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Date: 17, July, 2020

Nancy Cartwright
45 Pine Street
East Lyme, Connecticut 02305

Hello Mrs. Cartwright,

The Hard Rock Board Directors had its quarterly meeting yesterday. Its members have
directed me to inform you that a scholarship will be established in your name.
I need to know you what you want to include in the guidelines for the $5,000 scholarship. I
need to know who should receive the scholarship each year. We have never established a
scholarship fund before, so I don’t know what all you need to include in the guidelines. I do
need these guidelines soon.
We will use a selection committee to pick someone for the scholarship. Since you are retired
and have plenty of free time, why don’t you serve on the committee?
Don’t forget that I need the guidelines by the end of the month. I can’t establish the
scholarship until you let me know how you want guidelines written.
Thank you.

Mr. Anthony Garcia

Corporate Office
Hartford, Connecticut 02305

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