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Name__________________ Date:_______________

Science 7 Summative Test No.1.2: Solutions, Solubility & Concentration

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the best answer of your choice. Write the letters only.

1. Solution that contains less solute than a saturated solution under the same conditions
a. Saturated b.unsaturated c.supersaturated
2. Why does increasing the temperature of the solvent speed up the dissolving process? brings fresh solvent into contact with more solute
b. it brings more solute to the solvent
c. more solvent molecules collide with the solute
d. it is hot so it dissolves faster
3. The "like dissolves like" rule is the reason why water cannot dissolve
a. salt b. sugar c. oil d. milk
4. 20% alcohol is dissolved in 80% water to form a solution. Which is the solute in this solution?
a. water b. alcohol c. none of these d. both water and alcohol
5. The solubility of a gas in a liquid occurs faster if the liquid is...
a. cooled b. heated c. stirred d. agitated
6. Salt will dissolve in water more quickly if you stir it because...
a. Stirring increases the number of collision thus increases the solubility of the solution
b. Stirring decreases the kinetic energy
c. Stirring increases the surface area of the solute, which is the salt
d. Stirring makes the particles move slower and reduce the number of collisions
7. Water is considered the universal solvent because...
a. it dissolves most solutes c. humans are mostly comprised of it
b. the Earth is mostly made of it d. it's so useful.
8. A liquid substance capable of dissolving other substances is called a .
a. solution b. solute c. dissolver d. solvent
9. A substance that is dissolved in a solvent is called a .
a. solution b. solute c. dissolver d. solvent
10. What type of solution has a small amount of solute and more solute would dissolve if added?
a. saturated b. concentrated c. dilute d. supersaturated
11. Water is a______________molecule.
a. polar b. nonpolar c. covalent d. ionic
12. When a solution can dissolve no more solute because it is at its maximum solute level, how can that solution be described?
a. unsaturated b. saturated c. supersaturated d. concentrated
13. Which statement describes a solution of salt water?
a. Salt is the solvent, water is the solute c. Salt is the solution, water is the solute
b. Salt is the solute, water is the solvent d, none of the above
14. How could I make a powdered drink mix have a stronger flavor or make it more concentrated?
a. Add more solvent b. Shake it up more c. Heat it d. Add more solute
15. Which of the processes can help solids dissolve faster?
a. Decrease the amount of solvent c. Increase the temperature of the solution
b. Decrease the temperature of the solution d. Increase the amount of the solute
16. A_________ solution contains the maximum amount of solute. When NO MORE solute will dissolve.
a. unsaturated b. saturated c. supersaturated d.unconcentrated
17. Which of the following is NOT a way to speed up the dissolving rate of a solute in a solvent?
a. mixing b. heating c. cooling d. crushing
18. Which of the following describes a solution?
a. it is a homogeneous mixtures c. will not scatter light
b. it cannot be separated by filtration d. all of the above
19. It refers to the ability of the solute to dissolve in a solvent.
a. saturation b. solubility c. concentration d. solution
20. A ___________ solution contains TOO much solute and will not dissolve, but it appears to be thick and crystalizes rapidly.
a. saturated b. concentrated c. dilute d. supersaturated
21. Which method below will not speed up the rate of salt dissolving in water?
a. Increasing the surface area of the solute c. Stirring the solute into the solvent
b. Decreasing the temperature of the solvent d. Heating the solvent before adding the solute

22. Which of the following statements BEST describes a solution or homogenous solution?
a. it is usually liquid c. the solute and the sol vent are distributed evenly so it appears in 1 phase/form
b. its components can be filtered d. it exhibits tyndall effect or scattering of light

23. The two components of a solution are solute and solvent. Which statement describes the solute?
a. it is the solid component in the solution c. it is the component of a solution in smaller quantity
b. it is the liquid component in the solution d. it is the component of a solution in larger quantity
For Item 24-26. Gabriel was tasked by his teacher to investigate on how temperature could affect the rate of solubility. He made sure
that it is a fair test. Please refer on his set- up below.

24. What is the independent variable (changed/manipulated) in the investigation being conducted by Gabriel?
a. amount of tablet b. solubility rate c. temperature of the water d. amount of solvent

25. Which is the dependent variable being measure by Gabriel?

a. amount of tablet b. solubility rate of the tablet c. temperature of the water d. amount of solvent

26. What are the controlled variables (constants) of his experiment?

I. amount of tablet & water
II. method of stirring & how long it is stirred
III. time when the water is added
IV. Temperature of water
V. solubility rate of the tablet

a. I, II, III b. IV & V c. IV only c. V only

27. In a chemistry class, Gabby prepared s solution by mixing 25 g of sugar in 80 g of water. What are the concentration of the solute
and solvent in percent by mass? Solve using the formula below:

% mass of solute = mass of solute x 100% % mass of solvent = mass of solvent x 100%
mass of solution mass of solution

a. 34 % solute ; 60 % solvent c. 24% solute; 76 % solvent

b. 14 % solute; 86 % solvent d. 44% solute; 56% solvent

28. a piece of jewelry is made up of 18 k. It means that the jewelry is made up of ______copper & _______gold.
(Important note: a pure gold is 24 k)
a. 18 parts is made of copper & 6 parts part made of gold c. 9 parts is made of gold & 9 parts is made of copper
. 18 parts is made of gold & 6 parts part made of copper d. 9 parts is made of copper & 9 parts is made of gold

29. What is the percentage concentration in the following solution: 5 g of sucrose in 90 grams of water?
a. 4.5% b. 5.3% C. 6.5% d. 7.5%

30. How many ml of Ethyl alcohol are present in a 250 ml bottle of 70% rubbing alcohol?
a. 200ml of ethyl alcohol b. 175 ml of ethyl alcohol c. 150ml of ethyl alcohol d. 180 ml ethyl alcohol

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