practitioner to accomplish this method. Hold your
crystal between your hands and send it Reiki energy. Level Two Practitioners can imbue it with symbols.
Reiki Masters can attune theirs. These crystals are excellent for use in healing work. Once this is
complete you may even pass this crystal on to others who could benefit from Reiki energy. You can also
write down a name of some in need of healing or even a situation you’d like a resolution to and place it
under this crystal.

Dedication Of Your Crystal

This practice often overlooked by many crystal buyers. After your crystal is cleansed and
charged, it is extremely nice to dedicate for the purpose that you bought it for. This helps solidify your
intention and officially tells the crystal what you are hoping to achieve with its assistance. Keep in mind
that if you are not working in the highest light with the purest intent the crystal may very well refuse its

Simply hold your crystal in your hands and state (preferably aloud) what you wish to
accomplish/achieve - manifesting more money, reaching ascension, your twin flame to enter your life,
etc. The dedication may start with a statement such as, “From this point on…” As always, give thanks.
When you are meditating on this particular subject at later times, it would be helpful and beneficial to
have this crystal on you or near you to help facilitate the guidance you may be looking for.

Program Your Crystal

Only clear quartz and clear calcite can be programmed. The DOES NOT include aqua aura,
imperial quartz or any other clear quartz that has been chemically altered. During the alteration these
crystals took on their own unique programming just as hematite, moonstone or any other crystal is
“born” with.

Hold your cleansed, charged clear quartz/calcite in between your hands and at your heart center
in the gassho or prayer position. The first question to ask your crystal, “Are you the correct crystal to
help me with this issue?” If the answer is “no”, then you must respect that answer. As frustrating as it
may be, there will be a much better suited crystal for the mission you want to program.
Try this – hold a clear quartz crystal in your hand. Where do your thoughts wander to? If, for
example, you think of relationships, then this crystal may be ideal to help you and can be programmed
to work with relationship issues. Your crystal may be trying to tell you what its core program is. Honor it.
The results for YOU will only be that much better.

Once that is ascertained, hold your crystal at heart center in gassho, concentrate on the
energy/vibration of your choice and fill your crystal with this energy. Say aloud the following (or
something that comes from your heart), “I intend this crystal to be an effective tool for…” (meditation,
healing, manifesting, etc.). Keep in mind that the more positive your thoughts are during the
programming, the stronger and better the crystal can work with you. For example, if you are
programming it to help you heal; do not focus on the issue that needs healing during the programming
meditation. Instead, focus on the affects of the healing once it is completed – wholeness, happiness, no
aches/pains, freedom, etc.

Of course, if the crystal is quite large, holding it at your heart center may not only be
uncomfortable, but may even be impossible. If that happens to be the case, put the crystal on a table, sit
comfortably in front of it and place both of your hands over the crystal and progress from there.

Another method – Breath. Hold your crystal in your dominant hand. Breathe through your nose.
Hold the thought of the program you wish to imbue into the crystal. Then forcefully exhale through your
nose on one side of the crystal. Do this for the remaining five sides of the crystal. (An alternative is to
breathe in the nose and out the mouth.)

One more method – Breath (again). Hold your crystal in your dominant hand. Hold your
programmed thought in your mind and breathe slowly and naturally through your nose (or in your nose
and out your mouth). As you inhale, bring the energy of the crystal into you. As you exhale, you are
imbuing your programmed thought into the crystal. Practice this for approximately 20 – 30 minutes. Not
only is your crystal then programmed, you will also enter a meditative state which will help direct your
mind toward your goal.

To help activate the programming, simply meditate with the crystal, carry it with you or wear it
as a piece of jewelry. Your message may not be big neon signs, but subtle thoughts or a series of
coincidences (songs, verbal messages from a variety of people, etc.). Don’t be frustrated if the course of
events takes a very different turn from what you expected – let it go and enjoy the ride. The outcome
will surely be as good as you anticipate, perhaps better, but the ride getting to the goal was completely
different than you expected.


Crystals are meant to be our allies and assistants. You have been drawn to have them in your life
for a variety of reasons. Follow up on your initial urge and help them to so they may help you to their
fullest ability.

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