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Department of Education

Region x
Division of Cagayan de Oro City

Basic Calculus
History of
10th – 21st Century of Mathematics

Submitted by:
Rodolf Gerone G. Macahilos
Grade 11 – Rydberg

Submitted to:
Sir Ferdinand V. Corpuz
Basic Calculus Adviser

During the 10th century of mathematics, Islamic scientists were involved in
three major mathematical projects: the completion of arithmetic algorithms, the
development of algebra, and the extension of geometry. The first of these projects led to
the appearance of three complete numeration systems, one of which was the finger
arithmetic used by the scribes and treasury officials. However, in the 11th century
mathematics, Abu Rayhan al-Biruni , also an Islamic mathematician, made full-size
contribution to mathematics, the methods of solving algebraic equations, geometry, and
the improvement of Archimedes' theorems. He also contributed a great part in the
summation of series, combinatorial analysis, and the rule of three, irrational numbers,
ratio theory, and algebraic definition. In the 11th century a new phase of mathematics
began with the translations from Arabic. By the 12th Century, Europe, particularly Italy,
was beginning to trade with the East, and Eastern knowledge gradually began to spread
to the West. Robert of Chester translated Al-Khwarizmi's important book on algebra into
Latin in the 12th Century, and the complete text of Euclid's “Elements” was translated in
various versions by Adelard of Bath, Herman of Carinthia and Gerard of Cremona. The
great expansion of trade and commerce in general created a growing practical need for
mathematics, and arithmetic entered much more into the lives of common people and
was no longer limited to the academic realm.
In the 13th century, Ancient Chinese mathematicians made advances in
algorithm development and algebra. While the Greek mathematics declined in the west
during the mediaeval times, the achievement of Chinese algebra reached its zenith
when Zhu Shijie invented the method of four unknowns. During the 13th century of
mathematics, Leonardo Fibonacci, the most talented mathematician in middle age,
came on the stage. He was the man who reconstructed mathematics of the middle age
and also came up with the Fibonacci sequence. During the 14th century of
mathematics, the development of new mathematical concepts to investigate a wide
range of problems was progressed. The development of mathematics of local motion
was the most important contribution in that era. The cultural, intellectual and artistic
movement of the Renaissance, which saw a resurgence of learning based on classical
sources, began in Italy around the 14th Century, and gradually spread across most of
Europe over the next two centuries.
An important figure in the late 15th and early 16th Centuries is an Italian
Franciscan friar called Luca Pacioli, who published a book on arithmetic, geometry and
book-keeping at the end of the 15th Century which became quite popular for the
mathematical puzzles it contained. It also introduced symbols for plus and minus for the
first time in a printed, symbols that were to become standard notation. Pacioli also
investigated the Golden Ratio of 1 : 1.618... in his 1509 book "The Divine Proportion",
concluding that the number was a message from God and a source of secret knowledge
about the inner beauty of things. During the 16th and early 17th Century, the equals,
multiplication, division, radical (root), decimal and inequality symbols were gradually
introduced and standardized. The use of decimal fractions and decimal arithmetic is
usually attributed to the Flemish mathematician Simon Stevin the late 16th Century,
although the decimal point notation was not popularized until early in the 17th Century.
Leonhard Euler was one of the giants of 18th Century mathematics. Like the
Bernoulli’s, he was born in Basel, Switzerland, and he studied for a while under Johann
Bernoulli at Basel University. Today, Euler is considered one of the greatest
mathematicians of all time. His interests covered almost all aspects of mathematics,
from geometry to calculus to trigonometry to algebra to number theory, as well as
optics, astronomy, cartography, mechanics, weights and measures and even the theory
of music.
The 19th Century saw an unprecedented increase in the breadth and complexity
of mathematical concepts. Both France and Germany were caught up in the age of
revolution which swept Europe in the late 18th Century, but the two countries treated
mathematics quite differently. In the mid-19th Century, the British mathematician
George Boole devised an algebra (now called Boolean algebra or Boolean logic), in
which the only operators were AND, OR and NOT, and which could be applied to the
solution of logical problems and mathematical functions. He also described a kind of
binary system which used just two objects, "on" and "off" (or "true" and "false", 0 and 1,
etc), in which, famously, 1 + 1 = 1. Boolean algebra was the starting point of modern
mathematical logic and ultimately led to the development of computer science.
The 20th Century continued the trend of the 19th towards increasing
generalization and abstraction in mathematics, in which the notion of axioms as “self-
evident truths” was largely discarded in favour of an emphasis on such logical concepts
as consistency and completeness. It also saw mathematics become a major profession,
involving thousands of new Ph.D.s each year and jobs in both teaching and industry,
and the development of hundreds of specialized areas and fields of study, such as
group theory, knot theory, sheaf theory, topology, graph theory, functional analysis,
singularity theory, catastrophe theory, chaos theory, model theory, category theory,
game theory, complexity theory and many more.
Finally, in the 21st century of mathematics, math became a part of our lives.
Creativity, innovation, critical thinking, problem solving, communication, and
collaboration are all a part of a 21st century math learning experience. 21st century
math classrooms are not defined with program adoptions, learning resources and online
tools, but rather are defined by how the learning experience is brought to life.
Understanding how instruction can be designed to develop 21st century knowledge and
skills requires an understanding of the differences between "push and pull" learning.

Self: For me, mathematics has really made me a better person. Mathematics became a
part of my life because as a student, I must learn and continue to adapt to it to gain
more knowledge not only about number but also in understanding our world.
Family: For my family, they are the one who introduced me to mathematics. Since I
was a child, they thought me how to count numbers using my hands until solving simple
mathematical equations.
Community: For the community, they showed me the complexity of mathematics. They
applied mathematics in almost every aspects of our lives.
Science and Technology: For science and technology, mathematics continues to
evolve. From equations to formulas, mathematics plays a great impact in science and

From what I have learned while reading and researching about mathematics,
mathematics came a long way, from different discoveries and formulations to
inventions. I learned that even way before Christ has dwelled our planet, math already
existed. That is why we must continue to develop and improve mathematics to unlock
greater discoveries and knowledge that would benefit us and future generations.

From what I have searched, I therefore conclude that mathematics will always be
a part of our lives. Our life revolves around the body of knowledge of mathematics.
Therefore we must continue to develop and enhance it for us to reach greater heights
involving mathematics.

As for my evaluation for the history of mathematics, one can infer that
mathematics is a never ending process of development and formulation. It
takes time to understand mathematics but eventually it would become very
useful to all individuals. Today, mathematics plays a vital role in our lives,
everything revolves around mathematics. Without it, we will not be able to
achieve what we are today.

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