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(10 points)
a. Complete each conversation with forms of there is or there are.

Example: A: ____Is there more food? I’m still hungry.

B: Yes, _____there are______ cookies in the kitchen.

A:          there ir more                               any more rolls. We ate them all.

B: That’s true, but         there is still one                                a whole loaf of bread.

A: Jeff ate all the pie, and now          there is not                               any left!
B:         there s still                                one piece I hid in the cupboard for you.

A:         there are                                more juice? I really want some.

B:            there are                         lots of grocery stores where you could get some

b. Write a, an, or the to complete the paragraph.

- My husband and I first met at an Italian restaurant. We decided to go again last night.
They were having      a          special free salad.
We love               the              salads

there. It’s …an…. expensive restaurant but, we like to go there because …the….. food is
10. 11.

c.Read each sentence. Then check (✓) Present or Future to tell when the action takes

Present Future

Ex: I’m making dinner for my friends on Friday. (✓) ( )

12. Your dad is trying to hear the TV. ( ✓ ) ( )

13. Marissa is studying, so she can’t come over right now. ( ) (x )

14. Hank is practicing basketball after school. (x ) ( )

15. We’re enjoying our vacation at the beach now. ( ✓ ) ( )

16. What are you doing on Friday night? ( ) ( ✓ )

17. I’m watching my favorite TV show tonight. ( ✓ ) ( )

d. Choose the correct words to complete the paragraph.

Example: Sometimes, a person ( can / [has to] ) make a difficult choice.

I don’t know if I ( have to / can ) play basketball with my friends after school because
I ( can / have to ) study for tomorrow’s test. Most days, I ( can / have to ) get some studying
19. 20.
done after dinner, but tonight I ( can / have to ) decide what to do.
Will you still have enough time to do exercises? Well, I think I ( can / have to ) start now.

e. Complete each conversation with the simple present tense or the present continuous of
the verb. Do not use contractions.

A: She go to school every day. (go)


B: Yes, Maria excersice to be healthier these days. (exercise)


25. A: John play tennis again this afternoon. (play)

26. B: He becoming a very good player now. (become)

27. A: Dan and Dave are so friendly. They making new this week. (make)

28. B: I know. Look, they tell jokes to strangers right now. (tell)

29. A: I heard that you going to Europe next week. (go)

30. B: I traveling every vacations. (travel)

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