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1. Escriba en inglés tres ejemplos con cada preposición
* ​We will go to the event in february.
* I was going to graduate in 2020.

* We were in the park.


* They don´t is in the church on holiday.

* Let’s meet on Saturday.

* Classes start on Monday.


* My mom comes home from work at night.

* I usually get up at seven.

* ​Are you go to sleep at 10:30 o´clock?

2. ​Haga un escrito: párrafo (10 líneas ) acerca de la actividades que realizó durante esta
semana, incluya , las clases o rutinas de casa, deportes si práctica alguno, usando las 3
preposiciones : in, on, at.

In my week, I usually go to the streets to buy breakfast, lunch and food. This week I have not had
to get up to virtual classes that are always at eight o'clock or ten o'clock, so I was able to sleep
more and advance jobs that had to be delivered last week.

On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I exercised in the neighborhood park with some friends who
got up just like me, at six o'clock. we spend two hours exercising, and we pause to hydrate and
continue exercising but softer, until ten o'clock. On Thursday I had a technical meeting early that
lasted an hour in class with the cell phone in hand, later I went to play micro to cofrem (in the
neighborhood court) and we won several games.

Of rest this week I have advanced as much as possible in tasks and activities in all spare time. the
day that later was on Monday, since I had all day almost to do work.

3. Escriba su rutina de alimentos diarios, con horas exactas , desayuno, almuerzo, cena
utilizando las preposiciones: in, on, at .

Our family always meets at the table at nine or ten o'clock at the breakfast table.
For lunch, I go on a motorcycle to porfia and I take around twenty to thirty minutes. we are having
lunch at one o'clock
and for the food because if we wait for my mom to come home, while the dishes are on the table,
hot to eat at about eight or nine in the afternoon.

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