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Who is the greatest engineer ever?

In my opinion, the greatest engineer ever would be ‘Nature’.

Yeah, you read it correctly.

I am a mechanical engineer myself. I am baffled with the wonders you can find in nature which
are not possible to create by any engineer.

Why I would say that?

1. Take the example of the human body (for that matter any animal body) our body is
the epitome of the engineered product. Our body has many organs, different types of
fluids. The simplest example is when you exercise only sweating will be there even if
your body contains litters of blood not a single drop will come out. Can you engineer
such a wonderful packing?

2. Our brain! Can you create robots which are as fast and smart as we are with the limited
resources which go into making our few kg brains.
3. Another example would be raining. If you want to fill the 1000 lit tank on your terrace you
need an electric motor. Now calculate how much energy and how much big pump you would
need to create a similar situation like raining. Nature does it most efficiently and with renewable
sources like solar energy and that too pollution-free!
I am not denying the contribution of other great engineers out there, but I feel we are really not at
par with nature, till date.

These are my personal views and I am not expert in biology.

If you were looking for a particular name of engineer sorry!

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