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Physical Science Syllabus


Instructor Information:

Teacher: Mr. Segal

Contact Information:


Textbook: CK-12 free online textbook

Additional Resources located on the website

Course Information:
Physical Science is a full-year course that investigates the fundamentals of Physics and
Chemistry. Math skills will be called upon as force, motion, and energy are investigated. The
properties of matter, atomic structure, and chemical reactions allow the student to acquire
an understanding of the world around them at a microscopic level. Electricity, magnetism,
and waves will be discussed as the student learn how these are formed and the features
that characterize them.

Course Timeline:
**NOTE: subject to change depending on students needs**

Content is based on state GSE objectives at

1st Nine Weeks – Structure and Properties of Matter, Introduction to Energy

2nd Nine Weeks – Energy and its Transformations, Law of Conservation of Energy
3rd Nine Weeks – Field Forces: Electricity, Magnetism, Gravity, Waves
4th Nine Weeks – Contact Forces, Motion
Grading Policy:
55% Summative (Assessments such as labs, tests, projects, and research papers)
30% Formative (Assessments such as minor labs, quizzes, classwork, and homework)
15% Final Exam

**Students in gifted/honors classes will receive an additional 3 points on their final average
because of the rigorous nature of advanced courses.**

Face-to-Face Classroom Procedures and Expectations:

a. Follow established school rules and procedures (S.O.A.R, student handbook, etc)
b. Treat others, treat yourself, and treat school property appropriately
c. Be honest with your work
d. Only water bottles allowed in the classroom (We don’t want ants!)
e. Follow classroom health and safety guidelines

a. Complete all assignments to the best of your ability
b. Submit all assignments on time
c. Participate/contribute in class
d. Be honest with your work
e. Follow classroom health and safety guidelines

a. Come to class prepared with all necessary materials
b. Study your science notes for at least 15 minutes every night
c. Sign up for a tutoring session and email me if you need extra help
d. Place your cell phone in the “cell phone caddy”

Online Classroom Procedures and Expectations:

1. Follow all “face-to-face” procedures and expectations
2. Use all communication tools appropriately including discussion boards
3. “Check-in” with the teacher every class (attendance)
4. Be honest with your work
5. Report any roadblocks in your learning ASAP to me
a. Website links are not working
b. Assignment directions will not load
c. Cyber-bullying
6. Practice good digital citizenship
Materials Needed For Class:
**Due to COVID-19 health and safety guidelines, there will not be a “shared” collection of
materials for students**

Student needs
● 1 binder pouch (used to carry all supplies)
● Wooden or mechanical pencils (add more as needed throughout the year)
○ If purchasing mechanical pencils, please buy lead
● 1 pack of notebook paper (add more as needed throughout the year)
● 1 ½ inch binder for science class (can share with other binders if organized)
● 1 pack of colored pencils
● 1 pair of scissors
● 3x5 Index cards (will be used for vocab flashcards)
● Glue stick or glue bottle (add more as needed throughout the year)
● Spiral Notebook for Science (used for Interactive Notebook)

Earbuds (optional -- but useful for individualized learning activities)

Total Cost: $20-$30

Donations appreciated!
● regular size boxes of tissues
● hand sanitizer
● 1 pack of expo markers
● 1 box of band-aids

Per the Floyd County Schools Gifted Make-Up Policy, if a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility
to get the absentee work from each teacher. The student has three school days from the date of
his/her return to complete and turn in the work. It is the student’s responsibility to reschedule
missed tests with the teacher.

Additional helpful resources to assist students and parents can be found on the district website at

***This Syllabus Is Subject To Change In Order To Accommodate The Needs Of The

Students. Classes Will Be Notified If Changes Are Made***

I have read the above syllabus and understand the course expectations. I
have also been given a supply list for this class.
______________________________ ______________________________
Student Signature Parent Signature

I am looking forward to an exciting year with your child. Please let me know if I can be of
any help to you. By working together, we can make this a very successful year. Feel free to
contact me to discuss your child’s progress at any time.

Mr. Segal

Contact Information

**Please fill in the spaces with the most current information**

Student Name: ________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name: ______________________________________

Phone Numbers: Home: ____________________________________

Cell: _______________________________________

Work: _____________________________________

Email: _________________________________________________________

Does your child have access to the internet at home? Y/N

Does your child have access to a computer at home? Y/N

***Please return this page only***

**Email is the best way to contact me and get a prompt reply**

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