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Lesson Plan in English

GRADE & SECTION: Grade 8-King David/Andromeda (6:50-7:40)

Grade 8- King Solomon/Andromeda (12:05-12:55)
CONTENTS: The Woodcutter and the Tiger
CONTENT STANDARD: The Learners demonstrates understanding of: East Asian
literature as an art from inspired and influenced by nature;
relationship of visual, sensory, and verbal signs in both
literary and expository texts; strategies in listening to long
descriptive and narrative texts; value of literal and figurative
language; and appropriate grammatical signals or
expressions suitable to patterns of idea development.
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner transfers learning by composing and
delivering a brief and creative entertainment speech
featuring a variety of effective paragraphs, appropriate
grammatical signals or expressions in topic development,
and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behaviour.
LEARNING COMPETENCY: Identify the notable literary genres contributed by
Southeast Asian writers (EN8LT-IIIb-II)
Transcode Information from a graphic organizer to a
topic or sentence outline (EN8WC-IIIb-1.1.6)
Share Ideas using opinion-making signals. (EN8RC-

At the end of the period, at least 80% of the students will be able to:
1. Identify what are Cohesive Devices.
2. Appreciate the importance of cohesive devices.
3. Construct a paragraph using Cohesive devices

II. SUBJECT MATTER: The Woodcutter and the Tiger

References: Grade 8 Learning Module for English pp 313-314
Materials: Laptop, Chalk, monitor

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Review
B. Activity
The class will be divided into two groups and arrange the card which contain
words into a correct sentence. The sentence is “Do you want an orange juice or
guava juice?”

C. Analyses
 What can you observe from the sentence?
 What is the structure of the sentence?

D. Abstraction

The Tale of the Woodcutter and the Tiger

One Day, a woodcutter encounters a tiger in the woods. Fearing that he would
soon be the tiger’s dinner, he exclaimed: “You must be my long lost brother! Our
mother cried for you when you left home. She had dinner ready for you every
night, waiting for you return. Sadly, our mother has just passed away. How happy
she would have been had she known you were alive and well!” the woodcutter
took out his handkerchief and pretended to wipe his eyes. The tiger turned away,
as tears fell down his cheeks, leaving the woodcutter unharmed.
Every year thereafter, on chesa, the memorial day of the woodcutter’s
mother’s death, an offering appeared on her grave- sometimes a peasant, or
even his mother’s favourite mountain berries. The woodcutter did not know
where these offering came from.
One year, the woodcutter noticed that the costumary offering had not been
placed on his mother’s grave, and he wondered what had happened. Out of the
bush, three baby tigers appeared carrying offerings. They approached the
woodcutter and cried: “You must be our uncle! Mother tiger is gone now and we
know how important it is for her to honor grandmother by bringing an offering to
her chesa table beside her grave. We are here to bring offerings for our
grandmother in loving memory of our mother.” The woodcutter noticed that his
face had turned suddenly warm and realized that it was his own tears streaming
down his cheeks.

IV. Application

Answer the ff questions briefly

1. Identify the characters of the story. What roles do the characters play in the tale?
What are the characteristics of these characters that you admire/not admire?
2. What particular event or circumstance in the story has contributed to the tiger’s
way of looking at things in a different way? How has this new way of looking at things
being passed on to next generation?
3. What kind of conflict led the woodcutter to “fool” the tiger? What would be you
own way of saving yourself from danger
4. What would you do if that sense of duty and shared destiny passed on to you is
in conflict with your own principles and beliefs in life?
5. Could this tale be used as basis for you to have glimpse of how the Koreans at
present are coping with challenges of modernity? Explain

V. Evaluation
Organize information about the text using graphic organizer

Protagonist Antagonist


Setting The Tale of the THEME

Woodcutter and the tiger


VI. Assignment
Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher 1 Teacher 1-

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