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Description of Internship Project & Activities

During my internship at CORE, I completed a few different activities as well as an in-

depth mapping project. The activities I completed included an informational flyer on how to

register for testing and how to get your results, a document explaining proper care for N95

masks, and a document explaining how to get reopen businesses during the COVID-19

pandemic. The first activity I completed during my internship was a flyer I created that would be

used to inform patients on what to do after getting testing done at one of CORE’s testing sites. I

used the application called Canva to make this which was fun for me to learn. I also learned how

to create Bitly links as part of this task. The second document I created as one of my activities

includes information about how to care for an N95 mask when it has to be reused. Because of the

N95 mask shortage, staff and volunteers have to reuse their masks for up to 10 days at a time.

Since they have to reuse to them, it is important for them to know that it takes proper care and

handling to make sure the efficacy of the mask is not compromised. This document includes how

to store your mask, how to clean it, how to adjust it without contaminating it, and how to transfer

it from work to home. The third document I was able to create was an informational pamphlet

that includes everything you need to know about reopening a business during this pandemic. I

enjoyed making this document because this information is extremely relevant and with this

information businesses can make an educated decision on whether or not they will be able to

reopen while also making sure their employees and customers are staying safe. The

informational flyer about testing registration was needed because as CORE becomes busier and

busier at their testing sites, they must make sure that all patients understand how to register

properly for testing so they can get their test results back in a timely manner. The document

about N95 mask care was needed because CORE was told that they had to start holding weekly
meetings for the staff and volunteers regarding safety protocols and PPE. My supervisor was in

charge of these meetings so he wanted to make sure there was an educational document that

could be used to explain to his staff and volunteers the importance of proper N95 mask care and

specific instructions on how to reuse them without contaminating them. The information on

reopening businesses is needed because now that GA has decided to lift the lockdown, many

businesses now have to make the decision on whether or not they want to reopen. With this

document, CORE can be a resource for businesses struggling to figure out if they can

successfully implement the proper procedures necessary to keep their employees and customers

safe. I am not exactly sure if any of these documents were actually used within CORE, but I

think they all have great information and can educate not only the workers at CORE but the

general public as well. Regarding these activities, there is nothing I would have done differently

but I do wish that I would have had more opportunities to create more promotional materials

because I love marketing and creating materials for educational purposes.

In addition to these activities, I also had the opportunity to work on a very important

mapping project in partnership with my classmate, Lanier. The concept of this project was

thought up by my supervisor and he came up with the idea because he believes the information

that will come from this project will help CORE in many different aspects of their testing

initiative. The goal of this project is to assess the utilization of CORE’s resources to see if we are

effectively targeting high need areas. In order to do that, Lanier and I utilized Google MyMaps to

create an all-inclusive map that has all of the important information pertaining to the goal of this

project. A few of the metrics of interest that we want to be able to observe once the project is

finished is the prevalence of COVID-19 in the areas CORE is testing, income levels in the

testing areas, and prevalence of COVID-19 at each specific testing location. In total there were 8
different project phases that explained each element that must be added to different layers of the

map. After completing these phases, there are now multiple different project components. These

components include race and age demographics, current COVID-19 prevalence for all areas

served, all testing locations plotted on map with dates of testing, libraries in hotspot locations for

future testing partnerships, relevant zip codes identified with median incomes, and commercial

testing sites for comparison. This project was needed because CORE did not previously have a

way to measure if they were effectively using their testing resources to target high need areas.

With this map, they will now be able to visualize the locations they are helping the most while

also figuring out if there are any areas that are being left out. CORE also just hired an expert in

contact tracing, and they will be exporting the data from this project into a spreadsheet to analyze

any correlations to eventually be able to track where people are being exposed to the virus.

Overall, I think this project went very well and I learned a lot from completing it. I think we

accomplished the project goal of seeing if CORE is effectively targeting high need areas because

we now know that Fulton county has the highest number of cases and CORE has the highest

number of testing sites all around Fulton county. I do not think I would do anything differently

when it comes to this project. This project gave me the opportunity to use my knowledge and

skills that I learned in some of my public health courses and that is something I really wanted to

be able to do since that is what this experience is all about.

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