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Ferl Diane S.




Voting during the elections is a key right of any native that empowers them to

pick the pioneers of tomorrow. In numerous nations, the base age for casting a ballot is

18 years. It is not just empowering the residents to vote in favor of ideological groups;

however, it additionally encourages them to understand the significance of citizenship.

Numerous individuals do not vote supposing one vote won't roll out an improvement,

however indeed, it does. A country's political establishments are assembled utilizing


Last April 16, 2019 at Ugnayang La Salle, the Voter’s Awareness Forum entitled

“Boto Lasalyano, Sulong Pilipino” was held. It aims to educate and to exchange ideas

with each other regarding the upcoming elections this May. In my opinion, it is not

sufficiently just to inform voters about election dates, but it is quintessential to sharpen

them about the significance of taking an interest in the electoral process so as to enable

the electorates to take an educated choice. With the help of three speakers together

with their talks in the forum, I was able to gain knowledge about the roles of the church

and academe in the political opinions of individuals, about the kinds of candidates that I

should vote and the attitude I must possess and the things I could do to become a

responsible voter. I became fully aware that elections are the greatest chance to realize

the changes. Furthermore, VOTE is the greatest weapon for this change. We as Filipino
citizens are fortunate to have a majority rules system or democratic type of system in

our nation, in which each grown-up has a privilege to made a choice. In the event or

forum, we are stressed over our future and the eventual fate of our nation, at that point

we all must cast our votes. 'Voting' is not just our 'Right'. Indeed, it is our responsibility

as a citizen of the country and we as a whole should satisfy this duty with reality. We as

a whole should make our choice since this is the most grounded weapon in our grasp

with the assistance of which we can tackle our issues and can get an incredible upset

the nation without a drop of blood. We should recall that we are not voting in favor of

another person. Truth be told, our vote will enable us to construct a superior future for

ourselves. Along these lines, I was emboldened that I should vote and should likewise

motivate others to make their choice because every vote count and it could make a

huge difference in the future generations. Moreover, I was thankful that this kind of

forum was made possible because it seems like many freshmen students like me are

not that well-informed regarding the electoral process and the kinds of political

candidates to vote. When the result of the mock election was flashed on the screen, I

was a bit disappointed because it seems like many freshmen students do not take it

seriously and just vote those who are famous and those that are familiar with them

without thinking critically and knowing first the credentials of those people running for a

position in the government. Overall, the forum helped me and hopefully my co-students

to cast an ‘enlightened’ vote this upcoming election.

To end this, I might want to cite John F. Kennedy here “Ask not what the country

has done for you. Ask what you have done for the country.” In this way, on the off
chance that we cannot do whatever else for our nation, how about we at any rate make

our choice and make a difference with sense of responsibility to improve our own future.

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