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Urban growth


 The process of becoming URBAN; a complex process of change affecting both people
and places. Its main dimensions are: a progressive concentration of people and activities
in TOWNS and CITIES, thereby increasing the general scale of urban SETTLEMENT; a
change in the ECONOMY of a country or region, whereby non-agricultural activities
become dominant; a change in the 'structural' characteristics of populations (e.g. lower
BIRTH RATES, higher DEATH RATES, positive MIGRATION balances); a spread of
URBANISM beyond the BUILT-UP AREAS of towns and cities, thereby inducing rural
dilution] the transmission or diffusion of change (economic, social, technological) down
the URBAN HIERARCHY and into RURAL areas.

 Urbanization does not always take the same form, nor does it progress at the same rate
everywhere . In MEDCS, urbanization has now reached the stage of being rather more
dispersed, through the proliferation of towns and cities, through DECENTRALIZATION
and through the spread of URBANISM beyond the built-up area . In LEDCS,
urbanization tends to be more concentrated, with large rural-to-urban migration flows
converging on a limited number of large cities

 The rate of urbanization varies from place to place. Although the rate is broadly related to
the speed and scale of economic DEVELOPMENT, suffice it to say that, in some of the
most advanced MEDCs, the rate is beginning to slacken off . The degree of urbanization
also shows marked spatial variations, with the MEDCs having more than three-quarters of
their populations living in urban areas, while for some LEDCs the figure is less than one
 Urbanization brings both costs and benefits. On the cost or debit side, there are
undesirable by-products such as poor housing, congestion, ENVIRONMENTAL
POLLUTION and encroachment on agricultural land. On the other hand, for many
people, urbanization brings material, social and economic progress, higher living
standards, and the provision of diverse services (commercial, social, cultural) that
contribute to the overall QUALITY OF LIFE.

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