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Cleaning unpainted wall

Cover any carpet or furniture in the immediate area. Using temporary coverings like newspaper, towels,
old sheets, or painter's groundsheets, cover anything of value as this will prevent possible spills of water
or cleaning solution from ruining the carpet or furniture. The last thing you want is to damage one area
of the house when you’re trying to clean another

Move everything that is against the wall. You want to be able to get at dust that’s built up behind
dressers, appliances, and other types of furniture. You can clean these often-neglected areas now that
the furniture is out of the way.

Dust the walls. Use either a broom, a dusting brush, or a vacuum cleaner to do this. Run the broom,
brush, or vacuum up and down the walls in a vertical motion. Use a ladder to get into high corners, or
enlist a tall friend to help.[1]

If the broom or brush has strong bristles, tie an old t-shirt or other cleaning rag over it to prevent the
sharpness of the bristles from scratching against the wall. Rinse out the shirt or rag or grab a new one
when it gets too dirty, since you don’t want to spread the dirt from one wall to the next!

Start at the top of the wall when washing. Then, move up gradually, drying as you go, so you don’t leave
behind any streaks or drip marks.[2]

Cleaning painted walls

Remove marks or stains first. Test your product on an inconspicuous area of the wall first before
cleaning the stain off, to make sure that the stain remover won't lift the paintwork. Make sure to read
the directions first and apply carefully.

Wash the walls. For most painted walls, warm, soapy water will work just fine. If your walls need
something a little stronger, try mixing a cup of distilled white vinegar in one bucket of warm water.
Vinegar won't leave any residue, so don’t worry about rinsing.[3]

Prepare two buckets for comprehensive wall cleaning. Fill one bucket with the cleaning solution and the
other with water, and rinse the wall about 5 minutes after the solution has been applied. Remember to
change the rinsing water when it starts to look dirty, since you don’t want to rinse the walls with their
own dirt.

Avoid the use of proprietary products that contain alcohol for wall cleaning. These products might break
down the paint surface and leave behind a bright and shiny mark--not something you want on your nice,
clean walls!

Make your own spot cleanser. It’s not as hard as it sounds! Simply add ½ cup of baking soda to a gallon-
sized bucket of warm water. Spray this mixture onto a soft towel and wipe over the stains or sticky
spots, then rinse the area with water and wipe it dry with a separate towel.[4]

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