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A Differential Equation is an equation with
a function and one or more of its derivatives.where
A function relates an input to an output.It is like a
machine that has an input and an output.derivatives
is all about slope which represents the rates of

Example: an equation with the function y and its

derivative dy/dx

In our world things change, and describing how

they change often ends up as a Differential
Equation.Differential Equations can describe how
populations change, how heat moves, how springs
vibrate, how radioactive material decays and much
more. They are a very natural way to describe many
things in the universe.

Differential equation are two type:


Partial differential equations (PDEs) are used to

describe the dynamics of a metric with respect to
different variables.It involves the whole Continuum
of values changing with time

An obvious example is a description of

spatiotemporal dynamics. For instance, a
propagating brain wave is a potential field that
changes with both time and location. The essence is
that a PDE includes separate derivatives to describe
dependence to time and location. Ordinary
derivatives consider metrics that only depend on a
single variable, e.g., with respect to time t or
location x, reflected by notations dS/dt or dS/dx. In
contrast, when metric S depends on both time and

Example :

Temperature at every point in a solid body

The velocity of a fluid at every point in space


An ordinary differential equation (ODE) is an

equation that involves some ordinary derivatives
(as opposed to partial derivatives) of a function.
Often, our goal is to solve an ODE, i.e., determine
what function or functions satisfy the equation.

The adjective ordinary here refers to those

differential equations involving one variable, as
distinguished from such equations involving several
variables, called partial differential equations.

The derivative, written f′ or df/dx, of a

function f expresses its rate of change at each
point—that is, how fast the value of the function
increases or decreases as the value of the variable
increases or decreases. For the
function f = ax + b (representing a straight line),
the rate of change is simply its slope, expressed
as f′ = a. For other functions, the rate of change
varies along the curve of the function, and the
precise way of defining and calculating it is the
subject of differential calculus. In general, the
derivative of a function is again a function, and
therefore the derivative of the derivative can also be
calculated, (f′)′ or simply f″ or d2f/dx2, and is
called the second-order derivative of the original
function. Higher-order derivatives can be similarly
The order of a differential equation is defined to be
that of the highest order derivative it contains. The
degree of a differential equation is defined as the
power to which the highest order derivative is raised.
The equation
(f‴)2 + (f″)4 + f = x

is an example of a second-degree, third-order

differential equation. A first-degree equation is
called linear if the function and all its derivatives
occur to the first power and if the coefficient of each
derivative in the equation involves only the
independent variable x.
Some equations, such as f ′= x2, can be solved by
merely recalling which function has a derivative that
will satisfy the equation, but in most cases the
solution is not obvious by inspection, and the
subject of differential equations consists partly of
classifying the numerous types of equations that
can be solved by various techniques.

There are only two variables in an ODE:

independent (x) and dependent (y). In far less
complicated and demanding cases, the two
variables are easily detectable and determinable:
for example, if the derivative terms are in the
formdnp/dmn then the dependent variable is p.
It actually looks similar to a polynomial equation,
except instead of having terms of x square, x
qube etc. and we solve for x that satisfy the
equation, an ODE contains
terms dy/dx, d2y/dx2 etc and we intend to solve
for yy in terms of xx that satisfies the differential
equation. Some form of integration will be involved.
Some examples include the classical population
growth model (dP/dt=kP)adioactive
decay (dN/dt=λN), Newton’s Law of
Cooling (dT/dt=k(T−T0)).In fact, situations that
involve rates almost always involve ODE. Take the
motion of a moving body in a resistive medium,
then it will involve terms of dx/dt andd2x/dt2 where
the terms are velocity and acceleration respectively
and x is displacement. From there and applying
Newton’s Second Law of Motion, we can obtain a
function for displacement.

The first video deals with ordinary differentiation


Small proof
Given F, a function of x, y, and derivatives of y.
Then an equation of the form

is called an explicit ordinary differential

equation of order n.
More generally, an implicit ordinary differential
equation of order n takes the form
There are further classifications:

Ordinary differential equations (ODEs) are

equations that contain derivatives of various orders.

then the first order type contain


the second order type contain


Some uses of differential equations include:

In medicine for modelling cancer growth or the
spread of disease
2)In engineering for describing the movement of
3) In chemistry for modelling chemical reactions
4) In economics to find optimum investment
5) In physics to describe the motion of waves,
pendulums or chaotic systems."
It involves the whole Continuum of values changing
with time
It involves functions with multiple inputs
Example :

Temperature at every point in a solid body

The velocity of a fluid at every point in space

A partial differential equation is a mathematical

equation that involves two or more independent
variables, an unknown function (dependent on
those variables), and partial derivatives of the
unknown function with respect to the independent


the heat equation is a partial
differential equation that describes how the
distribution of some quantity (such as heat) evolves
over time in a solid medium, as it spontaneously
flows from places where it is higher towards places
where it is lower.

Functions in real world mostly depends on many

e.g: Temperature is a function of several
parameters such as Time, Latitude, Longitude,
Altitude etc…

Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) used to model

this type of functions with many factors very
precisely. Suppose if we want to deal with
temperature vary with accordance to time, i.e how
likely the temperature vary with respect to time, we
take derivative w. r. t time by keeping other
parameters as constants (lat, lag, etc). Similarly if
we want temperature with respect to altitude, we
take derivative with respect to altitude by
keeping time as constant.
PDEs are the most beautiful equations in
mathematics. They are the core topics in
multi-variable calculus. They are used to describe
the evolution of gases in fluid dynamics, formation
of galaxies, describing the nature of quantum
mechanics (Schrodinger’s Equations) and so on ….
Fourier series

A Fourier series is an expansion of a periodic
function in terms of an infinite sum
of sines and cosines. Fourier series make use of
the orthogonality relations of the sine and cosine
function. The computation and study of Fourier
series is known as harmonic analysis and is
extremely useful as a way to break up
an arbitrary periodic function into a set of simple
terms that can be plugged in, solved individually,
and then recombined to obtain the solution to the
original problem or an approximation to it to
whatever accuracy is desired or practical. Examples
of successive approximations to common functions
using Fourier series are illustrated above.
The Fourier series is named after Joseph Fourier,
who introduced the series as he solved for a
mathematical way to describe how heat transfers in
a metal plate.
Originally invented to help solve the Heat Equation,
the technique is now indispensable in many
branches of physics and engineering, because such
a series can be used to represent a long list of
phenomena, from electromagnetic signals to
quantum wave functions. Whilst the general
formula for a Fourier Series often looks a bit
intimidating to the fresh-faced noob, this little
animation gets to the heart of what is really going
on as you add successive terms of the series

Complex fourier series

The complex form of Fourier series is algebraically
simpler and more symmetric. Therefore, it is often
used in physics and other sciences.
Each little vector is rotating at some constant
integer frequency and when you add them together
tip to the tail the final tip draws some shape over
time tweaking the initial size and angle of each
vector make a drop pretty much anything we want

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