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Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 2007; 10: 19–26 Chowdhury REVIEW ARTICLE

Pathophysiology of CHD 19

Pathophysiology of Congenital Heart Diseases

Devyani Chowdhury, MBBS, FAAP, FACC
Consultant, Department of Paediatric Cardiology, St. Stephens Hospital, Tis Hazari, Delhi

C ongenital heart disease occurs in 8 children

for every 1000 liveborns. Out of these 50% are
significant in the sense that they produce
This article will focus on the pathophysiology
of some of the commonly encountered congenital
heart defects. In addition, physiology of some
haemodynamic effects. The classification of surgical procedures such as Glenn and Fontan will
congenital heart diseases is shown in table 1. also be described.


Table 1. Classification of Congenital Heart Diseases:
1. Left to right shunts
The commonest physiology that is seen in
Atrial level: ASD, TAPVC
patients with congenital heart disease is left to right
Ventricular level: VSD
shunts. A physiological left to right shunt is when
Great artery level: PDA, AP window,
oxygenated blood returns back to the lungs to
Truncus arteriosus
get re-oxygenated. This creates a redundancy in
Coronary level: ALCAPA, coronary fistula
the circulation. In patients with left to right shunt,
2. Right to left shunts
there is an increased venous return from the
TOF physiology
TGA physiology
lungs via the pulmonary veins to the left atrium
3. Left heart obstructive lesions
and the left ventricle (LV). This creates a volume
Obstructed veins
overload on the LV. Thus, in a left to right shunt
Mitral stenosis there is a volume overload to the LV, pulmonary
Aortic stenosis circulation and a decreased systemic cardiac
Coarctation output.
Interrupted aortic arch
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome The physiological alterations associated with
4. Right heart obstructive lesion left to right shunt lesions at the ventricular or
Pulmonary stenosis / atresia great artery level are determined principally by the
Tricuspid stenosis size of the defect and the post-natal changes in
Hypoplastic right heart systemic (SVR) and pulmonary (PVR) vascular
5. Single ventricle resistances. In the foetal stage a large defect has no
6. Others major physiological effect as the PVR is high,
Vascular rings which limits the blood flow to the lungs. With
Venous anomalies transition to extra-uterine circulation there is a
Arteriovenous fistulae decrease in the PVR with a simultaneous increase
ASD: atrial septal defect, TAPVC: total anomalous pulmonary venous connection,
in SVR (Fig. 1). This usually happens between
VSD: ventricular septal defect, PDA: patent ductus arteriosus, AP: aorto- 2-6 weeks of life and causes manifestation of
pulmonary, ALCAPA: anomalous left coronary artery from pulmonary artery,
TOF: tetralogy of Fallot, TGA: transposition of great arteries. left to right shunts in the form of congestive heart
failure. In addition, the physiological nadir in the
haemoglobin that occurs in the first 3 months also
Address for Correspondence: Dr. Devyani Chowdhury, Consultant Paediatric
Cardiologist, St. Stephens Hospital, Tis Hazari, Delhi.
exaggerates heart failure.
Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 2007; 10: 19–26 Any manoeuvres that decrease the PVR such as
Key words: Congenital heart disease, Pathophysiology, Heart disease administration of oxygen, nitric oxide, or low

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20 Chowdhury Pathophysiology of CHD Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 2007; 10: 19–26

Atrial septal defect (ASD, Fig. 2)

Fig. 1. X-axis depicts age of the patient from antenatal to postnatal

period and Y-axis depicts the pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR).
There is a decrease in PVR at birth which continues to decline in the
first 2-6 weeks.

arterial carbon dioxide tension and alkalosis will

increase the left to right shunt. This increase in left Fig. 2. Showing atrial septal defect (ASD). Arrows depict flow of red
blood from left atrium (LA) to right atrium (RA) across the ASD. There
to right shunt will be at the cost of decreased is dilated RA and right ventricle (RV). (LV: left ventricle, PA: pulmo-
systemic output. With continued left to right nary artery, A: aorta, IVC: inferior vena cava, SVC: superior vena cava,
PV: pulmonary vein)
shunting of blood, there is damage to the
pulmonary vasculature ultimately causing
hyperplasia of the vessel walls and pulmonary In an ASD, there is a left to right shunt at the
hypertension. Reversible pulmonary hypertension atrial level. This results in dilatation of right atrium
patho-physiologically indicates that with the and right ventricle with increased pulmonary
discontinuation of the left to right shunt there will venous return to the left atrium. This causes a
be return to normal PVR so the elevated PVR is volume overload to the left atrium also. In an ASD
secondary to increased pulmonary blood flow there is therefore bi-atrial volume overload and a
(Qp). Another circumstance, which is unrelated volume overload to the right ventricle (RV). With
to left to right shunt where the PVR is reversible, time there is a progression towards irreversibility
is when the left atrial pressure is elevated as in of the PVR.
mitral stenosis in the face of a normal Qp. In these
patients relief of the mitral stenosis decreases the Haemodynamics
trans-pulmonary gradient and PVR returns to
normal. Saturation data: Since the left to right shunt is at
the atrial level there is a step up of saturation from
Irreversible pulmonary hypertension indicates the superior vena cava (SVC) to the right atrium.
that the elevated resistance is secondary to changes The pulmonary artery saturation will be higher
in the vessel wall (Heath Edward Class III or than the SVC saturation and will indicate the
greater). In this circumstance the Qp can be same degree of left to right shunt. Higher the pulmonary
or just slightly above systemic flow but the mean artery saturation greater is the left to right shunt.
pulmonary artery pressure is elevated or there is a
high trans-pulmonary gradient. A PVR greater than Pressure Data: The right atrial and left atrial
8 woods unit or a ratio of PVR:SVR > 0.5 is even pressures will be equal and normal. The RV
more significant indicator of pulmonary vascular pressure will be lower than the LV pressure, but
disease. may be slightly higher than normal. The RV

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Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 2007; 10: 19–26 Chowdhury Pathophysiology of CHD 21

Fig. 3. A picture depicting a ventricular septal defect (VSD) with a left

to right shunt.

pressure can be about 1/3 to 1/2 systemic pressure

in a large ASD. Fig. 4. Showing patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). The arrow depicts a
left to right shunt from the aorta to the pulmonary artery via PDA.
(RA: right atrium, LA: left atrium, RV right ventricle, LV: left ventricle,
Ventricular septal defect (VSD, Fig. 3) PA: pulmonary artery, Ao: aorta, IVC: inferior vena cava, SVC: superior
vena cava, PV: pulmonary vein)
In VSD, there is a left to right shunt across the
ventricular level. This shunting occurs during
systole and blood from LV is ejected in systole to pressure restricted (RV pressure less than half
the pulmonary circulation and causes a volume systemic pressure) but still is not volume restricted
overload to the left atrium and the LV. There is (i.e Qp:Qs > 2:1).
increased Qp. There is no volume overload to the
RV as blood physiologically during systole makes Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA, Fig. 4)
it directly into the pulmonary circulation. Since in
a VSD, the shunting occurs during systole (high In a PDA, there is a left to right shunt during
pressure), the left to right shunt is systole and diastole from the aorta to the
haemodynamically more significant and the pulmonary artery. Compared to the aorta the
progression towards pulmonary vascular disease pulmonary artery pressures are lower in both
is sooner. It is important to recognize that in a large systole and diastole so there is a continuous shunt.
VSD both the right and the left ventricles are at This shunt creates a volume overload on the left
systemic pressure, but the blood still shunts left to atrium and LV. The shunting during diastole,
right due to lower PVR distally. particularly in a large PDA may produce steal of
blood from coronary artery. Again in a large PDA,
Haemodynamics there is progression of pulmonary vascular disease.
An aorto-pulmonary window physiologically is
There is a step up in the saturation from SVC to like a large PDA.
pulmonary artery. The RV pressure is determined
by the size of the VSD— a large VSD (equal or Haemodynamics
larger than the size of aortic annulus) will have
systemic RV pressure. In the face of a small VSD, With left to right shunt there is a step up of
the RV pressure can be normal. If there is saturation from the SVC to pulmonary artery. The
pulmonary vascular disease then the RV pressure RV pressure is normal unless there is pulmonary
will be elevated. It is possible to have a VSD that is artery hypertension.

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22 Chowdhury Pathophysiology of CHD Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 2007; 10: 19–26

Truncus arteriosus pulmonary hypertensive crisis. In addition, it is

important to recognize those patients that have
In truncus arteriosus, the pulmonary arteries are pulmonary venous obstruction as in these patients,
connected to the aorta. A decrease in PVR at birth there is a mechanical obstruction to the return of
causes a left to right shunt with evidence of pulmonary venous blood causing systemic to
congestive heart failure. These patients have a very supra-systemic pulmonary pressures with an
high incidence of pulmonary hypertension and extremely low cardiac output.
vascular disease.
Anomalous left coronary artery from
Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection pulmonary artery (Fig. 6)
(Fig. 5)
The left coronary artery arises from the
In this condition, the pulmonary venous return pulmonary artery. With a decrease in PVR, there is
is to the right heart. There is complete mixing of left to right shunt created within the myocardial
blue and red blood. Some of this mixed blood bed. The oxygenated blood from aorta goes to the
crosses over to the left heart via an atrial level shunt right coronary artery, in the capillary network with
and the patient has systemic cyanosis. There is a the left coronary artery there is a left to right shunt,
left to right shunt as the oxygenated blood returns the blood from right coronary artery goes into the
back to the lungs to get oxygenated. However, the left coronary artery and then into the pulmonary
right atrium and RV are enlarged and the left heart artery. There is retrograde filling of the left
appears small as there is paucity of blood returning coronary artery and at the same time there is
to the left heart. Although the left heart is formed myocardial steal causing myocardial ischaemia and
normally, it is very non-compliant and has diastolic infarction. This causes a dilated cardiomyopathy
dysfunction. with mitral regurgitation.

There is a very dynamic pulmonary vascular bed

and these patients are very predisposed to

Fig. 6. Showing anomalous left coronary artery from pulmonary artery.

The figure demonstrates retrograde filling of the left corononary artery.


Fig. 5. Showing total anomalous pulmonary venous return. All the
pulmonary venous return returns to the right heart and then mixed A physiological right to left shunt is when the
blood crosses over via an atrial septal defect (ASD) to the left heart.
(RA: right atrium, LA: left atrium, RV: right ventricle, LV: left ventricle,
deoxygenated blood that returns from the tissues
PA: pulmonary artery, Ao: aorta, IVC: inferior vena cava, SVC: superior returns back to the body without getting re-
vena cava, PV: pulmonary vein) oxygenated.

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Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 2007; 10: 19–26 Chowdhury Pathophysiology of CHD 23

Tetralogy of Fallot (Fig. 7) RV to shunt across the VSD to the systemic

circulation. There is no pulmonary venous return
In a Tetrology of Fallot, due to presence of RV to the left heart. The physiological treatment of
outflow tract obstruction, there is a right to left “Tet” spell is to increase the SVR and to increase
shunt across the large non-restricted VSD. The the preload of the right heart. These manoeuvres
patient is cyanotic due to paucity of pulmonary will decrease the right to left shunt and increase
blood flow. In the absence of additional sources of the flow across the pulmonary valve.
blood flow, the LV is smaller than RV as the
pulmonary venous return is decreased. Transposition of great arteries (TGA, Fig. 8)

Haemodynamics In transposition of great arteries there is

ventriculo-arterial discordance; RV connected to
The saturation in the pulmonary artery is the aorta and LV to pulmonary artery. This creates a
same as the superior vena cava. The saturation in parallel circulation in contrast to a normal series
the aorta is lower than the saturation in the circulation. The deoxygenated blood returning to
pulmonary vein due to a right to left shunt at the the right heart returns back to the systemic
ventricular level. The RV pressures are systemic circulation and the oxygenated blood from the
due to the presence of a non-restrictive VSD and pulmonary venous side returns back to the lungs.
the pulmonary artery pressures are normal. Therefore, in transposition, there is physiologically
a complete left to right shunt and a complete right
to left shunt. The only way for the patient to survive
is, if there is anatomically a shunt from the right heart
to the left heart and vice versa. This will allow some
of the deoxygenated blood to reach the pulmonary
circulation and oxygenated blood to the systemic
circulation. So in a transposition physiology, there
is no paucity of pulmonary blood flow, but there
is poor “mixing” of blood. So manoeuvres to
augment pulmonary blood flow like a shunt do not
necessarily treat the cyanosis. To increase the atrial
level mixing by creating a septostomy is a more
effective way to treat the cyanosis.


There is a step up of saturation from the SVC to

the aorta if there is mixing of blood at the atrial or
ventricular level or great artery level. The
pulmonary artery saturations are increased as the
pulmonary venous blood returns to the pulmonary
artery. The saturation data is extremely difficult to
interpret in a TGA. If there is an anatomical shunt
Fig 7. Showing tetralogy of Fallot. There is obstruction to blood flow from the RV to LV, then only there is a decrease in
across the pulmonary artery causing a right to left shunt across the pulmonary artery saturation. The RV pressures
ventricular septal defect as indicated by the arrow. (RA: right atrium, remain systemic, however, the LV pressures
LA: left atrium, RV: right ventricle, LV: left ventricle, PA: pulmonary
artery, Ao: aorta) decrease in association with a decrease in PVR,
unless there is another cause of maintaining high
In a “Tet” spell, there is spasm of the LV pressure like a large non-restrictive VSD or a
infundibular muscle causing all the blood from the large non-restrictive PDA.

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24 Chowdhury Pathophysiology of CHD Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 2007; 10: 19–26

Fig. 9. This demonstrates complete mixing as is seen in a single

ventricle when compared to a normal ventricular heart.
Fig. 8. Showing circulation in transposition of great arteries. In (RA: right atrium, LA: left atrium, RV: right ventricle, LV: left ventricle,
transposition, there is a parallel circulation creating a physiological PA: pulmonary artery, Ao: aorta, SV: single ventricle)
state that is incompatible with life. There is shunting of blood between
right heart and left heart (anatomical shunts) at atrial, ventricular or
great artery level causing mixing that allows compatibility with life.
(RV right ventricle, LV: left ventricle, PA: pulmonary artery, Ao: aorta) is pumping cardiac output Q, which is equal to Qs
plus Qp (Q = Qp + Qs). This creates a volume load
Double outlet right ventricle (DORV) on the single ventricle.

In a patient with DORV depending on the Single ventricle physiology with severe
relationship of the great arteries and the VSD, there pulmonary stenosis or pulmonary atresia will
can be manifestation of one of the 3 physiology: require a systemic to pulmonary shunt (Blalock-
VSD physiology with left to right shunt and Taussig shunt) as there is paucity of pulmonary
congestive heart failure, Tet physiology in the face blood flow.
of pulmonary stenosis causing paucity of
pulmonary blood flow causing cyanosis, or a Superior vena cava to pulmonary artery
transposition physiology causing cyanosis with connection
congestive heart failure.
In the steps of palliation of a single ventricle
Single ventricle (Fig. 9) towards a Fontan operation, a SVC to pulmonary
artery connection is made (Glenn shunt). This now
There is complete mixing of blood and the directs the venous return from the SVC as the sole
quantity of pulmonary flow will be governed by venous return to the lungs. This return will be
degree of pulmonary stenosis. In the face of no dependent on upper body circulation, especially
pulmonary stenosis the Qp is far greater than Qs, the circulation to brain in children and distally on
as the PVR will be much lower than SVR, causing the PVR. There is no pumping chamber
increased left to right shunt and congestive heart incorporated in this connection, so the flow is
failure. In case of severe stenosis, there is a completely passive. Manoeuvres that decrease
necessity of a ductus or a shunt to maintain venous return from brain will decrease the venous
adequate pulmonary blood flow. Also, there can return to the lungs. Hyperventilation decreases
be cases with just enough pulmonary stenosis that cerebral perfusion and hence will decrease the
may create a balanced circulation where Qp:Qs is venous return to the SVC and decrease Glenn flow.
between 1:1 and 2:1. However, hyperventilation will also decrease PVR
and may augment the passive venous return to the
In any of the above scenarios the single ventricle lungs in a Glenn circulation. So it is important that

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Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 2007; 10: 19–26 Chowdhury Pathophysiology of CHD 25

very important that the PVR be low to allow

forward flow of blood in the pulmonary circulation.
Positive pressure ventilation increases the intra-
thoracic pressure and hinders the Fontan
circulation. It is prudent to discontinue positive
pressure ventilation in this circulation as soon as
possible. Also, hyperventilation by providing rapid
multiple breaths also hinders the circulation, as this
does not allow for the blood to go through the
Fontan circulation. A Fontan physiology requires
normal number of breaths in the face of positive
pressure ventilation.

Sometimes patients have elevated pressures in

the Fontan baffle and in these patients to avoid a



Fig. 10. Bi-directional Glenn shunt demonstrating a superior vena cava

to pulmonary connection and the blood flow is passive. This is a
temporary surgical procedure as an intermediate procedure for hearts
with only one usable ventricle. (in this illustration tricuspid atresia)
(RA: right atrium, LA: left atrium, LV: left ventricle, PA: pulmonary artery,
Ao: aorta)

there be a balance of ventilation to avoid extreme


After a Glenn shunt, the single ventricle receives Fig. 11. Demonstrates a Fontan baffle which is fenestrated as indicated
by the arrow. (SVC: superior vena cava, IVC: inferior vena cava, RPA:
the inferior vena cava (IVC) blood, so the systemic right pulmonary artery)
circulation still receives cyanotic blood, but now
the ventricle is pumping only one cardiac output;
Q is equal to Qs only, Qp is exclusively from passive
flow from the SVC. Thus a Glenn shunt takes the
volume load off from the single ventricle.

Fontan physiology
In a patient with Fontan repair, the IVC and SVC
blood is directed passively to the pulmonary
circulation. The only source of blue blood to the
systemic circulation is from the coronary sinus. The
blue and the red blood are thus separated. The
venous return from the liver is also directed to the
pulmonary circulation, which then allows the IVC
regression or prevention of formation of pulmonary
arteriovenous malformations. Since the Fontan Fig. 12. Demonstrates an extra cardiac Fontan connection made with
a Gore-tex tube.
circulation does not incorporate a pumping (SVC: superior vena cava, RPA: right pulmonary artery, RA: right
chamber, there is a passive flow in the circuit. It is atrium, IVC: inferior vena cava)

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26 Chowdhury Pathophysiology of CHD Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 2007; 10: 19–26

low output state, often a fenestration is created pathophysiology is extremely important for safe
between the Fontan baffle and the right atrium, anaesthetic management of these patients.
which allows for a “pop-off” and maintains cardiac
output but at the cost of cyanosis. Further reading:

The current strategy in placing the Fontan baffle 1. Garson Jr. A, Bricker JT, Fisher DJ, Neish SR,
is to place it outside the heart to minimize atrial Eds. The Science and Practice of Pediatric
surgery and future risks of arrhythmias – this is Cardiology, 2nd edition, William & Wilkins,
then called an extra-cardiac Fontan. Baltimore 1998
2. Rudolph AM, Ed. Congenital disease of the
In conclusion, there is a complex cardiac and heart: clinical-physiological considerations, 2nd
respiratory physiology that is created by congenital edition, Blackwell Publishing, 2001
heart disease. An understanding of the

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