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Wh-questions are questions that begin with one of the eight “wh ” words: who, whose, what, when,

which, why, where and how. Questions formed with “wh ” words ask about the word or phrase the
“wh ” word replaces.

Who replaces pronouns and the names of people. When the question word is the subject, the word
order doesn't change:

“Columbus discovered America in 1492.”

“Who discovered America in 1492?”

When the “wh ” word replaces a word in the predicate, and the verb includes a modal (such as “can,”
“will,” “may”), a form of “to be,” or a form of the helping verb “have” the predicate and subject are

“He is the president.”

“Who is he?”

However, when the “wh ” word replaces a word in the predicate, and the verb phrase does not
contain a modal, a form of “be” or a form of the helping verb “have,” “do formation” is used:

WH- word + “do” + SUBJECT + VERB PHRASE

“Do” always takes the tense of the original verb, and the verb takes the base form:

“Jack hit the president.”

“Who did Jack hit?”

“Bill loves Mary.”

“Who does Bill love?”

“Whose” is the possessive form of “who,” and works the same way:

“Shakespeare's plays are well known.”

“Whose plays are well known?”

“That is Jack's dog.”

“Whose dog is that?”

The do formation is used when the verb phrase does not contain a modal, a form of “be” or a form of
the helping verb “have.”

“Jack drove Bill's car.”

“Whose car did Jack drive?”

“What” replaces any noun or noun phrase that is not a person or pronoun. Questions are formed
with “what” the same way as with “who” and “whose”:

“The car hit the dog.”

“What hit the dog?”
“Mary's favorite candy is chocolate.”
“What is Mary's favorite candy?”

The do formation is used when the verb does not contain a modal, a form of “be” or a form of the
helping verb “have”:

“Bill bought a car.”

“What did Bill buy?”

“When” replaces time specific words (adverbials of time). When a modal, a form of “be” or a form of
the helping verb “have” is used, the subject and predicate are simply switched.

“John's appointment was at four o'clock.”

“When was John's appointment?”

The do formation is used when the verb phrase does not contain a modal, a form of “be” or a form of
the helping verb:

“John arrived at noon.”

“When did John arrive?”

“Which” is used when one object among several has to be selected. “Which” replaces the specific
object identified:

“That car was involved in the accident.”

“Which car was involved in the accident?”

The do formation is used when the verb does not contain a modal, a form of “be” or a form of the
helping verb “have.”

“The baseball broke that window.”

“Which window did the baseball break?”

“Why” does not replace any specific word or phrase in a sentence. Rather, “why” asks for the
reasons an action was done. The clause in a sentence explaining “why” usually begins with
“because....” When the verb is a modal, a form of “be,” or a form of the helping verb “have,” the
subject and predicate are switched:

“Mary is thin because she went on a diet.”

“Why is Mary thin?”

The do formation is used when the verb phrase does not contain a modal, a form of the verb “be” or
a form of the helping verb “have”:

“John missed the bus because he got up late.”

“Why did John miss the bus?”

“How” refers to the way, manner, or to what degree something was done; it replaces adverbs or
adverb phrases. If the verb contains a modal, a form of the verb “be” or a form of the helping verb
“have,” the subject and predicate are reversed:
“Mary is very beautiful.”
“How beautiful is Mary?”

The do formation is used when the verb is not a modal, a form of the verb “be” or a form of the
helping verb “have,”:
“John ran quickly to school”
“How did John run to school?”

Like “why,” “how” sometimes does not replace a specific word or phrase but asks for the way in
which something was accomplished. The clause in the sentence explaining “how” is usually
introduced with “by”:

“Bill passed the test by studying hard.”

“How did Bill pass the test?”

“Where” refers to adverbials of place or location. If the verb contains no modal, form of the verb “be”
or form of the helping verb “have,” then the subject and predicate are switched.

“The keys are on the table.”

“Where are the keys?”

প্রাথমিক শিক্ষা সমাপনী পরীক্ষা- প্রস্তুতি Wh- Questions তৈরির সহজ

প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থীরা,
শুভেচ্ছা নিও। চলো, আজ আমরা Wh-Questions সম্পর্কে বিস্তারিত শিখি। তুমি যদি Wh-Question তৈরির নিয়মাবলী সত্যিই
শিখতে চাও, তাহলে একটু সময় নিয়ে পূ র্ণ মনোযোগ দিয়ে নিচের নিয়মগুলো পড় আর সংযু ক্ত Exercise এর সবগুলো  শেষ করো।
দেখবে তোমার কাছে Wh-Questions তৈরি সবচেয়ে সহজ মনে হবে এবং তুমি তোমার বন্ধু/বান্ধবীকে ও শিখাতে পারবে,

Dear students, Good luck. Let's learn more about

Wh-Questions today. If you really want to learn
the rules of making Wh-Question, then take a little
time to read the following rules with full attention
and finish all of the combined exercises. You will
find it easier to create Wh-Questions and you will
be able to teach your friend too, Inshallah.
Wh-Question কাকে বলে?
উত্তরঃ ইংরেজী ভাষায় যে Question এর শুরুতে Wh-words (what, who, which, where, when, why, whose,
whom, how) থাকে এবং যে Question এর  Answer কখনোই  ‘হ্যাঁ’ অথবা ‘না’  হয় না, তাকেWh-Question বলে।
Answer: In English, wh-words (what, who, which,
where, when, why, whose, whom, how) are at the
beginning of the question and the answer to the
question which is never 'yes' or 'no' is called Wh-
1.   What is your name?
2.   How are you? ইত্যাদি।
   লক্ষ্য করোঃ Wh- Questions তৈরি করার সময় Auxiliary Verbs: am, is, are, was, were, have, has, had, ,
will, would, can, could, shall, should, may, might ইত্যাদি লাগবে।
  আর Auxiliary Verbs না থাকলে প্রদত্ত Statement/ Affirmative Sentence এর Tense ও Subject এর Number
এবং Person অনু যায়ী do, did, does লাগে।

Auxiliary Verbs: am, is, are, was, were, have, has,

had,, will, would, can, could, shall, should, may,
might etc. If there are no more Auxiliary Verbs,
do, did, does according to the Tense of the given
Statement / Affirmative Sentence and the Number
and Person of the Subject.
  Tense না জানলে  তোমার দ্বারা ইংরেজীতে কোনো কিছু শুদ্ধভাবে পড়া / বলা / লিখা কখনোই সম্ভব নয়।
   লক্ষ্য করোঃ সব ক্ষেত্রে নিচে দাগ দেওয়া (Underlined) শব্দটি বাদ দিয়ে / হাত দিয়ে চাপে ধরে পড়লেই তমি বু ঝতে পারবে Wh-
words: what, who, which, where, when, why, whose, whom, how থেকে কোনটা দিয়ে Wh-question
করতে হবে।

In all cases, you will be able to understand Wh-

words: what, who, which, where, when, why,
whose, whom, how to do Wh-question by
removing the word underlined.
  কোনো Statement এ Underlined Word এর উপর  ভিত্তি করে Wh- question তৈরির সহজ পদ্ধতিসমূ হঃ
Rule:1 Sentence এর শুরুতে কোনো ব্যক্তির নাম / কে / কারা বু ঝায়  এমন শব্দের নিচে দাগ (Underlined) থাকলে
Who দ্বারা Wh- Question তৈরি করতে হয়।
  Jessica is from United Kingdom.  ( কে )
  Ans: Wh-question: Who is from United Kingdom?
  এ ক্ষেত্রে নিচে দাগ দেওয়া শব্দটি বাদ দিয়ে / হাত দিয়ে চাপে ধরে পড়লে তা হবে ‘is from United Kingdom. এর পর
-‘কে’দ্বারা প্রশ্ন করলে প্রশ্নটি হবে- ‘কে United Kingdom হতে এসেছে?’ ‘কে’ এর English হলো Who , তাই Who দিয়ে
Wh- Question  তৈরি করা হয়েছে।
  নিচে দাগ দেওয়া শব্দটি Wh-question এ কখনোই লিখতে হয় না।
  সব ক্ষেত্রে নিচে দাগ দেওয়া (Underlined) শব্দটি বাদ দিয়ে / হাত দিয়ে চাপে ধরে পড়লেই তমি বু ঝতে পারবে Wh-words:
what, who, which, where, when, why, whose, whom, how থেকে কোনটা দিয়ে Wh-question করতে হবে।
                 Tamal and Andy are going to the Book Fair. (কারা)    
                 Ans: Wh-question: Who are going to the Book Fair?
Rule: 2 কাকে /কার সাথে বু ঝায় এমন শব্দের নিচে দাগ থাকলে Whom দ্বারা Wh-Question তৈরি করতে হয়।
Examples: Tamal can meet Andy in an hour. (কার সাথে)     
Ans:Wh-question: Whom can Tamal meet in an hour?
Rina will help Maria. (কাকে)
 Ans:Wh- Question: Whom will Rina help?
Rule:3 কার /কাদের অর্থ্যাৎ কোন কিছু র মালিক কে তা বু ঝায় এমন শব্দের নিচে দাগ থাকলে Whose দ্বারা Wh-
Question তৈরি করতে হয়।
Kishoreganj is Mamun’s home district.(কার)
Ans:Wh- question: Whose home district is  Kishoreganj?
Andy will visit their garden on Sunday. (কাদের)
Ans: Wh-Question: Whose garden will Andy visit on Sunday?
Rule: 4  কীভাবে, কত, কেমন ,কোন উপায়ে ইত্যাদি বু ঝায় এমন শব্দের নিচে দাগ থাকলে How দ্বারা  Wh-
Question  করতে হয়।
Examples:  We walked together in a group.( কীভাবে)
Ans: Wh-Question: How did they walk together? 
( লক্ষ্য করোঃ‘walked’ verb টি  past tense হওয়ায় ‘did’ বসেছে এবং walked এর present tense walk
Sima feels very warm. (কেমন )
Ans: Wh-question: How does Sima feel?
( লক্ষ্য করোঃ‘Feels’ verb টি  Present Indefinite Tense হয়ে এর শেষে ‘s’ থাকায় ‘does’ বসেছে এবং feel

Rule: 5  গণনা করা যায় এরকম ‘কত’ বু ঝায় এমন শব্দের নিচে দাগ থাকলে How many , সংখ্যায় গণনা করা যায়না
এমন ‘কত’ ও কোন কিছু র দাম বু ঝায় এমন শব্দের নিচে দাগ থাকলে How much  দ্বারা  Wh-Question  করতে হয়।
Exqamples: There are five groups of foods in the Food Pyramid. ( Five -গণনা করা যায়  এরকম ‘কত’)
Ans: Wh-Question: How many groups of foods are there in the Food Pyramid?
There is a little water in the pond. (a little-সংখ্যায় গণনা করা যায় না এমন পরিমাণ।)
Ans: Wh-Question: How much water is there in the pond?
Rice is 60 taka per kg.(দাম কত)
Ans: Wh- Question: How much is rice per kg?
Rule:6 সময় /কখন -বু ঝায় এমন শব্দের নিচে দাগ থাকলে When দ্বারা Question করতে হয়।
Andy will go to the Saint Martin’s Island next month.(কখন)
? Island Ans:Wh-Question: When will Andy go to the SaintMartin’s?
Rule:7 স্থান / জায়গার নাম বু ঝায় এমন শব্দের নিচে দাগ দেয়া থাকলে   Where দ্বারা Wh-question তৈরি করতে
Saikat lives in an apartment in Bogra.(কোথায়)
Ans:Wh-Question: Where does Saikat live?
Rule:8 কেন / কী কারণে / কী জন্য/ কিসের জন্য বু ঝায় এমন শব্দের নিচে দাগ দেয়া থাকলে Why দ্বারা Wh-
Question করতে হয়।
Sima did not go to school for her illness.(কেনো)
Ans: Wh-Question: Why did Sima not go to school?
Or, Why didn’t Sima go to school?
I eat balanced diet because I want to be happy. (কেনো)
Ans: Wh-Question :Why do you eat balanced diet?
Rule:9 কোনটি/ কোনগুলো বু ঝায় এমন শব্দের নিচে দাগ থাকলে  Which দ্বারা Wh-Question করতে হয়।
I like blue pen. (কোনটি)
Ans: Wh- Question: Which pen do you like?
(Like শব্দটি s/es ছাড়া Present Tense হওয়ায় ‘do’ আনা হয়েছে।)
Saikat’s favourite cartoons are Muto Patlo, Tom & Jerry and Ninja.( কোনগুলো)
Ans: Wh-Question: Which are Saikat’s favourite cartoons?
(*** এই নিয়মটির ক্ষেত্রে What দিয়ে ও Wh-Question তৈরি করা যায়।)
a)   কোন ব্যক্তি কী করেন/কী কাজ করেন /কোন লোকের পেশা -বু ঝায় এমন শব্দের নিচে দাগ থাকলে What দিয়ে Wh-
Question করতে হয়।
Example: Raju is a firefighter. (কী করেন)
Ans: Wh-Question: What is Raju?
b)    কোন ধরনের/ কোন প্রকারের/ কী রকম -বু ঝায় এমন শব্দের নিচে দাগ থাকলে What kind of/ What kinds of (বহু বচনের
সময়) দিয়ে Wh-Question করতে হয়।
Examples: The hare was the fastest animal in the forest. (কোন ধরনের)
Ans: Wh-question: What kind of animal was the hare in the forest?
Vegetables, fruits and bread are healthy food items. (কী রকম)
Ans: Wh- Question: What kinds of food items are vegetables, fruits and bread?
c)     কী/ কোন কিছু র তথ্য -বু ঝায় এমন শব্দের নিচে দাগ থাকলে What দিয়ে Wh-Question করতে হয়।
Examples:  Nasreen likes ice-cream with chocolate. (কী)
Ans: Wh-Question: What does Nasreen like?

Making Wh questions
April 9, 2017skylarkedu
W/h question begins with some specific words like who, which, what, when, where,
why, how, whom, how much, how many. These are known as ‘WH’ questions.
Question words are also called wh questions because they include the letters ‘W’ and
words Meaning Examples

who person Who’s that? That’s Nantu.

where place Where do you live? In Dhaka.

Why do you sleep early? Because I’ve got

why reason to get up early.

when time When do you go to work? At 7:00

how manner How do you go? By car

what object, idea or action What do you do? I am an engineer

which choice Which one do you prefer? The red one.

whose possession Whose is this book? It’s Alam’s.

whom object of the verb Whom did you meet? I met the manager.

What kind of music do you like? I like quiet

what kind description songs

what time time What time did you come home?

How many students are there? There are

how many quantity (countable) twenty.

amount, price
how much (uncountable) How much time have we got? Ten minutes

how long duration, length How long did you stay in that hotel? For
two weeks.

How often do you go to the gym? Twice a

how often frequency week.

how far distance How far is your school? It’s one mile far.

how old age How old are you? I’m 16.

how come reason How come I didn’t see you at the party?

Formation of Interrogative sentences with W/h question

3.2.1 W/h+ auxiliary verb + sub + verb + ext +?

When did he leave? Why did you choose to keep your child? How did it get so late
so soon? Where do you want to go today? Where do you work? When does she
wake up? Whom did you see? How does this work? When did Nina sleep well?
What did you do then? What would you like to eat? Who/whom/what do you want
to see? What will he say? Who/whom/what did you see? About who/whom/what
are you speaking? What do you mean? Who do you think is right?

3.2.2 W/h + verb+ ext +?

Who wants to save the world? What is the use of a house? Are you a good witch or
a bad witch? Why is a raven like a writing-desk? Who is your brother? Where are
you from? Who is that man? When is your class? Are you from Canada? Whose are
these keys? Who is knocking at the door? What is your phone number? Who came
here in the morning? Which/what is better – wisdom or riches? What is a continent?
Who knows the answer?

3.2.3 W/h+ to be verb + sub + verb3 + ext +?

How was it done well? Why is it shown to him? What is it meant? When has the
glass been broken? How is she informed tonight? Why can he be called today?
What was he asked for? When have you been seen by me? How am I helped? By
who/whom was this book written?

3.2.4 W/h + noun + auxiliary verb + sub + verb+ ext +?

Whose turn is it? Which colour do you want? How much wealth do you need?
Which book have you lost that you are searching? Which book do you like? Which
offer did he choose? What kind of place do you live in? Which painting do you like
the best? Whose parents are coming to the meeting tomorrow? What time must we
be there? What kind of music do you listen to? How much money do you have?

Make Wh questions from the given sentences (by using Who, What, When, Where,
Why, Which and How). Student will make question with the underlined word.
(Competency based)

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