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1 Background of study

Comunications have two dimentions: Speaking (expresssion) and listening (reception). For most of
civilization, speaking has been the form of communication regarded as most important. The first book of
comumunication were about how to be an affective speaker. Listeners were recognized, but only as they
were important to the purpose of speaker. In fact, speaking has been championed as the way to succes
throughout of westren history. We give honors and awards to great speakers. But, how may people do
you know who have been recognized for their listening talents? there is even of a popular speaking
course that purporys to teach "how to win students and influence people" . The road to succes is not
through listening, they suggest.

The importent of listening has been recognized by many profesional organizations and influential
individuals. Coakley and Wolvin, cite no less than 12 major reseach studies by organization which found
listening to be one of the most important skill.

Survey result showed that listening skills were consistently ranked as the most important
communication skills for career competence (p.28) In Academic preparation for the world of work the
collage Board indicated listening and speaking as primary form of communication in business and
industry "yet one in which many students receive little or no intruction" (1984.p,3)

However, sometimes students find the difficulties to listening the english language because
English is a foreign language in this country. Based on the researcher’ teaching practice
experiences in SMPN 1 Tirtayasa the researcher found the facts that the students at seventh grade
are mostly get difficulties in they face a lot of listening difficulties . It was because of many
factors such as accents, pronunciation, speed of speech, insufficient vocabulary, different accent
of the speakers, lack of concentration, and bad quality of recording were major problems
encountered by students’ English Education Department. Understanding about students’
difficulties can motivate and help the lecturers to develop effective learning strategies for the
students to improve their listening abilities. It provided solutions also to overcome the problems
were: the teacher should adapt and improve listening material, activate students’ vocabulary,
give the students variety of accent while practice listening in language laboratory, improve their
pronunciation by training from native speakers, building students’ knowledge about the topic,
give some strategy in listening, always motivate students. The solutions were made as a
suggestion for the lecturers. The results of the study may also be useful for those who are
interested in this study.

1.2 Identification of the Problem

Based on the background above, the researcher identified the problems as follows;

1. Students’ mastery in listening comprehension at the Eighth Grade of SMPN 1 Tirtayasa is

2. Students’ achievement in listening comprehension at Eighth Grade of SMPN 1 Tiryayasa is


Watching English Movie can be used in teaching listening comprehension to improve

listening skill at Eight Grade of SMPN 1 Tirtayasa

1.3 Limitation of the Problem
Based on the identification of the problem above, the researcher limited the problem;

whether watching english movies strategy give any influence on students’ listening

comprehension in listening skill at the Eighth Grade of SMPN1 Tirtayasa or not.

1.4 Formulation of the Problem

The researcher formulated the problem as follow Is there any influence of watching english

movies strategy toward students’ listening comprehension in listening skill at the Eighth Grade

of SMPN 1 Tirataysa?

1.5 Objective of the Research

This study has the objective relating to the formulation of the problem above is to find out

whether there is any influence or not watching english movies toward students’ reading

comprehension in listening skill at the Eighth Grade of SMPN 1 Tirtayasa

1.6 The Significance of the Study

The result of this study is expected to be useful for some people below.

1. Teachers

The English teachers will have information about watching english movies that can improve

students’ listening skill as a strategy to be used in the

classroom and give the positive effect to their students.

2. Students

After the students were taught listening, they have motivation in the listening

activity, especially by using English song as a strategy to improve their

listening skill.

3. Other researchers By conducting this study, it will support and motivate other researchers

who need to do a research and also to give positive effect on the quality of the research of

improving students’ listening skill through watching English movies.


The Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)

There is influence of using repeated reading strategy toward student’s listening

comprehension in descriptive text at the Eighth Grade students of SMPN 1 Tirtayasa.

The Null Hypothesis (Ho)

There is no influence of using repeated reading strategy toward student’s reading

comprehension in descriptive text at the Eighth Grade students of SMPN 1 Tirtayasa.

1.8 Operational Definition

In this study, the researcher would present some definitions related to the research. Some

terms terminologies clarified are as follows:


According to Anderson and Lynch (1988), arguing what is successful listening, ―understanding is not
something that happens because of what a speaker says: the listener has a crucial part to play in the
process, by activating various types of knowledge, and by applying what he knows to what he hears and
trying to understand what the speaker means‖(p.6).Underwood (1989) simplified the definition of
listening to "the activity of paying attention to and trying to get meaning from something we hear" (p.
1). Mendelsohn (1994) defines listening comprehension as ―the ability to understand the spoken
language of native speakers.'' O‘Malley, Chamot, and Kupper (1989) offer a useful and more extensive
definition that ―listening comprehension is an active and conscious process in which the listener
constructs meaning by using cues from contextual information and from existing knowledge, while
relying upon multiple strategic resources to fulfill the task requirement‖(p.19). Mendelsohn (1994)
points out that, in listening to spoken language, the ability to decipher the speaker‘s intention is
required of a competent listener, in addition to other abilities such as processing the linguistic forms like
speech speed and fillers, coping with listening in an interaction, understanding the whole message
contained in the discourse, comprehending the message without understanding every word, and
recognizing different genres. Listeners must also know how to process and how to judge what the
illocutionary force of an utterance is- that is,what this string of sounds is intended to mean in a
particular setting, under a particular set of circumstances – as an act of real communication
(Mendelsohn, 1994).

1.8.2 Listening Skill

a. The Nature of Listening

Listening is one of the forms of communication that people do daily. Research had showed that adults
spend 45%-55% of their daily life communication by listening which is more than any other form of
communication such as speaking.1That research had been provided with evidence that listening has
played an important role in life as a human, especially in communication, it is impossible for someone
not to do this activity. In general, listening is a process where listeners listen to speakers to receive,
interpret, and understanding the information. This maybe looks easy and simple, but it is not easy as it
look, since listening requires not only ears to receive the information but also requires thinking and prior
knowledge in order to interpret and understand the spoken input correctly. In Rost‟s book listening is
defined as one of the process of communicationwhich includes four types of orientation, which are
receptive, constructive,collaborative, and transformative orientations. The term “receptive
orientation”means receiving what the speaker actually says while the terms “constructive orientation”
means constructing and representing meaning. Meanwhile the term “constructive” means negotiating
meaning with the speaker and responding while the term “transformative” orientation means creating
meaning through involvement, imagination and empathy.2People commonly misunderstood in terms of
hearing and listening. Even though hearing and listening are different, they are in the same context of
the part

of the body used to performing many activities, which is ear. In simple way,hearing is dealing with
senses but listening deals with minds or thinking. Hearing process occurs automatically without efforts
or attention to understand what the speaker says, meanwhile listening is more complex that hearing,
listening involves, context information and prior knowledge, and requires attention and consciousness
from the listener individually and also requires information processing to understand the meaning
behind the spoken language.

This description gives the evidences that listening is different from hearing. The terms “listening” tends
to involve the human psychological side, while the terms “hearing” tends to include only the human
physiological side. Hargie in his book indicates the purposes of listening in some contexts. The purposes
are as follows: “1) to focus specifically upon the messages being communicated by the other person, 2)
to gain a full, accurate insight into the other person‟s communication, 3) to critically evaluate what
others are saying, 4) to monitor the nonverbal signals accompanying the other person‟s verbal

5) to convey interest, concern and attention, 6) to encourage full, open and honest

expression, 7) to develop an „other-centered‟ approach during interaction 8) to reach a shared and

agreed understanding and acceptance with others about both sides‟ goals and priorities.”4It can be
concluded from the explanation from Hargie above that listening happens because of some functions
and purposes. EFL and ESL learners, teachers and practitioners all around the world have known that
among the four language skills, listening and reading are categorized as receptive skills, while speaking
and writing are productive skills. Even though listening and reading both are receptive skills, but they are
different especially in the medium that is used. Medium used in listening is spoken utterances,
meanwhile in reading is written text. Unlike listening which there is no chance to adjust the speed of the
spoken utterances and also the listener simply cannot ask the speaker or the audio to repeat what have
been said, written text in reading can be read in readers‟ reading speed. Even though the reader missed
something, they still have time and chances to read it again and again. Moreover, in reading the readers
can skim the written text to obtain the idea of the text, while in listening, skimming is simply cannot. The
other differences are the speed of the input and also the use of cognates; cognates are the words that
are similar in two languages, in reading cognates are easy to be spotted and will not be a problem, but in
listening the sound of two similar words or cognates are quite different and it will not help the listeners,
but in fact it will make the listening become tricky.

b. The Nature of Listening Skill

Based on reviewed literature of the listening above, the definition of listening skill can be concluded as
the skill in understanding the meaning of behind spoken language. When people listen, they identify the
sound or the utterances of what the speaker say, and the use their prior knowledge to make complete
sense of what they are hear, when finally their understanding take form from the process of listening.
Most of the people generally listen to confirm their expectation or to get information, detailed
information or specific information. However, in forming the understanding of the spoken language, the
listeners have to overcome some difficulties or problems whether it is internal or external problem.
Internal problems can be referred to the prior knowledge of the listener, while the external problem can
be referred to the situation of the listening process. To overcome the problems, the listener need to
practice their listening more often, gets much exposure as possible to the spoken English language such
ac through English movies, English songs, international news, etc., and familiarize themselves to the
English language itself.
c. The Types of Listening

Based on the explanation before listening occurs under the consciousness of the listener and it happen
because of some purposes of the listener themselves. In harmony with this, listening can be separated
into two types of listening, which are interactional listening and transactional listening. Interactional
listening, it can be referred to the two-ways listening, it is often socially oriented and mostly it is happen
to fulfil the listeners‟ social need. Interactional listening also involves the interactional between the
listeners and the speakers. The example of this type of listening often can be find in family gathering,
small talk, or casual conversation at the party. On the other hand transactional listening can be referred
to the one-way listening. The use of this type of listening is primarily to deliver or communicate
information which in this situation the listeners cannot confirm nor clarify the information that the
speaker informed. This type of listening often find in the seminars, stadium general, and news
broadcast.6Obviously, for listeners knowing the various types of listening can be useful. The listeners
can decide what to listen other than trying to understand every single spoken word. In other words,
listeners can decide which point that they have to pay more attention, it depends on their purposes of
listening. As we know, listening has many purposes, so it also produces many kinds of listening as well.
Professor Owen Hargie splits listening into six types, which are discriminative, comprehension,
evaluative, appreciative, dialogic, and emphatic listening.

Discriminative listening can referred to the basic form of listening which

the purpose of it simply to scan and monitor the visual and auditory input. Comprehensive listening
refers to the goal of listening itself which is to comprehend the listening input and
understand the message or the information that have been given by the speakers. Evaluative
listening is the type of listening that enables the listener to make the appropriate judgement of
the speakers‟message by evaluating the accuracy, meaningfulness, and utility‟ of the speakers‟
message. Appreciative listening can be referred to listening for gaining pleasure or appreciate
the input. One of the example of this type of listening is listening to music that make the listener
feels enjoy and appeals to the listener themselves.Dialogic listening is two-way listening that
generates benefits for the both speaker and listener as they sharing views or ideas one another
in order to make a decision that both side would agree. The last is emphatic listening, which the
type of listening that can be difficult to perform because the listener needs to understand and
experience what the speaker feels and thinks. The one of example of this type of listening is
commonly find between close friends, when one of them need someone to talk to or need
someone to listen to them with hopes that the listener will make them more comfort and feeling
cared. This type of listening appears to be difficult because not everybody have the ability to be
a good listener, it is far easier to tell our own story or giving advice to someone rather than
empathize with others.
While Hargie splits listening into six types, Jeremy Harmer just splits
listening into extensive and intensive listening. Extensive listening is just like
extensive reading with simple purpose to create a better reader, advancing their
vocabulary and also grammar. So with extensive listening it also can have the
same effect in students‟ language development. In extensive listening, teacher
give the students liberty to choose the material of their extensive listening so they
could do it for pleasure and it also doesn‟t have to happen in the classroom only
but also outside classroom such as their own home, or while they are traveling
somewhere. The materials are vary, it can be movies, songs, audio books and etc.,
which can be easily get from the internet. The point is that the contents should be
appropriate and meet the students‟ needs so that this type of listening will work

In addition, the students are encouraged to accomplish some certain tasks

during extensive listening. For example, recording their review towards the

materials they listen to. Then, writing comments or reports, summarizing, and criticizing the materials.
These tasks would help the teacher to assess their progress. In performing their tasks, the students may
discuss the system and the techniques with their teacher. Or, the teacher provides options whether the
students work in individuals, groups, or pairs.Intensive listening, is where the students and the teacher
have live interactions and practicing listening strategies. Sharing topics and responses are included in
this type of listening. The forms of intensive listening can be vary, such as story-telling, reading aloud,
interviews, or conversations. The main purposes of the intensive listening not only to build and enhance
the students‟ listening skill but also to build students confidence and belief. Because of that, the teacher
is highly demanded to be the feedback organizer, machine operator and also the prompter. Some media
such as movies, songs and video can be used to support this type of listening. The students can watch
the media as many as they want, because the main focus is the students have to recognize and aware
with what they hear and listen so they will get the useful inputs from the materials they listen to.
Furthermore, these two types of listening can be combined, whether the material or the procedures.
Because both of the types provides input not only from the teacher but also the other sources which will
provoke students good speaking habit from the English spoken input that they listen which will help
them improve their pronunciation and speaking skill.9

d. The Teaching of Listening

The teaching of listening is assumed not really skill that requires much attention to teach, because
listening is not important as speaking. This assumption appears to the surface because it is believe
listening will develop naturally with speaking. Nowadays, this assumption meet an end after the
listening getting more attention and also it believes one of the skill that needs to be taught more often,
actively, and effectively in the language classroom. Recently, there are many methods and approaches
that have been developed and examined in order to develop the students‟ listening skill. Some of the
methods and approaches are direct-method, audio-lingual, discrete item, communicative, task-based,
and integrated approaches. The integrated approach is more likely gets many attention of the linguist
and language teacher rather than other methods. The teaching methods and techniques which modified
with technology integration has been one of the most useable and favourable techniques for most
language teacher. This development on teaching and learning strategies or techniques is one of the
evidence that many

language teacher are capable of managing the learning process for the heterogeneous learners which in
this era technology is the part of their life that is impossible to be set apart. Technology in multimedia
gives an opportunity to the teacher to play an active and dominant role in and from a higher level. The
use of technology in multimedia also “cultivates students‟ interest in the study, promotes students‟
communication capacity, improves the interaction between teacher and students, creates a context for
language teaching, and provides flexibility to course content.” Since listening uses spoken materials,
Richard is considered teaching listening based on two types of spoken speeches which are bottom-up
and top-down. In many traditional classrooms, listening exercises are mainly focused on bottom-up
processing. Some of the activities are cloze listening, dictation, the use of multiple-choice questions after
a text, or other similar activities which demand detailed recognition, and processing of the input.
Traditional classrooms believe that input contains everything needed by the listener to understand.
Meanwhile the teaching of top-down listening offer activities that require more listener‟s active
participation and also their background knowledge. There are some examples of this methods. First
example, students are asked to listen to part of a story. Then, they have to complete and compare the
story endings. Second example, the teacher asks the students to read news headlines then guess what
happened. After that, students will be asked to listen to the full news items and make a comparison. Last
example, Students read one speaker‟s part in a conversation, predict the other speaker‟s part, then
listen and compare.13
1.8.3 Movie

a. The Definition of Movie

Barsam and Monahan define movie is a story that capture in set of celluloid strips/films, which are
shown on a screen with a certain speed to give an impression of moving. As the technology growing so
fast, the movie industry is also affected in the making of the movie. Instead of using celluloid strips, the
movie making nowadays are more digital, but the main characteristics of the movie itself remains the
same, movie or film are “motions picture”. Movies have been a big part of human life. Barsam and
Monahan also stated that movie is “the most popular art form”. As a form of art, movies are on a par
with other artistic forms. Boggs and Petrie acknowledge this fact by stating that: “As a form of
expression, the motion picture is similar to other artistic media, for the basic properties of other media
are woven into its own rich fabric. Film employs the compositional elements of the visual arts: line,
form, mass, volume, and texture. Like painting and photography, film exploits the subtle interplay of
light and shadow. Like sculpture, film manipulates three dimensional space. But, like pantomime, film
focuses on moving images, and as in dance, the moving images in film have rhythm. The complex
rhythms of film resemble those of music and poetry, and like poetry in particular, film communicates

imagery, metaphor, and symbol. Like the drama, film communicates visually and

verbally: visually, tl1rough action and gesture; verbally, through dialogue.Finally, like the novel, film
expands or compresses time and space, traveling back and forth freely within their wide borders.”
Besides of all these similarities, film is unique, set apart from all other media by its quality of free and
constant motion. “The continuous interplay of sight, sound, and motion allows film to transcend the
static limitations of painting and sculpture-in the complexity of its sensual appeal as well as in its ability
to communicate simultaneously on several levels. Film even surpasses drama in its unique capacity for
revealing various points of view, portraying action, manipulating time, and conveying a boundless sense
of space. Unlike the stage play, film can provide a continuous, unbroken flow, which blurs and minimizes
transitions without compromising the story's unity. Unlike the novel and the poem, film communicates
directly, not through abstract symbols like words on a page but through concrete images and sounds.”

Movie is not only a form of art and expressions, movies also provide a promising career opportunity.
Because movie industry is one of the biggest industries in the world this industry has produced a large
number of successful and popular moviemakers and movie stars. In terms of commercial success, a
movie can earn millions of dollars. For example, the recent movie titled Jurassic World has earned over
1.5 billion of dollars worldwide. Even a classic movie like Titanic still earns money to this day, making it
the second highest-grossing movie of all time with over 2 billion dollars. Movies like Star Wars franchise,
do not only earn money from ticket sales, but also the sales of merchandise like action figures and
costumes.It is undeniable movies have become a big part of humans „life and culture. Not only for
people who lives in the big city even for people that live in the most remote places, must have watched
a movie at least once in their life.

Movies have become very accessible for everyone since the development of the technology. People can
go to nearby theatres to watch new movies, or buy the original DVD of the movie in the local DVD
stores. Even if people cannot go anywhere, they can still watch movies at home on television and stream
or download the movies from the internet. Most movies are also released with subtitles or dubbing for
worldwide release, so people who do not understand English, for instance, can still watch a movie using
their first language.

b. The Structure and Genres of Movies.

Barsam and Monahan state that the way the story in a movie is told is called its narrative. The narrative
structure of a movie has several elements, which are:

a. Story and plot. Story refers to the whole universe where the events of the movie take a place, while
plot is the parts of that universe that is presented on the screen.

b. Order is the way the events in the movie are sequenced.

c. Events are what happen in the movie.

d. Duration can refer to story duration, which is the implicit amount/length of time the whole events
happen; plot duration, which is the amount of time the plot happens; and screen duration, which is the
length of the movie itself.

e. Suspense and surprise. Suspense is what audience expect to happen but does not happen, while
surprise is what audience do not expect to happen, but happens.

f. Repetition is the number of times an element recurs in the plot.

g. Characters are the individuals who are involved in the movie story.

h. Setting is the time and place in which the story occurs.

i. Scope is the range of time and place from which to which the plot occurs.
j. Narration and Narrator. Narration is the story telling of the movie. It can be visually (by camera work)
or orally (by narrator).

The term genre is the results of categorization of movies based on the recurring elements or pattern
in them. Some movies focus on one genre, while some others mix the genres by adding elements from
other genres to make the movie more interesting and appealing. From mixing elements from other
genres, many new genres emerge. Generally there are 11 main genres, namely action, adventure,
comedy, crime/gangster, drama, epics, horror, musical, science-fiction, war, and westerns; and 13
subgenres, including fantasy, romance, biography, and thriller/suspense. The definition and examples of
several genres and subgenres are as follows:

a) Action movie, usually include energetic actions, with elements like chases, rescues, escapes, battles,
and fights in a spectacular pacing. These actions usually involve the traditional good versus bad
characters. The examples of such genre are James Bond and Fast and Furious Franchise.

b) Adventure, is similar to action genre which aims to entertain the audience with energetic actions.
However, adventure movies usually focus more on

travels, explorations, quests, treasure hunts, etc. Notable example is Pirates of the Caribbean franchises.

c) Animation or animated films are made from drawing or illustrations which are photographed and
projected in rapid succession. Animations are often mistaken as a genre while in fact, animation is a
filmmaking technique. Animated movies are usually intended to attract younger audience even though
quite animated movies use more complex and mature themes. Well known examples of animations are
produced by Walt Disney studio and Pixar such as Home, Frozen, Moana, UP, and Zootopia.

d) Comedy, usually have simple and amusing plots with dialogues, situation,

and characters that invoke laughter from the audience. Some examples are The Wedding Ringer, Grown
Up 1 & 2, and The Three Stooges.

e) Drama, serves mostly serious and realistic stories which show characters and their relationship with
themselves, other people, or life and nature. This genre is perhaps the largest and broadest genre
because it can expand toother subgenres, like historical drama, melodrama, family drama, etc. Some
examples of dramatic movies are The Help (2011), and The Proposal 1 &2.

f) Fantasy, entertains audience by serving imaginative stories with elements

like magic, mythology, and fairy tales. Notable examples of this subgenre are Harry Potter trilogy and
The Lord of the Rings trilogy. g) Horror, aims to frighten the audience. Usually there is a presence of
supernatural elements, like ghosts, possession, cults, monsters, etc. The frightener can also be in the
form of a homicidal maniac. Some examples are Conjuring 1 &2 and Insidious.

h) Musicals, usually have characters that express themselves by singing and/or dancing. Notable
examples include Hairspray and Les Miserables.

i) Romance, are dramas that focus on romantic relationships between characters. Some popular
examples are The Fair Lady and Titanic.

j) Science fiction or sci-fi, mainly focuses on humanity„s relationship with advancement of science and
technology, like robots, time-machine, or outer space. However, very often most science fictions are
about speculative fantasy life beyond humanity, like aliens, viral plague, or disasters. Notable

examples of this genre are Star Wars franchise, Independence Day and Interstellar.

k) Thriller, aims to thrill the audience or keep them on the edge of their seats by creating suspense and
anxiety. It usually involves mystery and characters that are in possible danger like homicide or terrorism.
Notable examples of this genre are Nerve, Hush, Night Crawler and Knight and Day

l) War, takes place in the middle of a war conflict. The characters can be

soldiers, or people affected by the war. Some examples are Fury, World War Z, The Imitation Game and
American Sniper

c. Watching Movies Definition

In this particular study, movie-watching activity is refers to the activity of looking and paying attention to
a movie. The watching activity here can be done by using any possible media, and with or without the
aid of subtitle. The movie here refers to all genres of motion pictures that use English language in their
narrative. However, the movies that have been dubbed to languages other than English are not included
in the scope of this study. The Use of Movies in Language ClassroomNowadays people watch movies not
for an entertainment purpose only, but they also do it for pedagogic purposes. In (native) English
classes, movies are often used to a vast extent. Movies are typically used in English classes, but it can
also be used in other fields, including Biology, Chemist, and History. In ESL and EFL classes, the use of
movies also receives positive feedback from teachers. An experiment titled The Effectiveness of Using
Movies in EFL Classroom shows that movies can develop students‟ listening and communication skills.
Furthermore watching movies in foreign languages give some benefits for students, such as their ability
in understanding spoken language increases, their pronunciation improves, they acquire new
vocabulary, they can develop students‟ self-expression ability, and they unconsciously adapt to the
language‟s grammatical forms and sentence patterns in context. Movies are a medium through which
ESL/EFL students can get exposed to the target language and receive a comprehensible input. Movies
also provide students with authentic English language with its unique characteristics. Watching movies
in the classroom not only enjoyable activity and give benefits in language skill for the students, it also
get the students to be acquainted with diverse cultures and learning about diverse perceptions to
certain phenomena.

1.9 Previous Related Studies (none)

To support this study, there are some researchers which are related with this

study are listed below.

1. The research was conducted by Dewi Puji Lestari. She sought to find the effect of picture and video on
students‟ listening comprehension. The sample of this study was 8th graders at SMPN 1 Tirtayasa. The
findings shoed that there was a significant effect between the use of video and picture on students‟
listening comprehension. Furthermore, the research found that students who taught by using video
were performed better than those who taught by using picture. This shows that using video or movie in
teaching could enhanced students‟ listening comprehension skill.

2. The research is done by Rolando Guzman Martinez. He investigated the effect on teaching listening
skills through videos. He studied the effect of the videos in students‟ listening skills at Foreign Language
Department of University of El-Salvador, the results showed that learning listening skill through videos
was able to increase most students‟ listening skill significantly. This imply that listening skills could be
enhanced by watching videos or movies.

3. The research is carried out by Jelizaveta Safranj, students of University of Novi Sad. She studied a
group of 38 students and they were interviewed orally and given questionnaire. The results of her study
shows that movies have some benefits in improving and advancing students listening ability by 97%,
such as the students gained more than vocabulary by 78%, understood more foreign culture, and felt
relaxed and had fun while learning in class.

4. The research is conducted by Rif‟atun Nazhiroh. She investigated the Effect of English Captioned
Video on Students‟ Listening Comprehension. The instrument that she used to gather the data were
students‟ pre-test and post-test scores. The data showed that post-test means score of the
experimental class was 77.45 while post-test means score of the control class was 73.90. It revealed that
there was a significant difference between the two classes‟ post-test mean scores. In other words
providing English captioned video as a medium to enhance students‟ listening comprehension is
effective. The significant differences between the writer research and some of the previous studies is
the media that the writer use in this research. In some of previous studies mostly used captioning video,
videos, and English caption video meanwhile the writer media for this research is English movies.
Thinking Framework After reviewing the literature and the previous related study he understands that
inputs and exposures are the most important things in the process of second and foreign language
acquisition. The more students get comprehensible inputs and regular exposures, the more they will
performed very well in learning and acquiring the target language. But, to be successful learners,
students need to master all the language skills including listening. Listening within EFL or ESL context is
somewhat difficult after it is not seriously taught in schools. And since listening is not as easy, thus
teachers need to develop such a modern media to help improving students‟ listening skill. From the
previous study shows that movies as the media for improving listening skill is actually worked and
improve not only listening skill as the main concern of this study but also the other language skill such as
their ability in understanding spoken language increases, their pronunciation improves, they acquire
new vocabulary, they can develop students‟ self-expression ability, and they unconsciously adapt to the
language‟s grammatical forms and sentence patterns in context. In addition, watching English movie has
been proven by the other researcher that it is an enjoyable activity and also creates fun and meaningful
learning. Therefore he safely assumed that watching English movie will improve students‟ listening skill
and it is important to prove this assumption by implementing the English movies watching activity to the
language classroom in order to improve students‟ listening skill.

E. Action Research Hypothesis

As regards to the theories, discussion of the previous studies, and the explanation of the English movies
watching activity above, furthermore, In this action research, the writer hypothesizes that using English
movies in English classroom can improve students‟ listening skill.



2.1 Concept of Listening

2.1.1 The Nature of Listening

Listening is one of the forms of communication that people do daily. Research had showed that adults
spend 45%-55% of their daily life communication by listening which is more than any other form of
communication such as speaking. That research had been provided with evidence that listening has
played an important role in life as a human, especially in communication, it is impossible for someone
not to do this activity. In general, listening is a process where listeners listen to speakers to receive,
interpret, and understanding the information. This maybe looks easy and simple, but it is not easy as it
look, since listening requires not only ears to receive the information but also requiresthinking and prior
knowledge in order to interpret and understand the spoken input correctly. In Rost‟s book listening is
defined as one of the process of communicationwhich includes four types of orientation, which are
receptive, constructive, collaborative, and transformative orientations. The term “receptive
orientation”means receiving what the speaker actually says while the terms “constructive orientation”
means constructing and representing meaning. Meanwhile the term “constructive” means negotiating
meaning with the speaker and responding while the term “transformative” orientation means creating
meaning through involvement, imagination and empathy.2People commonly misunderstood in terms of
hearing and listening. Even though hearing and listening are different, they are in the same context of
the part of the body used to performing many activities, which is ear. In simple way, hearing is dealing
with senses but listening deals with minds or thinking. Hearing process occurs automatically without
efforts or attention to understand what the speaker says, meanwhile listening is more complex that
hearing, listening involves, context information and prior knowledge, and requires attention and
consciousness from the listener individually and also requires information processing to understand the
meaning behind the spoken language. This description gives the evidences that listening is different
from hearing. The terms “listening” tends to involve the human psychological side, while the terms
“hearing” tends to include only the human physiological side. Hargie in his book indicates the purposes
of listening in some contexts. The purposes are as follows: “1) to focus specifically upon the messages
being communicated by the other person, 2) to gain a full, accurate insight into the other person‟s
communication, 3) to critically evaluate what others are saying, 4) to monitor the nonverbal signals
accompanying the other person‟s verbal messages,5) to convey interest, concern and attention, 6) to
encourage full, open and honest expression, 7) to develop an „other-centered‟ approach during
interaction 8) to reach a shared and agreed understanding and acceptance with others about both
sides‟ goals and priorities.” It can be concluded from the explanation from Hargie above that listening
happens because of some functions and purposes. EFL and ESL learners, teachers and practitioners all
around the world have known that among the four language skills, listening and reading are categorized
as receptive skills, while speaking and writing are productive skills. Even though listening and reading
both are receptive skills, but they are different especially in the medium that is used. Medium used in
listening is spoken utterances, meanwhile in reading is written text. Unlike listening which there is no
chance to adjust the speed of the spoken utterances and also the listener simply cannot ask the speaker
or the audio to repeat what have been said, written text in reading can be read in readers‟ reading
speed. Even though the reader missed something, they still have time and chances to read it again and
again. Moreover, in reading the readers can skim the written text to obtain the idea of the text, while in
listening, skimming is simply cannot. The other differences are the speed of the input and also the use of
cognates; cognates are the words that are similar in two languages, in reading cognates are easy to be
spotted and will not be a problem, but in listening the sound of two similar words or cognates are quite
different and it will not help the listeners, but in fact it will make the listening become tricky.

b. The Nature of Listening Skill

Based on reviewed literature of the listening above, the definition of listening skill can be concluded as
the skill in understanding the meaning of behind spoken language. When people listen, they identify the
sound or the utterances of what the speaker say, and the use their prior knowledge to make complete
sense of what they are hear, when finally their understanding take form from the process of listening.
Most of the people generally listen to confirm their expectation or to get information, detailed
information or specific information. However, in forming the understanding of the spoken language, the
listeners have to overcome some difficulties or problems whether it is internal or external problem.
Internal problems can be referred to the prior knowledge of the listener, while the external problem can
be referred to the situation of the listening process. To overcome the problems, the listener need to
practice their listening more often, gets much exposure as possible to the spoken English language such
ac through English movies, English songs, international news, etc., and familiarize themselves to the
English language itself.

c. The Types of Listening

Based on the explanation before listening occurs under the consciousness of the listener and it happen
because of some purposes of the listener themselves. In harmony with this, listening can be separated
into two types of listening, which are interactional listening and transactional listening. Interactional
listening, it can be referred to the two-ways listening, it is often socially oriented and mostly it is happen
to fulfil the listeners‟ social need. Interactional listening also involves the interactional between the
listeners and the speakers. The example of this type of listening often can be find in family gathering,
small talk, or casual conversation at the party. On the other hand transactional listening can be referred
to the one-way listening. The use of this type of listening is primarily to deliver or communicate
information which in this situation the listeners cannot confirm nor clarify the information that the
speaker informed. This type of listening often find in the seminars, stadium general, and news
broadcast.6Obviously, for listeners knowing the various types of listening can be useful. The listeners
can decide what to listen other than trying to understand every single spoken word. In other words,
listeners can decide which point that they have to pay more attention, it depends on their purposes of
listening. As we know, listening has many purposes, so it also produces many kinds of listening as well.
Professor Owen Hargie splits listening into six types, which are discriminative, comprehension,
evaluative, appreciative, dialogic, and emphatic listening.Discriminative listening can referred to the
basic form of listening which the purpose of it simply to scan and monitor the visual and auditory input.
Comprehensive listening refers to the goal of listening itself which is to comprehend the listening input
and understand the message or the information that have been given by the speakers. Evaluative
listening is the type of listening that enables the listener to make the appropriate judgement of the
speakers‟message by evaluating the accuracy, meaningfulness, and utility‟ of the speakers‟ message.
Appreciative listening can be referred to listening for gaining pleasure or appreciate the input. One of
the example of this type of listening is listening to music that make the listener feels enjoy and appeals
to the listener themselves. Dialogic listening is two-way listening that generates benefits for the both
speaker and listener as they sharing views or ideas one another in order to make a decision that both
side would agree. The last is emphatic listening, which the type of listening that can be difficult to
perform because the listener needs to understand and experience what the speaker feels and thinks.
The one of example of this type of listening is commonly find between close friends, when one of them
need someone to talk to or need someone to listen to them with hopes that the listener will make them
more comfort and feeling cared. This type of listening appears to be difficult because not everybody
have the ability to be a good listener, it is far easier to tell our own story or giving advice to someone
rather than empathize with others. While Hargie splits listening into six types, Jeremy Harmer just splits
listening into extensive and intensive listening.Extensive listening is just like extensive reading with
simple purpose to create a better reader, advancing their vocabulary and also grammar. So with
extensive listening it also can have the same effect in students‟ language development. In extensive
listening, teacher give the students liberty to choose the material of their extensive listening so they
could do it for pleasure and it also doesn‟t have to happen in the classroom only but also outside
classroom such as their own home, or while they are traveling somewhere. The materials are vary, it can
be movies, songs, audio books and etc.,

which can be easily get from the internet. The point is that the contents should be appropriate and meet
the students‟ needs so that this type of listening will work effectively.In addition, the students are
encouraged to accomplish some certain tasks during extensive listening. For example, recording their
review towards the materials they listen to. Then, writing comments or reports, summarizing, and
criticizing the materials. These tasks would help the teacher to assess their progress. In performing their
tasks, the students may discuss the system and the techniques with their teacher. Or, the teacher
provides options whether the students work in individuals, groups, or pairs. Intensive listening, is where
the students and the teacher have live interactions and practicing listening strategies. Sharing topics and
responses are included in this type of listening. The forms of intensive listening can be vary, such as
story-telling, reading aloud, interviews, or conversations. The main purposes of the intensive listening
not only to build and enhance the students‟ listening skill but also to build students confidence and
belief. Because of that, the teacher is highly demanded to be the feedback organizer, machine operator
and also the prompter. Some media such as movies, songs and video can be used to support this type of
listening. The students can watch the media as many as they want, because the main focus is the
students have to recognize and aware with what they hear and listen so they will get the useful inputs
from the materials they listen to. Furthermore, these two types of listening can be combined, whether
the material or the procedures. Because both of the types provides input not only from the teacher but
also the other sources which will provoke students good speaking habit from the English spoken input
that they listen which will help them improve their pronunciation and speaking skill.9

d. The Teaching of Listening

The teaching of listening is assumed not really skill that requires much attention to teach, because
listening is not important as speaking. This assumption appears to the surface because it is believe
listening will develop naturally with speaking. Nowadays, this assumption meet an end after the
listening getting more attention and also it believes one of the skill that needs to be taught more often,
actively, and effectively in the language classroom. Recently, there are many methods and approaches
that have been developed and examined in order to develop the students‟ listening skill. Some of the
methods and approaches are direct-method, audio-lingual, discrete item, communicative, task-based,
and integrated approaches.The integrated approach is more likely gets many attention of the linguist
and language teacher rather than other methods. The teaching methods and techniques which modified
with technology integration has been one of the most useable and favourable techniques for most
language teacher. This development on teaching and learning strategies or techniques is one of the
evidence that many language teacher are capable of managing the learning process for the
heterogeneous learners which in this era technology is the part of their life that is impossible to be set
apart. Technology in multimedia gives an opportunity to the teacher to play an active and dominant role
in and from a higher level. The use of technology in multimedia also “cultivates students‟ interest in the
study, promotes students‟ communication capacity, improves the interaction between teacher and
students, creates a context for language teaching, and provides flexibility to course content.”

Since listening uses spoken materials, Richard is considered teaching listening based on two types of
spoken speeches which are bottom-up and top-down. In many traditional classrooms, listening exercises
are mainly focused on bottom-up processing. Some of the activities are cloze listening, dictation, the use
of multiple-choice questions after a text, or other similar activities which demand detailed recognition,
and processing of the input. Traditional classrooms believe that input contains everything needed by the
listener to understand. Meanwhile the teaching of top-down listening offer activities that require more
listener‟s active participation and also their background knowledge. There are some examples of this
methods. First example, students are asked to listen to part of a story. Then, they have to complete and
compare the story endings. Second example, the teacher asks the students to read news headlines then
guess what happened. After that, students will be asked to listen to the full news items and make a
comparison. Last example, Students read one speaker‟s part in a conversation, predict the other
speaker‟s part, then listen and compare.13

B. Movie

a. The Definition of Movie

Barsam and Monahan define movie is a story that capture in set of celluloid strips/films, which are
shown on a screen with a certain speed to give an impression of moving. As the technology growing so
fast, the movie industry is also affected in the making of the movie. Instead of using celluloid strips, the
movie making nowadays are more digital, but the main characteristics of the movie itself remains the
same, movie or film are “motions picture”. Movies have been a big part of human life. Barsam and
Monahan also stated that movie is “the most popular art form”. As a form of art, movies are on a par
with other artistic forms. Boggs and Petrie acknowledge this fact by stating that: “As a form of
expression, the motion picture is similar to other artistic media, for the basic properties of other media
are woven into its own rich fabric. Film employs the compositional elements of the visual arts: line,
form, mass, volume, and texture. Like painting and photography, film exploits the subtle interplay of
light and shadow. Like sculpture, film manipulates three dimensional space. But, like pantomime, film
focuses on moving images, and as in dance, the moving images in film have rhythm. The complex
rhythms of film resemble those of music and poetry, and like poetry in particular, film communicates
through imagery, metaphor, and symbol. Like the drama, film communicates visually and verbally:
visually, through action and gesture; verbally, through dialogue. Finally, like the novel, film expands or
compresses time and space, traveling back and forth freely within their wide borders.”Besides of all
these similarities, film is unique, set apart from all other media by its quality of free and constant
motion. “The continuous interplay of sight, sound, and motion allows film to transcend the static
limitations of painting and sculpture-in the complexity of its sensual appeal as well as in its ability to
communicate simultaneously on several levels. Film even surpasses drama in its unique capacity for
revealing various points of view, portraying action, manipulating time, and conveying a boundless sense
of space. Unlike the stage play, film can provide a continuous, unbroken flow, which blurs and minimizes
transitions without compromising the story's unity. Unlike the novel and the poem, film communicates
directly, not through abstract symbols like words on a page but through concrete images and
sounds.”Movie is not only a form of art and expressions, movies also provide a promising career
opportunity. Because movie industry is one of the biggest industries in the world this industry has
produced a large number of successful and popular moviemakers and movie stars. In terms of
commercial success, a movie can earn millions of dollars.

b. The Structure and Genres of Movies.

Barsam and Monahan state that the way the story in a movie is told is called its narrative. The narrative
structure of a movie has several elements, which are:

a. Story and plot. Story refers to the whole universe where the events of the movie take a place, while
plot is the parts of that universe that is presented on the screen.

b. Order is the way the events in the movie are sequenced.

c. Events are what happen in the movie.

d. Duration can refer to story duration, which is the implicit amount/length of time the whole events
happen; plot duration, which is the amount of time the plot happens; and screen duration, which is the
length of the movie itself.

e. Suspense and surprise. Suspense is what audience expect to happen but does not happen, while
surprise is what audience do not expect to happen, but happens.

f. Repetition is the number of times an element recurs in the plot.

g. Characters are the individuals who are involved in the movie story.

h. Setting is the time and place in which the story occurs.

i. Scope is the range of time and place from which to which the plot occurs.

j. Narration and Narrator. Narration is the story telling of the movie. It can be

visually (by camera work) or orally (by narrator).17The term genre is the results of categorization of
movies based on the recurring elements or pattern in them. Some movies focus on one genre, while
some others mix the genres by adding elements from other genres to make the movie more interesting
and appealing. From mixing elements from other genres,many new genres emerge. Generally there are
11 main genres, namely action, adventure, comedy, crime/gangster, drama, epics, horror, musical,
science-fiction, Qwar, and westerns; and 13 subgenres, including fantasy, romance, biography, and

c. Watching Movies Definition

In this particular study, movie-watching activity is refers to the activity of looking and paying attention to
a movie. The watching activity here can be done by using any possible media, and with or without the
aid of subtitle. The movie here refers to all genres of motion pictures that use English language in their
narrative. However, the movies that have been dubbed to languages other than English are not included
in the scope of this study.

d. The Use of Movies in Language Classroom

Nowadays people watch movies not for an entertainment purpose only, but they also do it for
pedagogic purposes. In (native) English classes, movies are often used to a vast extent. Movies are
typically used in English classes, but it can also be used in other fields, including Biology, Chemist, and
History. In ESL and EFL classes, the use of movies also receives positive feedback from teachers. An
experiment titled The Effectiveness of Using Movies in EFL Classroom shows that movies can develop
students‟ listening and communication skills.Furthermore watching movies in foreign languages give
some benefits for students, such as their ability in understanding spoken language increases, their
pronunciation improves, they acquire new vocabulary, they can develop students‟ self-expression
ability, and they unconsciously adapt to the language‟s grammatical forms and sentence patterns in
context. Movies are a medium through which ESL/EFL students can get exposed to the target language
and receive a comprehensible input. Movies also provide students with authentic English language with
its unique characteristics. Watching movies in the classroom not only enjoyable activity and give
benefits in language skill for the students, it also get the students to be acquainted with diverse cultures
and learning about diverse perceptions to certain phenomena.19

C. Previous Related Studies

To support this study, there are some researchers which are related with this study are listed below.

1. The research was conducted by IROH M. She sought to find the effect of picture and video on
students‟ listening comprehension. The sample of this study was 8th graders at SMPN 1 TIRTAYASA. The
findings showed that there was a significant effect between the use of video and picture on students‟
listening comprehension. Furthermore, the research found that students who taught by using video
were performed better than

those who taught by using picture. This shows that using video or movie in teaching could enhanced
students‟ listening comprehension skill.

2. The research is done by Rolando Guzman Martinez. He investigated the effect on teaching listening
skills through videos. He studied the effect of the videos in students‟ listening skills at Foreign Language
Department of University of El-Salvador, the results showed that learning listening skill through videos
was able to increase most students‟ listening skill significantly. This imply that listening skills could be
enhanced by watching videos or movies.

3. The research is carried out by Jelizaveta Safranj, students of University of Novi Sad. She studied a
group of 38 students and they were interviewed orally and given questionnaire. The results of her study
shows that movies have some benefits in improving and advancing students listening ability by 97%,
such as the students gained more than vocabulary by 78%, understood more foreign culture, and felt
relaxed and had fun while learning in class.

4. The research is conducted by Rif‟atun Nazhiroh. She investigated the Effect

of English Captioned Video on Students‟ Listening Comprehension. The instrument that she used to
gather the data were students‟ pre-test and post-test scores. The data showed that post-test means
score of the experimental class was 77.45 while post-test means score of the control class was 73.90. It
revealed that there was a significant difference between the two classes‟ post-test mean scores. In
other words providing English captioned video as a medium to enhance students‟ listening
comprehension is effective.The significant differences between the writer research and some of the
previous studies is the media that the writer use in this research. In some of previous studies mostly
used captioning video, videos, and English caption video meanwhile the writer media for this research is
English movies.

D. Thinking Framework

After reviewing the literature and the previous related study he understands that inputs and exposures
are the most important things in the process of second and foreign language acquisition. The more
students get comprehensible inputs and regular exposures, the more they will performed very well in
learning and acquiring the target language. But, to be successful learners, students need to master all
the language skills including listening. Listening within EFL or ESL context is somewhat difficult after it is
not seriously taught in schools. And since listening is not as easy, thus teachers need to develop such a
modern media to help improving students‟ listening skill. From the previous study shows that movies as
the media for improving listening skill is actually worked

and improve not only listening skill as the main concern of this study but also the other language skill
such as their ability in understanding spoken language increases, their pronunciation improves, they
acquire new vocabulary, they can develop students‟ self-expression ability, and they unconsciously
adapt to the language‟s grammatical forms and sentence patterns in context. In addition, watching
English movie has been proven by the other researcher that it is an enjoyable activity and also creates
fun and meaningful learning. Therefore he safely assumed that watching English movie will improve
students‟ listening skill and it is important to prove this assumption by implementing the English movies
watching activity to the language classroom in order to improve students‟ listening skill.

E. Action Research Hypothesis

As regards to the theories, discussion of the previous studies, and the explanation of the English movies
watching activity above, furthermore, In this action research, the writer hypothesizes that using English
movies in English classroom can improve students‟ listening skill.


A. Place and Time of the Study

This research was held on 13th Oktober 2019 up to 11th November 2019. It

would be conducted at SMPN 1 Tirtayasa, Serang Banten Province. It is located at Jl. SA Tirtayasa 45.

B. Method of the Research

In this research, Classroom Action Research (CAR) is the method of the research. This kind of research
has systematic procedures done by teachers (or other individuals in an educational setting) to gather
information about, and to improve the ways educational setting involved teaching and students
learning. Moreover, there are several conceptions of action research defined by some experts. For
instance, Hopkins suggests that the combination of action and research can be used as a personal
attempt to understand, improve, and reform practice. Also Kemmis and McTaggart argue that to do
action research is the practitioners have to plan, act, observe, reflect more carefully and more
systematically than what they do in their everyday life. Based on the definitions above, it can be
concluded that action research or classroom action research is a method that is used to improve the
quality of teaching and learning condition in a class scientifically throughout systematic processes. The
processes are planning, acting, observing, and reflecting.

C. Research Design

The Classroom Action Research (CAR) procedure used in this research is Kemmis and McTaggart’s
design. It consists of two cycles, each of which contains four action research components: planning,
acting, observing, and reflecting. After the completion of the first cycle, some new problems may have
been found.

D. Subject of the Study

The population of this study is SMA Negeri 1 Manggar in academic year 2017/2018, located at Jl. Jend.
Sudirman, Desa Mekar Jaya, was purposively chosen as a research setting, especially for XI MIA-1 class.
The number of the students is 28 students. This class is chosen based on interview with the
Englishteacher. The second reason is the English teacher in this class still teaches his students with text
book style and rarely using any media.
E. The Writers’ Role on the Study

The classroom action research design in this study is a collaborative classroom action research. In
conducting the research, the writer collaborated with the real English teacher of SMA Negeri 1 Manggar
as a collaborator. The writerplayed a role as the teacher who teaches listening through watching English
movies to the students whereas the English teacher was as the observer. The writer role was not only as
a teacher but he also made lesson plan, prepared teaching tools, observed, and collected and analysed
data to know the result of students’ listening score.

F. The Classroom Action Research Procedure

This study is classroom action research; it means that there must be cycles in this study. There will be 2
cycle and each cycle is ended by final test. There are 4 steps in action research. They are planning (plan
to use movie), acting (implement the movie in teaching listening), observing (he observes the teaching
learning process and student's activity in the classroom), and reflecting (he and the real English teacher).
Before entering the cycle, he found an institution as an object of research to conduct preliminary study
by reviewing the syllabus that the English teacher used in the classroom and conduct an online interview
with the students of XI MIA-1. The syllabus that the teacher used in the classroom is well planned but
the problem is the way of the teacher implemented the syllabus in the classroom.

Then the writer conducted the online interview to maintain students opinion and the real condition in
the class, he found that the teacher only used textbook that school have been provided and whiteboard
without using any additional media such as laptop, in-focus and etc. The students also felt that the way
of teaching is too flat that there is no detail in explaining the material to the students. In addition the
students were expecting more of using other media rather than only explanation or textbook. After
analysing the problems faced by students, the next step is designing a plan to continue into the next
cycle to overcome the problem in the previous cycle. After conducting pre cycle research, he moves to
the next phase, involving: planning, acting, observing and reflecting.

a. Planning

In planning phase, the writer and the teacher shared the information. The writer identifies and
diagnoses students’ listening problems occurred in the classroom proven by interviewing the teacher
and the students. It covers determining the technique, designing lesson plans, and setting the criteria of

In determining the technique, it refers to the students’ problem. In this case, the main problem of the
students are lack of using other media and the students felt that the leaning process is too flat so they
are not be able to communicate or using English properly especially in the area of listening. Therefore,
the writer thought that by giving them a media such as movie and make the learning process more
enjoyable can overcome this problem in listening.

In designing the lesson plans, he discussed to make lesson plan by applying the determined technique.
Designing lesson plan aims to provide the teacher with the guideline of teaching and learning activities.
The writer made lesson plan based on the recent used syllabus. The writer described the project or
activity that he designed for his students by preparing lesson plan and applying lesson plan in eleventh
grade class at SMA Negeri 1 Manggar. The lesson plan included the following items: specific instructional
objectives, the instructional materials and media, procedure of presentation, and procedure of
assessment. In setting the criteria of success, the researcher determined the criteria of the action
success. It is useful for measuring whether the action of this study is successful or not.

b. Acting

In this phase, the writer carried out the planned action. In this phase the lesson plan that has been
discussed, would be implemented by the researcher. In implementing the action, the writer acts as the
English teacher who taught listening through watching English movie and observes the students’
listening activities after watching English movie in the class. Meanwhile, the real English teacher acts as
the collaborator who monitoring and observing that happened in the teaching and learning process. This
phase is hoped could solve the students’problem.

c. Observing

In this phase, the writer observes CAR process of learning listening skill by using English movie. The
important aspects in observation are sources of data, the instrument used in collecting the data, and the
technique for data collection. When observing, the observer makes teacher’s journal in the classroom.
Then, the collaborator observes the class situation, students’ response, and writer’s performance during
implementing the action.

d. Reflecting

The writer and the English teacher who play a role as observer and collaborator analyse and evaluate
learning process in cycle 1. Reflecting phase is the last phase in one cycle. The aims of this phase are to
reflect the data from the
implementation of the action and to know whether the action is successful or not by appropriating the
result of the observing phase with the criteria of success. If the result of the first cycle is satisfy pointed
by reaching the criteria of success, so there will not be the next cycle. Meanwhile, if the result of the
action does not reach the criteria of success, so the next cycle needs to be done. It should move to the
next cycle regarding re-planning, re-acting, and re-observing.

G. Research Instruments

The research instrument of this research consisted of four instruments. They

are observation, interview, teacher‘s journal, and test.

a. Observation Sheet

The observation sheet is conducted during the teaching and learning activities in the class. The real
English teacher observes his performance during classroom action research, class situation while
listening activity, and the students’ participants toward the learning process. The information that
obtained from this observation sheet is used as a basis to determine the planning for the following cycle.

b. Interview Guideline

The interview guideline is distributed at the end of the study to XI MIA- 1 of SMA Negeri 1 Manggar to
find out their perception about improving their listening activities through watching English movies. It is
also distributed to the English teacher to know general description about process of learning
listeningskill, to know students activity in learning listening process, and the method or strategies usually
the teacher implemented in the classroom especially when teaching listening.

c. Teacher’s Journal

The teacher‘s journal is a teacher‘s written response to teaching events by the writer. Journals contain
more subjective and personal reflections and interpretations than the relatively formalized recordings of
notes in every meeting. The writer focused on what happened in the classroom (observation and
analysis),emotional response for the researcher when the students do the tasks, and the future action.
d. Test

The test is used to know the students’ listening skill improvement and as the result of students’
performance in the class after the action of each cycle. The test is applied in the end of every cycle.
Then, the students are tested by giving them multiple choice questions based on the movie that they
have been watched.

H. The Technique of Data Analysis

The analysis qualitative data is used to measure data from observation, interview, and teacher’s journal,
while the analysis of quantitative data is used to measure data from test.



This chapter presents and discusses data description and data analysis and


A. Research Findings

a. Finding of the Preliminary Study

1. The Result of Pre-Test

The pre-test had been done before implementing the Classroom Action Research (CAR). It was
conducted on September 13th, 2017. It started from 7.30 am until 9.00 am. The pre-test was used to
measure students listening comprehension skill. The students were asked to watch a movie and answer
some questions about the whole movie.

Based on the result of the pre-test, the data showed that the mean of pre-test was 72.14. There were
only 10 students or 35.71% who derived the scoreabove the criterion of minimum completeness (KKM).
Meanwhile, the 18 otherswere under from the criterion. The lowest achievement gained score was
52.00.After analysing the result of preliminary study in the pre-test, it can be said that most of students
at the 1 eleventh science grade of SMA Negeri 1 Manggar had difficulty in listening skill. It showed that
the result of the pre-test that there were 18 students did not pass the KKM. Thus, it needed to find out
the solutions to solve this problem. The writer used movies in teaching listening. The action was needed
to improve students‟ listening skill. The action research was conducted in two cycles. Every cycle was
followed the procedures of action research such as planning, acting, observing and reflecting.

b. Finding of the First Cycle

1. Planning

Planning is the first stage in the class action research. Planning is madebased on the diagnosed problem
faced by students toward listening taken from interview with English teacher. When the writer and the
collaborator planned the procedure in the class action research, the writer prepared the teaching
material in the classroom, and also developed teaching procedure through the activity of students in the
classroom. The writer prepared the instruments of the research. The instruments of the research are
observation sheet, teacher„s journal and test; the writer would do this journal in every meeting, and test
in the end of the cycle. The writer also prepared learning resources such as slides and movies for the
students‟ activity in listening.

2. Acting

The action of the cycle 1 was done on Wednesday, September 13th, 2017at 10.15 am – 11.45 am,
Tuesday, September19th, 2017 at 10.15 am – 11.45 amand on Wednesday, September 20th, 2017 at
10.15 am – 11.45 am. This was the first acting in the implementation of Classroom Action Research. In
this cycle, there were three meetings. The writer implemented the teaching learning process based on
the lesson plan which was made by the writer. The plan was writer continue the material that the real
English teacher taught which was expressing opinion but instead of using book as the teaching media,
the writer modified the teaching material by inserting English movies that in harmony with the theme of
the material. The theme for the first meeting was “bullying: a cancer that must be eradicated” so the
movies that used was about bullying. In this phase, the writer was teaching in the classroom as an
English teacher. And the real English teacher was monitoring and observing the writer‟s teaching.In the
first meeting, the writer taught expressing opinion using movies. He explained the definition and the
social function; he then explained the structure to express opinion and showed some examples with the
help from short explanation movie about expressing opinion. In explaining the material the writer used
both the text book and also screen to attract the students‟ attention. The student then asked to watch a
short movie called “I AM HOLLY - An Anti-Bullying Film by Bedford High School”, while watching they
allowed to take a note about the movie and they watched the movie two times. After watched the
movie for the second time, the students then asked to write their opinion about the movie and about
bullying in school.

In the second meeting, the writer reviewed the material and asked some of the students to read their
opinion out loud while the other students had to listen to and gave some comments. The next activity
was watching full movie called “Zootopia”, while watching the movie they were not allowed to take note
and then after watched the movie they have to answer the comprehension questions about the whole
movie. Unfortunately, because the English lesson only got 90 minutes the watching activity was paused
and would be resumed in the next meeting.

The second meeting as usual the writer rearranged the students‟ seating position in order to improve
the sound quality. The teaching process began withexplain briefly about material for that meeting. Then
the students watch a movie called “Trolls” and they had to identify some sentences that connected to
the material which was “Hopes and Dreams” which later those sentences would be explained by the
writer. After explaining the material hopes and dreams, the writer then asked the students to do a group
work to make a dialogue about hopes and dreams based on some conditions that gave by the writer.
The third meeting, the writer reviewed the material of the previous meeting and asked all of the group
to performed their dialogue in front of the class. After all of the group had finished the writer proceeded
to the next activity which was watching movie that in harmony with theme of the material which was
“Hopes and Dream, the movie called “Sing”, when the movie were being played about 15 minutes the
power was cut out and the writer decided to wait for about half hour in hoping that the power would be
came back on, but it was not happening. The other problem caused by the power cut out was the
condition of the class became so hot uncomfortable, so it became uncomfortable for teaching and
learning process to happen. The writer decided to resume the movie in the next meeting. The fourth
meeting, the writer asked the students to move their sitting position to closer to the sound system for
better sound quality. The movie watching activity began smoothly for about 45 minutes and the
unfortunately the power supply was cut out again. The students began to question what would happen
to their score in listening test later if this kind of problem keep happening over and over again. The
waiting for power to back on was 30 minutes and it did not happen. So the writer decided not to resume
the movie in the next meeting because the interval between the fourth and the fifth meeting was 5
days. In 5 days the writer assumed the students would suffered a memory loss about the movie.
Considering the writer‟s concern about memory loss and also the students concern about their score
later, the writer decided to start the movie from the beginning.

The fifth meeting, the writer already made a deal with the next subject teacher to use their time so the
movie watching activity and the test would be happen in one meeting. As usual the writer asked the
student to move closer to the sound system and the activity run smoothly till the end of the story. The
next activity was the test.

3. Observing
In this phase of the research, when the writer taught the lesson in the class he also observe the
students‟ activities (See Appendix 10 and 11). In this cycle two, the only major problem was the power
supply that cut out, other than that there were no major problem. Besides the power problem, the
students were really enthusiast and active in study using the movies, they were followed the lesson
calmly without make a lot of noise, they also did their task and test on time, they were asked fewer
translation in the learning process because they brought their own dictionary, they only question that
they asked the writer whether their sentences correct or not. In this phase, the writer also observed the
teaching learning process through post-test 1 and post-test 2. The following were the detail results of
test used in the second cycle

Table 4.3

The Result of Students’ Listening Score in Post-Test 2 (*)

No Chriteria Frequency

1 Bellow KKM 4

(Score <80)

2 Passed KKM 7

(Score >80-90)

3 Passed KKM 17

(Score >90)

Based on the data test above, the average students‟ listening achievement on this cycle is 90.28 and
there were 24 students passed the KKM or 85.71% students. On the other hand, there were 14.29%
students who did not pass the KKM or 4 students. The improvement in this cycle was high and met the
criteria of the action research of CAR in which minimum 75% students passed the KKM could be
achieved. From the result of this cycle, the writer stopped this research and would not continue to the
next cycle.

d. Reflecting

The reflection was carried out after gaining the score result of listeningtest. The researcher and the
English teacher felt satisfied in as much their made efforts to improve the students‟ listening skill had
been realized. The students could enjoy and followed the English lesson with ease the help of English
movies as the teaching media. It was proven by their improving scores from the pre-test to post-test 2.
After achieving the target research that minimal 75% who passed the KKM, the writer decided to stop
the CAR because it had already succeed.

Therefore, the writer and the real teacher did not have to revise the plan.According to the result of
evaluating between the writer and the collaborator, it could be assumed that the implementation of
CAR by using movies to improve students‟ listening skill was appropriate with the planning that had
been discussed by the researcher and the real teacher.



A. Conclusion

Based on the finding of Chapter IV, it showed that the students’ listening skill at the eight grade of SMPN
1 Tirtayasa can be improved through watching English Movies. It could be seen by the students’ mean
score was

increased. The mean score of pre-test was 72.14, while the mean score of post-test

1 in cycle 1 was 79.78. This meant that the improvement was still needed so the writer conducted the
cycle 2 that was ended by post-test 2. The mean score of post-test 2 was 90.28. It can be seen there was
a significant improvement in meanscore from pre-test through post-test 2. It can be stated that
watching English movie can improved the students’ listening skill. It was also supported by the result of
the post interview and there are no negative factor that emerge in the cycle 2. It can be concluded,
watching English movies activity can significantly improve the students’ listening skill. Furthermore,
there was a significant improvement in the mean score of each test. It was also indicated by teaching
listening skill through watching English Movies could be improved because the students learnt English in
enjoyable and fun way. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that watching English
movies activity can significantly improve the students’ listening skill at the eight grade of SMPN 1

B. Suggestion

Based on the findings and discussions stated in the previous chapter, some suggestions are given to the
participants who are closely related to this study.
They are presented as follows.

1. For the English Teachers

The English teachers should consider the students’ needs and interest before designing listening
materials. It is important for the teachers to use various activities that is appropriate to the students’
needs because it can reduce the students’ boredom and monotonous during teaching and learning
process. It is useful for them to use English movies as one of the appropriate activities in teaching
listening. Also, through watching English movies the class would be fun and increased students’
motivation in order to learn listening in English.

2. For Students

By using English movies in the class, the students have opportunities to get exposure to English as the
authentic material. It also improves students’ listening by watching English Movies.

3. For Other Researchers

The weakness of this study is its limited time in doing the actions. Other researchers who are interested
in the same field are recommended to implement the actions in a longer period of time to get more
maximum results so that the improvement will be more significantly seen.

Daftar pustaka

Anderson, A. & Lynch, T. (1988). Listening. New York: Oxford University Press.

Zezens pratama. (2018). Improving Listening Skill. Jakarta

Barsam, Richard and Monahan, Dave. Looking at Movies: An Introduction to Film. New York: W.W.
Norton & Company, 3rd Ed, 2010.

Boggs, Joseph M., and Petrie, Dennis W., The Art of Watching Films. New York:McGraw Hill, 7th Ed,

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