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Module 1 – In class activity 1

Type of Assignment: Individual Submission

Length: 45 Minutes

Submission: SLATE Dropbox/Assignments


 Understand the importance of social media and its impact on a business

 Understand Monetization strategy
 Value the practice of working in a team
 Develop creative thinking skills


Par 1: Importance of social media

Video link:
After watching the video, I would like you to answer the two questions below.

1. What does this video mean for a business? List three things a business can learn from this
incident in terms of customer service in the era of social media?
For a business to have a viral video made about their poor customer service, it really damages their
brand image and lowers their goodwill. In the era of social media, what a business can learn from
this incident is that complaints are not only directed towards businesses anymore but can be shared
with other customers as well. Resolve customer issues or they can attack the business by sharing
their negative experience. If brand image takes a big hit, then it can lead to boycotts of the business.
So, in this era, a business must not only deliver quality product but quality service as well so as to
protect their brand image.

2. As a business student list three take away from this video in regards to impact of social media on
a business.
Three things to take away from this video are: power of social media, always practice good service
and do not fight with customers. Social media has great power in that it can build or destroy one’s
brand image. A business needs to ensure that its employees practice good customer service so as to
avoid situations like this in the first place. If the situation escalates however, then by all means do
not fight the customer as it is never a good look.

In class activity 1: Digital Marketing Page 1 of 2

Part 2: Monetization Strategy

1. What is a monetization strategy? Visit and explain how Twitter monetizes its
A monetization strategy refers to a way for a business to generate revenue. Twitter monetizes its
business by its advertising platform. Twitter offers the following to monetize: promoted tweets,
promoted accounts and promoted trends.

2. List the core components and activities of Social Media Value Chain?
Core components:
- Infrastructure
- Channels/Hosts
- Supporting software and services
- Devices

- Share
- Create
- Talk
- Work
- Buy/Sell
- Learn

In class activity 1: Digital Marketing Page 2 of 2

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