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11/23/2019 Toppr


Identify the odd words among the given words

Example :
Three of the following four are alike in a certain way and so, form a group.
1) Snake 2) Lizard 3) Turtle 4) Whale
Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
Solution :
Snake, Lizard, Turtle and Whale all comes under the category of animals.
But Snake, Lizard, and Turtle belong to reptile group of animals whereas Whale is a mammal.
Thus, Whale is different from other three.
Hence, Whale is the odd one.


Identify the odd words among the given words

Odd words means the word which does not match with other words of the group.
Here you'll have a set of words in which every words are related in some manner or they follow certain pattern
except one and that one word will become odd word.
Example :
In the following question, five words are given out of which four are alike in some manner and forms a group.
1) Pen 2) Calculator 3) Pencil 4) Ink 5) Eraser.
Which is the one that does not belong to the group?
Solution :
As we all know that Pen, Pencil, Ink and Eraser comes under the stationary items whereas Calculator is not.
And accept calculator all other four things are used for writing purpose whereas calculator is used for calculation, we
cannot use it as writing material.
So, they form a group.
Thus, calculator does not belong to a group which is formed by other four words.
Hence, calculator is the odd word.


Replace odd words

In this section, find the odd word and replace it.
Example :
Pick out the odd one from the following.
1) Plough 2) Seed drill 3) Hoe 4) Chain pump 5) Sickle 1/8
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Solution :
A sickle is a hand-held agricultural tool with a variously curved blade typically used for harvesting grain crops or
cutting succulent forage chiefly for feeding livestock. Whereas Plough, Seed Drill, Hoe and Chain Pump are the
tools use for Growing Crop.
Thus, Sickle is the odd one.


Identify the odd words group

In this section, you'll have a set of groups of words where the word in each group would be related to other word of
the same group in some manner and except one, all other groups follow the same relation.
Example :
From the following pair, choose the pair in which the words are differently related.
1) Broad : Wide 2) Light : Heavy 3) Tiny : Small 4) Big : Large
Solution :
In 1), 3) and 4), the words are synonymous pair of each other i.e. they give the same meaning of each other but in 2),
light and heavy are antonyms i.e. they give opposite meaning of each other.
Accept 2), all other pairs gives the same relation.
Hence, 2) is the odd word group.


Identify the similar word

In this section, the statements or words will be given and you have to find the word which best fits with that
statement or word.
For example :
In the question, one statement is followed by four possible answers. One of these four possible answers verifies the
truth of the statement.
Which one of the following is always associated with TREE ?
1) Roots 2) Flowers 3) Leaves 4) Fruits
Solution :
In this question, we have to have to find the word which always associates with tree i.e. which always exist with tree.
As we know, some trees gives only flowers like Rose, Lillie etc.
Some trees provides only fruits.
If tree don't have leaves then also it can exist. Since, in some weather trees loose their leaves.
But if the root does not exist then tree also cannot exist i.e. without roots trees cannot exist. So, roots exist with trees.
Hence, roots always associates with tree. 2/8
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Identify the odd numbers

In this section, the set of numbers has been given in which all the number will follow the same pattern or they'll be
related in some manner except the one number. So find that one number which does not follow the same pattern as
others follow.
Example :
Numbers in this question are grouped under a certain norm, except the one which does not follow the norm. Find the
odd set in each of the following.
A. 001011 001011
B. 1101011 1101011
C. 101101 101101
D. 100101100101
Solution :
As we can see, the numbers in A, C and D have total number of digits is 66 whereas B have a number which
contains 77 digits.
So, B is not related to other numbers.
Hence, B is the odd number.


Identify the odd numbers group

In this section, the groups of numbers will be given in which all the groups may follow the same pattern except the
one. So, you have to identify that group which is different from others and that is the odd numbers group.
For example :
Numbers in the following question are grouped under a certain norm, except, the one which does not follow the
same norm. Find the odd set.
1) 3, 4, 8 3,4,8
2) 6, 2, 9 6,2,9
3) 1, 5, 7 1,5,7
4) 2, 6, 9 2,6,9
Solution :
The sets 1), 2) and 4) has a group of numbers in which one of the number is prime and other two numbers are
Whereas 3) contains two prime numbers 22 and 55 and one composite number i.e. 11.
Thus, 3) is different from other three.
Hence, 3) is the odd numbers group. 3/8
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Identify the similar numbers

In this section, identify the number which is similar to the given number i.e. the number which is correct according
to the requirement of the question.
For example :-
In the following question, the wrong term and its substitution by the correct term are indicated as a pair in the four
options given below.
1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 20, 34 1,2,3,5,8,13,20,34
Identify the correct pair among the following.
A) (1, 2) (1,2)
B) (13, 12) (13,12)
C) (20, 21) (20,21)
D) (5, 6) (5,6)
Solution :-
The series given in the question follows a pattern,
1 + 2 = 3, 1+2=3,
2 + 3 = 5, 2+3=5,
3 + 5 = 8, 3+5=8,
5 + 8 = 13, 5+8=13,
8 + 13 = 21, 8+13=21,
13 + 21 = 34. 13+21=34.
Now, in this pattern we are getting 2121 instead of 2020.
So, 2020 is the wrong term and 2121 is the correct term.
Thus, the pair (20, 21) (20,21) is correct.


Identify the similar numbers group

In this section, identify the numbers group which is similar to the given groups in some manner.
For eg;
Given set : (246, 257, 358) (246,257,358) choose the number from the following which is similar to given set.
A. (145, 225, 335) (145,225,335)
B. (143, 253, 246) (143,253,246)
C. (273, 365, 367) (273,365,367)
D. (233, 343, 345) (233,343,345)
Solution :
Here we have to find the set which follows the same pattern as the given set follows.
In the set given (246, 257, 358) (246,257,358), sum of the digits are (12, 14, 16) (12,14,16).
C follows the same pattern since in this set sum of digits are (12, 14, 16) (12,14,16) which is same as given set.
So, C is similar to the given set. 4/8
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Identify the odd letters

In this section, the set of letters has been provided in which all the letters will follow the same pattern or they'll be
related in some manner except the one. So find that one letter which does not follow the same pattern as others
follow. And then mark it as odd letter.
For eg.
In the following question, five pairs of letters are given. Four of them are alike in a certain way while one is
Solution :-
The letters in A, C, D and E are consecutive letters according to alphabetic series and arranged either in ascending or
descending order.
But the letters in B i.e. NPR are not consecutive letters. There is a gap of 11 between each letter.
So, B does not follow the pattern which others follow.
Thus, B has the odd letters.


Identify the odd letter group

In this section, different group of letters has been provided in which all the groups will follow the same pattern or
they'll be related in some manner except the one. So find that one group of letters which does not follow the same
pattern as others follow. And then mark it as odd letter group.
Example :
There are four groups of letters in the following question. Of these, three are alike in some way and one is different.
Identify the one that is different.
Solution :-
As we can see, the letters in A, B and D are consecutive letters according to alphabetic series in descending order.
But the letters in C, are not consecutive. 5/8
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So, C doesn't follow the same pattern as other three follows.

Thus, C is the odd letters group.


Identify the similar letters

In this section, we have to find the letter which is similar to the letter given in the question.
For eg:
There are four group of letters in the following question. Find the one which is similar to EGIK.
Solution :
The group of letters given is EGIK.
In this group, there is a gap of two letters between previous and next letter.
And option C, follows the same pattern i.e. all consecutive letters of C differ by 2.
And other options have a difference either 1 or 1 and 2.
So, C is similar to the given letters.


Identify the similar letters groups

First understand the arrangement of letters given in the groups and then find the letter groups which is similar to the
given letter groups.
For eg:
Understanding the arrangement of letters in 'VTQ', find the correct one from the given alternatives which matches
this group of letters.
Solution :-
The given letters group follow a pattern of difference −2 −2 and −3 −3.
Now, the groups in A follows a pattern of difference −2 −2 and −3 −3.
So, A is similar to given groups. 6/8
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Identify the odd figures

In this section, either name of the figures like circle, square, rectangle etc. would be given or directly the shape
would be given. And all the figures will follow certain pattern except one. So, we have to identify the figure
which does not follow the same pattern as others. And make that figure as odd figure. Let's see an example
From the above figure, choose the one which is different from others.
Solution :
From above figure, the lines in the figure (A), (B) and (D) are parallel to each other.
But the lines in (C) are not parallel.


Identify the odd figure group

In this section, the group of figures will be provided in the question. From which one of the group of figures will be
different in some manner from others or not follow the pattern which others follow. You have to identify that one
figure and make it as odd figure.Let's have a look on examples 7/8
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In the above figure, four pairs of figures are given. In each pair, the first figure is related to the second figure in some
manner accept one pair. Find the odd pair out which is different from others.
Solution :
Matchstick is present in figures B, C and D and it rotates 9090 degrees in anticlockwise direction.
Also in figures B, C and D the outer shape extends and new shape is introduced.
Whereas in A, matchstick is missing and the outer shape becomes inner shape.
So, figure A does not follow the same pattern as B, C, D follows.
Thus, A is the odd figure.


Identify the similar figures

This section, contains the question of the type, where the figures will be given and on of the figure will be missing.
You have to identify that missing figure by using the pattern followed by others. Let's take an example
In the following question, there are figures (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5). There are certain common characteristics/ properties
between the two figures. Find the missing figure that shows similar characteristics/ properties as shown by the other
Solution :
From 3, 4 and 5 the new curve is being added.
So, missing figure will be the figure given in answer figure. 8/8

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