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Why do Tiles Fade Over the Period of Time?


Dec 21, 2017

Nowadays, tile flooring is the most popular type of flooring. It is easy to install and provides a
sleek appearance to your home. Apart from all good things, tile flooring needs proper care during
purchasing, installation and during service life. Due to the lack of proper care and maintenance,
various defects may occur on the floor or wall tiles, i.e. cracking, fading, buckling, rust stain, etc.
Among them, faded tiles are one of the most of common defect observed.

Faded tiles most commonly observed in shower areas of homes. This may also happen in areas
subjected to direct and prolonged sunlight. Tiles fade due to overuse of strong chemicals on tiles
surface. This defect is more common in dark coloured tiles, which loses its colour and lighten
significantly over a time. Nowadays, tiles are digitally printed so there ain’t any need of using
harmful chemicals.

Also Read: Causes of Rust Stains on Tiles

Here we give several reasons due to which the tiles fade:

01. Use of unnecessary acidic cleaners, especially in shower areas. The tiles do not need this type
of powerful and harmful cleaner. They etch the glazed surface and hence the tiles trap dirt. So it
becomes harder to clean and hence start fading.

02. If grouting is not properly done, during the tile installation, soaps and body fats are
accumulated in one corner. This makes tiles fade. Due to this, the film attracts and grabs the soap
and body fats. Then the tiles appear to be turning into white. You will observe “white” patches
over tiles, gradually several times.

03. Some of the tiles fade due to the direct sunlight on the surface of the tiles when the bathroom
has an open window. This may happen in other areas too, due to ultraviolet rays of the sun.
Particularly when the pigments used as a colour in the manufacturing of tiles, are not UV

Also Read: All about Tile Installation & Its Precautions

04. Excessive moisture also causes the tiles fade. Since the tiles remain covered in moisture
every time the shower is turned on.

05. When tile cleaning is not proper done, tiles get fade, due to the deposit of dust particles.

06. In kitchen areas, you need to be very cautious with oily products as if they are drop on tiles,
there are chances of tiles fading.

Hence, always keep in store few tiles while buying or constructing a house. If regularly
maintained, the tiles should last forever.

Precautions to Avoid Fading of Tiles

Repair - Maintenance

Feb 01, 2018

Nowadays, tiles flooring is most commonly used in the home. While choosing tiles flooring for
your home, you should always look for the attractive and pleasant view of the home. If the tiles
installed with the proper care, the tile flooring can look like new for many years. If it is not
properly installed, there may be chances of several defects which may arise in your flooring like
cracks in tiles, fading of tiles, rust stain, etc. Among them, fading of tiles is the most common
defect that is observed in shower areas of the bathroom. It also occurs due to overuse of strong
chemicals. This defect gives an unpleasant look to your home. But the tiles, whether it is ceramic
or vitrified, are great products and they are very easy to clean and maintain. Normally, such tiles
require very little time and efforts to clean.

Also Read: Why Tiles Get Fade over the Period of Time?
To overcome this defect, here we have try to provide some precautions to avoid fading of

 All you have to do is clean the floor properly and frequently, with heavy-duty tile
cleaner, which will remove the dirt and any detergent build-up.
 To avoid fading of tiles, the water should be disposed in regular time from the shower
 Remove any dust from your bathroom floors. Before attempting to remove discolouration
from your bathroom floors, you will need to remove any dust from the affected areas and
use bathroom tile cleaner.
 Never use unnecessary acidic tile cleaners mainly in shower areas.
 Properly clean shower areas with good detergent or any other material so that the soaps
and body fats do not remain in shower areas.
 Use several household tile cleaning products with the little bit effort.

Also Read: What is a Tile Adhesive?

 If direct sunlight falls on the tiles, provide curtains on the window. This will protect the
tiles from discolouration due to ultraviolet radiation of the sun.
 The best way is to regularly maintain the tiles. Also, stop dust particles sticking to tiles.
 Avoid the use of hard water as white patches may appear on the tile surface over a period
of time. So try to use the soft water or install a water softening plant or if not possible
then you have to bear it.
 Keep tiles away from the material which gives stains on the surface of tiles as it gives a
shabby or dirty look.
 If the tiles almost lose the colour, you have no option but to replace it with the new tiles.
You may not find similar tiles in the market. Hence always keep in store few tiles for
such repairs while buying or constructing a house.

Therefore you need to remove any dust from the affected areas. Regular maintenance of tiles will
slow down the fading of tiles. Use essential tile cleaner to avoid of fading tiles.

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