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Underbalance Criteria for Minimum

Perforation Damage
LA. Bohrmann, SPE, Schlumberger Perforating and Testing Center

Bummary ity). litiology, pore fluid compressibility, charge size and design,
A simple viscous drag force equation has been applied to single-shot clay content, and perhaps grain size.
laboratory perforatiorr/flow experimental data to obtain perforation In very had rock, it appears that microfractrrtes are created that
damage skin vs. underbafance. The equations are applicable for oil provide a fluid conduit bypass of the perforation damage. With
wells in consolidated, nonsanding formations and are a function of 3,000 psi underbstlance, negative perforation damage skins have
reservoir porosity, permeability, and diameter of the perforation been obtained in high-strength reservoir and outcrop rock cores.7
tunnel in the rock, Failure and collapse of the perforation tunnel can occur in weak
but consolidated rock. Tunnel failure is thus a function of the rock
llte equations are independent of oil compressibility and viscos-
strength, effective stress, and underbalance. A transient increase in
ity. The dependency on perforation diameter suggests that larger
effective stress occurs during the underbaksnce perforating process.
charges are more damaging than smafl charges and that big hole
If this stress exceeds the rock failure, then progressive collapse of
charges are more damaging than equal-size deep penetrating
the tunnel will occur. This can lead to faihsre of the rock between
charges. The equations can be used to calculate an optimum under-
perforations. This rock failure removes the ~rmeability damaged
balance or a single-shot perforation skin for less than optimum un-
zone (this is good), but may leave substantial sand debris in the ~r-
derbalance. The single-shot skin can be used in well-flow analysis
foration tunnel (this maybe bad),4
simulators to obtain a well perforation skhr. Larger chrrrges create a larger extent (absohrte and scaled) of the
damage zone and therefore either have a larger skin for the same un-
Introduction derbalance or require a larger underbalance for zero skin. More ef?i-
An estimate of the perforation damage skin before perforating a well cient charges (increased penetration for equal explosive mass)
would allow an operator to evafuate alternative perforating and oth- should be less damaging.
er completion options to obtain a financially optimum completion.
Removafof perforation damage is typically accomplished through Perforation Cleanup. Perforation damage cleanup during under-
underhalance perforating or acid stimulation. Fracturing is used to balanced perforating is the result of the transient decompression of
bypass the damage. This paper addresses the determination of the the reservoir fluid around the perforation once the reservoir/well-
minimum underbalance required to obtain clean (nondamaged) per- bore pressure differential is established during the perforation pro-
forations. It also provides equations to calculate the expected perfo- cess. It is assumed that cleanup of the perforation damage is from
ration damage when less than the minimum under-balance is used. the dynamic forces (pressure differential and drag) on the fractured
Single-shot perforatirrg/flow experimental’6 have provided a ba- sand grain particles that progressive y move/erode these particles
sic understanding of perforation damage and underbalance cleanup. from the perforation tunnel walls, thus removing the permeability
Most of the data suggest that underbalances higher than current field damaged region. This is a very simple model and avoids questions
about observed perforation damage not adjacent to the perforation
practice are required to obtain clean perforations. The data do not
tunnel, effect of wellbore fluids on damage/cleanup, nettability, etc.
suppcm early theories that turbulent flow is required to clean perfo-
Because these forces are highesl during fluid decompression, post-
rations. Although turbulent flow does occur at very early times with
shot pseudosteady-state flow does not roducc any substantial addi-
low-viscosity fluids, it is not considered the dominant factor affect-
tional cleanup of the primary damage. ? However, post-shot flow can
ing cleanup. TWOforces are considered. The first is the pressure dif-
help remove secondary (fines) damage.
ferential across a particle during the initial fluid decompression
Perforation cleanup is only weakly dependent on fluid viscosity
from the radial pressure gradient. The second is the subsequent tran- and, except for very viscous oils, perhaps greater than 100 cp can be
sient, weakly compressible radial flow (lamintw or turbulent). This neglected. Wellbore fluid, brine, solvent, oil, and acid may have an
latter force is used as a starting point to obtain semiempirical under- effect on cleanup because some of the wellbore fluid can be injected
bahmceJskirr equations using the referenced data sets, into the perforation at shot time.
Recent laboratory experiments, ‘llsble 1, in Berea sandstone with
Background 400+ cp oil gave skins at underbalances typical for tests with 1.5 cp
Perforation Damage. Impact of the reservoir rock by the high-ve- oil. t,2 All perforation tunnels were frr.e of loose sand debris. These
locity shaped-charge jet results in high shock pressures ( 1.5 million results suggest (I) a small and perhaps negligible viscosity depen-
psi at tunnel entrance to 150,000 psi at the perforation tip), which dency on underbalance requirements, and (2) turbulent flow is not
comrninutes the adjacent rock, fractures sand grains, fails inter- required to clean perforations. The key issues fmm the test results
grain cementation, and deborrds clay particles. Additional effects given in Table 1 are(1) apparent effect of wellbore fluids on perfora-
may include the transient injection of explosive products and well- tion damage and (2) negligible effect of viscosity on perforation
bore fluids into the perforation, creating a relative permeability damage with brine or kerosene wellbore fluids. When the wellbore
problem andor injecting wellbore debris into the perforation. The fluid was heavy oil, the perforation damage skin did not change with
primary perforation damage observed in laboratory experiments re- underbalance and was similar to balanced tests where kerosene was
sults from the grain fragmentation, creatin small particles that re- troth the pore and wellbore fluid. 1,2
A good summary paper on perforation damage and cleanup is
duce pore throat size and thus permeability. $ In general, the porosity
given by Halleck.8
in this damaged region is not significantly changed. Some “fines”
(secondary) damage has been observed and attributed to clay de-
Field Data and Various Correlations. King et aL9 provide the pr-
borrding. The extent of damage is a function of rock strength (poros-
imary source of field data that correlates minimum underbakmce to
reservoir permeability. Crawford10 combines King’s work with
‘+vW 1* SOCWOfpettium Er@nsers sonic velocity data to ive additional equations dependent upon
SPE manuscriptrsceivadformviswMay1S, 19SS Revisedmanuscriptreceived sanding potential. Tariq f 1analyzed King’s original plus new data to
April8, 199SPspar peerapprovedApril23, 199S Papr (!SPEW81 ) fimtpmsenledat the
199SSPE EuropeanFonnaticmosma~ ConferenceheldinThe Hague,Ths Netherlands, propose analytic equations for minimum underbalance based on on-
May1S-16. set of turbulent flow (a critical Reynolds number) through the perfo-

SPE Drilling& Completion,September 19% 173


I Test No.
(W) Skin I
104 211 Kerosene 1,500 422 0.0
105 294 Heavy Oil o 422 3.0
106 202 Heavy Oil 1,000 422 2.4
107 168 Heavy Oil 1,500 422 2,6
1Oft 447 Wins 1 MS-l MM? 19

ration. Unfortunately, Tariq’s model requires a knowledge of the per- where CD = drag coeff]ciem, p = fluid density, v = fluid velocity,
foration damage zone tilckness, perforation tunnel dhrneter in the and A = particle cross-section area. The drag coeftlcient is
r~k, and the “critical” Reynolds number, which must be a function
CD= 1/flRe , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . (2)
of the fluid viscosity. The Tariq undetbidance equation has the under-
balance ptessute increasing as viscosity squ~ however, recent lab- where NRC= Reynolds number and y = a shape coefficient equal to
oratory data do not suppoti tlds relationship. Therefore, the Tariq one for a sphere. The Reynolds number is given by
“critical” Reynolds number would have to decrease as the viscosi[y
NRe= pvt)lp, . . . ...).. ............................ (3)
increased. This would quickly give Iaminar Darcy flow, which vio-
lates Tariq’s initial assumption of cleanup requiring turbulent flow, where d = a characteristic pore size and # = fluid viscosity.
and therefore the validity of the Tariq model is questionable. Assuming spherical grains with an average and constant area,
Tltaory F~av@. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...(4)
Pressure Dtierential. Assuming that after the creation of the per-
From Van Everdingen, 12the transient radial flow into a wellbore
foration tunnel there is only loose fractured sand (no liquid or high or perforation is given in terms of dimensionless flow, Q, and di-
pressure gas) in the tunnel, then a differential pressure boundary mensionless time, t. The total flow per unit length of perforation tmr-
condition exista at the tunnel walls equal to the reservoir pressure. rrel is
A decompression wave moves radially from the tunnel wall, reduc-
ing the reservoir pressure. This pressure reduction is a function of @-(mIfcm oflengtb)=27r@C#APQ, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (5)
the fluid and rock properties. If the pressure reduction at any given where @J=interconnected porosity (fraction), C = fluid compress-
radius is fast enough, then a substantial pressure differential across ibility (I/bar), r = tunnel radius (cm), and M = pressure differential
a fractured sand grain can be developed. Unfortunately, computer (bar).
simulators are not currently available that treat shock decompres- The total time is
sion thmugb a porous media. Simulations using both continuum
7@c)=@C?t/k, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...(6)
mechanics and transient porous media codes suggest that the poten-
tial force fmm this pressure differential will only be important for where k = rock Permeability, Pore flow velocity at the perforation
very low-viscosity fluids or very high permeabilities, The exper- radius, r, is
imental data base fmm which the following underbalance equations
are developed dces not include either of the above extremes, and vr=(dQr\d~l&ea, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . ...(7)
therefore the pressure differential force is assumed negligible. where Area = 2m-@.Therefore,
Vr = (k&/@# r)(dQ/d~), . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (B)
Drag Force. If a continuous “cleaning” model is accepted where
perforation damage is removed from the perforation tunnel walls where dQ/dt is a dimensionless flow rate. Thus, the drag force is
outward, then at some radius there will be insufficient forces to
FDtr(kAMr@r)(dQ/@. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...(9)
move particles. Except in the most extreme cases, the flow at this
boundary will be kmtinsr for a clean perforation near the perforation The dimensionless flow rate, dflJdt, is a function of the dime-
damagehirgin reservoir interface. Although turbulent flow may ex- nsionlesstime, t, and the ratio of the test core/perforation radius, r~r,
ist at early time near the initial perforation rsdiius, the minimum drag which is typically 10 or larger for the referenced experiments, This
force to clean perforation damage will therefore occur at some dis- means from Van Everdhgen that the dimensionless flow rate, up to
tance fmm the initial tunnel radius and will, in general, be Iaminsr. about time r = 30, is only a function of r, F%. L
Thus, the analytical model presented in this paper will be limited to The problem now is to decide how to treat the dimensionless flow
the determination of optimum undertsalance for near-zero perfora- rate. An example of real times and flow rates will be used in this
tion damage assuming only laminar viscous drag. evaluation. Consider a Berea test core with 20% porosity, 2tXt md,
The drag force is oil viscosity of 1.52 cp, oil compressibility of 0.00005/tsar, perfora-
tion tunnel radius of 0.5 cm, and a differential pressure of 100 bar.
FD=CDJW%V2, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(1) The flow rate and total fluid flowed percentimeterof tunnel vs. time
.- - ..
~ 1.2

-- ”---- -
o t 01234567 8910
o 10 23 so a so a mm, n4nnc
Fig. 2—Total flow snd ftow rste vs. tlms, from van Evsrdingan,
Fig. l—Dimensionless flow rstes, from Vsn Evsrdingen. rdr= 10.

174 SPE Drilling& Completion.September 1996

Gold sandstone, 3.2 gm charge Beraa sandstone, 3.2 gm charge
3s” 31
2.5- ‘
\ 2-
$ l.5- 81,5-
1- ..
0.5- . .
o- .
. .
4.57 0.
0 400 m 1200 laoo 0 400 awl 1200 Iaoo
CMa Put@/t3”tP~ OatraH@%O@s

Fig. 3-Pasrforatlng akin va. drag. Fig. 4-Perforating skirtvs. drag.

is shown in Fig. 2. The Van Everdingen solution is for a stationary Berea aandatone, 15 gm oharge
tunnel radius, whereas the proposed perforation damage cleanup le-
model has an increasing tunnel radius as the damage is cleaned up.
This will increase the early-time flow rate and total flow but will de- 12-
crease the flow veloeit y proportional to the inverse of the tunnel ra-
dius. The dimensionless time of 30 is equivalent, for this example, \ .
to 0.82 milliseconds. During this time, the flow rate has decreased a- = .
to 113of its initial value and 1/3of the total flow has oecrrrred. It is i .
4- 1
suggested that cleanup will occur during this time and that a critical
(minimum) drag force will have been reached. Because the dimen- .
sionless flow rate changes only slightly from a dimensionless time 0- : \
of 20 to 40. a constant value is assumed for the critical dimension-
less flow rate. It is noted that at a shock veloeity of 0.11 mrn/micm-
seeonds, the shock from the decompression wave has traveled 89 0 1200 lam
mm, or about one round trip transit time for a 4-in. (100 mm) diame- rnna Pv@310.LW3
ter test core.
For most of the referenced test data,],z there was no transient post- Fig. S-Perforating akfn va. drag.
shot flow, 13therefore perforation cleanup could only occur from the
fluid decompression. From Bartusiak’s Fig. 7,5 the peak measured for this will require a more detailed study of both the damage and
flow rate after a 1,500 psi underbalance test where post-shot flow cleanup mechanisms. The correlation that gives consistent results
was allowed was 66 mUs or 3.3 mlJs/cm for a 7.9 in. perforation, was to reduce the tunnel diameter dependency to @.3. Plots of the
about 1/1o of the decompression flow rate at 0.82 millisecond, Fig. three data sets are shown in F@. 3 through 5. The critical underba-
2. Therefore, it is postulated that the fluid flow during decompres- lance for near zero perforation damage is therefore
sion surge provides the drag force to dislodge the fractured grains
AP=l,480r@3/k%,k>100 md, ................. . (13)
and begins the process of removing them from the tunnel. The sub-
sequent transient flow helps sweep any remaining fractured grains where AP is in psi, # in percentage, kin md, D in inches, and 1.480
out of the perforation tunnel but is not significant in providing fur- is the average intercept from Figs. 3 through 5.
ther perforation damage cleanup.5 One of the deficiencies of the data set is the small range of per-
The critical drag force is therefore meabilities tested; Berea had a nominal permeability of 200 md
FDakAp/b@, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (10) while Gold sandstone permeabilityy was about 100 md. Application
of @ 13 to recent low-permeability reservoir core and outcrop
A number of different correlations (for example, Collins, Ward, roek7 gives very high underbalances relative to test data. For most
and Slichter) 14 have been suggested for the “characteristic pore of the tests, there was no perforation damage and the single shot
size.” All gave similar correlations with the test data, therefore the skins were negative. To accommodate the lower-permeability rock
simple correlation of Ward was chosen, where test data, the permeability dependency was redueed from k0.5 to
k033. The 0.33 exponent is an arbitrary numtxr to allow an engi-
bakfi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (11)
neering estimate of the critical underbalance for the lower perme-
The critical drag force is thus ability reservoirs. Obviously, this whole subject of @oration dam-
age and cleanup is much more complex than the simple engineering
F@kfiAP/@D, ................................. (12)
approach discussed in this paper.
where D is the tunnel diameter. For reservoir permeabilities less than 100 md, the following equa-
tion is proposed for the minimum underbalanee for near zero perfo-
Data Correlation ration damage skin.
Three sets of data’ ,2,5were used to determine an empirical value for AP=687@3/kln,k <100md. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (14)
the critical drag force: ( 1) a 3.2-gram charge shot into 4-in.
(100-mm) diameter Berea sandstone; (2) a 3.2-gram charge shot For reservoirs with pcrmeabilities greater than 100 md, use Eq.
into 4-in. (100-mm) diameter Gold sandstone; and (3) a 15-gram 13.
charge shot into 7-in. (178-mm) diameter Berea sandstone. For each To calculate perforation damage for underbalances less than
set of data, a plot of single shot skhr (experimental measurement) vs. those given in the above equations, the following equations are pro-
the proposed drag force (Eq. 12) will yield the critical drag force at posed to calculate skin for a single perforation.
the intercept of zero sk[n. The three plots of Eq. 12 gave very differ- Skins = (CD/20)2 *(2.64 – 0.00395*AP kl’3/@@-3),
ent intercepts. The perforation tunnel diameter dependence had to
be reduced to obtain a correlation between all data sets. The reasoa fork< 100md. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (15)

SPE Drilling& Completion. September 19% 175

Formation Casing Average Total
Gun Penetration, Hole Diameter, Tunnel Diameter, Single Permeability Ratio wall Productivity
No. in. in, in. Shot Skin kl-wlk Skin Ratio
1 4 0.26 0.55 1.76 0.40 5.46 0.59
1 4 0.26 0.55 0 1 3.09 0.72
2 14 0.31 0.64 3.64 0.20 2.35 0.77
2 14 0.31 0.64 0 1 0.03 1.00
3 22.3 0.37 0.76 12.1 0.07 1.36 0.64
3 22.3 0.37 0.76 0 1 -1.06 1.17

Skins.= (CD/20)2 *(2.64 – 0.00183*AP ktD/#@3), TABLE 3-RATIOS OF WELL PRODUCTtVf’fV

fork> 100md. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (16) Ratioof Well Productivity
No perforation damage/perforation
D = EHIUNI*[3.27 – 0.61 ln(UCS)], for deep penetrating charges, Gun Number Damage
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (17) 1 1.22
2 1.30
where CD= liner charge diameter in mm, EHN80 is the casing en-
3 1.39
trance hole in N80 casing, and UCS is the unconfined compressive
rock strength in Kpsi.
Again, the need for two sets of equations is caused by limited data The rock compressive strength and effective stress are used only
at both the high and low ends of reek perrneabilit y. For strong (low- in the calculation of the downhole penetration and tunnel diameter.
permeability) reek, another parameter needs to be added to Eqs. 14 The skins associated with a 500 psi un&rbalance are given in ‘llsble
and 15 to account for the “micro fracturing” of the brittle rock. For 2. The sensitivity of the charge size (tunnel diameter) is clearly seen
weak (high-permeability) rock, a rock-strength parameter needs to in the increasing optimum underbrdance for the larger perforating
be added to @s. 13 and 16 to account for perforation tunnel failure.
Table 2 shows the obvious advantage of deep penetrating large
Vkcosity dependence is accommodated through the particle
charges (phasing also helps) for increased productivity. However,
shape factor given in Eq. 2. Analysis of the limited data in Table 1
‘lhble 3 shows that a larger underbalance is required for deeper
suggests a shape factor between 0,8 and 0.9. This would provide a
penetrating charges to have the same relative production ratios as
viscosity dependency in Eqs. 13 through 16 with an exponent be-
for smaller charges. Table 3 also shows that substantial increases in
tween 0.1 and 0.2. well productivity is possible with higher underbalance than typical-
Use of the proposed underbalance and skin equations will help ly used.
answer two frequently asked perforating questions: (I) how much
underbalance is requited to have clean or 100% effective perfora-
tions, and (2) if the optimum underbalance is not possible, what is
the expected perforation damage skin? The perforation damage Optimum underbalance and perforation damage skin equations
skins given in Eqs. 15 or 16 arc for single-shot test cores ordy. These have been developed and normalized to single-shot laboratory per-
skhs must be translated into a reservoir skin for a given wellbore, foration flow data. Although the detailed physics of perforation
perforation, and reservoir configuration. A reservoir in-flow simu- cleanup have been simplified, the combined theoreticaUempirical
lator is required. Typical input to these simulators, in addition to per- solutions provides additional means to estimate either an optimum
foration depth, entrance hole, and reservoir properties, are the ratio underbalance for “neat-” zero perforation damage or to estimate the
skin from perforation damage with less than optimum underba-
of perforation damage zone to reservoir permeabllities, h@k. and
lance. A direct comparison with King et al. kdata is subject to guess-
the damage or crushed zone thickness, td, which up to now have
ing the posity and charge size. However, given reasonable porosi-
generally heen guessed.
ties, the optimum underbalance calculated from this paper will be
two to four times that given by King. This is not necessarily unex-
Application and Discussion pected because King et al. do not suggest that their data represent
If we assume extent of damage, td= 0.6 in., then the following no perforation damage, only that matrix acidization is not effective
equation can be used to calculate an equivalent permeability reduc- if sufficient underbalrmce is used.
tion, k#.

k@c=ht (r#%)/[ln(rjr~/~) +SkinJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (18)

A= particle cross-section area, L2, cm2
where rp = D12, and r~ = rp + t~. c= fluid compressibility, Ubar
Three examples, using Eqs. 13, 16, and 18, will be presented to CD= liner charge diameter, L, mm
&monstrate the calculation of optimum underbalance and perforrs- CD= drag coefficient
tion skin for an underbalance insutllcient to yield no perforation D= tunnel diameter, L, cm
damage. EHN80= casing entrance hole in N80 casing, L, in.
Reservoir pmpe~”es, urtderfw&rnce, and guns. FD= drag force
Rock unconfined compressive strength: 7,000 psi, k= rock permeability, L2, md
Effective stress: 3,000 psi, k@= ratio of perforation damage zone to reservoir
Permeability: 200 md, permeabiiities
Porosity: 18%, NRe= Reynold’s number
Underbalance 500 psi, typical for 2(X)md P= underbalance pressure, rrt/Lt2, psi
Gun 1 11l/lb, 4 Spf, t)” phase, AP = pressure differential, bar for transient flow equation
Optimum underbalance 1,570 psi, 0= dimensionless flow
Gun 2 2 l/.,4 spf, +!– 45° phase, dQMt = dimensionless flow rate
Optimum underbalance 1,651 psi, r=r- = tunnel radius, L, cm
Gun 3 4%, 5 spf, 72° phase, rO/r= ratio of the test core/perforation radkts
Optimum underbalance 1,735 psi. t= dimensionless time

176 SPE Drilling& Completion, September 1996

damageor cmshed zone thickness, L, in. ‘tldsa Centemial Petroleum Engineering Symposium, Tulsa, OK, Aug.
time, t, seconds 29-31.
unconfined compressive reek strength, rn/Lt2, psi 9. King, G.E., Anderson, A,, and Bingham, M.: “A Field Study of Urrder-
bal~ce Pressures Necessary to Ob&in Clean Perforation Using Tubing-
fluid velocity, Ut, cm/s
Conveyed Perforating,” JPT (June 1986)662-664; Trans., AIME, 2S1.
fluid density, #cc 10. Crawford, H. R.: ‘TJnderbalmrccd Perforating Design,” paper SPE
a shape coefficient equal to one for a sphere 19749 presented at the 1989 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Ex-
a characteristic pore size hibition, San Antonio, TX, Oct. 8- I 1.
fluid viscosity, rn/Lt, cp 1I. Tariq, S.: “New, Generalized Criteria for Determining the Level of Un-
interconnected porosity, fraction derbatance for Obtaining CleanPerforations,” psper SPE 20636 pres-
ented at the 1990 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibkion,
New Orleans, Sept. 23-26.
12. Van Everdingen, A.F. and Hurst, W.: ‘The Application of the LaPlace
Thanks to Schlumberger Well Services for allowing publication. Transformation to Ftow problems in Reservoirs,” Trarr$., American
Many thanks to Dr. Phil Halleck for many stimulating discussions Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, 1S6,Dallas (1949).
and review of the manuscript. 13. API RP 43 “Recommended Practices for Evacuation of Well Perfora-
tors,” American petroleum Inst., fifth edition, Washington,DC (Jan.
14. Flow Through Porwus Media, RogerJ.M. de Wlest (ed.)Academic Press
1.Behrrnann, L.A, et al.: “Measurement of Additional Skin Resulting ( 1969) 97-99.
From Perforation Damage,” paper SPE 22809 presented al the 1991
SPE Annturf Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, Oct. 6-9,
S1Metric Convoraion Factora
2. Hsia, T-Y. and Behrmsnn, L. A.: “Perforating Skin as a Function of R~k
Permeability and Underbalance,” paper SPE 22810 presented at the bar X 1.O* E+05 =Pa
1991 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallss, Oct. Cp x 1.O* E–03=Pa. s
6-9. in. X2.54* E+ OO=cm
3. Puckoell, J. K..and Behrrnann, L. A.: “An Investigation of the Damaged md x 9.869233 E–04 =flm2
Zone Created by Perforating: paper SPE 22811 presented at the 1991 psi X6.894 757 E+ OO=kPa
SPE Annual Technical Conference rmrfExhibition, Dallas, Ott, 6-9.
“CorrvrsrsirmIsctar is sweet. SPEDC
4. Behmrann, L. A., Pucknell, J. K., and Bishop,S.R.: “Effectsof Undcrba-
lance and EffectiveStress on Perforation Damage in Weak Sandstone:
Initial Results,” paper SPE 24770 presented at the 1992 SPE Annual
Lawrence A.Bahrmann Is manager of advanced studks at the
T=hnical Conference and Exhibition, Washington, DC, Oct. 4-7.
Schlumberger perforating ond Testing Center in Rosharan, TX.
5. Bartusiak, R., Behmrann, L. A., and Halleck, P.M.: “Experiments Inves-
He holds a SS degree from the U. of California, Berkeley, and an
tigate Underbalance Ftow Velocity and Volume Needed to Obtain Perfo-
MS degree from Lehigh U., both h mechardccsl engineering.
ration Cleanup,” paper SPE 26896 presented at the 1993 SPE Eastern
Behrmann specializes In the design of perforators and their kr-
Regional Conference and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Nov. 2-4, teractlon with reservoks,
6. Rochon, J,: “VISCOUSFluids Characterize the Crushed Zone,” SPEDC
(Sept. 1995) 198.
7, Blosser, W.R.: “’An Assessment of Performing Performance for High
Compressive Strength Non-Homogeneous Sandstones,” paper SPE
30082 presented at the 1995 SPE Eurpoean Formation Damage Control
Conference, llre Hague, May 15-16.
8. Hallcck, P.M.: “Advances in Understanding Perforator Penetration and
Ffow Performance,” paper SPE 27981 presented at the 1994 SPE U. of

SPE Drilling& Completion, September 1996 t 77

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