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My phobia is trypophobia I can't bear to see for long and I feel nauseous thinking about what it
would be like if I could touch

1. Finding a spider in the shower, or in your bed, it might bite me.

2. Singing karaoke in front of your friends, I’ll look stupid.
3. Taking a test or exam, I’m going to fail or I’ll make lots of mistakes
4. Going to the dentist, it’s going to hurt.
5. Being in a thunderstorm, lighting might hit me.
6. Swimming in very deep water, something might attack me.
7. Flying though bad weather in a place, we might crash.
8. Giving a talk or presentation to a group of people, I’ll look stupid or I’ll make lost of mistake
or I’m going to forget what to say.
9. Gong into a dark cave or underground tunnel, something might attack me.
10. Speaking English in your English class, I’ll look stupid or I’ll make lots of mistake.

Listening 2

He was in the rainforest

He went to take a shower

He saw a snake

it was last February I was on vacation with some friends in Brazil and we were at a hostel in the
rainforest near Perrotta oh I'm going to Perrotta it's amazing isn't it we weren't actually in Karate in
the town we were outside in the rain forest oh cool anyway one morning I got up and went to take a
shower I pulled back the shower curtain and there was a giant snake oh wow a snake that's really
scary what did you do, nothing no I couldn't move I just looked at it I was terrified I was paralyzed
wow and then suddenly I screamed and then I ran and ran and ran I finally found the hostel guy and
he went to look for it but the snake wasn't there do you think maybe you imagined it no I definitely
didn't imagine it he said I probably frightened it when I screamed and another important thing you
said don't leave the bathroom window open at night

He did…

shout for help?

Run away?

As Build as Bat

As fast as lightning
As busy as a Bee

As good as gold

As cool as a cucumber

As quiet as a mouse because the mouse moves around the house without seeing it

As cold as ice

As strong as an Ox

As Dead as a Dodo

As white as snow

1. that man looks terrified. He is obviously watching something terrifying

2. I’m worried about the bike accident statistics. They’re very worrying.
3. Your story is absolutely fascinating. I’m fascinated by people’s travel stories
4. .
5. .

-ed para describir como se siente la persona

-Ing para describir porque se siente asi la persona

Garfield is tired because he is after eating

10 ideas de cómo me siento y porque me siento asi en la misma oracion

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