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Learning activity 4

Evidence: Wisdom comes with experience

Alison Hernandez

This story took place in Bogota. I had gone to visit my grandparents since they were sick. my
grandparents' house is very humble and my grandfather is punished and my grandmother works
an old woman to earn extra money. my grandfather is 86 years old and my grandmother is 75
years old. They are very hard-working and live in a state they feel placid. I am a kind person. I like
to help people who need it. The morning I went to visit my grandparents they were alone, my
grandfather was already awake. He said he looked sad and asked me if I wanted to talk about
something special. I told him that I was confused by a situation that I had had with my parents, I
had divorced. I don't know why I felt how to open up to him, since he doesn't like those topics.

Anyway, I said I didn't know what to do. I told him I was feeling very sad patiently He listened to
me until I had nothing more to say. He looked at me and said it was okay to feel that way, but then
he said it.

It was not a good idea to argue with parents about things that were not worth it. He said we
always want to hear what we want to hear, why people act as they please, but people themselves
most of the time don't they know what they really want. He told me to leave those feelings and
hug my parents to listen to them, He said difficulties are the ways life has to wake you up when
They have lost their way. I still remember that conversation and I still feel grateful for him because
he taught me that not always what we want is the right path and now whenever I have a problem I
consult with him to help me with his great wisdom.

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