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2018 -2019

8th Grade Social Studies Syllabus

United States History

Collectively, we are your 8th grade SS teachers and we look forward to working with you as we learn more
about American history, government, U.S. geography, and current events. This packet is your “survival guide”
for 8th grade SS. Save it in your binder all year long and become familiar with all of the policies and procedures
explained within. We’re looking forward to a great 8th grade year!

Grading Information

Grading scale
A 93% C+ 77%
A- 90% C 73%
B+ 87% C- 70%
B 83% D+ 67%
B- 80% D 60%
F 59% and below
Grading Categories
Social Studies
Daily Work 40%
Assessments/Projects 60 %

Student Progress – Use Family Access on Skyward to check student grades on a regular basis. Grades are
posted throughout each trimester.

General Policies

Daily Work & Binder – Daily classroom work is an essential part of the learning process and is given as a
continuation of information covered in class as well as preparation for upcoming topics. All major assignments
will be introduced with a handout of expectations, procedures and evaluation points. A 2” binder that you
purchase through the bookkeeper (cost of binder is $2) will be your portfolio holding all of your assignments,
projects, handouts, etc. for the year. The binder must be organized according to teacher requirements as
points will be given in the daily work category.

Learning in 8th grade SS is cumulative, meaning that everything builds on what was taught the day/week/month
before and prepares you for the assessments of your learning. If you miss assignments it will hinder all of your
future learning in this class. Therefore, it is imperative that you turn in all of your work, complete and on time.

Effort/Participation -Coming to class on time and with all necessary materials, homework completed, actively
participating in classroom discussion, working with others and staying focused.

Late Work Policy – It is our requirement that assignments be completed before coming to school and will be
turned in during class. Major assignments that are not turned in on time will result in a loss of points for each
day it is late.

_______student initial ________ parent initial.

Absences – Per ISD policy, if you miss class due to an excused absence, you will get the same number of
days you were absent to make up the work. It is YOUR responsibility to find out what work needs to be made
up on the day you return to school (see individual teachers for procedures). If you neglect to inquire about
missed work the day you return to school, or in advance if it is an approved pre-planned absence (see student
handbook for excused absence policy) you will forfeit the opportunity to make up the work for credit.
Assignments given prior to an absence are due as scheduled unless other arrangements are discussed with

If you are absent the day of a quiz or exam, it is YOUR responsibility to make the necessary arrangements to
take the quiz or exam the day of your return. Quizzes and exams not made up on the day you return to school
(or within the week with the teacher) will result in total loss of points for that quiz or exam.

_______student initial ________ parent initial

Plagiarism and Copying – Copying another student’s work will not be tolerated and will result in a zero for all
parties (the giver and receiver) and the loss of 101 points. Plagiarism is defined as taking another person’s
words and ideas and using them as your own (this includes other student’s words or ideas). This includes
cutting and pasting documents from the web and direct copying of sentences from a text without citing the
source used. It is your responsibility to address questions about plagiarism before an assignment is turned in.
Work may be checked on

_______student initial ________ parent initial

Organization – Part of our 8th grade emphasis is on organization and listening skills, so teachers expect you to
get all the pertinent information and assignments during class. When in doubt you should check your planner,
teacher website or call a friend from class to get the assignment. Absent students should follow their individual
teacher’s expectations for absences.
_______student initial ________ parent initial

Communication – Aside from learning subject matter content this year, you will be learning how to: work in
groups, be more organized, accept personal accountability for your studies, and advocate for yourself. If there
is ever a question or concern that comes up in class, e-mail or make arrangements to meet with your teacher
to clarify your question or resolve the issue.

_______student initial _______ parent initial

Electronics – Per school policy, all electronic devices including cellphones, digital audio players, cameras and
eReader must be turned off and out of sight during the school day (8:10-2:35), unless the teacher has given
the student permission to use the device. EReaders are allowed for use in the classroom in place of a physical
novel. The internet may not be used on this device.

_______student initial _______ parent initial

How to contact us
Each teacher at BLMS has voicemail and email. While we are teaching class it is impossible for us to return
calls. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Materials Needed:

 Textbook – TCI online – Please remember how to log in as well as your password.
 Howard Zinn – A Young People’s History of the United States (supplementary)
 Atlas of United States History

Books and Movies:

Movies that may potentially be used in class in support of the curriculum:

Roots Guns, Germs, and Steel

The New World: Nightmare in Jamestown National Treasure I and II
America: The History of Us Rebels & Redcoats PBS Home
The Patriot Thomas Jefferson: Ken Burns
George Washington: American Revolution John Adams HBO Series
Glory Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee
Gettysburg Lincoln
Founding Fathers Lewis & Clark: The Great Journey West
Oregon Trail Afterschock: Beyond the Civil War
CNN Student News

Supplies Needed:

Everyday Supplies:
These following supplies must be brought everyday:

 Black/Blue/Red pens
 Pencils
 Highlighters (pink, blue, yellow, and green)
 Electronic storage supplies (USB or cloud storage)
 Binder fully supplied with paper!
 Sheet protectors to be placed in binder – at least five.
 O.R. Book (if you finish class work/activities early you will be reading)

Bring To School But May Be Stored In Locker:

Large Zip-Lock Bag With:

Set of Colored Pencils Sharpies (Ultra fine black)
Set of Colored Markers Scissors Glue Stick


8th Grade Social Studies Signature Sheet

Student Name (Please Print Legibly)____________________________________________________

Last name, First

I have read the SS packet and understand the policies and practices of 8th grade SS at Beaver Lake.
Sincerely, ____________________________
Student signature
I have read the SS packet and I approve of the listed potential movies included in this packet.

Parent Signature ____________________________


Parent Name (Please Print)_____________________

Last name, First

To Parents/Guardians:
Our team is looking forward to a great year! We have just a few questions to ask so that we may better
understand your student and plan for the school year.

1.) Does your student have access to a computer at home? ____Yes ___No

Does your student have internet access? ____Yes ___No

2.) What strengths does your student bring to class?

3.) Challenges?

4.) Is there anything else I should know about your student? Any issue that may affect student work this
year? Comments? Questions?

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