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ARMA 18–0165

From Wellbore Instability, Grain Mixing to Injectivity

Reduction: A New Damage Mechanism for Water Injectors
Chan, A.W.
Shell Exploration and Production Company, New Orleans, LA, USA

Yadav, S., and Mikulencak, D.R.

Shell Exploration and Production Company, New Orleans, LA, USA

Copyright 2018 ARMA, American Rock Mechanics Association

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 52nd US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium held in Seattle, Washington, USA, 17–20
June 2018. This paper was selected for presentation at the symposium by an ARMA Technical Program Committee based on a technical and critical
review of the paper by a minimum of two technical reviewers. The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any position of ARMA, its
officers, or members. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper for commercial purposes without the written consent
of ARMA is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 200 words; illustrations may not be copied. The
abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgement of where and by whom the paper was presented.

ABSTRACT: Wellbore instability has been registered and expected as one of the risks for successful delivery of horizontal injectors
with open-hole stand-alone screens in depleted reservoirs. Special drill-in fluids and breaker fluids were designed to ensure stability
of these wells prior to screen installations. Borehole collapse was expected in most cases after the wellbore pressure dropped to
hydrostatic at the end of the drilling process. Unlike open-hole producers, the loose particles (or grains) trapped in the annulus of the
open-hole injectors will likely undergo constant mixing and resorting during each injection and shut-in cycles. In this study, we
examined the impacts of grain mixing on the reduction of porosity and permeability in the annulus using a simple binary mixing
model. Our preliminary results suggest that if the fines are 10 to 20 times smaller than the larger particles, the presence of a few
percent in volume fraction of fine particles can reduce permeability by an order of magnitude.

fines can be mixed and repacked in the annulus to create

a permeability barrier that could lead to the observed
Horizontal wells with open-hole stand-alone screens have injectivity reduction. In this study, we investigated the
been the preferred well and completion designs for water plausibility of this new impairment mechanism by
injectors across the Shell Deepwater portfolio in recent evaluating the impact of particle mixing on porosity and
years. Wellbore instability has been registered as a permeability reduction in the annulus region of the
significant risk for drilling these horizontal injectors injector.
especially in depleted reservoirs. One of the key
challenges during the drilling phase for some of these
wells is to manage the potential risks between wellbore
instability and severe mud loss due to fracture gradient MECHANISM FOR WATER INJECTORS
reduction. Numerous studies and efforts have been made Most of our horizontal injectors in depleted reservoirs
to ensure successful delivery of these wells. While were drilled over-balanced with good filter cakes that
majority of these wells have been drilled and completed ensure stability before and during installation of screens.
successfully, some of the injectors have experienced However, when downhole pressure is reduced to
lower than expected injectivities upon start up. Their hydrostatic, wellbore instability will likely occur. Once
damage mechanisms are often attributed to poor water the wellbore collapsed, formation materials will have
quality, water hammer effects, emulsion, intra-well fallen onto the screen, filling up the annulus and exposing
crossflows, shear failures or fluidization in the formation. new formation. The cyclic nature of injection and shut-in
However, wellbore instability will likely occur once the may have introduced a unique mechanism that ultimately
stand-alone screen is installed and during the subsequent impaired the permeability of the annulus. While wellbore
injection shut-in cycle as downhole pressure is reduced to instability during shut-in that leads to sand production is
hydrostatic. The collapsed formation along with other
Fig. 1: A new mechanism for injectivity reduction due to wellbore instability and grain rearrangement through
multiple shut-in/injection cycles. Wellbore instability will likely occur during well shut-in when the downhole
pressure drops to hydrostatic, resulting in formation collapse onto the screen and filling up the annulus region. Grain
rearrangement occurs during subsequent injection cycles while new particles can be introduced into the system via
abrasion, fines from injected water, and continued wellbore collapse. Porosity and permeability reduction from
repacking of particles in the annulus region can lead to injectivity decline observed in open-hole injectors.

a well-known phenomenon (e.g., van den Hoek et al., • Subsequent injection and shut-in cycles continue to
2000; Santarelli et al., 2000), we propose that the mix movable particles. Additional materials may also
subsequent injection cycles may have worsened the be introduced to the annulus via abrasion, grain
permeability (or increased skin) through particle mixing breakage, fines introduced from injected waters, or
and re-packing of the mobile materials inside the annulus. continued borehole collapse.
Figure 1 illustrates how wellbore instability along with
particle mixing in the annulus can lead to permeability • Loose particles under cyclic loading will continue to
reduction: rearrange and resort, causing a decline in porosity and
permeability in the annulus.
• When the well is shut in (or when downhole pressure
reduces to hydrostatic), formation failure will likely • Once the annulus is completely filled and packed, the
occur and collapse onto the screen in the annulus. effect from this damage mechanism on injectivity
should stabilize.
• When injection restarts, pressure and velocity of the
Given the same stress condition, a reduction in
injected water could mobilize the loose materials
permeability should occur at a faster rate for an
inside the annulus, resulting in grain mixing.
unconsolidated formation relative to a friable formation
that has some cohesive strength. For a stronger formation, where Rw is the outer diameter (OD) of the screen, Rannulus
the impact of stability may not be as severe as is the hole size, Kannulus is the permeability of the annulus
unconsolidated sands partly due to the likely size of the (varied from 1×10-2 to 1×10-3 mD), and Kres is the
collapsed materials. Only if after more frequent shut- permeability of the reservoir. For a horizontal well, Kres
in/injection cycles break the larger collapsed materials can be expressed in terms of vertical and horizontal
down into smaller particle sizes will the same level of permeabilities as:
impairment occur. Meanwhile, the amount of
permeability reduction caused by a packed (or fluidized) 𝐾𝑟𝑒𝑠 = √𝐾𝑉 𝐾ℎ = √𝐾𝑉 𝐾ℎ 2 (2)

annulus will depend on particle size distribution of the
packed materials. Mixing and packing should reach a
Assuming a KV/Kh of 0.9 and the Kh for the target
limit when no new materials are added to the annulus or
reservoirs to be 110 mD, Kres is estimated to be 104 mD
the available accommodation space is filled to capacity.
based on Eqn. (2). If the observed equivalent skins for the
A longer shut-in period may result in more particle
horizontal well of 10 to 90 are due to creation of a packed
settlement and may influence the amount of energy
annulus, the annulus permeability needs to be reduced by
required to restart the mixing process during the next
2 to 3 orders of magnitude from the original reservoir
injection start-up. But once the mixing is restarted, the
permeability based on the above equations.
injection rate should be stabilized. Diagenesis may further
reduce permeability, resulting in more severe injectivity
decline for a longer shut-in period. 2.3. Porosity and Permeability Reduction for
Particle Mixture
It is also important to note that if the annular region is
packed with loose materials that result in lower The influences of particle mixing on porosity and
permeability than the reservoir, then injectivity decline permeability have significant engineering implications
from solids in water becomes more severe, as the limiting such that numerous experimental and numerical works
pore throat size will be that of the annular packed region have been conducted for applications in sedimentology,
instead of the reservoir. In addition, Feia et al. (2015) chemical engineering, material sciences, filtration, water
concluded from their experimental works that the resources engineering, and food sciences (e.g., Furnas,
commonly used empirical rule of clogging only occurring 1929; Westman & Hugill, 1930; Krumbein & Monk,
for a particle size/pore size ratio exceeding 1:7 cannot be 1942; McGeary, 1961; Beard & Weyl, 1973; Suzuki et al.,
validated. They suggest that plugging can be reached for 1981; Han et al., 1986; Marion, 1990; Marion et al., 1992;
smaller values of this ratio for a larger injected volume. Koltermann & Gorelick 1995). Despite the broad
spectrum of studies, some of the key observations have
2.1. Wellbore Stability for Water Injectors very consistent conclusions:

To evaluate the severity of wellbore instability for one of • Porosity is independent from grain size but highly
our recently drilled horizontal injectors, the full stability dependent on sorting. Porosity will also be affected
solution was used as described in Jaeger et al. (2007) or by grain shape and angularity (e.g., Furnas, 1929;
Fjaer et al. (2008). We calibrated our rock properties Beard & Weyl, 1973).
based on drilling results both from near-by offset wells • A minimum packing porosity of binary mixtures can
and the injectors. When the wellbore wall is assumed to be lower than the minimum packing porosity of those
be impermeable, the initial failure zone around the of mixture with a homogeneous particle size (e.g.,
wellbore wall for a mud weight of 11.0 to 11.5 ppg is Marion et al., 1992; Koltermann & Gorelick, 1995).
negligible (no observable wellbore instability issue was Porosity of a binary mixture depends on the volume
reported during drilling). However, severe wellbore fraction and the ratio of the particle populations
instability is expected once the wellbore wall becomes (Figure 2). This theoretical minimum will occur when
permeable after breakers are spotted and wellbore the finer particles completely pack the voids from the
pressure drops to hydrostatic during shut-in. larger grains (Clark, 1979).

2.2. Permeability Reduction and Equivalent Skins

Expressing the well skin, S, as an annular region of
reduced permeability as introduced by Van Everdinger
(1953), a link can be made between a packed annulus of
given permeability and expected equivalent skin from the
following equation:
𝐾𝑟𝑒𝑠 −𝐾𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑙𝑢𝑠 𝑅 Fig. 2: The optimal packing porosity of a binary particle
𝑆= 𝐾𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑙𝑢𝑠
log ( 𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑙𝑢𝑠
) (1) mixture will typically be smaller than that of a mixture with a
homogeneous particle size.
Fig. 3: Porosity and permeability as a function of volume fraction of fine particles for mixed binary spherical
mixtures. The continuous function is based on experimental works with glass beads by Mota et al. (2001). Other
distribution functions exist with different materials (see text for detailed discussions). Permeability estimates are
based on the Kozeny-Carman relationship with fitting parameters based on the same glass bead experiments.

• Porosity of the binary mixture is typically less than this study, we utilize a continuous porosity distribution
the linear combination of the porosity of the larger function developed by Mota et al. (2001) to evaluate the
and smaller particles (e.g., Koltermann & Gorelick first-order effect of mixing particles with two different
1995). grain sizes on porosity and permeability such that:
• Mean grain diameter of the mixture alone will not 𝜙𝐷 (𝑋𝐷 ) = 1 − (1 − 𝜙𝐷0 )𝑋𝐷 ∙ 𝐹(𝛿, 𝑋𝐷 ) (4)
predict the porosity of the binary mixture.
𝜙𝑑 (𝑋𝑑 ) = 𝜙𝑑0 + (1 − 𝜙𝑑0 )𝑋𝐷 ∙ 𝑓(𝛿, 𝑋𝐷 ) (5)
• Permeability of unconsolidated sand can be related to
Combining Eqn. (4) and (5) with calibration to glass bead
size and sorting (e.g., Krumbein & Monk, 1942;
experiments, Mota et al. (2001) propose a continuous
Beard & Weyl, 1973).
porosity function for binary mixtures such that:
• Kozeny-Carmen relationship can be used to estimate f(δ)
the permeability of the uniform or binary mixture ϕ={1-(1-ϕ0D )XD [1.35-XD∙F(δ)] }∙ [ϕ0D +(1-ϕ0D )XD ] (6)
(e.g., Koltermann & Gorelick 1995; Mota et al., 2001;
Dias et al., 2006).
• Permeability of unconsolidated sand decreases as 1.55
grain size becomes finer and as sorting becomes 𝐹(𝛿) = − [0.27 − 1+1 ]
⁄exp(𝛿+0.06) (7)
poorer (e.g., Beard & Weyl, 1973). 0.27

Porosity for an idealized binary mixture, , can be { 𝑓(𝛿) = 5 − 4 ∙ √𝛿

expressed as:
𝜙 = 𝜙𝐷 (𝑋𝐷 )𝜙𝑑 (𝑋𝑑 ) (3) Figure 3 illustrates the porosity estimate for a binary
mixture based on these equations with an assumption that
where XD and Xd are the volume fraction of the larger and both initial porosities for the large and small particles are
smaller particles and D and d are the corresponding 40%. It also shows the impact of volume fraction of fine
porosities of the larger and smaller particles. In a real particles on the overall permeability of the mixture.
mixture, it has been noted that the presence of smaller Numerous experimental and numerical studies have been
particles can influence the larger particle mixture by a performed to study permeability for packed mixture from
displacement effect,  = d/D, and can erroneously predict homogeneous packing of spherical particles to wet
the packing porosity of binary mixtures (Yu et al., 1996). sand/shale mixtures (e.g., Beard & Weyl, 1973; Zaman &
Different authors have introduced correction factors to Jalali, 2010). The well-known Kozeny-Carman
address the discrepancy. For example, Koltermann & relationship is used in estimating permeability, k, of the
Gorelick (1995) propose a fractional packing model to binary mixture. The relationship idealized the porous
describe this phenomenon and calibrate their models to fit medium as twisted circular pipes of known dimensions
observations from sediment mixtures based on and applied Darcy’s law for laminar flow through these
experimental works presented by Marion et al. (1992). In pipes to estimate permeability. Despite the assumptions,
Fig. 4: The impacts of initial packing porosity of the homogeneous particles on the porosity and permeability of the
binary mixture.

Fig. 5: The impact of grain mixture on porosity and permeability based on reservoir sands (160 m) with
various particle sizes from the drilling mud used.

numerical simulations and experimental data suggested permeability as a function of a geometric factor, B,
that the relationship performs well in most porosity ranges tortuosity, T, surface area, S, and porosity:
for porous granular materials (e.g., Dias et al., 2006; 𝐵𝜙3
Zaman & Jalali, 2010; Koltermann & Gorelick, 1995). 𝑘 = 𝑇2𝑆2 (8)
Recall the Kozeny-Carman relationship predicts
Mota et al. (2001) expand Eqn. (8) to describe the binary particle (Figure 6). The color contours on the right panels
spherical mixture with their continuous porosity in Figure 6 suggested that if the D/d ratio is high, a 5%
distribution function such that: volume fraction of the finer particles in the mixture can
2 reduce permeability at least by 1-2 orders of magnitude.
𝜙3 [𝑑𝑝 (𝑋𝐷 )]
𝑘 = 36𝐾 2 [𝑇(𝜙)]2 (9) Considering the presences of clay-sized particles and
0 (1−𝜙)
shale, along with the small amount of finer particles from
1 1 the drill-in fluids and the fines within the injected water
with 𝑇(𝜙) = 𝜙0.4 = [𝜙 (𝑋 )𝜙 0.4 and 𝑑𝑝 (𝑋𝐷 ) = (<5 m), packing the annulus with this mixture of
𝐷 𝐷 𝑑 (𝑋𝐷 )]
given 𝑛 = and K0 =2. different particle sizes with a reduced permeability that
𝑛−(𝑛−1)𝑋𝐷 𝑑
causes injectivity decline appears to be feasible and
Figure 4 illustrates that the order of magnitude reduction should be considered as one of the plausible impairment
in porosity and permeability as a function of volume mechanisms.
fraction is not too sensitive to the initial packing porosity
of the coarse and fine particles, ϕD0 and ϕd0.
The modeling work performed in this study is based on
To validate and examine the universality of the proposed
binary spherical particles. The equations used to model
mechanism, a systematic comparison among our global
porosity of the binary mixtures are calibrated to
waterflood portfolio was commenced. These
incompressible glass bead experiments. A more realistic
investigations involve multiple components: geological
particle size distribution may further impact porosity loss
characterization, geomechanical analysis, reviews on
during the repacking process. In addition to grain size and
Engineering practices, injector performances and
sorting, porosity and permeability of mixtures can also be
laboratory experiments. A screening tool and integrated
impacted by grain shape (sphericity) and grain roundness
workflow were developed based on the hypothesis
(angularity). However, Beard and Weyl (1973) suggest
outlined in this paper to evaluate the potential impact of
that sphericity and angularity should only be of second-
stability, severity of skin development due to completion
order importance in comparison. Other methodologies
design, well operations and particle size distributions.
have been published to estimate the packing porosity of
natural materials.
3.1. Formation Characterization
2.4. Grain Size Distribution One of the key components of our hypothesis is related to
grain mixing and how formation particles may be
In addition to formation particles that can contribute to
repacked once they collapse into the annulus. Particle size
grain mixing in the annulus, special drill-in fluids used
distribution analyses have been widely performed at all
while drilling can potentially contribute to mixing and
reservoirs for completion design and screen selection. For
should be considered. The typical particle size
reservoir engineering purposes, the focus of the formation
distributions of the drill-in fluids have average grain sizes
has been on pore throat analysis. A systematic
of 6 to 20 m, with the finer particles at about 1 m. comparison for all waterflood reservoirs can potentially
Assuming the mean grain size of the waterflooded yield insights on the severity of porosity and permeability
reservoirs is about 160 m with a small amount of clay reduction if mixing does occur in the annulus.
size particles (about 2-3%) of about 5%. Figure 5 Experimental work using clastic sediments has also been
summarizes the estimated porosity and permeability of a conducted to investigate porosity and permeability of
binary mixture based on Eqn. (7) and (9) with the mean natural materials (e.g., Beard & Weyl, 1973; Gaither,
grain size of the reservoir sands (160 m) as the diameter 1953; Morrow et al., 1969; Krumbein & Monk, 1942).
of the larger grains. The left panels represent porosity of Beard and Weyl (1973) artificially mixed and wet-packed
the binary mixtures as a function of volume fraction of the unconsolidated sands. For shaley sands, Revil and Cathles
finer particles (with the lower panels as a zoomed-in (1999) built on Koltermann and Gorelick’s (1995) work
image of the first 20% volume fraction). The different to model permeability by incorporating electrical
shades of green represent different D/d ratios. The six parameters similar to those found in Archie’s equation to
finer particle sizes picked in these comparisons are based the Kozeny-Carman relationship. They modeled
on the typical 10, 50 and 90 percentile of representative permeability for sand shale mixtures as a function of shale
particle sizes used in drilling muds. The right panels in fraction and the permeability of the two end-members.
Figure 5 represent the corresponding permeability The additional electrical parameters separated pore throat
estimates. from total porosity, as the throats control the transport
A more general solution is made to illustrate the order of properties. It is unclear if any petrophysical or rock
magnitude reduction in porosity and permeability as a physics based correlations can be established to predict
function of grain size ratio and the volume fraction of fine the potential or impact of grain mixing on injectivity
Fig. 6: Impact of grain size ratio on porosity and normalized permeability as a function of volume fraction. Bottom
panels are zoomed-in figures (0-20% volume fraction of fine particles) of the top panel. Note that if the D/d ratio is
high, a 5% volume fraction of fine particles can result in potentially 1- 2 orders of magnitude in permeability
reduction due to binary mixing.

reduction. barrier island sand samples to investigate the observe the same permeability reduction due to grain
impact of grain size and sorting on porosity and rearrangement in the annulus as the weaker formation.
permeability of
3.3. Chemistry, Fluids, and Mineralogy of
3.2. Wellbore Stability Reviews on Injectors Formation Materials
While grain size distribution and sorting can be used as a If our proposed damage mechanism can occur during the
potential indicator of the severity of permeability lifetime of an injector, chemical interaction between the
reduction due to grain rearrangements, stability of the formation grains and fluids used during drilling,
injectors under hydrostatic condition is another key completion, and injection can magnify this annular
parameter that needs to be thoroughly evaluated across damage. Permeability reduction can be amplified in the
different assets. Mechanical strength of the formation annulus due to chemical interactions such as emulsion
(such as cohesive strength) along with in-situ stresses and formation or clay swelling.
pore pressure throughout the life of the injector can be the
differentiator on severity of permeability reduction. For 3.4. Laboratory Experiments
instance, two formations from two different basins may
have the same grain size distribution and classification; A series of experiments were conducted to demonstrate
however, under the same in-situ stress conditions, the and evaluate how the proposed mechanism will occur
stronger formation may not collapse and hence will not under controlled laboratory environments and is
presented in a companion paper (Golovin et al., 2018).
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