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jasmine caulder

Name_________________________ Pd_____

Naming Acids and Bases

Name the following acids and bases:

1) Sodium Hydroxide
NaOH _______________________________________

2) Sulfurous acid
H2SO3 _______________________________________

3) Hydrogen Sulfide
H2S _______________________________________

4) Phosphoric acid
H3PO4 _______________________________________

5) Ammonia
NH3 _______________________________________

6) Hydrogen cyanide
HCN _______________________________________

7) Calcium Hydroxide
Ca(OH)2 _______________________________________

8) Iron (III) Hydroxide

Fe(OH)3 _______________________________________

9) Phosphine

Write the formulas of the following acids and bases:

10) HF
hydrofluoric acid _______________________________________

11) H2 SE
hydroselenic acid _______________________________________

12) H 2 CO 3
carbonic acid _______________________________________

13) LiOH
lithium hydroxide _______________________________________

14) HNO2
nitrous acid _______________________________________

15) Co(OH)2
cobalt (II) hydroxide _______________________________________

16) H SO4
sulfuric acid _______________________________________
17) Be(OH)
beryllium hydroxide _______________________________________
18) HBr
hydrobromic acid _______________________________________

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Name_________________________ Pd_____

Mnemonics for naming acids

My Ride has hydro-lics

No oxygens: hydro__________ic Acid

I ate something icky

Polyatomic ion ending in –ate: _________ic
nitr acid

Sprite is delicious
Polyatomic ion ending in –ite: ________ous
nitr acid

Naming Bases:

Just like ionic compounds but since bases

always contain OH, the last name will be

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