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I like a world with sin and virtue

A world with clear definitions
I like to know what is wrong from right
What is left from right
But directions don’t exist

They don’t

There is no left and right

And right and left
Leftish and Rightish
Forwardish and backwardish
Upside down
This world


Because there is no sin and virtue Black Pearl Jet Patterson

Not in this world, at least
To write this poem, I have rules
Well, guidelines
It’s okay if I do not follow them

I can indent this line if I want

I don’t care what you think about it
It’s art

It’s okay if you sin

It’s celebrated
It’s good
Garret 2020
If you drink at that party
If you’re the first to have sex
If you don’t remember
To be prideful
To be vain
Love yourself first
Put yourself first
Take care of yourself


Even if you are not called to

Even if you are not supposed to


Because you can

Because the world wants you to
Because it is natural
Because it is fun

It makes the heavens sad

It makes him feel good
It makes you feel better
It leaves your heart empty
But it is better that way

No structure
Just like this poem

Even if it bothers me

Devil Girl Leyna Jurco

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