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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII

Matag-ob Stand Alone Senior High School

DAY 1 to 2

Name: _____________________________ Year and Section:________ Date:__________

Activity No. 1: Mind Mapping (Earth as the Only Habitable Planet)

I.Sample Image of Mind Mapping

II. Make a mind map (Why the Earth is the only living planet?)(Image above is an example of mind
III. Draw a planet Earth as living planet and put captions on it
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VIII

Matag-ob Stand Alone Senior High School

Day 1 to 2

Activity No. 2: Essay (Why the Earth is the only living planet?)

I.What is mass-medium star?

II. What is Goldilocks Zone?

III. Essay:Rubric (8 points)

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VIII

Matag-ob Stand Alone Senior High School

Day 3 to 4

Activity No. 3: Four Spheres of the Earth

I.Identify the pictures if it hydrosphere, biosphere, geosphere andatmosphere




II.Illustrate the four spheres of the Earth and put a captions on how they are related to each other.
Republic of the Philipines
Department of Education
Region VIII

Matag-ob Stand Alone Senior High School

Activity No. 4: Pic Collage (Four Spheres of the Earth)

I. This activity is to understand the four spheres of the Earth. First, you’re going to take a selfie
including one sphere of the Earth on each selfie..
II. Second, you’re going to save it in your phone.
III. Print it out.
IV. You’re going to organize your pictures in portfolio. Separate the four spheres of the Earth on
each other.
V. Lastly, you’re going to put a captions one each sphere based on what you have understand
from the modules.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VIII

Matag-ob Stand Alone Senior High School

Activity No. 5: Rocks

I.Identify the following rocks if is igneous rock, sedimentary rock metamorphic rock. Write your answer
after the number.

1. 4.


2. 5.
3. 6.

II. How can you differentiate igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, and metamorphic rocks? Please put
captions on each rock.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VIII

Matag-ob Stand Alone Senior High School

Day 6

Name______________________ Year and Section:_________ Date:_____________

Activity No.1: Imagine what is inside the volcano. You can write at least into 2 sentences.

II. Activity No. 2 (Choices: Crust, core, outside, inside, Earth, volcanoes, cools, warms and magma)

IGNEOUS ROCKS form when ________(molten rock)_______ and crystallizes, either at ________ on
the surface of the ____or while the melted rock is still_______the_________.
III. How igneous rocks are formed? Paraphrase the captions on image below. Write at least two

IV. Build a House

Below is an framework image of the house. In your research, please put a captions or labels about
building house while using igneous rocks.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VIII

Matag-ob Stand Alone Senior High School

Day 7

Name______________________ Year and Section:_________ Date:_____________

I.How are you going to mix a cement on building houses. Please provide a step by step process and
provide also a materials based on what you have observed in a real life situation.

II. What is the definition of sedimentary rocks based on its word alone. Please compose your own
definition without looking on internet.

III. Formation of sedimentary rocks

gneous rocks are sometimes considered primary rocks because they crystallize from a
liquid. In that case, sedimentary rocks are derived rocks because they are formed
from fragments of pre-existing rocks.

Formation of Sedimentary Rocks

Sedimentary rocks are the product of 1) weathering of preexisting rocks,
2) transport of the weathering products, 3) deposition of the material, followed by
4) compaction, and 5) cementation of the sediment to form a rock. The latter two
steps are called lithification.


When rocks (igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic) are at or near the surface of the
earth they are exposed to the processes of weathering.

In mechanical weathering rocks are broken up into smaller pieces by frost-wedging

(the freezing and thawing of water inside cracks in the rock), root-wedging (tree and
other plant roots growing into cracks), and abrasion caused by, for example, sand-
blasting of a cliff face by blowing sands in the dessert, or the scouring of water
transported sand, gravel, and boulders on the bedrock of a mountain stream.
Mechanical weathering breaks rocks into smaller and smaller pieces but without
otherwise altering the minerals.

In chemical weathering minerals are changed into new minerals and mineral

byproducts. Some minerals like halite and calcite may dissolve completely. Others,
especially silicate minerals, are altered by a chemical process called hydrolysis.
Hydrolysis is the reaction of minerals in weakly acidic waters. Most natural surface
waters are slightly acidic because carbon dioxide from the air dissolves in the water.
Some of the dissolved CO2 reacts with the water forming the chemical
compound carbonic acid.

Complete weathering of silicate rocks will yield:

solid materials 1) clays

  2) quartz sand (if the rock originally
contained quartz)
dissolved 3) soluble silica
  4) metal cations

Rock fragments will also remain where the rocks are not completely weathered.

Not only is quartz the most stable of the common rock forming minerals in chemical
weathering, its high hardness and lack of cleavage make it quite resistant to
mechanical weathering. Quartz is itself an agent of mechanical weathering in the form
of blowing dessert sand.
more on weathering


As the process of weathering proceeds the products are carried off. The most
important transporting agent is water. Water carries or rolls particles in rivers, from
the smallest suspended clay particles to the largest boulders. Boulders and smaller
rock fragments continue to be broken up and chemically altered as they tumble
downstream. Water also carries dissolved minerals, such as silica and cations
downstream as well as in the groundwater. Other transporting agents include wind
which blows dust and sand, glaciers, which carry large amounts of gravel and huge
boulders in addition to smaller particles, and mass wasting on hillslopes. In addition to
decreasing the particle size, as sedimentary material is transported it is
also sorted into similar sized particles as a result of changing energy (velocity) in the
transporting medium (water or wind), and rounded by continued abrasion.


Sediments are transported only when there is enough energy in the transporting
medium, for example, when a stream is flowing rapidly enough to carry a given size
of sedimentary particle. Steep mountain streams can move large boulders during
spring flood but these boulders will never be transported out into a placid lowland
river. So the largest sediments (boulders, cobbles, and pebbles) which survive the
weathering process, tend to be deposited near to their source, for example at the point
where a mountain stream flows out onto a valley floor. Sediments of a given size are
deposited whenever they move into an environment with insufficient energy to
transport them. For example, silt carried by a flooding river will settle out in the quiet
backwaters outside the river banks (perhaps enriching someone's farmland - while
wrecking their home).

Sediments are deposited layer upon layer. The layers are deposited horizontally.

Sorting. When a river encounters the ocean it begins to deposit its suspended

sediments. Progressively finer sediments are deposited moving away from the
shoreline. All fine materials are winnowed out leaving sands in the wave-dominated
beach and nearshore environment. The sands remain in this high energy environment.
In deeper/calmer water silt settles out. In water deep enough not to be affected by
surface wave action the clay fraction begins to settle out.

The dissolved load in water will precipitate out (crystallize) if it encounters a

supersaturated environment. Gypsum, halite, and other salts, precipitate out of
seawater in arid areas, like the eastern Mediterranean, where evaporation is high (thus
increasing the salinity) and influx of fresh seawater is low.

Compaction and Cementation

As sedimentation continues, the earlier deposited sediments are laden with an

increasing overburden. They are compacted, reducing the available pore space and
expelling much of the pore-water.

Dissolved minerals in the ground water precipitate (crystallize) from water in the pore
spaces forming mineral crusts on the sedimentary grains, gradually cementing the
sediments, thus forming a rock. Calcite (calcium carbonate), silica, and hematite (red
iron oxide) are the most common cementing agents. You may be familiar with calcite
(or lime) encrustation on old plumbing fixtures, showerheads, and inside hot water

Types of Sedimentary Rocks

Sedimentary rocks may be divided into three basic categories:

1) Clastic (detrital) sedimentary rocks are composed of the solid products of

weathering (gravel, sand, silt, and clay) cemented together by the dissolved
weathering products.

2) Biogenic (biochemical) sedimentary rocks are those composed of materials formed

by the activity of living organisms such as coal (compacted undecayed plant matter)
and many limestones which are made up of the shells or other skeletal fragments from
marine organisms.

3) Chemically precipitated (chemical) sedimentary rocks are those such as halite and

gypsum, and some limestones, which form direct precipitation (crystallization) of the
dissolved ions in the water.

Clastic Sedimentary Rocks

Clastic sedimentary rocks may first be classified according to their grain size. Clay-
sized particles are too small to be seen with a microscope. Rock formed from clay-
size particles are called shale. Silt-sized particles are visible with a microscope. Rock
formed from these are called siltstone. Sand-sized grains are visible to the naked eye
and range from 1/16 mm to 2 mm. Sand is further subdivided into very fine, fine,
medium, coarse, and very coarse. Rock formed from these are called sandstone.
"Gravel"-sized grains range from > 2 mm granules to very large boulders. Rock
containing these large size particles are called conglomerate and are typically very
poorly sorted (e.g., they may contain, sand, gravel, and boulders all in one rock). If the
gravel particles are little weathered and are still angular (un-rounded) the rock is
called breccia.

Biogenic Sedimentary Rocks

Carbonate Rocks (based on CO3). While some carbonate rocks form as simple

chemical precipitates most carbonate rocks are the product of marine organisms such
as molluscs and corals. They precipitate calcite (calcium carbonate, CaCO 3) or other
similar carbonate minerals directly from the dissolved chemicals in the water to create
their shells. Limestone is the product. At some later time (e.g.,. after burial) calcite
may be transformed into dolomite, CaMg(CO3)2. Calcite will react vigorously with
dilute hydrochloric acid (HCl). Powdered dolomite will react sluggishly with HCl.

Coal is also formed by biological activity but in this case the material is organic
matter from decaying plants that may accumulate if plant growth is faster than the rate
of decay. The organic matter will be buried and compacted by layer upon layer of
partially decayed plants, eventually becoming coal.

Chemically Precipitated Sedimentary Rocks

Where the dissolved ions encounter supersaturated conditions they come out of
solution and combine together forming an orderly arrangement of atoms (that's right -
minerals). They are said to precipitate - go from the liquid, dissolved state to the solid
crystal state. Rocks formed in this way include halite, gypsum, anhydrite, and
some limestones. Layers of precipitated rocks are called evaporite deposits because
they typically form where evaporation is high in arid regions like the desert southwest
and in the eastern Mediterranean. Salt flats in the desert southwest and elsewhere
contain vast deposits of chemically precipitated layers that formed as spring runoff
from the surrounding mountains carried dissolved ions out onto the flats where the
waters then evaporated in the summer sun, leaving behind the salts.

Sedimentary Structures

Most sedimentary rocks contain internal layering called bedding or stratification.

Stratification may range from a bed thickness of many meters down to fine
millimeter-size laminations.  Bedding is generally horizontal or nearly so.

Internal stratification within a larger bed may be parallel or there may be cross-
stratification caused by ripples, sand bars, and dune structures. Ripple marks, a few
millimeters to centimeters in size, are common features in water laid sediments. 
Large scale cross-bedding in sandstone, within horizontal layers a few to many feet
thick, indicates deposition in sand dunes.

Ripple marks indicate deposition in a current.  Assymetric ripples (one side steeper

than the other) indicates a consistent current direction as in streams.  Symetric
ripples indicate oscillating (waves) or weak currents.

Mudcracks are produced by drying of wet muds. Raindrop impression may also be

preserved in sediments.  They indicate deposition in a terrestrial setting.

Fossils are very important indicators of depositional environment. Fossils include

preserved skeletal fragments, plant roots, etc., and also trace fossils such as burrows,
footprints, leaf impressions, etc.  Coral and many shell fossils indicate marine
deposition.  Leaves indicate terrestrial deposition.

TASK: Based on discussion above, please make a flow chart on how sedimentary
rocks are formed.
IV. Photogrid Making

By using internet, kindly search at least five places or tourist spots where sedimentary
are present. (Use the space below.)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VIII

Matag-ob Stand Alone Senior High School

Day 8

Name______________________ Year and Section:_________ Date:_____________

I.Matching Type.
Below are the metamorphic rocks and name them by choosing the correct answer on right column.
Write the correct answer after the number on each item.

1. a. gneiss

2. b. Quartzite

3. c. serpentinite
4. d. marble

5. e. slate

6. f. schist
II. Define metamorphic rock.

III.Among the shaded blue in the drawing, locate where are the metamorphic rocks.

IV. Explain the rock cycle through the illustration and classify rocks. You can put any informations on the
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VIII

Matag-ob Stand Alone Senior High School

Day 9

Name:______________________ Year and Section:______________ Date:_________

I.Compile different shapes of rocks. Take a picture, print and paste it in your sheet. After that, please
write what are your observations among the rocks.

II. 5 Pics 5 Words

Below are the factors that can cause physical weathering. Kindly identify each one of them what factor
are they. These are the choices: ice wedging, growth of plants, animals, release of pressure and
abrasion. Write your answer on each side of the picture.
III.Compare and contrast physical weathering and chemical weathering through Venn Diagram

IV. Paste a picture here that can cause chemical weathering and it should be present within your

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