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1. What does the document Christus Vivit say about the young people? Cite and explain at
least three descriptions of the young people found in Christus Vivit. (15 pts.)

 The glory of youth is in the heart, more than in physical strength or the impression
given to others. [CV 9]
- In this passage, we can realize that God looks on the heart of the people and not on
the outward appearance. When God looks at our hearts, He sees our faithfulness,
our true character, and our value as individuals. The Christus Vivit highlights that
young people should open their hearts to hear God’s call and that they should have
hope and not be discouraged even though they think that they are only youth who
can do nothing because God is always there, to guide and empower them.

 Young hearts are naturally ready to change, to turn back, get up and learn from life.
[CV 12]
- In this statement, we can understand that young people should be ready for
changes that life may bring. Moreover, youth would have to go through different
challenges in life. Youth should not be afraid to take chances, to make mistakes,
and to stumble and fall because despite of what the outcome will be, there will be
life lessons that they would be able to get and learn from those experiences and
they can turn them into wisdom to make good decisions and choices in life.

 Young people are also urged “to accept the authority of those who are older”. A wise
young person is open to the future, yet still capable of learning something from the
experience of others. [CV 16]
- In this description, we can see that to be truly wise, young people should also need
to take those in authority as their role model including their parents, guardian and
the elderly. The older generation has a lot more life experiences than the younger
generation and is therefore able to offer sound advice to young people in their life
journey. They can be a source of wise words and sage advice on dealing with and
enjoying life to its fullest. Moreover, a wise young person is open to the future and
is capable to learn of the things that happened to others and use them as a guide as
they continue their journey in life.

2. What is the mission of the young people to the society according to the document Christus
Vivit? (10 pts.)

- The mission of the young people to the society according to Christus Vivit is to be
an inspiration and light to this world, continuing the mission that Jesus has started.
Youth must live their lives not only for themselves but also for others being capable
to reach out to other people and sacrifice for others as well as the community. But
to do this mission, youth must open up themselves to encounter Christ and find the
truth and joy in Him in order to offer the world and society the new testimonies of
holiness. Through this, youth would be able to magnify God in their lives.

3. Christus Vivit literally means Christ lives (or Christ is alive). When can you say Jesus is alive
in the life of a young person like you? (10 pts.)

- I can say that Jesus is alive in the life of a young person like me when I am able to
live my life through ups and downs, having a faith in Him and doing His blessed will.
When there are trials and storms in life that I think I cannot handle or survive, God
makes me feel that I am not alone and that He is there for me and He will never
forsake me nor abandon me; I just have to put my trust in Him. I know that there
are no battles that I cannot overcome because God gives me strength and courage
and guides me throughout the way. I am able to feel that God is working, and that
He is alive in my life because I experience His peace even in the midst of the storm.
On the other hand, when there are victories in life, I also know that God is there
because I know He is the one that makes me triumphant since I cannot do anything
without Him. I feel His love and generosity all throughout my lifetime- the unlimited
grace and blessings that He gives to me and my family. He always sustains and
provides our needs. Whatever the circumstances are, I know that God is in control
and His promises never fails. Finally, as I grow older, and as I increase my faith in
God, He makes me develop the things that really matter. As the saying goes, “Do
not be a photocopy of somebody else”. With God being alive in my life, I am able to
be more of myself, becoming the person He wished to dream and create and not
just a photocopy of somebody else.

4. What do you think is the most important message of Christus Vivit to young people like
you and what can you do to promote it? (10 pts.)

- I think the most important message of Christus Vivit to young people like me is
spending our youth being good, opening our heart to the Lord, and living differently
– devoting ourselves to God and to grow in holiness and in commitment to our
personal vocation. Also, to enjoy the small everyday blessings and having a
constant friend in Jesus and the key to maintaining this friendship is prayer. This
friendship allows me to grow in maturity being connected in the Lord. Moreover, in
the midst of all the problems in our world and in our Church that cause anxiety and
alienation, young people like me should not be swayed and should stand firm
having faith in God. I could promote it by living a Godly lifestyle – having a deeper
relationship with Jesus Christ and by building good relationships within our
community and by joining and encouraging others to serve the poor and the society
as well.

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