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1) Jesus Speaks to the Father

Luke 23:34
Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” (NIV)

Jesus, in such a hard and painful time, still managed to think about the people

who put Him there on the cross. Thinking about it, these are people who mocked Him,

spat on Him, urinated on Him, stripped Him, scourged Him, and covered Him in blood.

Yet, He asked God for their forgiveness. How grave are their actions that they opened a

possibility that God could be so angry that Jesus needed to ask Him to forgive them

despite what they have done.

Also, if Jesus was able to forgive and understand people who caused Him

suffering and pain despite His state, what right do we have to not forgive those people

who have done us wrong?

2) Jesus Speaks to the Criminal on the Cross

Luke 23:43
“I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.” (NIV)
In this moment, there were two criminals who were crucified with Jesus – Dismas

and Gestas. They both belong to a band of thieves encountered by the Holy Family as

they headed to Egypt. Realizing that there was something different about the family,

young Dismas asked his band to leave them be; not knowing that 33 years later, what

he did will save him.

Going back, Gestas was impenitent and mocking Jesus; that if He is the Son of

God, He could save the three of them. Dismas, on the other hand was penitent. He told

Gestas that he should be ashamed of himself. They were crucified because of their

sins. Jesus has done nothing wrong. Dismas then told Jesus to remember him when He

goes to paradise.
Jesus knew of Dismas for sure. He knew what transpired during the time in

Egypt. This shows that Jesus does not look into our sins but in our acceptance that we

are sinners and that Jesus is our Lord and savior.

3) Jesus Speaks to Mary and John

John 19:26-27
When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he
said to his mother, “Dear woman, here is your son,” and to the disciple, “Here is your
mother.” (NIV)
This is where Jesus showed that He is human. His concern for His mother led

Him to asking John to take care of His mother. The concern extends to Mary being the

mother of all nations. The responsibility was too great that He asked His disciple to look

after her. If Jesus, the Son of God, showed that He, too, is human, who are we to not be

human towards others? This calls us to keep in mind the human that has always been

with us.

4) Jesus Cries Out to the Father

Matthew 27:46 (also Mark 15:34)
And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lama
sabachthani?” that is, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” (NKJV)
How painful must it have been for God to see His only begotten Son in such a

state that He needed to turn away. God knew how Jesus was suffering as he carries the

sin of the world. But He had to endure it as it MUST be done. Jesus longed for His

Father’s care but He knew there is nothing that can be done. Everything must go

according to plan. Jesus has already set His eyes on God’s plan. This tells us that no

matter how hard and painful we go through, let us all set our eyes and trust on God’s

plans for us. Everything we go through has a reason behind. This calls for our full trust

in God.
5) Jesus is Thirsty
John 19:28
Jesus knew that everything was now finished, and to fulfill the Scriptures he said, “I am
Though the need appears to be physical, what Jesus really thirsts for is the love

of the people who walked with Him yet have forsaken Him in the end. But nevertheless,

He still stayed strong as everything in the scripture was accomplished.

How driven are we to finish the task God has given us? How strong are we to

keep up a good fight? How dedicated are we to do as planned?

6) It is Finished
John 19:30
… he said, “It is finished!” (NLT)
This was Jesus’ battle cry as the purpose He has come to this world was finally

accomplished. He completed His mission entrusted by God. What comfort it must have

given Him.

How comforting and fulfilling is it for us every time we accomplish things we

worked so hard for? How much more if we accomplish the mission God has entrusted


7) Jesus’ Last Words

Luke 23:46
Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” When
he had said this, he breathed his last. (NIV)
Jesus has finally become a sacrifice that washed away our sins. Now that He has

completed His mission, He entrusted His spirit unto God’s hands. He has done His part.

It is now for God to take over.

In our everyday battle, once we are done, we entrust everything unto God’s

hands. We let Him take over. Once we have accomplished our mission, everything that
will follow will all be up to God. By then, we have already done our part. Let God do the


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