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Desarrollo de nuevos productos

Andrea Vásquez


Lian fernando moreno



Universidad nacional abierta y a distancia


Cead palnira
Objetivo general

Estipular materias primas sobre la el aborcion de nuevos productos y tener en cuentas varios
parámetros y pc pcc en alguno de sus puntos
Objetivo especifico

Llevar detalle a detalle cada materia prima y cada pc y pcc para tener un buen proceso que
también viene evidenciado en el diagrama de flujo
1. Selection of raw materials and new components for the new product


The new product selected is the passion fruit flavor beer with less hops to remove some bitterness
and give it more freshness with the passion fruit in the fermentation

raw Materials

hops, passion fruit, malt, water, optimal for the process, yeast

2. Design a flow chart where you establish the process stages. It is recommended to
use the Lucid chart tool or other technological resources that allow them to make a
properly organized and signaled diagram

3. Determine unit operations that may occur during the process.


having the must very hot when adding the yeast will spoil the process

If the initial water is not at 75 degrees, sugars will be lost and the malt will be optimal for

the packaging must be very well disinfected so as not to poison the consumer
4. Identify control variables: Control variables are those parameters that are necessary

 in the process we can evidence degrees brix ° to start heating the water

 density to measure how many degrees of alcohol the product comes out

 by controlling it we will have a good fermentation

5. From safety, establish possible PC - PCC.Socialize the product developed so that, in

consensus, select the control sheet that will


in this process the critical point would be at the moment of adding the yeast so that it can ferment
in the correct way

the pcc must be the temperature so that all processes are optimal

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