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Critical Social Justice in Education

World History “Diversity” Class, Deconstructed

“Diversity” Unit in World History 1 at Issaquah High School

This is an official Issaquah High School World History 1 Unit on “Diversity”.

Unit Review, Unit Outline.

The unit indoctrinates children into Critical Race Theory, Postmodernism, and
Feminism. This “Diversity” unit is ideological child-grooming.

We explain the ideologies behind this so-called “Diversity” unit with primary
“Diversity” = Critical Social Justice Ideologies
This class unit contains indoctrination into
Critical Social Justice ideologies such as
Feminism, Postmodernism, Critical Theory and
Critical Race Theory.

Since the official title of this class unit is

“Diversity”, this is an admission that the word
“Diversity” is a coded term for the above-
mentioned ideologies under the Critical
Social Justice banner.

Issaquah High School World History Class,

“Diversity” Unit
Critical Race Theory: Problematize Everything
“Culturally Relevant Pedagogy [Critical Race
Theory applied to education] is designed to
problematize teaching...”

Toward a Theory of Culturally Relevant

Pedagogy, Gloria Ladson-Billings

Issaquah High School World History Class,

“Diversity” Unit
Critical Race Theory: Unfalsifiable Ideology
“The question is not ‘Did racism take place?’
but rather, ‘In which ways did racism manifest
in this specific context?’”

Addressing Whiteness in Nursing Education,

Carole Schroeder, Robin DiAngelo

Identify what “root causes of modern

How do conspiracy theories like Critical Race
Theory “identify” anything? They start with what
they want to be true and work backward to
“prove” it.
Postmodernism: Deconstruction
“To practice deconstruction is to pick at these
categories and words and attempt to show
them to be inherently flawed, problematic, or
Deconstruction is a method by which meaning
is either broken down or problematized,
specifically for the purposes of either showing
meaning to be arbitrary (kind of a postmodern
game) or to expose and rearrange the power
dynamics believed to be carried by the ways
Issaquah High School World History Class, words relate to one another.”
“Diversity” Unit

New Discourses: Deconstruction

Deconstruction: Critical Race Theory’s Weapon
“Deconstructive arguments and techniques “It is because of the meaning and value imputed
often overlap with and may even be in the to Whiteness that Critical Race Theory
service of other approaches, such as becomes an important intellectual and social
pragmatism, Feminism or Critical Race tool for deconstruction, reconstruction, and
Theory. Deconstruction began to have influence construction: deconstruction of oppressive
in the legal academy with the rise of Critical structures and discourses, reconstruction of
Legal Studies and Feminism.” human agency, and construction of equitable
and socially just relations of power.”
Deconstruction, Yale University, Jack M. Balkin
"Just what is Critical Race Theory and what's it
doing in a nice field like Education?", Gloria
Ladson-Billings [Critical Race Theorist]
The “Argument for Inequality”: The Socialist Strawman
What “argument for inequality”? Does Issaquah
High School think we can’t identify this pathetic

Issaquah High school is straw-manning the

concept of the free market in order to promote

This is Socialist child-grooming.

Issaquah High School World History Class,
“Diversity” Unit
Critical Race Theory’s “Privilege”
“From a critical social justice
perspective, privilege is defined as
systemically conferred dominance and the
institutional processes by which the beliefs and
values of the dominant group are ‘made normal’
and universal. While in some cases, the
privileged group is also the numerical majority,
the key criterion is social and institutional
"Is Everyone Really Equal?: An Introduction to
Key Concepts in Social Justice Education",
Ozlem Sensoy, Robin DiAngelo, Pg 80

Issaquah High School World History Class,

“Diversity” Unit
Critical Race Theory’s “Privilege”
“Functionally, privilege operates in a nearly
indistinguishable way from the religious
concepts of Original Sin and Depravity.
Original Sin is a stain one is born with and
cannot escape, and it is the reason that each
individual is fundamentally corrupt and in need
of engaging in a spiritual life and finding
New Discourses: Privilege

Issaquah High School World History Class,

“Diversity” Unit
Feminism: The “Embedded in our culture” Marxist Conspiracy Theory

“The ideas of the ruling class are in every

epoch the ruling ideas… The class which has
the means of material production at its disposal,
consequently, also controls the means of
mental production.”

The German Ideology, Karl Marx and Friedrich

Engels, Pg 59

Issaquah High School World History Class,

“Diversity” Unit
Feminism: The “Embedded in our culture” Marxist Conspiracy Theory

“In Marxist philosophy, Cultural Hegemony is

the domination of a culturally diverse society
by the ruling class which manipulates the
culture of that society — the beliefs and
explanations, perceptions, values, and mores —
so that the imposed, ruling-class worldview
becomes the accepted cultural norm.”

Wikipedia: Cultural Hegemony

Issaquah High School World History Class,

“Diversity” Unit
Socialist Ideology: Begging the Question
“Critical Race Theory is unified by two common
interests. The first is to understand how a
regime of white supremacy and its subordination
of people of color have been created and
maintained in America…”

Critical Race Theory: The Key Writings that

Formed the Movement, Kimberle Crenshaw

Issaquah High School World History Class,

“Diversity” Unit
Socialist Ideology: Begging the Question
“Critical Race Theory is unified by two common
interests. The first is to understand how a
regime of white supremacy and its subordination
of people of color have been created and
maintained in America…”

Critical Race Theory: The Key Writings that

Formed the Movement, Kimberle Crenshaw

Notice the ideologues’ use of the word “how”.

Not “if”. There is no way to test their claim. They
start with what they want to be true and work
backward to “prove” it.
Socialist Ideology: Begging the Question
“This study did not set out to predict
outcomes for the future, but to test an already
established hypothesis: that Whiteness does
manifest in this type of setting and to describe
how it manifests.”

Whiteness in Racial Dialogue: A Discourse

Analysis, Robin DiAngelo

Notice the ideologues’ use of the word “how”.

Not “if”. There is no way to test their claim. They
start with what they want to be true and work
backward to “prove” it.
Sexism and Feminism: Bias and Stereotypes
“Toxic masculinity is the constellation of
socially regressive male traits that serve to
foster domination, the devaluation of women,
homophobia, and wanton violence.”

"What is Toxic Masculinity?", Blackfeminisms,

quoting Terry A. Kupers
Issaquah High School World History Class,
“Diversity” Unit

Exactly who is stereotyping whom?

Feminist Indoctrination in Issaquah School District
“One future pedagogical priority of Women’s
Studies is to train students… to serve as
symbolic ‘viruses’ that infect, unsettle, and
disrupt traditional and entrenched fields.”

“…the metaphor of the virus in part exemplifies

an ideal feminist pedagogy… both Women’s
Studies and the spread of actual viruses (e.g.,
Ebola, HIV) produce similar kinds of emotional
responses in others.”
Issaquah High School World History Class,
“Diversity” Unit Women’s Studies as Virus, Breanne Fahs,
Michael Karger
Feminist Indoctrination in Issaquah School District
“…we frame two new priorities for Women’s
Studies—training male students as viruses
and embracing 'negative' stereotypes of feminist
professors—as important future directions for
the field.

When men become Feminist viruses,

infecting and unsettling spaces where their
privilege and dominance is assumed, the
potential danger and impact is keenly felt.”
Issaquah High School World History Class,
“Diversity” Unit Women’s Studies as Virus, Breanne Fahs,
Michael Karger
Feminist Ideology: Begging the Question
Notice the ideologues’ use of the word “how”,
not “if”. This is a Begging the Question tactic.
Ideologues start with what they want to be true
and work backward to “prove” it.

There is no attempt to scientifically test and

falsify their claim.

Issaquah High School World History Class,

“Diversity” Unit
Feminist Ideology: The “Gender Pay Gap”
“…when you control for relevant differences
between men and women (occupations, college
majors, length of time in workplace) the wage
gap narrows to the point of vanishing.”

Wage Gap Myth Exposed — By Feminists,

Huffpost, Christina Hoff Sommers

Issaquah High School World History Class,

The Gender Pay Gap is a Complete Myth,
“Diversity” Unit
CBS News, Steve Tobak

There Is No Male-Female Wage Gap, The Wall

Street Journal, Carrie Lukas
Feminist Ideology
“Feminism is a doctrine”… (i.e., dogma)

Penguin Dictionary of Sociology

Since Feminism is a doctrine, i.e., dogma, by

what methods could one falsify any Feminist
claims of policies perpetuating “sexism” or
“gender bias”?

Issaquah High School World History Class,

“Diversity” Unit
Neo-Marxist Critical Theory
When you see the word “Critically” in this class,
you must understand this is not referring to
“critical thinking”. Rather, it is the opposite. It is
referring to Neo-Marxist Critical Theory, the
precursor to Critical Race Theory.

We know this because of the references to

Critical Theory and Critical Race Theory in
other Issaquah High School class documents.

Issaquah High School World History Class,

“Diversity” Unit
Neo-Marxist Critical Theory
“To be ‘critical’ in the Social Justice sense is to be
aware of and resist (systemic) power and disrupt
established systems and ways of thinking. This is
understood as a form of activism to end systemic
oppression by criticizing all systems and
undermining them (see also, subvert, deconstruct,
disrupt, dismantle, and revolution). It is not the
same ‘critical’ as we encounter in ‘critical thinking’
and, in fact, means something more specific.

…the critical approach ultimately draws in the main

from Karl Marx.”
Issaquah High School World History Class,
“Diversity” Unit New Discourses: Critical
Critical Race Theory: “Institutional Racism”
“To understand the Social Justice usage of
Institutional Racism, it is crucial to recognize
that racist intention as we would normally
understand it is irrelevant, and even racist
outcomes don’t necessarily matter; all that is
necessary is disparate outcomes based
upon racial group.”

New Discourses: Institutional Racism

Issaquah High School World History Class,

“Diversity” Unit
Critical Race Theory: “Police Abolition”
“The latest in a series of studies undercutting
the claim of systemic police bias was published
in August 2019 in the Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences.

There is ‘no significant evidence of antiblack

disparity in the likelihood of being fatally
shot by police,’ they concluded.”

Heather Mac Donald, “The Myth of Systemic

Police Racism”

Issaquah High School World History Class,

“Diversity” Unit
Critical Race Theory: “Police Abolition”
“A 2015 Justice Department analysis of the
Philadelphia Police Department found that white
police officers were less likely than black or
Hispanic officers to shoot unarmed black

Research by Harvard economist Roland G.

Fryer Jr. also found no evidence of racial
discrimination in shootings.”

Heather Mac Donald, “The Myth of Systemic

Police Racism”

Issaquah High School World History Class,

“Diversity” Unit
Critical Race Theory: “Objective Truth Doesn’t Exist”
“For the Critical Race Theorist, objective truth,
like merit, does not exist …truth is a social
construct created to suit the purposes of the
dominant group.”

Critical Race Theory: An Introduction, Richard

Delgado, Pg 92

“A theme of ‘naming one’s own reality’ or ‘voice’

is entrenched in the work of Critical Race
Theorists…Much of reality is socially
Issaquah High School World History Class,
“Diversity” Unit "Toward a Critical Race Theory of Education",
Gloria Ladson-Billings
Critical Race Theory: “Sentencing Disparities”
“Concerned about the deadly effect of crack
within their own communities, black members
of Congress led the charge to pass the 1986
federal drug laws. The bill that was passed --
which included the crack/powder sentencing
disparity -- did so with the support of the
majority of black congresspersons. None at
the time objected to the sentencing disparity as

Five Myths of the 'Racist' Criminal Justice

System, Larry Elder
Issaquah High School World History Class,
“Diversity” Unit
Critical Race Theory: “Sentencing Disparities”
“A 1994 Justice Department survey of felony
cases from the country’s 75 largest urban areas
discovered that blacks actually had a lower
chance of prosecution following a felony
than whites did and that they were less likely
to be found guilty at trial. Following conviction,
blacks were more likely to receive prison
sentences, however—an outcome that
reflected the gravity of their offenses as well
as their criminal records.”

Is the Criminal-Justice System Racist?, Heather

Issaquah High School World History Class, Mac Donald
“Diversity” Unit
Critical Race Theory: “Sentencing Disparities”
“An entire industry in the law schools now
dedicates itself to flushing out prosecutorial and
judicial bias, using ever more complicated
statistical artillery. The net result? A few new
studies show tiny, unexplained racial
disparities in sentencing, while other
analyses continue to find none.”

Is the Criminal-Justice System Racist?, Heather

Mac Donald

Issaquah High School World History Class,

“Diversity” Unit
Critical Race Theory: Unfalsifiable Ideology
“The question is not ‘Did racism take place?’
but rather, ‘In which ways did racism manifest
in this specific context?’”

Addressing Whiteness in Nursing Education,

Carole Schroeder, Robin DiAngelo

Issaquah High School World History Class,

“Diversity” Unit
Critical Race Theory: Unfalsifiable Ideology
“The question is not ‘Did racism take place?’
but rather, ‘In which ways did racism manifest
in this specific context?’”

Addressing Whiteness in Nursing Education,

Carole Schroeder, Robin DiAngelo

Issaquah High School World History Class,

“Diversity” Unit
Critical Race Theory: The Promotion of “Race-Consciousness”

“Color blindness: Belief that one should treat

all persons equally, without regard to their

[Referring to MLK’s ‘I Have a Dream’ speech]

“When Martin Luther King, Jr., issued his
famous call for America to put aside its racist
past and judge people not by the color of their
Issaquah High School World History Class, skin, but by the content of their character he was
“Diversity” Unit echoing a theme with long roots in America’s

Critical Race Theory: An Introduction, Richard

Delgado, Pg 158, Pg 103
Critical Race Theory: The Promotion of “Race-Consciousness”
“Critical Race Theorists [Crits] hold that color
blindness will allow us to redress only extremely
egregious racial harms…

But if racism is embedded in our thought processes

and social structures as deeply as many Crits believe,
then the 'ordinary business' of society...will keep
minorities in subordinate positions.

Issaquah High School World History Class, Only aggressive, color-conscious efforts to change
the way things are will do much to ameliorate misery.”
“Diversity” Unit
Critical Race Theory: An Introduction, Richard Delgado,
Pg 27
Critical Race Theory: “Microaggressions”
“Very little empirical research has been
conducted to actually substantiate the
ubiquity of microaggressions, to catalog the
harm they cause, or to refine the authors’ initial

“With regards to demonstrating the harm

caused by microaggressions, there has been
very little engagement with contemporary
Issaquah High School World History Class, cognitive or behavioral research—and virtually
“Diversity” Unit
no experimental testing.”

Microaggressions: Strong Claims, Inadequate

Critical Race Theory: “Deconstruction for thee, but not for me.”

“…Critical Legal Scholars [the predecessors to

Critical Race Theorists] reveal structure, de-
construct, and de-legitimate.
Like a pack of super-termites, these scholars
eat away at the trees of legal doctrine and
liberal ideals, leaving sawdust in their paths.”
"Looking to the Bottom: Critical Legal Studies
and Reparations", 1987, Mari J. Matsuda
[Critical Race Theorist]

Issaquah High School World History Class,

“Diversity” Unit

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