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From the previous calculations velocity of Vapor is already calculated 10 m/s

2. Mass flow rate of mixture x (vapor mass fraction) * void frction= Vapor mass flowrate
3. Vapor mass flowrate/ Density of Vapor= Volumetric Vapor flowrate = Qv
4. Since uniformly distributed, liquid film thickness can be calculated by following equation:
Qv / ( Pi x (D-2f)^2 / 4 ) = Vapor velocity = 10 m/s
Where Qv is vapor volumetric rate, D is pipe diameter, f is film thickness. f can be calculated as other v

Vapor Velocity = 10 m/s

Mass flux = 1500 kg/m2s
Diameter = 0.038 m
Area = 0.00113411 m2
Mass flowrate = 1.70117242 kg/s
Vapor Mass fraction = 0.3807
Vapor Mass flowarte = 0.64763634 kg/s
Density = 70.11 kg/m3
Vapor vol flowrate = 0.00923743 m3/s
Thickness = 0.036 m
= 10 m/s

= 0.002 m
= 2 mm

Simplified approach as follows

(D-2f)/D = sqrt (0.81)

= 0.0019 m
apor mass flowrate

by following equation:

ess. f can be calculated as other variables are known.

Multipied by void fraction

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