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Crystal Healing

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Introduction to Crystal Therapy .............................. 4

Minerals, Crystals and Gemstones .......................... 8
Cleansing the Crystals............................................ 10
Energising the Crystals............................................ 13
Programming the Crystals ..................................... 15
Storing the Crystals ................................................. 17
Crystal Shapes and Their Uses ............................... 18
Crystal Colors and Their Uses ................................. 22
Crystal Placement .................................................. 29
Wearing & Carrying Crystals.................................. 30
Crystals Décor ......................................................... 31
Crystal First-Aid Kit ................................................... 32
Crystal Meditation .................................................. 34
Healing Crystal Circles ........................................... 38
Crystal Grids and Sets ............................................ 39
Crystal Pendulum Dowsing .................................... 40
Zodiac Stones and Birthstones .............................. 42
Making Crystal Elixirs and Gem Waters ................ 50
Making Crystal Healing Oils ................................... 51
Making Crystal Healing Creams and Ointments . 52
The 40 Commonly Used Crystals ........................... 53

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Introduction to Crystal Therapy

Crystal therapy or Crystal healing is an ancient

healing technique, used by the Indians, Sumerians,
Egyptians, Mayans, and even Native Americans.
All of them used crystals and gemstones for
protection, healing, and transformation.
The practice can be found in nearly every culture,
country, and religion around the world; deeply
rooting itself into the way we live our lives today.
Talismans and amulets have been used since the
dawn of time, though we have no way of knowing
how the first of these objects were perceived or
used. Many of the early pieces were organic in
nature. Beads carved of mammoth ivory dating
back 60,000 years (Upper Palaeolithic period)
have been excavated from a grave in Sungir,
Russia, as have contemporary beads made from
shell and fossil shark's teeth.
The oldest amulets are made of Baltic amber,
dating back 30,000 years, and amber beads were
discovered in Britain 10,000 years ago, near the
end of the last ice age. The distance they traveled
to reach Britain demonstrates their importance to
the people of the time. Jet was also popular, as
evidenced by the discovery of jet beads,
bracelets, and necklaces in Palaeolithic gravesites

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in Switzerland and Belgium. Malachite mines have

existed in Sinai since 4000 BC.
The Christian church banned amulets in 355 AD,
but gemstones continued to play an important
role, with sapphire being the preferred gem for
ecclesiastical rings in the 12th century. There were
also numerous symbolic references, such as the
carbuncle symbolizing Christ's sacrifice.
Historical References
In their jewellery, the Ancient Egyptians used lapis
lazuli, turquoise, carnelian, emerald, and clear
quartz. They also made grave amulets out of the
same gemstones. The Ancient Egyptians primarily
used stones for protection and health. Chrysolite
(later translated as topaz and peridot) was used to
ward off night terrors and to drive away evil spirits.
Egyptians also used crystals for cosmetic purposes
Crystals were given a variety of properties by the
Ancient Greeks, and many of the names we use
today have Greek origins. Hematite derives its
name from the Latin word for blood, owing to the
red coloration produced when it oxidizes.
Hematite is an iron ore, and iron was associated
with Aries, the god of war, by the ancient Greeks.
Greek soldiers were said to rub hematite on their
bodies before battle to make themselves
invulnerable. To keep them safe at sea, Greek
sailors wore a variety of amulets.

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In ancient China, jade was highly valued, and

some Chinese old texts describe jade beads. Jade
was used to make musical instruments such as
chimes, and around 1000 years ago, Chinese
emperors were sometimes buried in jade armour.
In Mexico, there are burials with jade masks from
the same time period. Both China and South
America recognized jade as a kidney healing
stone. More recently, around 250 years ago, the
Maoris of New Zealand wore jade pendants
representing ancestor spirits, which were passed
down through the male line for many generations.
Green stones are still considered lucky in some
parts of New Zealand today.
Crystals in Religion
All religions have used crystals and gemstones in
some way. They are mentioned in the Bible, the
Koran, and numerous other religious texts. The 4th
Heaven in the Koran is made up of carbuncle
(garnet). In Hinduism, the Kalpa Tree, which
represents an offering to the gods, is said to be
entirely made of precious stone, and a Buddhist
text from the 7th century describes a diamond
throne located near the Tree of Knowledge (the
neem tree under which Siddhartha meditated). A
thousand Kalpa Buddhas sat on this throne.
The Ratnapariksha of Buddhabhatta is also an
ancient sacred lapidary treatise. According to
some sources, it is Hindu, but it is more likely
Buddhist. The date is unknown, but it is most likely
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from the sixth century. Diamonds are ranked

according to caste in this treatise and figure
prominently as the king of gemstones. The ruby was
also held in high regard. It represented an
inextinguishable flame and was said to protect the
wearer's physical and mental health. Many other
gemstones and their properties are listed in the

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Minerals, Crystals and Gemstones

Have you ever pondered the distinction between

crystal and mineral? Maybe you thought there was
none at all. That is where you are mistaken. There
are significant differences between these two and
understanding them will help you distinguish one
from the other. So, shall we get started?
Any solid with an organized structure is referred to
as a crystal. That is, the atoms of this thing are
arranged in very precise distances and angles
from one another, as opposed to glass, where the
atoms are arranged in a more or less random
Minerals are naturally occurring inorganic
substances with crystalline structures. So being a
crystal is required in order to be a mineral. As a
result, all minerals form crystals.
Sugar and proteins are examples of organic solids
that form crystals but are not minerals. Some
syntethic substances used in nanotechnology are
crystalline, but they are man-made and thus not
Crystals and minerals differ not only in terms of how
they are used, but also in terms of structure. Simply
put, a crystal is a structure composed of various
natural materials, whereas a mineral is a material
in and of itself.

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These are referred to as polymorphs. A mineral's

physical properties can be greatly influenced by its
crystal structure. Diamonds and graphite are good
examples of this. Diamonds are known to be the
hardest of all minerals, and yet, despite having the
same composition as graphite, the latter is very
malleable in nature.
The gemstones are mineral crystals that can be cut
and polished to make jewellery or other

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Cleansing the Crystals

It is important to cleanse the crystals from negative

energies that it accumulates during healing or
during unintentional positive and negative energy
swaps during handling or transportation.
Here are some of the ways that can be used to
cleanse them.
1. Running Water:
Although natural flowing water, such as a
stream, is preferable, you can also rinse your
crystal under a tap. Make sure your crystal is
completely submerged in whatever water
source you're using. When finished, pat dry.
Cleanse it for approximately 1 minute.
Remember, though it is useful for hard crystals
such as quartz and amethyst, it should not be
used on brittle or soft crystals such as halite,
selenite, and kyanite.

2. Salt Water:
Throughout history, salt has been used to
absorb unwanted energy and dispel
negativity. Using it is very simple. Simply dissolve
a tablespoon of any kind of salt in a bowl of
water. Keep the crystal in salt water up to 48
hours. Remember, though you can use this
technique for hard crystal such as, using it for
soft crystals is not advisable.

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3. Brown Rice:
It is especially beneficial for stones that are
protective, such as black tourmaline. For this, fill
a bowl halfway with dry brown rice and bury
your crystal in it. Keep the crystal in there for 24
hours and then discard the rice. It is a safe
technique and can be used for any kind of

4. Moonlight Bath:
Put your crystal under the moonlight overnight
6-12 hours and bring it back inside the room
early in the morning before the sunrise and give
it a quick rinse to get rid of any remaining dirt
and debris. Allow to air dry. It is a safe
technique and can be used for any kind of

5. Sage:
Sage is a sacred plant with numerous
medicinal properties. Smudging can cleanse
the crystals. You should do smudging outside or
near an open window. There are many
varieties of sages available in market. You can
use any of them.
Put the sage in a fireproof bowl and light the
flame on the tip of the sage. Once it starts
smoking, take the crystal and firmly and move
it through the smoke so that the smoke
surrounds the crystal. Hold the crystal there for
30-60 seconds. You can do this for any crystal.

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6. Sound:
Sing or play any single pitch or tone and keep
the crystal in front of it. The sound vibrations
and positive intentions cleanse the crystal. I
personally prefer the sound of “Om”.

7. Visualization
Although this is regarded as the safest method
of stone removal, spend a few minutes
grounding and centering your energy before
cleansing a crystal.
To do it, choose a calm place. Pick up the
crystal and visualizing your hands filling with
white, radiant light. Feel the light encircling the
crystal and growing brighter in your hands.
Imagine the impurities being flushed out of the
crystal, allowing it to shine brighter. Continue
this visualization until you feel a positive change
in the energy of the stone. Though initially it
may take you even 15 minutes, with practice,
you can do it within a minute.

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Energising the Crystals

After you have cleansed your crystals, you must

energize them. The purpose of energizing is to
charge and potentialize the crystal's
transformational power (prana). We awaken the
stone's dormant energy with an external stimulant
such as the moon and the sun. This is how we
provide a channel for its intelligent movement to
continue. The following are some methods for
energizing crystals:
Crystals can be energized by flowing water. You
can also just place your crystals in a glass container
and submerge them in cool running water for 10-
20 minutes. Both of these methods can cleanse
and energize at the same time.
You can energize your crystals by exposing them
to sunlight. When placing crystals in the sun, it is
best to do so at sunrise or sunset because some
colored stones may fade over time if placed in the
sun too frequently.
Even the moon light charges the crystals. A full
moon is the best time to place the crystal under the
Physical Contact
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You can also energize the stones by simply holding

them or rubbing them between your palms. As the
stone or crystal's guide to freeing their own energy,
remember to cleanse your body, wash your hair,
and then create a nice, clear space free of clutter
or unnecessary objects to magnify your energy
field and aid the stones in their journey.

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Programming the Crystals

This enables the crystal to move energy rather than

storing it. A stone, like any living organism, is
designed to continue the process of creation. As
the stone recognizes its power, it requires an
intention to put that power to good use—
conscious use—which the mind's power provides.
Until that time, the stone is sustained by the
universal mind or cosmic flow. When in contact
with a human, the stone looks to him her for the
source of its purpose. Here is where we must let go
of our ego, understand our place in nature, and
use our individual intelligence to help the creation
process. Because we are all co-creators with the
universe, we must program the stone with pure,
non-egotistic, and collective intentions.
By doing so, we become a key component of a
collective consciousness and apply the
appropriate effort toward alignment with our
Here is how to programme the crystal:
1. Although crystals are said to have natural
healing properties, setting an intention for your
stone can help you connect with its energy
and rediscover your own sense of purpose.
2. You may feel more at ease holding the stone in
your hand or placing it on your third eye while
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3. Consider the energy of the stone merging with

your own. Speak to the stone, either silently or
aloud, and ask for help in completing your
current task.
4. Thank the stone for its presence, then meditate
for a few minutes.

Re-activating the crystals

1. If your stone feels heavier than usual, as if it has
lost its lustre, it may benefit from some
energetic activation.
2. Try speaking to it, singing to it, or sending it vital
life force energy through your breath to give it
some of your own energy. A small amount of
interaction can go a long way!

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Storing the Crystals

Crystals are sophisticated tools, so you need to

take good care of them. You can keep them in
natural fabric e.g. silk or suede, or clay bowls, or
bone China bowls, or wooden box with foam and
linen layers inside. You can also use velvet
Though, the best way is to keep one type of crystals
together (also known as storing by crystal family);
you can also store different types of crystals in
groups too. It is advisable the wrap the crystals
separately before storing them in groups. It
becomes more important to do in case of brittle
crystals. You can use Mohs Hardness Scale to
determine the toughness and brittleness of a stone.
You can group them in the following ways:
By Color: The crystals of same color usually have
same kind of energy. So you can store same color
crystals together.
By Intention: This is entirely up to you, but
separating crystals based on their best energy use
can help you know where to look when looking for
a crystal in the moment.

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Crystal Shapes and Their Uses

Crystals of different shapes, not in their natural

forms but when are cut and polished, may direct
the energy in different way.
When a crystal is carved into a specific shape, it
enhances some properties or even adds new ones
to the gem. Crystals that are cut add an aesthetic
appeal to the stone, but it also enables the user to
work with the crystal in other ways.
When choosing a crystal shape, you need to
decide what exactly it will be used for. Keep in
mind that all crystals have natural powers that will
always maintain their properties regardless of what
shape they come in.
Tumble Stones:
A tumbled stone crystal is the most common cut
and polished form that you can find. Tumbled
stones are small, round, polished crystals. They are
made using a machine called a rock tumbler,
which will tumble the tiny stones until their edges
are smooth. Their shapes and sizes will vary, but the
form itself is a “one size fits all” use. The crystal’s
energy will radiate in multiple directions.
Standing Crystal Point:

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A standing crystal point is also known as a crystal

tower. A crystal tower is cut into a point with a
machine, or can be made with natural formation
by simply cutting the crystal at the base to let it
stand on its own.
A tower will direct and focus energy out of the
peak of the stone. Towers are typically cut into
generator points so that your energy and intentions
are magnified.
Pyramid Crystals:
Pyramid crystals have four triangular sides and a
square bottom. What makes a pyramid shape
ideal is that it anchors and directs energies. It
stabilizes the energies from the earth while also
enhancing and projecting them out of the
pinnacle. You can use small crystal pyramids on
chakras to rebalance them, or place them around
your home to create a centered and balanced
environment. Pyramids are powerful central stones
in crystal grids, capable of raising vibrations and
heightening your intentions.
Crystal Spheres
A crystal sphere is exactly what fortune tellers and
gypsies in movies and books are referring to when
they use a “crystal ball.” Crystal spheres are cut,
shaped, and polished into a perfectly round ball.

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They emanate energy smoothly and evenly in

every direction. They also have the special
property of neutralizing negative or unbalanced
energizes. A unique property of crystal spheres is
that they are not only connected to the earth, but
also other planets.
They also specifically help in opening the third-eye
chakra. Sphere-shaped crystals were traditionally
used for fortune telling, also known as scrying. They
can be held over chakras and auras for energy
healing. Although spheres will need a stand to be
displayed in your home, but they instill a sense of
peace and grounded energy. You can place
them in the center of a crystal grid to promote
healing, protection, and psychic growth.
Heart Crystals:
Heart-shaped crystals symbolize love, your heart,
and the connection with the heart chakra. Crystals
that are cut and shaped into hearts can be
placed directly over heart chakra to heal it.
Small hearts are ideal for carrying with you to keep
you centered wherever you go. Larger heart-
shaped crystals can be placed around your home
or work, and used with crystal grids. It is believed
that crystal hearts attract love and new
relationships. They also heal broken hearts and
emotional wounds.
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Crystal Angels:
Crystal angels can be found in many sizes. They are
not designed to be realistic statues and are usually
on the smaller side of shaped crystals. Crystals that
are shaped into angels has angelic positive
energies, which helps connect with the guardian
angels. Placing angels around home provide a
higher vibration, protection, and healing. They can
also be used as the center crystal in a grid.

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Crystal Colors and Their Uses

It is well known that crystals get their colors from the

various chemicals that are present during crystal
formation. However, the colors themselves have
an impact on the effect crystals have on us. This is
due to the different meanings and properties of
each color, as well as the fact that different
people experience different colors in their own
unique way. To understand the use of colored
crystals, we can simply divide them into warm and
cool colors.
Warm Crystal Colors
Warm colors all have projective energy, which
means they are energizing and encouraging. They
cultivate zeal, creativity, and abundance. They
are widely used for healing and as symbols of good
fortune, success, accomplishment, bravery,
wealth, and self-assurance.
 Red Crystals:
Red represents passion, energy, and life; it
inspires and motivates. More red is required
if you feel a lack of power or are emotionally
depressed. Red crystals are associated with
self-assurance, willpower, and courage. Use
a bright red crystal when you need to take
action without hesitation. Red crystals have
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potent healing properties. They increase

blood pressure and metabolism while also
benefiting the immune system, blood
circulation, and reproductive organs.
Red color crystals can balance the Root
The power of crystals is subtler in lighter
shades of red, such as pink, and not as
strong as in red crystals. This is a soothing
color that represents determination,
commitment, and caring. Pink sapphire, rose
quartz, cinnabar, and morganite are
excellent for attracting a girlfriend,
boyfriend, or friend.
Examples of red crystals are - Red Tiger's Eye,
Ruby, Red Goldstone, Red Sunstone, Red
Jasper, Garnet, Plum Jade, and Red Coral.

 Orange Crystals:
Orange crystals are associated with
happiness and pleasure. It is also a color that
brings people together. Orange crystals are
known as "home stones" and "community
stones." Use your orange crystals to heal
yourself. It can aid in the treatment of kidney
problems, eating disorders, and allergies.
Orange crystals can balance the Sacral

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Darker orange hues amplify the sense of

belonging and home. To bring hospitality
into your home, use a deep orange stone as
a "home stone" and place it in the center of
your home. A dark orange crystal is ideal for
keeping family members together as well as
your work team together. Orange is the
color of friendship in lighter shades.
Companionship, loyalty, and sharing are
represented by light orange crystals.
Examples of orange crystals are Orange
Sunstone, Carnelian, Orange Agate, and
Orange Calcite.

 Yellow Crystals:
This color is associated with the power of
enlightenment. It aids us in our quest for
knowledge. Yellow crystals also represent
optimism and the start of new adventures.
Yellow crystals are widely used in healing;
they aid in the treatment of skin diseases and
eating disorders.
Yellow crystals can balance the Solar Plexus
Yellow crystals help you see things from a
different perspective and brighten your life.
Citrine, for example, will bring you success
and happiness. Pyrite promotes optimism
and will assist you in discovering the
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meaning of your life and relationships. Yellow

crystals are used as amulets to bring about
new beginnings and projects.
The examples of yellow crystals are Yellow
Calcite, Citrine, Yellow Tiger Eye, and Pyrite.

Cool Crystal Colors

All of the cool colors are full of receptive energy.
They are calming. They represent love, calm, and
peace. Cool-colored crystals are commonly used
for meditation.
White crystals inspire and enhance psychic abilities
and intuition. They will provide you with a sense of
direction. White crystals are frequently used as
amulets for good luck and safe travel. These
crystals carry positive and light energies that will
shield you from any negative influences. White
crystals will assist you in regaining your sense of
calm and peace in your life. White crystals are also
extremely useful for crystal healing. They will assist
you in healing your teeth, bones, and body as a
However, black color, as well as black crystals, aids
in the removal of negative energies and provides
stability, grounding, and protection. Black crystals
are commonly used as amulets for protection.
When you don't feel safe, use them. If you believe
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your home needs to be cleansed of negative

energies and destructive influences, keep a black
crystal near the front door and in the corners of
each room.
Black crystals should be present in your life. A black
crystal can provide you with a sense of well-being
in addition to being a powerful grounding force.
Black crystals will help you connect with the
physical, natural world. They will aid in the
alleviation of your fears related to your physical
existence and state.
 Green Crystals:
The growth crystals are green crystals. The
represent growth, creation, and the power
of nature’s renewal. Green crystals also
provide stability; they will assist you in sticking
to a schedule and staying on track in your
life. You will increase your productivity by
owning a green crystal, which will help you
with your career and personal projects.
A green crystal, as a symbol of fertility and
growth, will be extremely beneficial if you
want to improve your relationships with
family and friends.
Green crystals can balance the Heart

 Blue Crystals:
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The color blue will have an effect on your

mood. You will become more sensitive,
tender, and considerate. If you need to
change your relationships with friends and
family, a blue crystal can be extremely
Blue crystals aid in the treatment of
headaches and fevers. They will provide you
with restful sleep and alleviate your pain.
Blue crystals can balance the Throat
The examples of blue crystals are Blue
sapphire, blue topaz, and Kyanite etc.

 Indigo Crystals:
Indigo or Purple crystals are associated with
intuition, dreams, and nobility. These crystals
evoke a sense of mystery and magic. Such
crystals encourage our dreams, provide
inspiration, and provide us with the strength
to achieve our goals.
These crystals are effective healers; they
relieve migraines, help you sleep better, and
help you deal with allergies.
The Indigo Crystals can balance the Third
Eye Chakra.
The examples of indigo or purple crystals are
Taaffeite, Sugilite, Lepidolite, and Halite.

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 Violet Crystals:
The Violet crystals balance Crown Chakra
and improve psychic awareness.
The examples of violet crystals are Sugilite,
Taaffeite, Lepidolite, Amethyst, and Halite.

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Crystal Placement

Crystal can be place on the body, above the

body, or in the surroundings.
The only important thing to know is that placing on
body is the most effective placement, followed by
holding a crystal above the body part, and lastly
keeping the crystal around the body in the
In case of keeping the crystal on body part, it is
advisable that the body part and crystal is clean
to avoid germs and infection.
Multiple crystals can be placed in a circular form
or any other geometrical form to create a stronger
crystal energy field for better results.

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Wearing & Carrying Crystals

Wearing a crystal is most effective when it touches

a body part. For examples, the inner part of a ring
may be open so that the crystal touches the finger
while wearing. The same can be done in bracelets,
pendants, and other ornaments.
But you don’t have to worry too much about it. As
far as the crystal is in range of your aura (usually at
least 10 cm), you will be getting it’s effects.
If a crystal is too big to carry, begin by keeping it
close to you once a day, then twice, then three
times. During this time, gradually increase the
duration from a half hour to an hour, and so on.

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Crystals Décor

There are numerous approaches people can take

to transform their home into a healing and
rejuvenating environment. Crystal décor is the use
of crystals for both decoration and healing
There are many ways to use crystals for décor e.g.
fill the flower pots with crystals, or use crystals in
geode coasters, or use crystals as a show piece
paper weight. You can be as creative as you want
as far as you are using the crystal you need.
The key here is that the crystals should be present
in the room where you spend time e.g. bedroom,
drawing room, study room etc. The crystal in the
room should be uncovered and stay at a place for
longer time. It usually takes at least 24-48 hours
before the room is fully charged with the crystal.
The crystals should be cleaned and energized at
least once in a week.

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Crystal First-Aid Kit

There are few crystals that we should keep handy

for purposes of complementing the medical first-
aid kit and care. I advise to keep 10 crystals that
can be mixed and matched to complement in the
first aid of any condition.
1. Clear Quartz – It is a master healer. It is
advisable to use in any condition, no matter
2. Amethyst Druze - Amethyst is a master
tranquilizer. You can use it all situations. It
can be used to brush gently and slowly from
head to toe through the aura to calm and
soothe the person. It can also be held or
placed next to the person's body. It is
effective in the case of hight blood pressure,
shock or anxiety-producing situation.
3. Fluorite Tip Selenite Wand – It can be used for
muscular pains. Just keep the tip of it over or
on the painful area.
4. Bloodstone – have the person hold one in
each hand or place the stone just above the
injury to help faster healing. Make sure that
you don’t touch the injured area with the
5. Selenite – You can use it for any kind of pain.

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6. Celestite – You can use it for any kind of

inflammation and swelling.
7. Smokey Quartz – It is good for insect bites,
minor injuries and infections.
8. Blue Lace Agate – For burns and fevers,
place over the burn or forehead and
imagine a cool breeze washing over the
area while drawing out the heat. It is also
helpful in reducing joint pain.
9. Tiger Eye – It is good for any eye related
problems, evil eye, and altered blood
10. Amber – It is good for dizziness, chronic
fatigue, and dehydration.

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Crystal Meditation

Crystal meditation is totally different level of

experience. Here we use crystals to enhance the
meditative state and stimulate the chakras and
There are three ways to do that:
1. Meditating with crystal held in hands:
Holding crystals in your palm and clearing
your mind can be enough to help you
meditate. Holding a crystal in your hand
while meditating allows you to naturally
exchange energies and vibrations with the
stone, allowing you to feel its effects. Choose
a crystal based on the objective of your
meditation or the chakra you want to focus
on or any crystal your intuition guides you for.
In case of confusion, simply hold a Clear

2. Meditating with crystals on or around

If your desire for a crystal meditation is to be
focused on a particular chakra, you can lie
down and keep the relevant crystal around
the location of that chakra. In case you
don’t want to keep the crystal on your body,

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simple keep it on the side of your body,

almost the level of that chakra.
If you want to cleanse and energize all your
chakras or kundalini, keep relevant crystals
on or near all the chakras.
A simple rule of crystals for chakra is that, the
crystal should be of the color of chakra.
i. Root Chakra is of red color and any
crystal of red, brown, or black color
will be helpful. E.g., Carnelian, Red
Zircon, Ruby, Garnet, Smoky Quartz,
Obsidian, and Black Tourmaline etc.
ii. Sacral Chakra is of orange color, and
any crystal of orange color will be
helpful. E.g., Orange sapphire,
Andesine, Amber, Carnelian Agate,
Citrine, Moonstone, and Orange
Calcite etc.
iii. Solar Plexus Chakra is of yellow color,
and any crystal of yellow color will be
helpful. E.g., Yellow Calcite, Yellow
Sapphire, Yellow Zircon, Citrine, Yellow
Topaz, and Yellow Beryl etc.
iv. Heart Chakra is of green color, and
any crystal of green and pink color will
be helpful. E.g., Green Calcite,
Watermelon tourmaline, Serpentine,
Green Sapphire, Green Garnet, Jade,
Rose Quartz, Pink Opal, Rubellite etc.
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v. Throat Chakra is of blue color, and any

crystal of light blue color will be
helpful. E.g., Blue Sapphire, Lapis
Lazuli, Tanzanite, Kyanite, and Azurite,
etc. It is also important to note that the
blue crystals are useful for both Throat
Chakra and Third Eye chakra.
vi. Third Eye Chakra is of indigo color, and
any crystal of indigo, purple, dark blue
color will be helpful. E.g., Amethyst,
purple sapphire, purple fluorite, and
soda lite etc. It is also important to
note that the blue crystals are useful
for both Throat Chakra and Third Eye
vii. Crown Chakra is of violet color, and
any crystal of violet, purple, or white
color will be helpful. Even colorless
crystals will be helpful. E.g., Amethyst,
Clear Quartz, Diamond, White Topaz,
petalite and Oregon Opal etc.

3. Meditating with crystal grid:

Some people prefer not to have crystals
touch their bodies during meditation, in
which case building a crystal circle or grid
might be a useful technique to connect with
crystal energy without the physical contact.
Making grid has two purposes:
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1. To surround oneself with the energy of

2. To cumulate the energies from different
crystals for stronger effect.

To surround with the crystal energies, you

can simply put at least four crystals around
you. One in front, one on the back, and one
on each of sides. If you have more crystals,
you can make a circle of it around you. You
can also make different shapes using the
crystals, sit near to it, close you eyes and

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Healing Crystal Circles

Healing crystal circles are a way to ground,

release, and absorb negative energy while
balancing and restoring the chakras. They can also
provide protection from any negativity that is
encountered during your day to day living. You
can be creative while making crystal circles. Few
people integrate the crystal circles in their
bedrooms so that when they sleep, they cleanse
and charge themselves. The crystals are kept near
the head, side-table, and on ground or bed so that
the crystals are at the level of different chakras.
The size of circle depends upon the number of
crystals available. Higher number of crystals and
proximity with the body gives stronger effect.

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Crystal Grids and Sets

Crystals can be used to create grids and sets for

various purposes. These grids and sets vary in
shape, size, and composition. The goal is to make
a pattern or complete circuit that will allow one to
manifest goals. You can make a crystal grid near
the client, or on the body with relevant stones over
and around different chakras.
There is no fixed shape or size of crystals. It all
depends upon the availability of the crystals.
However, the biggest crystal or the main crystal to
be used for the desired outcome is kept in the
center. This center crystal can be a crystal related
to the target chakra, or crystal related to the
objective of session, or a zodiac crystal.
Remember, the shape of grid works only because
of the perception of the shape. A Hindu may prefer
a grid of any tantric shape or Om or shape of any
God and Goddess. A Christian may prefer a shape
of cross. The bottom line is that the shape should
emotionally, spiritually, or aesthetically connect
with the user.

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Crystal Pendulum Dowsing

Dowsing is the practice of using a divining tool to

seek out information about something, ranging
from lost objects to health and soulful information.
A common form of dowsing used by many
traditional cultures is performed by using a forked
stick or rod attached to a weight at one end, and
using it to search for underground water, hidden
treasures, and anything else that might be found
under the earth's surface.
The pendulum is one of the most effective tools
that a dowser can use to answer any question. This
is because a pendulum will allow you full access to
your subconscious mind, which is the place where
all of our answers lie. This is why many people have
turned to the pendulum as a tool for accessing
health, soul, and spiritual information. In addition,
the pendulum can also be used for healing
purposes, such as using it to remove any negative
energy from a person's environment or body.
A pendulum can be used in many different ways,
depending on the situation. A dowsing pendulum
can be used to answer virtually any question or
solve virtually any problem. However, a pendulum
can be used to answer other questions as well. For
example, you can ask your pendulum questions

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about love, money, and work-related issues with

great results. You can even use a pendulum to
help you find out more about your spiritual side.
One aspect of using your pendulum is to ask it
questions about yourself. To do this, simply hold
your pendulum in your hand and ask out loud,
"What is my next step?" Then, notice how the
pendulum responds. You can also use your
pendulum to help you with other aspects of your
life, such as asking it questions about anything else
that you would like clarification on.
A pendulum can be used for cleansing, energizing,
and healing body, mind, and soul.
To use a pendulum for healing, first choose a
pendulum that is made out of a crystal related to
the chakra you want to heal. Take several slow
deep breaths and relax. Once you are relaxed,
bring the pendulum over the chakra you want to
heal. Visualize your aura connecting with the
crystal and then instruct the crystal to cleanse and
energize the chakra or body part. You will notice
that the pendulum will start moving anti-clockwise
to cleanse and once the cleansing is done, it will
automatically start moving clockwise. This motion
will stop when the healing is done.

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Zodiac Stones and Birthstones

Most people are familiar with the twelve zodiac

signs which identify the qualities that we have in
our lives. They are: Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius,
Capricorn, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo,
Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and
Aquarius. Each sign is represented by a different
1. Aquarius
These people are born from Jan 21 till Feb 18.
Their zodiac gemstone is Garnet. Aquarians
are thought to be independent thinkers and
philosophers who want to make a difference
in the world. When they're full of ideas and
passion, they can get carried away. Garnet
has the ability to help people rediscover
their sensuality and brightness. Aquarians
are affable and humanitarian, as well as
honest and loyal, thanks to Garnet's ability to
stabilise both relationships and emotions.
The gemstone is thought to help those who
are creative, self-sufficient, and clever, as
well as boosting financial success and
professional opportunities.

2. Pisces

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These people are born from Feb 19 till Mar

20. Their zodiac gemstone is Amethyst.
Pisces people are hypersensitive to energy
and absorb it fast. Therefore the amethyst
gemstone can be quite useful to them. The
stone is claimed to reject vibrations that the
body does not require. It is especially good
to those who are imaginative and sensitive,
as it helps to relax the mind as well as the
nervous system. As a result, amethyst is
referred to since "nature's tranquillizer," as it
helps to relieve stress and anxiety while also
fostering emotional stability. The gem also
teaches how to be compassionate and kind
while being empathetic. Amethyst is an
excellent meditation stone because it
enhances psychic abilities and spiritual

3. Aries
These people are born from Mar 21 till Apr 20.
Their zodiac gemstones are bloodstone/
Aries are ambitious, active, and daring, and
they excel at everything they undertake. This
sign's people are enthusiastic and
psychologically strong, which makes them
ideal leaders. The gem bloodstone, which is
associated with this sign, helps the wearer to
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stay energised and confident. Bravery,

dynamism, and wit are all qualities linked
with the stone. Aries is also related with
diamonds. The hardest of all stones,
diamonds emit masculine energy, inspiring
the inner warrior and assisting one in
achieving one's goals and persisting in
difficult times. It is a wealth sign that can help
you attract richness in all areas of your life. It
is known as the stone of purity and

4. Taurus
These people are born from Apr 21till May 21.
Their zodiac gemstone is Sapphire.
The Zodiac signs are the twelve signs of the
zodiac. The planet Venus rules Taurus, and
those born under this sign appreciate luxury
and the better things in life. They enjoy being
pampered, but they are also career-driven
and will work long hours to achieve their
goals of living in luxury. Taurus is represented
by the sapphire gemstone. Sapphires are
thought to represent trust, honesty, and
purity. This gemstone makes the wearer
more dependable, patient, and
determined. It is also said to guard the
bearer against greed and envy.

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5. Gemini
These people are born from May 22 till Jun
21. Their zodiac gemstone is Agate.
The grounding and soothing characteristics
of agate might help persons born under the
sign of Gemini, who are frequently mentally
engaged (or sometimes hyperactive).
Agate can assist persons born under this sign
improve courage and vitality while also
protecting them from energy loss and stress
because they are adaptable and versatile.
When making a significant decision, it is
recommended to wear or carry agate. This
gem will aid in the sharpening of their vision,
the stimulation of their mind, and the
dispelling of their anxieties.

6. Cancer

These people are born from Jun 22 till Jul 22.

Their zodiac gemstone is Emerald.
Cancerians are observant and have the
capacity to read energy in groups as well as
individuals. They are both quiet and
inventive, and they frequently employ skillful
personalities to conceal their genuine
identity from the outer world. They are also
emotional and empathic. Wearing an
emerald can assist people who are drawn to
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material possessions in letting go of these

attachments and focusing on more
meaningful experiences.

7. Leo

These people are born from Jul 23 till Aug 22.

Their zodiac gemstone is Onyx.
The zodiac sign Leo is symbolised by the lion,
the wild king. Because Leos are active and
passionate, onyx is their birthstone. They're
also naturally creative, which the presence
of onyx just adds to. They are encouraged to
be more compassionate and open-minded
by onyx stones. It's also a symbol of loyalty
and affection. The diamond is claimed to
improve one's ability to actualize goals and
attract wealth and prosperity into one's life.

8. Virgo
These people are born from Aug 23 till Sept
22. Their zodiac gemstone is Carnelian.
People, who are born under the sign of Virgo
are practical and meticulous. They are well-
known perfectionists who scrutinise and plan
every detail with great care. The gemstone
for this sign is carnelian. This gem is especially
good for Virgos, who are prone to anxiety or
worry, which can fill the mind with
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unnecessary ideas and distractions. It

contributes to their growth as practical and
analytical thinkers. Carnelians are supposed
to protect and inspire, as well as being a
motivator and endurance stone.

9. Libra
These people are born from Sept 23 till Oct
23. Their zodiac gemstone is Peridot.
Legend has it that Librans are artistic and
refined. Peridot is their gemstone because
they have a keen eye for symmetry and
value exquisite craftsmanship. They are also
generous, easygoing, and socially active,
and they try not to upset the balance and
harmony of situations. The user of peridot is
endowed with idealistic and persuasive
talents. The stone is also a great way to show
off one's personality and inventiveness.

10. Scorpio
These people are born from Oct 24 till Nov
22. Their zodiac gemstone is Beryl.
It comes in a variety of colours and shapes,
including the well-known emerald and
aquamarine. Scorpions are outstanding
people readers and have a keen sense of
intuition. They are adamant about their
goals, and they frequently want others to be
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as certain as they are. Scorpios will benefit

from this collection of stones since they will
feel more confident and energetic. The gem
aquamarine has the potential to calm their
strong emotions and neutralise the forces of
darkness, bringing a sense of serenity and
clarity to underlying emotions.

11. Sagittarius
These people are born from Nov 23 till Dec
21. Their zodiac gemstone is Topaz.
People born under the sign of Sagittarius are
extremely imaginative and always on the
hunt for new opportunities. They appreciate
all types of adventures and are always
eager to take the initiative, even if it means
trying something new or exciting. People like
them are warm, hospitable, and sociable,
and are always surrounded by adoring
friends and lovers. Topaz, their birthstone, is
thought to bring Sagittarians peace and
prosperity. The stone also helps them stay
positive, jovial, cheery, honest, and

12. Capricorn
These people are born from Dec 22 till Jan
20. Their zodiac gemstone is Ruby.

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Capricorns are ambitious and self-

disciplined. Ruby can help them overcome
their negative tendencies by boosting their
self-assurance, courage, and joy. Ruby's
deep red colour strengthens the heart and
fosters self-love and love for others.
Capricorn is believed to be the hardest-
working zodiac sign and Ruby is a great
helper in recharging exhausted energies
and increasing vigour and power. The stone
is also said to promote philanthropy and
bring money and prosperity into a person's

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Making Crystal Elixirs and Gem


Water is a primary source of life, and it can bring

health and well-being not only to your body but
also to your mind and spirit. It brings balance where
imbalance has occurred and provides support in
healing many ailments. The crystal elixirs stimulate
the chakras and flow of energy in the body.
Making crystal elixir or gem water is very simple as
it is done by placing the selected crystal(s) in a
container with water for 24 hours. Whenever you
make elixirs and waters your crystals need to be
cleansed and charged beforehand. Once you are
ready and have cleansed, prepared, and
charged your crystals place them in clear glass jars
or bowls filled with spring water. In absence of
spring water, you can use any clean and drinkable
water. Make sure that your crystals are also in
hygienic state.

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Making Crystal Healing Oils

Crystal healing oil is helpful if one cannot afford

buying crystal. In this case, applying crystal healing
oil on relevant chakra or body part gives healing
effects. The application of crystal oil stimulate the
chakras and flow of energy in the body.
Making crystal oil is a simple technique. Whenever
you make crystal oil, your crystals need to be
cleansed and charged beforehand. Once you are
ready and have cleansed, prepared, and
charged your crystals place them in clear glass jars
or bowls filled with natural oils, e.g., olive oil,
coconut oil, or shea butter oil. Make sure that your
crystals are in hygienic state.

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Making Crystal Healing Creams and


Crystal healing creams and ointments are helpful if

one cannot afford buying crystal. In this case,
applying crystal healing cream or ointment on
relevant chakra or body part gives healing effects.
The application of crystal oil stimulate the chakras
and flow of energy in the body.
Making crystal cream or ointment is a simple
technique. Whenever you make crystal oil, your
crystals need to be cleansed and charged
beforehand. Once you are ready and have
cleansed, prepared, and charged your crystals
place them in clear glass jars or bowls filled with
organic neutral base cream which are easily
available in the market. Make sure that your
crystals are in hygienic state. You may also add
scents and essential oil of choice if you want.

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The 40 Commonly Used Crystals

Agates come in a variety of colors—all the
colors of the rainbow. Different stones will
therefore have slightly differing properties
depending on their color. They have a
hexagonal structure, which means that in
general, agates will help you achieve
It has origin from all over the world. It’s lattice
is Hexagonal.
It has the following shapes- Natural,
tumbled/polished, sliced.
It helps with Emotional balance, calmness,
focus and concentration; blue—
communication and honesty; moss—
unconditional love, prosperity; orange-
brown—self-control; pink—compassion;
other colors—issues associated with the
chakras of the same color.
It also works well with other agates, clear

A variety of feldspar, amazonite is known as
the Stone of Truth and the Stone of Courage.
Its blue-green color aligns it with both the

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heart and the throat chakras. With shades

reminiscent of the ocean, it promotes
tranquility and peace. It is also a balancing
It has origin from Australia, Brazil, Canada,
and United States. It’s lattice is Monoclinic.
It has the following shapes- Natural,
It is available in following color(s)- Aqua,
blue-green, green
It relates to the following Chakra(s)- Heart,
and throat. It also works well with Rose

Amber is not technically a crystal—it’s
petrified tree sap. It is best known in
alternative health care as an anti-
inflammatory. It has origin from Baltic
countries, Germany, Romania, and Russia.
It’s lattice is Amorphous. It has the following
shapes- Natural, and cut.
It is available in following color(s)- Brown,
gold, golden-brown, honey, orange.
It relates to the following Chakra(s)- Solar
You can place it on the solar plexus chakra,
near any area of pain or inflammation, as
jewelry, or in a pocket.
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It also works well with By itself it’s quite

powerful, but it works well in conjunction with
clear quartz.

In ametrine, citrine and amethyst naturally
form in a single crystal. With the purple and
yellow in the crystal, it is exceptionally
beautiful, and it combines and amplifies the
properties of each crystal to make a whole.
From a pure beauty standpoint, it is one of
my favorites.
It has origin from Canada, Mexico, Sri Lanka,
and United States. It’s lattice is Hexagonal.
It has the following shapes- Natural, points,
clusters, tumbled/polished, cut.
It is available in following color(s)- Yellow and
It relates to the following Chakra(s)- Solar
plexus, third eye, crown.
You can place it on the solar plexus or third
eye chakra, near the crown of the head,
near the head of your bed.
It helps with Amplifying the properties of both
citrine and amethyst, prosperity and
abundance, psychic communication, aura
cleansing, transmuting negativity,
facilitating positive energy flow, balancing
opposing energies, balancing Divine will
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with personal will, raising ego-based thought

to a higher level, promoting spiritual
dreaming. It also works well with Amethyst,
citrine, clear quartz.

Apache tears are obsidian stones in a
rounded or oval shape. They aren’t
technically crystals but rather a form of
volcanic glass. However, they do have
healing properties, particularly for people
who are grieving. It has origin from all over
the world. It’s lattice is Amorphous.
It has the following shapes- Natural—oval or
It is available in following color(s)- Dark gray
to black. It relates to the Root Chakra.
You can place it In your pocket when
dealing with negative emotions, or as a
worry stone in your giving (dominant) hand.
It helps with Grief, emotional healing,
recovery from dark or sad emotions. It also
works well with Rose quartz

Apatite has a beautiful blue-green color, but
it’s also a rather brittle, soft stone. Don’t store
apatite with other crystals. Instead, store it
carefully wrapped to keep it from becoming
Virtued Academy International

damaged. This stone is associated deeply

with spiritual wisdom and truth. It has origin
from Mexico, Norway, Russia, and United
States. It’s lattice is Hexagonal. It has the
following shapes- Natural, points,
tumbled/polished, cut
It is available in following color(s)- Aqua,
blue, violet, yellow. It relates to the following
Chakra(s)- Pink—heart or root, yellow—solar
plexus, aqua—heart, blue or aqua—throat,
violet—third eye, clear—crown
You can place it on the chakra that
corresponds with its color, in a pocket
(carefully wrapped) when you’re feeling
socially anxious, or in your receiving
(nondominant) hand while meditating. It
helps with Focusing on goals, connecting to
the Divine, eliminating negativity, raising
energetic vibration, enhancing intuition,
fascilitating truth, motivation, decreasing
social anxiety and self-consciousness. It also
works well with Amethyst, clear quartz, rose

Aquamarine is a manifestation stone. It has
origin from Brazil, Mexico, Russia, and United
States. It’s lattice is Hexagonal. It has the

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following shapes- Natural, points,

tumbled/polished, cut.
It is available in following color(s)- Blue,
green-blue. It relates to the following
Chakra(s)- Heart, throat, third eye
You can place it on throat chakra to
balance energy flowing from heart to third
eye chakra, as a necklace, as any type of
aquamarine jewelry (particularly earrings) to
help with anxiety and phobias, in your
receiving (nondominant) hand while
meditating and/or speaking affirmations. It
also works well with Amethyst, clear quartz,

Formed from quartz with inclusions of other
minerals (which cause different colors),
aventurine may be blue, green, red, orange,
yellow, or white although green is the most
common. With quartz as its main
component, aventurine is an energy
amplifier that can amplify chakra energies
associated with the color of the stone. It has
origin from Brazil, China, Russia, Tibet. It’s
lattice is Hexagonal.
It has the following shapes- Natural, points,
tumbled/polished, cut.

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It is available in following color(s)- Blue, blue-

green, green (most common), red, orange,
yellow, white. It relates to the following
Chakra(s)- Red—root, orange—sacral,
green—heart, yellow—solar plexus, blue—
third eye and throat, white—crown. You can
place it on the corresponding chakra, as
jewelry, in your wallet or cash box for
It helps with Blue—enhancing
communication, aiding in manifestation,
improving self-discipline; green—enhancing
leadership abilities, promoting prosperity,
promoting unconditional love, releases
anxiety; red/orange—promoting a sense of
safety and security; white—enhancing
communication with higher self, balancing
chakras; yellow—promoting self-esteem. It
also works well with Tourmaline, turquoise

Calcite comes in a rainbow of colors, each
with specific properties associated with the
chakras with which they align. Its hexagonal
structure means that calcite is a stone to
help you achieve your desires, so it’s
excellent for manifestation work. It has origin
from Brazil, Iceland, Russia, and United
States. It’s lattice is Hexagonal.
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It has the following shapes- Natural,

tumbled/polished, cut.
It is available in following color(s)- Black,
blue, gray, green, honey, orange/peach,
pink, red, violet, white. It relates to the
following Chakra(s)- Red, black, or gray—
root: orange or peach—sacral; honey or
yellow—solar plexus; green or pink—heart;
blue—throat; violet—third eye; white—
crown. You can place it on the
corresponding chakra, in a pocket, in your
receiving (nondominant) hand while
It helps with Manifestation, energy
amplification, cleansing, grounding, inner
peace; blue—recognizing and speaking
your truth, integrity; green—abundance;
green/pink—unconditional love; honey or
yellow—self-esteem; purple—intuition;
orange—personal will; white—
communicating with a higher power,
spiritual growth. It also works well with other
calcites in different colors

Chalcedony is a form of quartz that gets its
color from mineral occlusions. Agates are a
form of chalcedony (as is carnelian);
however, when discussing healing crystals,
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chalcedony typically refers to a creamy-

blue variety of the stone. Known as the
Speaker’s Stone, it helps you speak your truth
with tact. It has origin from Austria, Brazil,
Russia, and United States. It’s lattice is
Hexagonal./monoclinic. It has the following
shapes- Natural, geode, tumbled/polished,
It is available in blue color. It relates to Throat
You can place it in necklaces and earrings
(works especially well), directly on the throat
chakra, in a chest pocket. It helps with
Manifestation, protection, expressing your
truth, expressing creative ideas, promoting
peace, lessening self-doubt, balancing
emotions. It also works well with Clear quartz,
sodalite, lapis lazuli

Danburite comes in multiple colors that
affect different chakras. However, all colors
are high-vibration stones associated with
spiritual enlightenment and connection to a
higher power. It is also a cleansing and
clearing stone that can help heal deep
emotional pain and wounds. It has origin

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from Japan, Mexico, Russia, and United

States. It’s lattice is Orthorhombic.
It has the following shapes- Natural,
It is available in following color(s)- Clear,
gray, green. It relates to the following
Chakra(s)- Green—heart, clear and gray—
You can place it on the heart or crown
chakra, in a pocket during times of stress,
around the home to promote healing
energy throughout. It helps with Intuition,
deep emotional healing, compassion and
unconditional love, connecting the upper
chakras (heart through crown), easing
transitions, calming and de-stressing,
purifying the aura, cleansing. It also works
well with all crystals, particularly high-
vibration synergy stones like phenacite,
tektite, and moldavite.

Often cut and polished and made into
jewelry, emerald is one form of a mineral
called beryl. Other beryls include
aquamarine and morganite. With its
characteristic green color, emerald is a
classic heart chakra stone that promotes
love and compassion. It has origin from
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Austria, Brazil, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe. It’s

lattice is Hexagonal. It has the following
shapes- Natural, tumbled/polished, cut.
It is available in green color. It relates to the
Heart Chakra.
You can place it on the heart chakra, as
jewelry, as a ring on the commitment (ring)
It helps with Prosperity, unconditional love,
compassion, romance, kindness,
forgiveness, manifestation, increasing
spiritual awareness, serenity, experiencing
Divine love, protection, healing trauma
It also works well with other beryls
(aquamarine, morganite), clear quartz,
other green or pink stones.

As a monoclinic stone, epidote is a
protective stone primarily associated with
the heart chakra and love. It can help
improve interpersonal relationships, creating
balance between partners and enhancing
love and personal growth.
It has origin from Canada, France, Norway,
Russia, and United States. It’s lattice is
Monoclinic. It has the following shapes-
Natural, tumbled/polished.

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It is available in green color. It relates to the

Heart Chakra.
You can place it on the heart chakra, in the
hand after meditation for a grounding
effect, next to any stone where you wish
amplification to occur.
It helps with Prosperity, love, connection with
nature, optimism, grounding, clearing
energetic blockages, clearing ruts,
strengthening, stimulating healing.
It also works well with Any stone that needs

Fuchsite is a sparkling green silicate mineral
embedded with mica. The stone is
protective. Often, you will find fuchsite
embedded with ruby. Fuchsite (with or
without ruby) is a classic healer’s stone that
can help with physical, energetic, and
emotional healing.
It has origin from Brazil, India, and Russia. It’s
lattice is Monoclinic.
It has the following shapes- Natural,
It is available in green color. It relates to the
Heart Chakra.
You can place it on the heart chakra; if
embedded with ruby, on root chakra and
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heart chakra; as a necklace or bracelet. It

helps with Emotional-physical-spiritual
healing, renewal, rejuvenation, balance,
prosperity, love, intensifying energy of other
crystals. It also works well with Ruby.

When people think of garnets, they most
commonly think of red garnets, called
pyrope. However, garnets are available in
other colors, as well. For example,
spessartine garnets are yellow to orange,
and tsavorite garnets are green. It has origin
from all over the world. It’s lattice is Isometric.
It has the following shapes- Natural, points,
clusters, tumbled/polished, cut. It is available
in following color(s)- Brown, green, orange-
red, red, yellow. It relates to the following
Chakra(s)- Red—root, orange-red or
brown—sacral, green—heart
You can place it in the following ways- Red
near root chakra; orange-red or brown on
sacral chakra; green on heart chakra; in
jewelry, particularly rings or bracelets.
It helps with amplification of energies,
protection, manifestation, transitions,
energizing and revitalizing, boosting energy,
overcoming trauma, getting rid of limiting
ideas and beliefs; green (tsavorite)—
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abundance; red—grounding, protection;

yellow to orange (spessartine)—career
success. It also works well with Garnets of
other colors, smoky quartz, clear quartz

Because it has veins similar to turquoise,
howlite is often dyed blue and sold as that
gemstone. However, undyed howlite is
lightly colored; it’s white, gray, or colorless,
which is why it is so easily dyed. It is a stone
used to link people to the Divine.
It has origin from United States. It’s lattice is
It has the following shapes- Natural,
tumbled/polished, carved, cut. It is available
in following color(s)- White, gray, colorless.
It relates to the crown Chakra.
You can place it Near the crown chakra, as
earrings or a necklace. It helps with
Attunement to the Divine, connecting to
higher truth, calming anxiety, reducing
stress, easing extreme negative emotions like
rage. It also works well with Turquoise,
amethyst, sodalite

17. JADE
Jade has been used since ancient times,
often carved into jewelry or other artifacts.
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Most people recognize green jade;

however, it may also be white or orange.
Because it has been popular for so many
centuries and is of value in many cultures,
there are plenty of manufactured or dyed
jade objects. Check for irregularities in color,
particularly under magnification, to
determine its authenticity. If there are
irregularites, it is probably real jade. It has
origin from China, Middle East, Russia, and
United States. It’s lattice is Monoclinic
It has the following shapes- Natural,
tumbled/polished, carved. It is available in
following color(s)- Black, blue, gray, green
(most common), orange, purple, red, white,
It relates to the following Chakra(s)- Red,
black, or gray—root; orange—sacral;
yellow—solar plexus; blue—throat; green—
heart; purple—third eye; white—crown.
It helps with Protection, safe travel, easing
guilt, interrupting negative thought patterns,
reducing excessive thirst for power,
strengthening life force energies, increasing
trust, promoting love of all kinds.
It also works well with all colors of jade, clear
quartz, malachite.

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There are multiple opaque colors and
varieties of jasper, which is an aggregate of
quartz or chalcedony and other minerals.
Different varieties have varying properties. In
general, however, jasper is a manifestation
stone that absorbs excess energies to help
with energetic balance. It has origin from all
over the world. It’s lattice is Hexagonal.
It has the following shapes- Natural,
tumbled/polished, carved, cut.
It also works well with all other jaspers, black

It is a brittle stone that is often blade shaped,
which makes it a good worry stone for
rubbing your thumb across. Kyanite never
needs cleansing because it doesn’t hold
energy—it just facilitates its movement. This is
also why neither absorption nor
amplification is noted for this crystal. It has
origin from Brazil. It’s lattice is Triclinic.
It has the following shapes- Natural, blades,
tumbled/polished, carved, cut.
It is available in following color(s)- Black, blue
(most common), gray, green, orange,
yellow, white.

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It relates to the following Chakra(s)- Black or

gray—root, orange—sacral, yellow—solar
plexus, green—heart, blue—throat or third
eye, white—crown.
You can place it on any of the
corresponding chakras, in your hand as a
worry stone. It helps with Creating pathways
from one thing to another, clearing
blockages, getting you out of a rut,
facilitating communication (particularly
blue), loyalty and fairness, memory recall,
grounding (black). It also works well with all
colors of kyanite, between any two crystals
to help facilitate movement of one energy
to the other.

When it’s not cut or polished, labradorite just
looks like any old rock. However, after
cutting and polishing, it has a quality called
labradorescence, which is an opalescent
sheen of multiple colors similar to that in
opals or moonstone. First Nation Inuit people
believe labradorite is a connection between
the earthly plane and unseen realms. It has
origin from Canada, Italy, and Scandinavia.
It’s lattice is Triclinic.
It has the following shapes- Natural,
tumbled/polished, carved, cut.
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It is available in following color(s)- Blue or

gray with multiple flashes of color. It relates
to the following Chakra(s)- Throat, third eye.
You can place it on the throat chakra, as a
necklace, near where you meditate. It helps
with Bringing out magical qualities, reducing
negativity, tempering negative aspects of
the personality, detoxification of addictive
substances, tempering impulsivity and
recklessness, connection to higher realms,
aiding in intuition, dispelling illusion. It also
works well with Clear quartz, sodalite,


Lapis lazuli isn’t technically a crystal,
because it doesn’t have a crystalline
structure. Rather, it is a metamorphic rock.
However, it has been prized for centuries as
a semiprecious stone having magical
powers. It adorns many antiquities, including
the sarcophagus of King Tutankhamen.
It has origin from Chile, Egypt, Middle East,
and United States.
It has the following shapes- Natural,
tumbled/polished, carved.
It is available in following color(s)- Blue with
white or gold streaks. It relates to the throat

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chakra. You can place it on the throat

chakra, as a necklace or earrings.
It helps with communication of all types,
learning, encouraging honesty and
speaking one’s truth, bringing harmony,
improving performance. It also works well
with Clear quartz.

Larimar is a blue version of the stone
pectolite. It is found only in the Dominican
Republic. This is a calming, tranquil stone
that forms in lava. It has origin from
Dominican Republic. It’s lattice is Triclinic.
It has the following shapes- Natural, blades,
tumbled/polished, carved
It is available in blue color. It relates to the
following Chakra(s)- Throat, and third eye.
You can place it on the throat chakra, next
to your bed or taped under the head of your
bed. It helps with Relaxation, calming and
soothing, promoting peace and serenity,
aiding in giving voice to wisdom, assisting in
resolving trauma, clarifying meaning of
dreams. It also works well with Clear quartz,


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Lodestone, also called magnetite, is a black

magnetic stone made from iron oxide. You
can often find it with small pieces of iron
stuck to it via magnetism. If you find it this
way, store it carefully away from other
crystals so it continues to hold on to the small
pieces of iron. It has origin from Austria,
Canada, Mexico, and United States. It’s
lattice is Monoclinic.
It has the following shapes- Natural, natural
with iron stuck to it, tumbled/polished (no
It is available in black color. It relates to the
Root Chakra.
You can place it Near the root chakra, in a
bracelet. It helps with Grounding,
protection, attracting what you create

Malachite was the first crystal I discovered
many years ago—when I was a child. It’s a
beautiful deep green color with bands of
lighter and darker green through it. It is a
stone of the heart, nature, prosperity, and
healing. It has origin from Congo, Middle
East, Russia, and Zambia. It’s lattice is
It has the following shapes- Natural,
tumbled/polished, carved, cut.
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It is available in green color. It relates to the

Heart Chakra.
You can place it on or near the heart
chakra, as a necklace or bracelet, in a
suitcase or carry-on bag during travel
It helps with Absorbing negative energy,
guarding against pollution (energetic and
physical), protecting against accidents,
relieving fears associated with travel. It also
works well with Lapis lazuli.

Moldavite is one form of a tektite, which
makes it a “space rock.” It is a high-vibration
stone that is considered a synergy stone that
works with 12 similar high-vibration stones It
has origin from Czech Republic, Germany,
Moldova. It’s lattice is Amorphous. It has the
following shapes- Natural, chips.
It is available in green color.
It relates to the heart or crown chakra.
You can place it on or near the heart or
crown chakra, as a necklace. It helps with
Connecting to the Divine, calming anxiety
and doubts, raising vibration, promoting
meaningful dreams, rejuvenation. It also
works well with Azeztulite, brookite,
danburite, herderite, natrolite, petalite,
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phenacite, satyaloka quartz, scolecite,

tanzanite, tektite.

Moonstone is a variety of feldspar
characterized by milky color with an
opalescent sheen called adularescence.
Like other monoclinic stones, moonstone is a
protective stone. It is also a stone that can
connect you to higher realms, Divinity, and
It has origin from Austria, Brazil, India, and Sri
Lanka. It’s lattice is Monoclinic.
It has the following shapes- Natural,
tumbled/polished, cut. It is available in
following color(s)- Black, peach, white. It
relates to the following Chakra(s)- Third eye
or crown.
You can place it on or near the third eye or
crown chakra, as a necklace or earrings. t
helps with connecting to the Divine and
strengthening intuition. Aiding in decision-
making and rational thought, spurring
creative problem-solving, facilitating self-
expression, protection during water travel
and nighttime travel. It also works well with
Rose quartz, amethyst

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There are several varieties of obsidian, which

is volcanic glass extruded as lava cools.
Usually black in color (sometimes with spots,
as in the case of snowflake obsidian). It has
origin from all over the world. It’s lattice is
It has the following shapes- Natural,
tumbled/polished, cut. It is available in
following color(s)- Black, black with white. It
relates to the root chakra.
You can place it on or near the root chakra,
in the hands during grounding meditation. It
helps with Aura cleansing, grounding,
releasing anger and resentment, protection
against negative energy. It also works well
with Clear quartz, selenite

28. ONYX
It help balance excessive sexual desire. It has
origin from Brazil, Italy, Mexico, and United
States. It’s lattice is Hexagonal.
It has the following shapes- Natural,
tumbled/polished, cut
It is available in black color. It relates to the
Root Chakra.
You can place it on or near the root chakra,
in pants pocket. It helps with Grounding,
absorbing excessive sexual desire, improving
harmony in intimate relationships, improving
Virtued Academy International

self-control, calming worry and tension,

soothing nightmares. It also works well with
Agate, and carnelian.

29. OPAL
However, because they lack a crystalline
structure, opals aren’t technically crystals.
Never cleanse an opal in water or salt.
It has origin from Australia, Canada, Great
Britain, and Mexico. It’s lattice is Amorphous.
It has the following shapes- Natural,
tumbled/polished, cut. It is available in
following color(s)- Black, blue, colorless,
green, orange, pink, red, violet, white, yellow
It relates to the following Chakra(s)- Red or
black—root orange—sacral, yellow—solar
plexus, green or pink—heart, blue—throat,
violet—third eye, colorless or white—crown.
You can place it on or near any chakra, as
jewelry of any type, near the head of your
bed for dreaming.
It helps with Creativity, inspiration,
connection to the Divine and higher self,
facilitating the flow of transformation,
assisting in moving easily through obstacles,
improving memory. It also works well with

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Also known as olivine or chyrsolite, peridot

has a beautiful green color that is prized as
a gemstone. It is a stone of unconditional
love, forgiveness, compassion, and other
heart-focused emotions and experiences. It
is also a cleansing and clearing stone. It has
origin from Egypt, Ireland, Russia, and Sri
Lanka. It’s lattice is Orthorhombic.
It has the following shapes- Natural,
tumbled/polished, cut. It is available in
green color. It relates to the Heart Chakra.
You can place it on or near your heart
chakra, as a necklace or bracelet, as a ring
on your commitment (ring) finger.
It helps with Promoting positivity, all types of
love, forgiveness, compassion, healing
emotional trauma, lessening ego, prosperity,
luck, aura cleansing, balancing chakras.
It also works well with Clear quartz, rose
quartz, smoky quartz.

Rhodochrosite is a vibrant, banded pink
stone. When it is lighter pink, some people
mistake it for rose quartz, and it has some
similar metaphysical properties. In general,
however, you can tell it’s rhodochrosite
instead of rose quartz by its deep, intense
pink color and the white bands running
Virtued Academy International

through it. It has origin from Argentina, Peru,

Russia, and Uruguay. It’s lattice is Hexagonal.
It has the following shapes- Natural,
tumbled/polished, cut.
It is available in pink color. It relates to the
following Chakra(s)- Deep pink—root, light
You can place it on or near your root or heart
chakra, as a necklace or bracelet, as a ring
on your commitment (ring) finger. It helps
with Compassion, kindness, unconditional
love, calming, grounding, forgiveness, aura
cleansing, self-compassion. It also works well
with Rose quartz, clear quartz.

32. RUBY
Prized as a precious gemstone, ruby has a
vibrant red color. Along with finding ruby
crystals by themselves, you may also find
them embedded in fuchsite or zoisite. Ruby
embedded in these stones is more
affordable than ruby by itself and still has all
the properties of a single ruby.
It has origin from India, Mexico, and Russia.
It’s lattice is Hexagonal. It has the following
shapes- Natural, tumbled/polished, cut.
It is available in red color. It relates to the
Root and Heart Chakras.

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You can place it on or near your root or heart

chakra, as a necklace or bracelet, as a ring
on your commitment (ring) finger. It helps
with All types of love, opening the heart,
expressing love, compassion, connection to
spiritual and Divine love, trust, courage,
forgiveness, grounding, clearing blocked
emotions and energy. It also works well with
Sapphire, and rose quartz.

Like rubies, sapphire is a form of the valued
mineral corundum. While most people
typically think of sapphires as blue, this
gemstone comes in a variety of colors
including orange, yellow, and pink. Sapphire
is a stone of protection and manifestation. It
has origin from Australia, Brazil, Canada, and
India. It’s lattice is Hexagonal.
It has the following shapes- Natural,
tumbled/polished, cut. It is available in
following color(s)- Blue, orange, pink, yellow.
It relates to the following Chakra(s)-
Orange—sacral, yellow—solar plexus, blue—
third eye or throat, pink—third eye.
You can place it on or near the appropriate
chakra, especially the throat chakra; as a
necklace or earrings; near the head of your
bed for insomnia. It helps with Self-
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expression, communication, sleep issues,

speaking personal truth, loyalty, surrendering
of personal will to Divine will. It also works well
with Ruby.

A variety of gypsum, selenite is a very soft
crystal. Because of this, it’s easy to carve
and you’ll often find it carved into interesting
shapes and towers. It is primarily a protective
stone. It is also a stone that doesn’t need to
be cleansed, as it doesn’t absorb or store
energy within it, it is frequently used to
cleanse other crystals.
It has origin from China, France, India, and
United States. It’s lattice is Monoclinic.
It has the following shapes- Natural,
tumbled/polished, carved, cut. It is available
in white color.
It relates to the following Chakra(s)- Third eye
and crown. You can place it on or near the
third eye or crown chakra. It helps with
cleansing negative energy from other
crystals, chakrs, and aura. It protects from
negativity, connects with intuition, and
stimulates divinity and forgiveness.


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It is considered a natural amplifier that can

help amplifies positive energies. It also
balance the energies. It has origin from
Australia, Brazil, Canada, and Russia. It’s
lattice is Isometric.
It has the following shapes- Natural,
tumbled/polished, carved, cut.
It is available in following color(s)- Blue with
white. It relates to the following Chakra(s)-
throat, third eye and crown. It also works well
with Amethyst.

Tanzanite can help you release things that
no longer serve you, and it can also help
clear energetic blockages or clear away
unwanted energy. The gemstone is named
for where it was discovered—Tanzania. It’s
lattice is Orthorhombic. It has the following
shapes- Natural, tumbled/polished, carved,
It is available in following color(s)- Violet-
blue. It relates to the following Chakra(s)-
Throat, third eye, and crown.
You can place it on or near the throat, third
eye, or crown chakra; as earrings or a
necklace. It helps with Clearing away
unwanted energy and things that don’t
serve you, promoting connection to higher
Virtued Academy International

self and connection to the Divine,

integrating third eye and crown chakras,
aiding in self-discovery and discovery of
one’s true spiritual nature. It also works well
with Clear quartz, celestite.


Called so because of its resemblance to its
namesake, tigers eye is most commonly
known as a yellow/brown stone. However,
there are also blue tigers eye and red tigers
eye. It is a manifestation stone, and it can
help you when struggling with issues of self.
It has origin from Brazil, Canada, India, South
and Africa. It’s lattice is Hexagonal.
It has the following shapes- Natural,
tumbled/polished, carved, cut. It is available
in following color(s)- Blue, red, yellow.
It relates to the following Chakra(s)- Red—
root, yellow—solar plexus, blue—throat.
You can place it on or near the appropriate
chakra, as a necklace or bracelet. It helps
with Self-expression, self-worth, self-esteem,
self-definition, self-love, self-concept, self-
criticism, manifesting goals. It also works well
with Citrine.


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Topaz is a gemstone of exceptional clarity

that can help you cleanse energies and
release things that no longer serve you. It
can also help align and balance energies.
Golden topaz is the most commonly known
form of the gem, but other colors occur as
well, including blue, clear, pink, green,
peach, and pink. It has origin from Brazil,
Canada, India, and South Africa. It’s lattice
is Orthorhombic. It has the following shapes-
Natural, clusters, tumbled/polished, carved,
It is available in following color(s)- Blue,
colorless, green, gold, peach, pink, red,
yellow. It relates to the following Chakra(s)-
Red—root, peach—sacral, yellow or gold—
solar plexus, green—heart, blue—throat,
pink—third eye, clear—crown.
You can place it on or near the appropriate
chakra, as any type of jewelry, around the
perimeter or in the corners of any room that
you want cleansed of negative energy. It
helps with Self-expression, self-worth, self-
esteem, self-definition, self-love, self-
concept, self-criticism, manifesting goals,
manifesting creative vision. It also works well
with Tanzanite, celestite

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Tourmaline in any color can help you
manifest qualities associated with the
chakra color it matches. For example, green
tourmaline can help you manifest
unconditional love, while pink tourmaline
can help you manifest romantic love. It has
origin from Afghanistan, Brazil, Sri Lanka, and
United States. It’s lattice is Hexagonal. It has
the following shapes- Natural, in quartz,
tumbled/polished, carved, cut.
It is available in following color(s)- Black,
green, green and pink (watermelon),
orange, pink, red, yellow. It relates to the
following Chakra(s)- Red, black—root;
orange—sacral; yellow—solar plexus;
watermelon, pink, green—heart.
You can place it on or near the appropriate
chakra; as any type of jewelry, especially a
bracelet or ring. It helps with Manifestation of
desires, increasing vitality, rejuvenating and
revitalizing, purification. It also works well with
other tourmaline colors, selenite,

Zircon is a naturally occurring mineral that
protects and attracts. It has origin from
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Australia, Canada, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.

It’s lattice is Tetragonal. It has the following
shapes- Natural, tumbled/polished, carved,
It is available in following color(s)- Blue,
yellow. It relates to the following Chakra(s)-
Yellow—solar plexus, blue—throat or third
eye. You can place it on or near the
appropriate chakra; as any type of jewelry,
especially a necklace or bracelet; at your
desk at work for when you have tasks that
underwhelm you. It helps with Self-love,
spiritual growth, connection to the Divine,
intuition, generating joy, increasing
enthusiasm for things you may not be
particularly excited about. It also works well
with Clear quartz, aquamarine.


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