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Video Content



The way of recording:

Recording+ Digital panel and blackboard handwriting are used with
real-time recording

The requirements of this method:

1. Screen recording software: Bandicam
2. Audio recording: Earphones with mic.
3. Digital panel: Handwriting needs the use of digital panel, and
Huion 640p is recommended.
Note: Your screen display resolution should be 1366*768.
4. One-note: We are using OneNote 2016 for solving our questions.
You can download it for free from

Content format:

Text requirements

Question stems:

• Times New Roman, 16 size

• Question stem should be written in black color only

• Question should be left aligned.

• Don't mention question number

• Don't use picture for question stem.

Pen size (Handwriting): 0.5mm Thickness
Use Highlighter on question stem: Yellow (4.0mm) , transparency: 50%
Given statement: Black pen (0.5 mm)
Main body of analysis: mainly in Red (0.5 mm), and Blue ( 0.5 mm) for
additional information, labelling of diagrams and rough work.
Final answer: Dark Green (0.5 mm)
Clean the blackboard handwriting: Use Eraser tool (in the
digital panel) Ruled Lines: Light Blue color

Diagram: Use only black (0.5 mm pen to draw and blue (0.5 mm) for
• Free hand diagrams are not allowed.
• Figure number should not be mentioned in the diagram.
• Diagrams made with onenote tools are
allowed(0.5mm black). Cursor: Cursor should be
yellow with 60% transparency.

Types of Format:
Use only one window of one note for question stem, solution and diagram.

Never underline, box or tick in explanation with

pen. (Most Important)
Recording environment and requirements:
1. The recording environment needs to be quiet and should not have echo
and any background noise. It is recommended to use headphone during
recording to reduce the effect of noise.
2. Speak with a moderate voice. Testing standard: The video sound is
appropriate while listening through earphones at 50% volume on
mobile phone.
3. Speaking at a moderate speech rate. Please be personable during the
explanation. Using varied intonations and do not use pet phrases.
4. Blackboard handwriting requirements:
◦ Please write clearly, legibly and neatly and do not write in a cursive
◦ Be mindful of spacing letters, words, formulas, paragraphs
consistently and do not make the letters and other elements shown
in handwriting too close.
The process of explanation:

Question statement will be read in English only though explanation of

question will be in Hindi and English mix.
Make sure that question number and exercise number should not be
included in question stem.

1. Opening

Always start with the lines given in script example.

Script example:
Hello, everyone! I’m your Teacher for this question Let me explain this
question to you now...

2. Reading the question stem

Read the important information relevant to the explanation in the

question stem. During reading the question stem, highlight the important
part of the question like given conditions or knowledge points and then
give a detailed idea about what we have to find out and write down
parallel while speaking.

3. Explaining the intentions of question

(i) Explain the questions from the angles such as the knowledge points,
methods, error-prone points concerned in the question and question
type (see point (iv)).
(ii) Explain a small flowchart type structure in which student can get
idea about how to solve question. It can also be included in script that
"Now you(students) have got enough idea or check points to solve this
question, pause the video and try by yourself".
(Idea behind this is, if student is facing small doubt in question then he/she
can pause the video after that and try to solve , it may save their time and
they will get more clarity in concepts or questions & by saying this we are
also motivating students)
(iii) Include small definition of the concept that are going to use in
solving the question. (It should not be too long, keep it short and
simple, not necessary in all question)
(iv) Do explain about the type of question. Broadly it can be divided into 3
(a) Factual or Formula based. (Easy)
(b) Conceptual based. (Moderate level of thinking)
(c) Applications based or Tricky. (Requires High level of thinking)

Script example:
[Knowledge/ question types/ methods]: The focus of this question is …
(what kind of knowledge/ question types/ methods).
[Error-prone points]: Even though this question does not seem to be
difficult for the first seeing, we need to notice that there is one point in this
question that is prone to make mistakes. That is ….

4. Requirements on the explanation of question types and blackboard


a. The explanation of multiple-choice questions: Explain option by option

mentioned in the question, and when the question cannot be explained
in terms separately, explain the question as a whole. (Optional, as in
objective type questions it is not possible to explain options by
b. The explanation of non-multiple-choice questions: Explain space by
space or question by question. Mainly focus on key points related to
c. Blackboard handwriting: The blackboard handwriting must be wrote
while recording needs to have reasonable layout and in adequate
font size, and to contain formula and images that are in line with
d. Do not explain the questions by simply borrowing the content from the
written form of explanation. You can point out the key points to
settle problems and analyse the ways of solving problems.
e. During the process of explanation, make a simple explanation of the
knowledge points involved in the question.
f. Handwriting should be neat & clear and in proper alignment.
g. Explanation should be very precise, do not talk about irrelevant
information (off topic) & do not go into depth of definition or concept
as video should be short and simple.
h. If there are more than one method to solve the question, explain all
the methods.
i. Flow is very important, it is strongly advised to all SMEs that before
recording video make a list of checkpoints to avoid unnecessary
gaps in between and by the time it will improve production
efficiency also.
j. Grade sensitivity : If tutor is explaining question of grade 10 level
then he/she should use concepts or explanation according to the
level of grade 10 only.

Script example:
a. Explain option by option: First, let’s analyse Option A. Because …, so A
is right/wrong. Concerning Option B, So, the answer to this
question is ….
b. Explain multiple options: First, let’s look at Option A and B. Because
…, so A is right and B is wrong. Therefore, the answer to this
question is ….
c. Explain space by space and question by question: First, let’s look at
the first space/ question, …. Therefore, the answer to this question
is ….
d. Explain multiple spaces and questions: First, let’s look at the
first two spaces/ questions, …. So, the answer is ….
e. Construction problems or explanation questions: The question
says to draw/ explain, …. So, the answer to this question is ….

5. Summary or extension to the question

It is necessary to summarize the main points tested/ difficult points/
methods/ novelty, mention the way of thinking/ techniques, and extend
the ways to solve the question if there is more than one way to solve it.
(You can introduce the quick way to solve it first, but the detailed ways to
solve must be included.)
Noticing: You need to summarize the question type that this question
belongs to, rather than simply focusing on the question under discussion.
Summary is important for those questions which are long, because its not
possible to explain each and every aspects of question at the starting.
Hence, for long type questions or some tricky based subjective questions
it is necessary to give a detailed summary at the end focusing on main key
points, mentioning about error-prone points and important points which is
must to remember and do give an advice on revising those questions
frequently to memorize tricks for longer time.

Script example:
a. [Testing points]: This question is meant to test XXX. So, XXX (the
contents of the testing points).
b. [Difficult points]: The difficult points in this question are …. The key
to solving this kind of question is to ….
c. [Question type]: This question is a typical one in XX (question type).
The difficult points in this question are .
d. [Methods]: The way to solve this kind of question is the usual method
to solve the XXX (the question type). There are X steps to solve this
problem, including 1 XXX, 2 XXX, 3 XXX.
e. [Way of thinking]: This question is innovative and we need to learn
the way of thinking. In the process of solving XXX, we need to have the
ability to analyse XX and transform XX. Therefore, I wish all my friends
can try to think from the perspective of XXX when you meet this kind
of question next time.
f. [Techniques]: The traditional way to solve this question is XXX. But to
do fast in the exam, we have a simpler way to solve this. That is to use
XXX, and then we can know the answer right away.
g. [Multiple ways to solve the problem]: Besides the way we have
discussed we have X ways to solve this. Now let me show you
different ways ….

6. Ending

Ending must follow this script.

I hope you understood the explanation. Thank you.

1. The explanations to the questions need to follow these two kinds
of logic: either from reasons to results or from results to reasons.

2. When recording the videos, sight and sound need to be

synchronized. To promote understanding, adequate marks and labels
need to be added. During explaining questions, the process needs to be
shown in detailed steps and no big gaps between any two steps in
case of misunderstanding.

3. When a typo or a slip of tongue or pen occurs during recording, you need
to stop recording an recreate the video.

4. Please do not contain any contents in the video that are irrelevant to this
question’s solving process and steps, related questions, and
knowledge point extension, for instance, the learning habits.

5. During the process of explanation, please take students’ mentality into


Video Exporting
1. Exporting Video format: MP4 file, Resolution: 1024*576, Aspect ratio:
16:9, Sample rate: 128 kbps, Encoding: H264.
2. Watermark should not be there in video.
3. Letterboxing and additional computer screen with irrelevant content
should not be shown in question during recording of video.
4. When the speech rate is a little slow, you can increment the playback
speed from 1.1x to 1.2x when exporting.

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