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Ms Nur Syafiqah Yaccob

SPM 2019

Questions 9 – 15
Practice 1
Read the following passage and choose the best answer. Then, circle A, B, C or D on the
answer sheet.

Turmeric has been used for thousands of years as a spice and herbal medicine in
traditional Indian cuisines. It         9          curry its yellow colour. Researchers
also        10         that it has a wide range of health benefits such as improving cognitive
function, blood sugar balance, kidney function        11        certain forms of arthritis and
digestive disorders.

           It        12        bioactive compounds with powerful medicine properties. The most

important compound is curcumin        13         has powerful anti-inflammatory effects
and is a very strong antioxidant. It helps the body to ___14         foreign invaders and
also has a role in repairing damage.

  Using turmeric in recipes can help retain the beta-carotene in certain foods. For
example, one research has shown that the beta-carotene in carrots and pumpkins is
better retained        15         those vegetables are cooked using recipes that include

9 A gave 12 A contain 14 A act

B gives B contains B fight
C will give C contained C control
D is giving D containing D sustain

10 A find 13 A who 15 A where

B found B which B which
C had found C whose C when
D have found D whom D what

11 A such as
B just like
C including
D as well as
Ms Nur Syafiqah Yaccob

Practice 2
It is Sunday night and my children are willingly being held captive in the dining room.
Gathered around the table, we are _________(9) something so exciting it almost takes my
breath away; we are telling stories.
“Remember the time we__________(10) to the fun – fair and Dad took me into the
Haunted House and ______________(11) of us scared the ghosts out of their wits!”
“_____________(12) the time when the cat climbed up the mango tree and we had to
call the fire brigade not to ____________(13) a fire but to rescue the cat and Amin
___________(14) was up on the tree as well.”
“Did I ever tell you about the time Grandfather took us fishing and we got stuck in the
mud before even reaching the river?”
We laugh, repeat our favourite tales and argue ________(15) the details.
Storytelling is a way of praising and giving thanks for the love that exists among
family members. Stories are the heart and soul of our culture. They give us hope and help
us set goals for ourselves.
Ms Nur Syafiqah Yaccob

9. A. doing B. done C. did D. do

10. A. went B. came C. will go D. have gone
11. A. all B. two C. both D. some
12. A. Know B. Think C. Imagine D. Remember
13. A. Put up B. Put on C. Put off D. Put out
14. A. who B. which C. whom D. whose
15. A. among B. beyond C. above D. over

POEM: Compilation of Possible Questions

What Has Happened to Lulu

Question Answer
Who is the persona?

What woke the persona up?

Whose voices do you think are

What did Lulu bring with her?

Why did mother ‘crumple the note’?

In stanza 5, what does the phrase

‘gust of rain’ being compared to?
In stanza 4, what can you infer from
the line ‘I heard an engine roar’?
In your opinion, why do teenagers - Bad peer influence
run away from home?/ Why do you - Desire for misinformed freedom
Ms Nur Syafiqah Yaccob

think Lulu ran away? - Child neglect

- Misunderstanding with family
What does the ‘window wide’
What is the theme portrayed in the Parents and siblings’ feeling of grief/
poem? Feelings of helplessness
How do we know that the persona’s
mother feels sad?
What does the ‘curtain flapping
free’ symbolise?
How does the persona’s mother
show that she does not know what to
do about the situation?
What moral lesson have you learned We should never think of leaving or
from the poem? running away from our family
What do you think was written in the
note crumpled by the persona’s
Why do you think Lulu’s mother
crumpled the note on the fire?
In your opinion why didn’t Lulu take
the rag-doll with her when she left?
Explain. (SPM 2016, 2 marks)
Who is the owner of the old rag-
‘You don’t know what to do?’
How does mother feel about Lulu’s
disappearance? Provide a reason.
Do you think Lulu will return? Give
a reason for your answer.
The mother is upset about her
daughter. Suggest two actions that
the mother can take in this situation.
In your opinion, is the mother doing
the right thing by hiding the truth
from the persona?
Give a reason for your answer.

A Poison Tree
Question Answer
How does the persona feel when he
sees his enemy lying on the ground?
Ms Nur Syafiqah Yaccob

What is the meaning of the line ‘and It means the persona pretended and
I sunned it with smiles’? covered up his anger with insincere
In stanza 1, who are the two people
the persona was angry with?
‘And it grew both day and night’
What does the word ‘it’ in the line
refer to?
What is the theme portrayed in the
What two things does the persona do
to help his anger grow?
What happened to the anger the
persona had towards his enemy?
What moral lesson have you learned
from the poem?
If you are the persona’ foe, whom he
is angry with, what would you do?
What does the shiny apple signify?

In stanza 2, which word in the poem

means ‘devious’?
‘I told it not, my wrath did grow’
[Stanza 1]
In the line above, what does ‘it’ refer
‘I told it not, my wrath did grow’
[Stanza 1]
Why do you think the persona did
not share his feelings with his foe?
Suggest one reason why the persona
did not tell his wrath to his foe
In your opinion, do you think the foe
deserved what happened to him?
Give a reason for your answer.
In your opinion, what should the
persona have done to prevent the

The Charge of the Light Brigade

Question Answer
Ms Nur Syafiqah Yaccob

From stanza 1, which words tell us that

the soldiers were entering a very
dangerous place?
In stanza 1, which line indicates that the
soldiers would most surely die.
In stanza 1, which phrase tells you that
the enemies are waiting with their
In stanza 1, who is giving the

In stanza 2, which line tells us that the soldiers

were not supposed to think?

Based on stanza 1, who were the six hundred?

In stanza 2, what does the word ‘Theirs’ refer


‘Not though the soldier knew’

From this line in Stanza 2, what do you think
the soldiers know?

In stanza 2, who were the six hundred?

Which line means the soldiers should not

answer or say anything?

Which line means the soldiers should not ask


In stanza 2, which word means a ‘careless


In stanza 3, how were the soldiers attacked?

If you were one of the soldiers in this poem, Action:

what would you have done? Reason:
State your action and give a reason for you

How do you think soldiers feel when they go

war. Give a reason to support your
answer. Reason:

What would you do if you are one of the Action:

soldiers? Reason:
Give a reason.

Why do you think the line ‘rode the six

hundred’ is repeated many times in the
Ms Nur Syafiqah Yaccob


The Living Photograph

Question Answer
From stanza 1, which phrase shows that
the persona’s grandmother has a good
Which line in stanza 1 tells us the
grandmother is loving?
In stanza 1, what was the grandmother
wearing in the photograph?
In stanza 1, the ‘white’ hand belongs to

‘Her soup forgot to boil’

What can you infer from this line?
In stanza 2, what does the phrase ‘the
awful place’ refer to?
Which line in stanza 2 tells us the
grandmother has become senile?
In stanza 2, which word means

What happened to the grandmother in

the last two lines of stanza 2?
What was the persona’s age when she
took the photo?

Based on stanza 3, what does the word

‘there’ refer to?
In stanza 3, which word means
‘The awful place grandmothers go’
Provide a reason why people go to that
awful place.
How do you feel when someone you
love dies?

Do you love your grandmother? Give 1)

two examples on how to show your love 2)
to her?
Do you think keeping old family photos Opinion:
are important? Give a reason. Reason:
Ms Nur Syafiqah Yaccob

In your opinion, why is the grandmother

‘tall’ in the photo?
How do you think the persona feels Feeling:
when she looks at the family Reason:
photograph? Give a reason.

Novel: Dear Mr. Kilmer
Practice 1: State either the statement is TRUE or FALSE:

Richard likes hunting animals
Gus wants Richard to be well-liked in school
After her mother dies, Angie has to take over the household chores
Gus is not an athlete
Gus likes to socialize
Many people think that poetry-writing is ‘sissy’
Hannah Schermer’s parents come from Germany
Hannah is an American
Mr Kilmer writes songs
Mr Kilmer writes touching and amazing poems
Richard is inspired by Mr Kilmer’s poems

Practice 2: Answer the following questions correctly:

1) Name the two main characters in the story.

2) What makes Richard to write to Mr. Kilmer?


Practice 3: Find meaning of words:

a) Prejudice: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

b) Discrimination: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

c) Integrity: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

d) Impressed: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

e) Ignorant: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ms Nur Syafiqah Yaccob

SAMPLE 1: SPM 2016

33 The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English Language.

Dear Mr Kilmer - Anne Schraff

Captain Nobody - Dean Pitchford
Sing To The Dawn - Minfong Ho

Choose any one of the novels above and answer the question below.
Based on the novel that you have studied , describe a scene that makes you either happy
or sad.
Give reasons why the scene makes you feel happy or sad, with close reference to the
text. [15 marks]

The novel that I have studied is Dear Mr Kilmer by Anne Schraff. It is a moving
novel that tells the story of a boy, Richard Knight, who tries to rise above the pressure and
influence from his family, friends, and community, to stay true to himself. The plot of the
story has captured my heart. There are many scenes in the novel that made my feelings go up
and down, like a rollercoaster.

One of the many scenes in the novel that made me sad is the scene where Hannah
breaks the news of Joyce Kilmer’s death to Richard (SCENE). After receiving a letter from
Joyce Kilmer, Richard pens his reply and is on his way to put the letter in the mailbox.
However, he suddenly feels a mysterious urgency to post the letter. He then walks to the post
office. On his way, he passes by Hannah’s house. Hannah then comes out to stop Richard and
ask him whether he heard of the news. I can only imagine Richard’s shock and despair when
he learnt about Joyce Kilmer’s death. There are many reasons why this scene makes me sad.

First and foremost, Richard has lost one of his true friends (P1, E1). Joyce Kilmer has
played an indisputable role in Richard’s poetic journey. For example, in Chapter 1, Richard
did not dare to share his poems with anyone. He would only lock them up in his drawer.
However, after Mrs Hansen reads the poem ‘Trees’ in class, Richard initiated his
correspondence with Joyce Kilmer. Thanks to Joyce Kilmer, Richard eventually gains
confidence in himself and dares to share his problems with the people around him. He even
Ms Nur Syafiqah Yaccob

shared them with his class at the end of the school year. It is Joyce Kilmer that nurtured
Richard’s confidence and poetry skills. Hence, it can be seen that Joyce Kilmer is more than
just a mentor to Richard, he is a true friend. From my opinion, it is very painful when we lose
someone closes to us. Other than emotional pain, it can also cause heartache. Therefore, I can
understand Richard’s pain when he learns about Joyce Kilmer’s death and I feel sad for him

On the other hand, this scene reminds me of the adverse, destructive effects of war
(P2, E2). As Joyce Kilmer dies, the war has claimed another innocent soul. As it can be seen
in the novel, Joyce Kilmer was originally a poet, and he did not have the slightest intent of
fighting. He is a nature lover, as which can be seen through his poem ‘Trees’. However, when
the war started, he became a soldier due to his patriotism. Through his correspondence with
Richard, we can see that he too hopes for the war to end soon and he misses home.
Unfortunately, his wish is not fulfilled as he is killed before the war ends. Besides, Roland,
Richard’s uncle, had also died in a war. The way I see it, war does not only affect those
directly in it, it also affects families and friendships. It is very sad when we lose a friend or
family member to the war. Thus, this scene reminds me that war brings sadness to family and
friends of those who sacrificed themselves in the war. Sadness uncontrollably rises in my
heart when I read this scene.

Last but not least, the third reason is that this scene reminds me that life is unexpected
(P3, E3). For example, Richard wanted to ask Joyce Kilmer about the role of poets. However,
he died before Richard could get an answer. Richard’s question is left hanging and he has to
seek the answer himself. He will have to continue his poetic journey on his ow without the
usual aid of Joyce Kilmer. I do think that we cannot help but feel sad when life takes an
unexpected turn of events. I have many such personal experiences before. Thus, I feel sad for
Richard too when he has to face the bitter truth of Joyce Kilmer’s death.

In a nutshell, this scene is indeed a sad scene. It tastes bitter but there is sweetness in
the bitterness which makes it tastes bittersweet. As the saying goes, every cloud has a silver
lining. Even though this scene is sad, Richard learns to be independent in his poetic journey.

Essay 1: Write about a theme in the novel that you have read. Use textual evidence from
the text to support your answer.

Introduction The novel, Dear Mr Kilmer, revolves around Richard Knight, a fifteen-
year-old boy who sees the effects of World War 1 on his family, friends
and the neighbourhood that they live in. Richard secretly wrote poems and
hid it from everyone else, even his family. He also started to write and later
exchanged later with a poet, Joyce Kilmer.
The novel portrays a few themes and one of the themes is family bonding.
Family bonding time refers to the time when a family spends together,
doing activities together that strengthen their relationship.

Point 1 The theme of family bonding is portrayed during the hunting trip for
Richard’s first kill, the three men of the Knight family were present

Elaboration Though it was not something that Richard enjoyed, and the hunt was not
Ms Nur Syafiqah Yaccob

1 successful as Richard purposely missed shooting the deer. The time that
they spent together is still considered as family time for them.

Point 2 Secondly, the theme of family bonding is portrayed during the summer
holidays, Richard worked hard and was a great help around the farm.

Elaboration He spent time riding across the meadows on horseback with his father and
2 also tended to the cattle. As his father is a farmer, helping out on the farm
was a good way to spend time with Pa and bond with him as a family. This
is why Richard felt closer to Pa through the time he spent doing all these
tasks on the farm.

Point 3 Thirdly, the theme of family bonding is shown after Pa read the poem
Richard wrote in honour of Joyce Kilmer, he finally understood why
Richard wrote poems as he could express similar feelings when his
brother, Roland died in the war many years ago.

Elaboration That was the first time he opens up to Richard, which makes them closer.
3 From then onwards, they spent almost every night which Richard would
read his latest poem aloud and Pa would give him suggestions for
improvement. The time they spent together every night is a good example
of family bonding time as they both enjoy the moment.

Conclusion From Richard’s interaction with his family, friends and mentor, it can be
seen that the novel portrays the theme of family bonding very well.

Essay 2: Based on the novel that you have studied, describe the moral values that you
have learnt from this novel.

The novel, Dear Mr Kilmer, revolves around Richard Knight, a fifteen-year-old boy who
sees the effects of World War 1 on his family, friends and the neighbourhood that they live
in. Richard secretly wrote poems and hid it from everyone else, even his family. He also
started to write and later exchanged later with a poet, Joyce Kilmer.


I have learnt the importance of being proud of who you are and your interests. In this
story, we see Richard faced with many challenges. He loved poetry and though he wrote
poems, he kept this a secret for fear of ridicule. Mr Kilmer encouraged him to share his
poetry and he found relief when he did. He was no longer afraid of what others thought. In
my opinion, Richard did the right action by being opened about his interests in poetry


I have learnt the importance of friendship. Richard developed a strong friendship with
Mr Kilmer through their correspondence, though they never met in person. He also
remained good friends with Hannah when the other students hated and treated her badly. I
want to be like Richard who knows the importance of friendship especially in bad times.
Ms Nur Syafiqah Yaccob


The other valuable lesson I have learnt is how wrong it is to be prejudiced and cruel.
The people in the town were ignorant and labelled the Schermers as unpatriotic just
because they were Germans. They did not see them as Americans. They were cowardly
and mean to Hannah and her family. Some students like Abner and Harry were being
prejudiced all along. I want to be like Richard who on the other hand, thought for himself
and stood by his own beliefs. He had integrity.

Hence, I hope I will be strong, loyal and fearless in facing challenges like Richard was.

Essay 3: Based on the novel that you have studied, write about a character who has
great and positive characteristics. State your reasons and how the character is a good
role model to you.

Based on the novel, Dear Mr Kilmer by Anne Schraff. The character who has great, positive
characteristics and can also be a good role model to me is Hannah Schermer. Hannah
Schermer has a lovely blue-eyed girl with blonde hair like corn silk. She was born and raised
in Milwaukee.

The first great characteristic is intelligent. This is shown when Hannah made a sensible
suggestion for a change in the last line of the second poem Richard sent to Mr Kilmer. She
wrote an impressive, thoughtful essay to win the role of Lady Liberty. She won the essay
competition. Based on Hannah‘s intelligent action, I believe that we should be clever in
whatever we do. Do not be shy when you want to get something important for your life. It
instils confidence in yourself to be a better and smarter person.

Secondly, Hannah is appreciative. This is shown when Hannah thanked Richard because
Richard sent her the sympathy card. Richard did that because he felt sympathy to Hannah as
everyone wanted Hannah not to be the winner. Richard still supported Hannah no matter
what happened. Based on the Hannah’ appreciative characteristic , I believe that we should
appreciate those who always be there when we need their help. It makes ourselves to be more
appreciative to others.

Thirdly, Hannah is generous and kind-hearted. This is shown when Hannah invited
Richard for supper at her house. The Schermers welcomed Richard to their house very
warmly. Richard felt like he was a part of their family. Besides, Hannah also baked cookies
for Mr Kilmer, which Richard sent to France. This reflects how we should treat other people
which is with kindness and not with hatred. Without knowing the real identity of the person,
Hannah kindly did something extraordinary and gave Mr Kilmer her cookies. I believe this is
the best characteristic of Hannah that I have found while reading this novel.

In conclusion, I believe Hannah Schermer is a good role model to me and other

teenagers. It is because of her positive characteristics.
Ms Nur Syafiqah Yaccob

Essay 4: Based on the novel that you have studied, which character do you think
deserves our sympathy. Briefly describe the character and give reasons for your choice
with close reference to the text. [MRSM 2018]

Based on the novel, Dear Mr. Kilmer by Anne Schraff, the character whom I think deserves
our sympathy is Hannah Schermer. She is a German girl in Richard Knight’s class. During
the time, Germany was at war with many other countries and because of that, many innocent
Germans such as Hannah and her family were blamed and being hated on.

I think she deserves our sympathy because everyone in her class, except for Richard
were being mean and cruel to her for being a German. For example, _________________

Moreover, Hannah deserves our sympathy because other students in the school being
prejudiced and showed discrimination towards her. For example, ____________________

Other than that, Hannah deserves our sympathy because she could not do what she
wanted to do because of others’ ill thoughts. For example, _________________________

Essay 5: Based on the novel that you have studied, write about a value that is important
to one character in the story. With close reference to the text, provide reasons on why it
is so. [SPM 2017]

Ms Nur Syafiqah Yaccob

Brave/ Courageous Richard Knight

To find for what is right. To be a supportive friend.
When people were mean to the Schermers and Richard even declined the role of Doughboy in
vandalised their tavern, Richard saw the the Liberty Programme just to support Hannah
injustice in this and felt very sorry for Hannah and stand by convictions. What the other
and her family. He was the only one who was students and parents of the students did to
brave enough to sign the sympathy card for the Hannah was unfair and Richard did not want to
Schermers, inspite of the consequences. He side with them. He willingly stepped down from
continued to be friend with Hannah and was a the role of Doughboy when Hannah rejected the
frequent guest at the Schermer’s home. He role of the Lady Liberty to avoid causing more
realised that if Mr Kilmer could be so fearless chaos. Others disagreed of his action but he was
and strong when he joined the war, Richard brave enough to go through the odds.
could also be fearless in standing up for what he
believed in.



Essay 6: Based on the novel that you have studied, describe one problem faced by the
main character and give opinion on the way problem was solved. [SPM 2018]

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