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Aloha Kebabs

Everywhere in the world there is one tradition that stands out and makes a name no
matter what people call it. In the U.S., it's called a barbeque party and
everywhere else no matter what they are called in essence it's the same.

Barbeque is the way of cooking food by putting them in an open fire and
charbroiling it until parts of the meat or whatever has turned brown or in extreme
cases black. People all over the world have a special place in their culture for
this kind of traditional and almost phenomenal way of cooking.

So how did barbeque become such a worldwide hit? There are theories but the reason
behind all theories is that simplicity of design and the ease of process are what
take the cake. There are differences in approach but the core of the way it is done
remains rock solid.

In every part of the world there are people that cook out every weekend and enjoy a
nice family get together. Most of these families have barbeques or trailer park
barbeque cook outs. Some of these are more intimate and private but there are
places in the world that have it like a tourist attraction or a public party.

In Hawaii, everything is supposed to be fun under the sun, the beach, surfing,
water and of course the sun work as one to create a paradise of non-stop parties
and fun. Everyday there's supposed to be something that would keep you occupied
while staying in the tropical island paradise. It is true that there are non-stop
parties and unending flow of food as far as the eye can see.

So, how do the Hawaiians manage to keep the chow coming without having problems?
The answer is an authentic Hawaiian barbeque.

The Basics

Every luau or Hawaiian party has regulars. Food stuff like roast pig, meat pies and
of course all sorts of barbequed meat. One of the most common meat involved in this
eternal party paradise is chicken and seafood. Since Hawaii is an ocean paradise
chicken and fish are quite a plenty. Pork and beef are also present but because of
the little land available for grazing cows and the little space available for
raising livestock, chicken is the go to meat of the islands.

One special thing about a Hawaiian luau is that fruit is also included in the fray.
Just like kebabs, the assortment of whatever kind of fruit, vegetable, meat and
other sorties are a common sight in the grill. Hawaiian barbeque is not jus about
the food itself but the other things that accompany it. Traditional songs and
dances that are performed during these barbeques is what make the Hawaiian luau

Since pineapples are abundant in this part of the world, don't be surprised if
you'd see pineapples sticking out of the skewers every now and then.

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