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Analysis of simple salt – (Copper nitrate)

Experiment Observation Inference

1. Colour: Colour of Blue colour. Presence of copper.
the salt is noted
2. Smell: Smell of the No characteristic smell Absence of ammonium or
salt is noted acetate salt
3. Flame test:
A pinch of salt is Blue colour flame. Presence of copper.
taken in a watch
glass and made into
a paste with Conc.
HCl. Introduced
the paste into
luminous part of
the flame.
4. Ash test:
To the pinch of salt No characteristic coloured Absence of Aluminium,
taken in a test tube, ash. zinc and magnesium.
few drops of cobalt
nitrate solution is
added. A filter
paper is soaked
into the solution
and burn it until it
turns into ash.
Dry tests:
1. Dil HCl test: To the No brisk effervescence is Absence of carbonate.
pinch of salt taken seen.
in a test tube, few
drops of Dil. HCl is
2. Conc. H2SO4 test: Brown gas. May be Nitrate.
To the pinch of salt
taken in a test tube,
few drops of Conc.
H2SO4 is added and
heated slightly.
3. Chromyl chloride No yellow orange Absence of chloride.
test: To the pinch vapours.
of salt taken in a
test tube, a pinch of
dichromate and few
drops of Conc.
H2SO4 is added and
then heated gently.
4. Copper turning Brown fumes. Presence of nitrate.
test: To the pinch
of salt taken in a
test tube, add
copper turnings and
Conc. H2SO4 and
5. Ferric chloride test: No red precipitation. Absence of acetate.
To the pinch of salt
taken in a test tube,
add few ml of
neutral ferric
chloride solution
and heated.
Wet test:
6. Barium chloride No white precipitate. Absence of sulphate is
test: To a part of confirmed.
salt solution (OS),
BaCl2 solutions is
7. Brown ring test: To A brown ring is formed at Presence of Nitrate is
a part of OS add the junction of two layers. confirmed.
freshly prepared
FeSO4 solutions is
added and
Conc.H2SO4 is
added along the
inner sides of the
test tube slowly.

Basic radical Analysis - Group Analysis

Preparation of original salt solution (OS): To a pinch of salt taken in a test tube add 10
mL of distilled water and shaken well.
1. Zero Group radical: No pungent smell. Absence of zero group
To a pinch of salt radical – Ammonium.
taken in a test tube,
few drops NaOH
solution is added
and heated.
2. To a part of OS, No White precipitate. Absence of I group radical
add dil. HCl. – Lead.
3. To a part of OS, Black precipitate is Presence of II group
add dil. HCl and obtained. radical – Copper.
YAS solution.

Confirmatory test: For Copper radical:

Experiment Observation Inference
To a part of OS, add Chocolate brown Presence of Copper
potassium ferrocyanide precipitate is obtained. radical is confirmed.

1. The given acid radical is Nitrate.
2. The given basic radical is Copper.
3. So, the given simple salt is Copper nitrate.

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