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1.They consist of different prices which are aimed
towards different visitor segments.Price can be
determined by the cost of travel,accommodation and
involvement in a variety of selected services at a
particular destination.Prices change as seasons change
for example in peak seasons prices are very high
because many tourists will be purchasing products in
bulk,in off peak seasons prices are usually low due to a
low visitor arrival in destinations.
2.They also include natural and man-made attractions
which include landscape,beaches and
climate,museums,organized festivals and
theatres,these bring customer satisfaction and a lot of
revenue for many organisations.
3.Images are very essential because they influence the
buyer’s activity,They are important and motivators in
holiday choice for many visitors especially how the
press covers them, has the most influence in their
decision making.
4.Accessibility is very critical and essential because it
includes transport systems and infrastructure,this will
determine the times reached from one place to the
other,how the destination is able to handle many
visitor arrivals at once,Many tourists will highly
prioritize safety,speed,comfort in order to want to
come to the same destination again because of very
adequate accessibility and very affordable amenities.

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