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• Intangible: A feeling or quality exists but you cannot describe it or exactly prove it.

She has that intangible quality which you might call charisma.

• Ruckus: a noisy situation or argument

A child is raising a ruckus in class

• Ruck: Ordinary people or thing those are boring

Carter's brilliant second novel lifted her out of the ruck (of average writers)

• Jute: The substance that comes from Southeast Asian plants that used for making rope and
clothes. ചണം
• Gird: to tie around your body or part of your body

The knights girded themselves for battle (= put on their swords and fighting clothes)

• Lawn: an area of short, regularly mown grass in the garden of a house or park.

She was sitting in a deckchair on the lawn

• Inane: empty, silly, idiotic

• Intrepid: brave, fearless
• Laconic: concise, short, brief
• Amass: gather together or accumulate
• Crustaceans: Any of various type of water that live in water and have a hard outer shell
• Meadow: Grassland

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