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Meeting Minutes
November 3, 2015
Chesterfield Government Center

10:00 am Meeting called to order by President Paula Johnson.

President Johnson introduced the founding board, special guests and asked attendees to introduce themselves.

Cindy Davis from DHCD provided a brief history of the national organization WICED as well as an overview of how this local chapter
came to be. During its annual meeting the national WICED passed bylaw changes allowing for subchapters to be established and
offered its support to Virginia of our initiative. Subchapters, once approved, will pay an annual membership fee of $250. In showing
its support the WICED BOD voted to waive the subchapter annual fee for the first year allowing WICED of VA to retain its member
dues in full for expenses associated with startup costs.

WICED of VA annual member dues of $35 will also include a membership to the national organization.

It was proposed that the Board discuss the Secretary/Treasurer position. The Board and members held a discussion the pros and
cons of having one person serve as both the treasurer and the secretary considering the time demand required for both the
positions during the first couple of years of the organization. All agreed that due to the amount of the record keeping
responsibilities associated with starting the Virginia Chapter and the duties of the treasurer during this first year it would be best
practice to separate these positions. It was motioned and voted that the positions be separated. Sandi Morris from DHCD was
nominated and voted for the position of Secretary.

The president reviewed the proposed bylaws with the members. Much discussion was held in regards to possible bylaw changes.
Many of the members that were in the meeting brought up some wording issues about terms of membership stated in Article III.
Due to the length of discussion it was decided by the board to table all proposed changes and establish a bylaws review committee.
The bylaws committee will meet and provide a report of proposed changes to be considered by the board within the year. Cindy
Davis suggested the board and membership agree to change the bylaws to reflect consistency with the national WICED bylaws
article III membership for the immediate purpose of submitting for ICC chapter approval and table remaining discussions to the
bylaws review committee. The motion was made to have the by-laws to reflect those changes and was voted that our chapter take
those actions.

Sandi Morris from DHCD reviewed the ICC chapter approval process with the membership as well as ICC chapter benefits. The
WICED of VA Chapter application will be send to Karla Higgs from ICC in order for it to be put in front of the ICC BOD during its
December meeting for their review and vote.

Cindy Davis provided short ICC report. With the approval of our WICED of VA as an ICC chapter, our organization will have
representation on the ICC Region 7 meetings. Currently the three existing chapters each have a vote and the fourth vote is rotated
among VBCOA, VPMIA, and VFPA. The WICED of VA will be eligible for the fourth vote upon chapter approval. The Board asked for
volunteers to sit on the region VII. Cheri Hainer of Virginia Beach volunteered to sit on the board with Teresa Gerber of Chesterfield
County as the alternate. In addition she reminded members of the availability to sit on various ICC committees or groups . The
benefit of joining the other state organizations and participating in their code development committees was emphasized as a
method of learning the basics of code development on both a state and national level. . Information on the 2018 ICC Conference in
Richmond was also provided and opportunities for volunteers will be plentiful.

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The Board established the two committees noted in the bylaws. Each committee will have a minimum of three members with one
serving as the chair. In addition a third committee was established for the purpose of conducting a review the bylaws. Committee
chairs will be identified within and by the committee members. Committee chairs will notify WICED of VA Secretary of each
chairperson name. Those volunteers for the committees are:

Public Relations/Membership Committee

Tammy Weaver, Hanover County
Brandi Champion, Hanover County
Cindy Davis, Virginia DHCD
Richa Bansal, Prince William County

Budget/Audit Committee
Afsoun Khatibi, City of Arlington
Leona Bradford, City of Alexandria
Val Negley, Virginia DHCD
Sherry Johnson, City of Norfolk

By-Law Committee
Dustin McLehaney, Chesterfield County
Teresa Gerber, Chesterfield County
Johanna Grizzard, Chesterfield County
Kim Varner, City of Falls Church

Sandi Morris provided a brief DHCD VBCA report. The 2016 training schedule is now available for registration. Two new classes are
scheduled to be released; VA Rehab code technical class in early 2016 as well an elevator inspection class for 2017. New on-line
programs will be available in 2016 as well through the Knowledge Center.

The member organizations within Virginia showed its support by being in attendance and offering suggestions or ideas for
consideration. The president thanked VBOCA and Sean Farrell, VBCOA past president for attending and providing lunch. VAESA and
IAEI both send representatives - Mike Henley from VAESA and the president of IAEI Tom Mackey both attended the meeting. In
addition VMPIA president Skip Harper and Secretary Dustin McLehaney were present and offered their letter of support as well as a
donation to the organization to assist with the first year’s expenses and for training efforts.

President Johnson talked about possible fund raiser selling tee shirts. She will talk with a shirt vendor that can supply men and
women shirts and do the printing as a good price. She will report on this at the next meeting.

Christina Jackson collected membership applications and membership dues. She will send out bills to those who could not pay during
the meeting and form the membership roster.

Paula Johnson asked for a suggestion for the next meeting. Patricia from Charlottesville volunteered to set up a place to have the
meeting in Charlottesville. The next meeting is scheduled for:

Tues February 23, 2016 10:00 a.m.

City Space meeting Room
100 5th Street NE
Charlottesville, VA 22902

Meeting adjourned at 1:30pm

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