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Tliii Science am! Technology nf
B,y Yogil"aja Vaid:9araja , t'


Krishna the Lord of Yoya with Radha

Published by :
AL AMUR U, East Goda vary

The order.o(•:Rajityoga' at the 'Norld Conference on
. Scientilfo Yog-a 9,t New Delhi on
20th to 23rd Dec 1970 a long with
His Holiness Cbristopher Hills aoil others

� Of Li\MBIJil\ YOGA


SR! RADHA KRISHNA ASHRAM (Reg,l, No, 111/10)
RAC n AB LA, West Godavary

Compiled by
Dr. V, S, Rao, 11!. D. M. s. H,
Froml:1e1& to right: General Seoretnry
Yogi Davarnoney, Bannu, Vithahmanaa Yogi, RAJAYOGASADHANA-SHR'AM
John Hills, Mahayogini R&jyalaksbrni Devi Bahadur, ( Incorporated under Aot XX!of J860•a;sS. No. 1'2 ofl957)
Christopher Hills, Sw:11ni Ram:., Yogiraja Vaidyaraja, Alamuru, Eaat Godavary.
Suresh, Dr. V. 8. ttao, Dr, J. S. Jolly
Di Ramrnurti S. Mishra.
.. -· ·-----------,

AU rights resorved

I. Prologue
2. The Soience of Khaechari 1

3. 'l'eohnology of Lam bi ka 9
4. Onset of Kaevala Kumbhaka 15
First impression. 1,000 Copies.
5. About Praanaa.yaarna 25
6, Of Mercury - Rasa vidye. 33
Price Rs. 2-00,
7. On Dha11,tus - Metals 41
s. Glory of Larubi]m 45
9, 'Epilogue 50

Priiiiad • I
Veukateswa::a Printing Press,­
Alamuru, East Godava>'Y.

The Universiiy of Iowa

r-�-- ----ti.
Fi t J ustitia Ruat Caelum

It Was on 26th March
] B. Ramlal K1sben, Rajahmundry.
1965 the cool an-1 pleasant
Zephyrs of the piou:'l Go·�
LL. M-, Bar-at-law. Dated 18-4-1956. [ davary rna.ldng, the highly
Distriot & Sessions Judge, crowded atmosphere calm
] and coJl, When I saw bun-�
East Godavari dreds and thou,:;11nrls of p.eo�
] I was m ucb impressed by the Yogio feat [ ple young and ol<l irre�p,ec·
o.f Swamiji Sri Yogira;j Kupriuswami Maharaj. [ tive of cn'.out or .;iex;. cam,

] who bad buried himself alive near tbe Kotilin- pa.JtinJ t'la wide 'com pl ss of

galu Temple, and came. ouJ successful from [ Kotilingalaqlrstn1m to wit­

.· nes.:; t\.:ie Yoqi, d:em10:,tration
] his Samadhi, after 36 hours. of two days Bhmamadhi by

�i=.-�- .· .· . ·.,
(Sd) �- �amlal Kishen Sri Yogira.ja, This frat• has been rnastl3red i�y he Yogi
] [ through the control of Prna,r:H. by K½.iechari Mudta., Khqe,,...

chari is oue of t'1e most itnporhnt Y( ga processes to colltrol

the Pra1UlL au<l thereby to attain Sa,madhi, Super naturail
powers audi physical �coroplish1nents wfth psychic pov.ers of
a higb order will crown a Yogi Who practL;es Lambilrn Yoga:.
Whatever is beyond our nor.n-1,l perception of the ordinary
senses will be considerec1 a,3 a miracle 1Hracle3 are not�inq
but io.clication of knoWledge aud pl'actise of biqher laws of
� Yog!rai Kuppuswami Maharaj, an inmate [iJ' nature. 1\'firacles as rnuch natural a,? any ot�e" ordinary­
.ff of Shan ti As bram, who was ia a closed pit for �◄ event in the atmosphere of a Yogi
j! 36 hours from. 7 a. rn. on March 26, came out 1� Sri Yoairaja ia the folioWiny p.,,,ge, giving us the si;ience
� of,jt hale and hearty at 7 p. m. on March 27. $ of Khaechari, technology of Lambika,, t t1a onseh of Kaevala,

j 'l'he 35 years old Yogi was honoured by 00

Kumbhalrn and Praan1ayaarna, the use meruury·and Dbaa.tus

t�. ? management of the U rna Maheswasa Koti · �
for maintainin� good health and long life/ blended toqethe1·

00 _ with the person"Ll experiences of the author, is of rn.uch.-v:�1ue

h:!lg�swaraswa'.°1 Tern pie for achieving this �J
I� Yog10 feat, wh10h was also organised by it, r,1
and intere:.tto those,vho are curious in the science of Yoga;;
Sri Yogirajai jotte11oWa hi� etpade.1113 in t��e subject
Tbe feat was performed on the banks of 1� and on the rn1ue,t of hi ➔ de·;rotees and apprecia,tora, and by

�j Godavari. Thousands of persons were present � the permirnion of Sri Yogiraja, We have compiled them into

L:..�. J
this bo)k.fet for the use o'i· the interested.

t:::.:::.:z:��.:.t:: -� :. . -:
i We tt'ust our Veoture will be receive3. Witb utmost love
a.nd affection The compilation u nd printing errors may kindly
be ignored with grace and kindness, Dr. V S. Eao
Sree 1\labaatripurasundaryainamah

Why Yoga: Uurdva Orustib A<lhordhr1.,1stih -7_1;

Uurdhva Vaodboo Hyadhasseraa

Haarlhaayantra Vidhaanaeoa
Jeevanrrwktoo Bhavaekshjtou.
Prudhvapyattae Joenilakha Sarnusb½itae
P11mchaabmalrae Yoogagunae Pravruttae
Na thasya Roogoo Na Jar·•• Na Mrutyuh
Praaptas1�a Yoogallg,nimayarn f haree1 a.m,

·when the perceptfons of Y �gll,, arising from

ffitth, w&ter, light, fire, e:ber have t ,ken pla<B, then
Yoga has began. Unto bitu does not C)til8 disea. ;e
ncr old nJr dea.tb who ha.s got a body rna'.le up
-0f tbe fire of Yoga,,

Effects of Yoga :

Varnap,rasaac1hah SWar a,soustavacbha
. .,..,- Gandbah Sub 1�0O M m1tra;pureesliarnalpam
Yoogo,pra.vru-ttarn Vadanthi

iiTbe first signs ol entering Yoga are lightness, Sri Yogiraja, S ,rnmy Cliidru pat.Hi.Oda, Swamy Vidya.nanda Sal'ac;wati
bealtb, non covetousness, clearness of complexion and Smt. Annapurna,mma, before the Shrine.
and beautiful voice, an agreeable odour in the body

and scahtines� cf excretions,
Kapaala Kuharae lihna
Prathlsta Vipareetliaga
�3hruvoo Ranthargatha Dhrust
Mucrl aa Bhavatfr1 Khaeecharee
, [a Y. P, - 3-33]
'Savya Dakshina Naadisto
Madhyae cbarathi Mansut.a
Tbistatae kha,eecbaree nrn
Thasmi.nstaanae Nasarn
shaya,h, [KY. p, - 4-43]
Amrutbaih p!aavayee Dhe
11at1 paada tha;ta mas ta k am
Shidhathyeeva Mabaakay
M .a.haabalaparaa. kra
mah [H, Y. P, - 4·53]
Soomaa I>yathrood! tha
adhaarag, 1
Saakaha,a dhyashivaval
l &. bhaa,
Puurayeedhatbalaam Div
Shushumuaam Pachimae

mukbee, [H,Y, P. - 4-46]

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so 'l'he structural aspects and ben
efits that can be
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derived by tbe practice of
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>, <l; 0 Khaeecbari �s de!iniated
0 in Hatayoga Pradeepika can
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The Science of Khaeechari
The Science Of Kbaeecbari

above slokas, By fixing tbe tongue i a tbe pharynx The ethereal space (Aakaasa) is the sbode of the
and by concentnting gaze at the centre of tbe eye main instigational drive for creation, M<tnmadha or
brows, the practice of Khaeecbari is atto.ined. The Binau and as that place of Bindn is being controlled st
fixation of tongue upside in the pharynx closing tbe by l\fanmadbr,, it should be fixed only at that
nostrils is ascribed as 'Vyounohakra: or 'Tripadba'. place. By the annihilation of the Bindu man is
The trio-junction of tbe Ida, Pingala and Sushumna suffering from mortality, 'Iherefore one should not
nerves is known as' Vyomacbakm '. When the Bio destroy bis Bindu. At Aalrnasa tbe nectar is !Lowing.
energy ( Prana) that is moving in Ida and Pingala Yogis are becoming perfected by drinking every
enters Sahasraara through 8ushumna,, at th<it time day that nectar which is pure, etern<1l and tranquil
the nectar 'Cbandraamruta' oozes from the tip of and also becoming indestructible At that state as
the pharynx. Tbe Yogi who drinks such nectu everv they are not feeling anything other than themselves
day will become perfected master of Yoga. By the they are becoming th0ir own nature, the A.lmighty.
flow of this neo�ar all over the b�ily from he;i,d to So by all efforts th� Bindu and the bioeaorgy is to
toe the whole sy,tem will become very strong and be fixed at Aakaasa. vVben Bin du and Vaayu become
controlled. The Yogis not only b3oome stron".� and fi&ed in Aakaasa then surely lhfy are attaining per·
brave but also become extra-intelligent Those who fection in Khaeeohari.
drink this nectar flowing from Chandra will become
Kdyaasbaktipeethe.m K.undalinee
lovable to the Almighty and become Almighty
J naanasbakti gruham,
themselves. 'Ibis nectar can b3 bad easily, oo ly by Echaashaktirmahaatripura Sunda.ree.
the practice of 'Kbaeecb8,ri'. It is merely by getting Juathabootl:laa. Jnanamarghyam,
to Kh�eecbari, a yo;:i will become perfected in Yoga
as strlssed by the Hatayoga. 'Cbandraamuta' is also \Bhaavanoopanisbat)
known as ' Soomarasa '.
Ma;iy.madha Ksbeetra paalaah Kundalini is the seat of knowledge. It is al�o
Gaga�<tshidhaanthab the abode of all actions. Kundalini is the gate way
Arnrutha. Kalloolanadhi, to Cosmio Consciousness and so io order to attain
Akc;hayam Niranjanaru 0
t�at Supreme Consciousness, Kundfll ini is to be
Nissamshayarhusbab Nirvaanoo deevatban,
controlled and brought to Oousciousness, vVbat is

The Scie□ce of 'kbaeechari 1.I·be Science of Khaecchari

this Kundaliui ? It is a Yoga secret which cannot below the genitals, as an inverted triaogle with
be found in books. It is to be realised in a two angles up and the third down. At tbat .spot s
trance st1tt0. Wnoa that KL1a(hliai is awa,keaed Kondaliai, whiob rouses Prnaoa, Agni, Bi ndu and
and brougbt to u11d"r controlled action, then all Naada, dwells, This :ipot i.s also known as Sushu­
delusions vanish, and the yogi att�ins the Supreme mna, This Sushumna st1rtin5; from this tdangulB,r
J(nowledge. The Yogi who pierces the gate w:ty space goes up to the tip of the head looking like a ,
of Kundalini and attains the control, tbeu be gets bamboo tube wit,b six nodes. From the upper two
tremendous' Will Power' by which the power of angles of tbe triangle Ida and Pingala starts and
ttction and knowledge will be at his C)tnruand. proceed upto tbe ceutre of the eye brow,. A II this
Kunda.Jinee Bandhah Paraapa. structure is known as Naadiiohakra or Kundalini or
Vaadhamuktoo Jeevanmukta.h
Sivayooganidraa. Kbaeecbareemuc1racha•
Bushumn� by tho Yogis. So this Kundalini is to
be controlled wbicb oesto'ws perfection ::.nd guides
NirgathagunatraY�m- Vivekalabhyam.
to Super Consciousness otherwis? called as Sivani­
dra or U nruani or 'l'uriya. This sta,te can easily

( Nirvaanoopanishat)
be attained by the practice of Larubib. One c11n be
able to &ttain Supreme Bli3s by going beyond cons­
By fixing the tongue urside in the pharynx ciousness. dream and doep sleep or inert, active
!he Kundalini is to be controlled. Tbe seat of Kun• and harmonious qualities of ni.ture. 'l'he state of
dalini is described in 'i\!aanasoollaasa" as here­ supreme bliss can not be described' in words bat
under, oan be experierwed only through . Khaeeobari by
Gndasthu Dwangulaaah 11 rd hvam_ oontr·olling the Kundalini and lefldiag it to sabasraarn
Meil;llrathu Dwangubadbadbah•
Dhee 11aroadl.1 s,e.m 'rhanoo1·mad b yam.
tbrougb Snshnmna, aud merging the Praana and

Manuj aanaami t!J eeri th am•

A paana in the Sabasmaia.

( Maan.soollaasa} Muulaadhaaraa.dha,a Brahmarandhra., Paryamtham

Brahma.rancj.hradha 1\1:n ulaadhaa.ra, I:aryamtham,
Tbe abode of Kundalini is at the centre of the Gathaagatha Ruupena, Pra.-Jikshinyaro.
body, that is one inch above anus and one inch Tbureeyaavasta.a N amaskaarah,

,j 5
The Science Of Khaeecharl The Science of Kbaeechari

Dachasunnya Pre.naathru t haai Gadiyas is one aay that is 24 hours. By attaining

Nimaj]aoam Paripuurna Ohyaanrnm1 Samaadhi all actions sublimate and he remains
Evam Muhum•thatrayam, fixed in Bliss Divine. This practice of E:haeechari
Bhaavan&yaayuktoo Bhavanthi
is to be conducted where there is no external air
Tba.s yadee-vathaatbmyaekya Shidhlh.
Cbintldta Ke.arye.nya YQthnaena- Sidhyanthi
disturb11nces and so they preferred underground
caves of dimonsions of three feet breadth six feet
f Bh1tavanoopanishai:i}
length and six feet hight and air tight so that tbe
'l'he state optained by fixing the tongue in the atmospheric air cannot toucb the body, Entering
harynx and moviog the Praana from the Brahma such a, the Yogi fixes bis to ogue in the pharynx
Handra to 111uulaadbaara and from Muulaadbaara to controls the Kundalini and merges praana in.
Brabrnarandra, is called '£uriya. The Yogis will Sahasraara remaining in Bliss Divine His body will
serarate the Pcaaua from Ida and Pinga]a and be in a state of suspended antimation going beyond
practise the movement for about three hours a day, time and space.
will get marvellous will power and attains tb e ,ta,te
Salilae Saindhavamyac1ya
of ease, peace and happiness. This tranquil state is
Thsyamyam Bhavalhiyoogathah
cailed Samaadhi, and the yogi attains all perfection. Thadbaache Maanasooraikyam,
He will be above death and the whole universe Samaadhi Rabhidheeyaitae.
will be at his command. p:r. Y. P._ • 4-6]
Dharanaa panchanaadee bhih Thathshamarnchac1Wayooraiky am.
Dhyaanamsyat Shast!naadikam, Jeevaatma Paramaatrnanah.
D ina.d w
adashakeena£yath• Praaasta Sarvt. Samkn.lpuh.
Sam'1a1hih Samyamaath. Samaadbi Soobhidhoeyatae,
[ H,Y, P- 2j [H· Y- P - 4-7]
J:fy practicing praanaayaama for five Gadiyas, Just as salt dissolves in water and becomes water
ooe gets Dharana and by 6) Gadiyas gets Dhyaana itself loosing all its qualities, so too, the mi nil dis­
and by l:J days, practice .attains Samaadhi. Sixty solves in super consciousness and this mergi □ g is
6 7
The Science of Khaeechari

cal!,id Sarrnudhi. Samaai!bi is the state of supreme

peace and tranquility where there is no influence of
life and mind. The trnnq nility resulting from the SRI i'OGIRAJA VAIDYARA.JA
merger of Jeeva with Pare.umatma is Samae.dhi demonstrating the second stage
of Lambih.
attainable by the practice of Khaeechari. Sage
Vasists, therefore advised B,aami thus:
Samkalparnaatra Kalan;:i.iva. Jagassama.£;ram.
Samkalpamaatra Kalanaiye, M onoovilaasah.
Samkalpamastra Mathi, Muthnuja Nil-vilrnlpa.,
Maa.sritya nichaya Mavaapnuhi Raama santhim

0. Raama, the universe is tbe result of your

thought Sankalpa, all the enjoyments, and activity
is tbe rasult of your own thinkiag and so all uoi·
verse is unreal whiob is but a creatioo of the tbougbts
Sankalpas of the mind. So att,aining the state of
thougtlessness is Supreme Nirvikalpa sama;,dhi and
you attain it by practice By every effort, this state
where there is no time, death and thou,�bt, is to be Behold ! the tongue held fixe , d upri"a bt , be h'10-,� - soft
attained which is Absolute Bliss, Ahsolnte Peaee PR Iate and u vul>t, touchin" the ti·p of
and Absolute Light. n th,ep.haryux
nod the Gaze concentrated at, tbe ce
ntre of tbe
eyebrows. Observe the uvula
Just as there is jaioe iu fruit, Ghee in cream, before , the,
ve1t1cal tongue behind, oornpletely
water in sponge, sap in plant, fire in wood, so is jamioa"
t_Le two nostrils Ida and Pingala.
Alm�gbty in man. By continuous practice of Khaee•
chari, Almighty can consciously be perceived in •
* •

your own self.

. ' .�

Technology of lambika
. ' . • ·1 . . . ' , , . .

To all appearances man seems to be but an,

irisig'nificant dot in the mighty ocean of the Uni�'
verse ...... yet i11 the Upanishaths men are referred
to as" Sons of Immortality". · Apart from the
spirifoal immortality of tbe soul, and apart from
the immortal Brabmiibbava of a Jivan·mukta, man
is yet imbibed with higher, powers which may b8
Sri Veera Rama Krhhna, Nageswara Re.o -acquired by Yogic pra.ctices-
Baduguvanitai:.ka, Godavary#
Birth: 2-1-1U23,
' Aetasm.a Da.a. tmana · Aakaasa Ssaru-bhuy.itae n

It is declared that form Aatma came the � akaa•

sba, ani! from Aakaasba derives the 'Creative Stru -
cture of the_ Univer;ie. It is from A�tma, that al.I
the, fivo elements ace cre1tted and faaction in their
respective duties, It is because of tbe movement
of the V,i,aJu i. e. tbe Pra11na in the fiv� elements
tbat causes all sonls to underg-o repeated birth3 and
deaths----the cause o[ death being the annihilation
of-· Pra1tna or Vaayu, So it is advirnd by, the
s,ocients l\fatsyendra Nath, Pi1tanj1li etc. to hold the
Vaayu or Praarrn i,1 its birth-place, that is to say
G Ch. Venkota Sw&my_
Birth: 18-4-lD15
Technology of Lamblka Technology of Lambika

in the Aakaasha. By holding the Praana in Aakaasba able to oonqurr Time and· Death. and 'shines himself
the immortal state c;.n be oblained l f tbe Prnana is as tbe Supreme B3ing. Ta order to t)ractise Kae3chari
not held in Aakaasha Vacuum but continues ite, Mudra one.must bave a Guru.
movement, then it bec1mes the o·,use of birth and,.
death. 'l'herefore by all possible efforts tbis move­
Personal cxperienc•s of Kaeeehari Mudra
ment i,1 to be kept saspmded. la order to bring.
about this immortal state the ancient Yoga Masters.
By the a;;e of, fifteen I stirted parctisiug A asa­
formulated techniques of Hatha Yoga, the fore�
nas ac_cording to the instructions of tbe Hatbc1,
most of whioh is· tbe Kaeeohr,ri Mudra- It is sai:l ,:
\ oga Pradipik,1,, . and_' nuder tbe guidance of my
p(l.t,ernal uncle. I pra'obised "Sbatkriya'', ''"leetbkaari
Eekam Srusti mayarn Beejam, Praanaayaama" ·also·known as "Pavaua Dbouthi "'
Eeka Mudraacha Khaeeha-rL
«_ Vaayubbakshaaa" or "Bbujag-eekarana '' and
Eeko Dovoe N irai>lamba "Surya B eedbana Kuwbhakum" with all sincerity
Eka. Vaista Manoonm�ni'\ and.devotion. ,r have stopped pracbising a few of
the_t;n but sti\.l ,piirntisina.
� "Seetbkaari". In thi, T·
''Out of all the Biijas, the Creative Prn.nava . '
J\'.eeping myseltin·,,,Siddaas,ana'', facing- east, I 6H
Biija is importa.nt. Among Mudras, the Kaeecbari
. s upreme.. ,, th,e abdomen . with air by doing "N onli ·' and
"Sakthicbaalana_", completely locki ug the air inside
Kaeech�ri Mmlra, makes one immune to disease, "lCumbhak!l,l!.l '' sometime and · releRsino- it
averts all maladie3, and bestows tbe bigb e st 8tate f�om abdomen to Sushumna by completely clo:ing
of trM'.iquil Samaadbi, · By practice of tbis Mudra; tbe nostrils r,nd moubh .... During this' process, while
a Yogi drink, the highest nectar and 1attains the the air is (.orced into Sushumoa, I 'cf,m bear a
state .. of immortality. 'l'bis Saadhana ensures all, characteristic sound and I feel highly el evated•
perfl6tions Siddhis, along with certainty of Self­ ,happy .aud slightly · "intoxicated". , also obtain
Realisation. 'l'hen an aspirant is able to retain deep· clear yi�ions. 1,used to p�rform this exercise
Praana (Vaayu) i□ the abode of Brnhma Raudbra from 5-00 a,' ni. ,'to. 7'1)) a m. Meanwhile I deve­
through the Susbumna (Central nerve), then he is loped a strong desire to practiso ''Kaeecbari Mudra"

10 11
Personal Experience

I travelled tro Risbilwsb aud under tfre gui danctl" practised only where atmospheric 11ir cannot touch
0f.$ri gwami,:V edanamda M abaraj: fr�m- ·Garrgotti'' the body and so it is practised iu a pit of 6 f eet
J started the Ifaeechari Mudra, [ disseeted tbe veiH in length by 3 feet width and 6 feet d:pth w 1ch _
wb ich is under the tongue, slowly day by day, and _ �
is sbut wiLh earth onoe seated w1th1n 'v'i bile
11pplied some _speci,lly prep1tred powder for heal in� pract,ising tb'is I experienced an inupressible state
up the wound. After' tbe \Jissec'ticJn W�S ·com\�iflted of tranquility, peace and harmony.
l could place my tongue in the back of the throat
at\d S{) completely close the Kar1aalakubaril:,n.--,;VhAn As my aim is to attain Nirvik,1lpa Samaadbi
Kt1pa\.lakuba�an:i. Li · completely bloiiked by. rnf I arn daily practising this Kbaeecbari Mudra as well
fongue the'·gtillet will secrefo a special 'fluid which as tbe Bhujagiikarnni Prnanaayaama, and 1 am
s'timulates; the tililntal hllppiriess .. The·· netvou·s. hopeful that I. can be fully successful with tbe
system £'1Lnv!th air and bhce li1\led wilT be k�pt; bl e ssings of my Guruji and the learned Yogis.
still in.Bbi·uirui.dbja>\Vhen practising the'l(aPechari
:Mudra;' I experience a very l:iappy·_state' �f uiiiid ''Ometyee Kaakshara Midam Sarv,m" All is iu
[l,;,d body, a nil feel 'vm:y 'eoe°r>(itio 'inspite . o'f b'oing' tbe letter AuM. As tbis Khaeecbari Mudra promotes
withoutiauy .diet- ·while fixing' iny tongue in' tbe: tbe attainment of immortality and uni versa! ity,
r{lapdaliifk'ubaram; k�eping' ''Bbrumaafi'y,i:' hf' ri{y" being the uature 0f this Om. this Raadbana practice
obncrritrat'ion,. a11d diroeting the Vaayn to "Bi•qhm.a is given impartance. Kbaeechari makes one immune
.RandiJra Staa•u·a",T exi)erfonoe a frnling of cofd:ness to disease averting all meladies a,nd·' bestows the
arid :happiness after abet.It two b'ours. • R'ight ''frdm bio-best state of tranquility Sama<tdl,i ;; endowing
the Mes a �enJati<in starts l:!l:ld'touches'thti''Naabhi" pe�fection ia Kaevl11a Kumblrnka . tbe Supreme
an'd tbe..,Iegs c}nnot be b:i moved frorn 'Sid'daasana/ Praanaaya&ma. B'urther by tbe practice of tbis J(ha­
'I'ben this· feeling of · cbrdness travels through thi eecbari �1 udrn a Y cgi drinks the nectar and attains
ve\-tEbrae, and tbe'n to "Sirassu". From that pdiod·. the stateof immcrt11lity. The Nirv'l.anoopanisbat.
tb.e tra-tfsoe aotnally starts;find' it 'is possible to keep' decln.res tbat the practitioner of Kbaeechari will
that medittaion foi'• day,s, completely uo11ware· o!, become po·feoted pm·soas in Yoga and they wilr be
externnl time. happenings. or climatic conditions, known as ,Teevan JVIukas or living immortals, Tbis
lt';nu�t,be: noteq_ that this.-Kaceobari Mudra can be Sae.dhana ensures all perfections Siddhis along
12 13
Personal Experience

with Self Realisation. So tberefore by f111 efforts thh

process is to be experimented and perfect tran­
quility is to be obtai2ed. 'l'bis process bas been
extolled in tbe third and fourth expositions of the
H11tayoogapradeepika- The love a□ d gnidaoce of a Ilaa.ja Yoogam Vinaa Phridhvi Raaja Yooga1n Vfoaa Nisa
Master of Yoga is essential to get instruction rmd Raaja Yoogam Vinaa Mudra vichitraarnapi Soobhatae
perfection in tbis practice of the prncess of Rhaep,­
chari By perfection in tbis Kbaeecbari, the snpre· Hath am Vinaa. Raaja Yooga Raa.ja Yooga.rn Vinaa F u.thah;
l'.!18 thoughtless 'l'raaquil State can be easily mas­
Na Sidhyati Tato Yl1gmM> Na Ni3 hpatteh Sams.by2.saeth;
tered. 'l'bis pt·actice ens:.1res tln fixation of the
Vaayu that is mind in the Aakaasa, tbe Supreme
Vividhai Rasanaihi Kumbha,i Rvi,Jhilraihi Kar!lnairapi
Prabraddhayam Mahaasaktan PraanaSuunyae Pndeeayat·e�

ra·; ya, Sikhaya Madhyae
Para.maatme. Vy�vastitah" Sushur.una. Vaahini Praane 3idbhyatyeva. Mainooumanae

In this centre of the flashing flames of that, Anyatha. thvitarabhyasa,:-;a, Pra.y-asaivalu Yoginarn.
there dwellA the Sucreme Being .Paramaatma. By
s.ttaining that Supreme, the eod of all action and Shri Swaatmaarama Yogindra bas said that
motion will be reached. So when a ·practitioner will without Haajayo�ga all tbe o•her Yoo,:ia, ;,re useless.
be able to retain .Praana that is Va�yu in the ab0de It is not possible to be seated on th, throne of R�aja
of Brahma Randhra, through Sushumna and dis­ yooga which shines like the crown· r,,·nong other
sohe�in Sabasraarakam8,la, then he will be able to Yoogas, until, kaBvala kumbhika. complete stopi2g
conquer day and night along time wheel goink be­ of breathing after exhaling is achieved.' Without
yondJhe Kaala de,itb and shines bimsolf as the Su­ Hatha Yooga it is not possible to :ittain mtevala
premi: Beiog- In order to attain that Supreme Kumbbaka. 'l'bat is wby Yoog-a is important till
Divine Abode as Kbaeechari is the only important .Raajayooga i,i achieved. Hatha Yooga is not,hing but
process al I the perfected persons and ]\fosters of the ,top page of Sun and Moon. By sending the Sun
Yoga primarily used to practice Khaeechari. a,nd Moon through Ida and .Piugala and from there

ll 15
Pifron,i"'ilnd Practitioners of Yoga:
Onset of Kaevalo K11robhaka

along Smhumna, which is also called las Brah mi,•

randra into the Sahasraara Kamala an•l by merging
it there alone Raajayooga can be attained. ]'or just
making the Prnana move freely along this susburuna
nene the Yogis ha veto practhe so m:.ny Aa 0 anaas,
S&hita Kumbhak,s and three types of Praanaayaa­
n:rns. Since Sri Swaatmuaraama Yoogindra bad
said that those practices of Yoga in which Kaevala
Kumbhaka is not attr,i□ed, aad the Praau;, d,;es not
move along the Snshumna are a.II me less. A II sorts
of Yogis al ways to trv for attain ins R ,a ja.yi oga
Unless the important fourth P!'a·,naayMma called
Kaevala Knmbh•ib i.� attr,ined Hatha Yooga bas no
Sri Kota.giri Venkata Narasimha_ Apparao,
much importance. Kaevala Kumbhak;; is possible ARC"GOLANU- \Vest Godavary
only when the Praaua is in ones control. When
tbis Kaevala Kumbhaka is attained one att1J,ins
Samaadhi also, or' else in my opinion it is not even
possible to attain P,ace. It is important to keep
the entire nervous system h tlle bor]y under ono's
control by prnctiHiug Sabi ta 1'.urnbhakas like Sarya•
bbedana, Bhastrikq,, Seetkia,·i, Seetali eto, By prac•
tisiug 1'latkri vas si K types of cleaning the body and
Asanas tbe bidy gets good streogtb for attaining his
goal. j)l_o bodily obstructions diould come in bis way
'l'bat why Satkriyas, Asanas and Sahita rrumbba­
lms b;i,ve to ha puctised chiefly aud when th,1y arEI
attained, attainment of fourth Prnanaayaam;; and
Sri Datla Venkata Raroanayya Raju.
£(aev;1la Kurnbhaka will b;i possible. As such the
Rachapalli. West Godavary.
Birth: 28-12-!Ull.
Onset o[ Ka.evala Kumbhaka,

practico of Rqa.jayoog& relates to Kaeval<t Kum-

bbalm alone. Tbis practice ef J(aevala Knmbbka is
possible only if Klrn,recbstri Murlra is practised. It
is my main opinion tbat witbont the prncticc of
Khaeecbai-i Mudra, Kaevala Kumbbak-i cfln not be
att11iaed. Since I have been pr:10tisiug Yog11 for
rrrn.ny years and have practised different kinds of
Yogas, I realised clearly that even though, tbrnugb
Rahita Kurnbhaka, first tbrne tyDE>S of Prnanar,yr,a-
rna and Satkriyas the Pmana bas entered the Ru­
shumn11, VPry easily, it can not merge there io the
Sri Puchakayala Ramanna 1
Sairn;raara Kamala or thousand pet,ded lotus in the
ALAMPURAM - VVest Godavary, head. It can be very clearly known that by the
Birth 30· l- l 912, practice of Kbaeecbari M uclra, praana enters the
Susbumna very easily and merges there in tbe
Sahasraara Kamal a.

'When the tongue enters tbe throat the Sun and

the ll!Oon will not have anyway to trwfi'I through Tda
and Pingal&. Immediately tbo re'.Lcbes tbe .
Sahasraara Kam:da througb the Sushumoa by name
Saraswati. Tbat way while travelling in. its own
place the Praane, at last merges fo th8 Ssilrnsraq,n,,
)Camala._ Immediately after the Praana bas entered
the Sabasraara Kamala. tbrongb the Sushnmna
called Brabmarandra, the body becomes very cool
blissful and much tranquil. Some sort of drowsiness
Sri Obundru Satyanarayana,
unknown to us will fall upon tbe body, 'fbis drowsi-
ALAWH'UHAM - West GoJ.avairy.
Birth : Fi- l 2-1911, 17
Onset of Kaevala Kumbhaka Onset of Ifoevala Kumbhaka

ness bas been coiled as 'U nmr.nyavasta' by om elders i Pranasta Swaasa Niswaasa Pradhvamstha Vish t'l. yagrahaha
and Sri Swaatmaarnf1um Yogiudra, Tbis Unmanya� Nischeestlo Nirvikarascha La;roojayati Yoogiuam.
vasta was also known as Turiyaavasta or Turiya
state an,l bas b8en practise] as the b8 st. When Sri Swaatmaaraarna Yoogi adra has told that
both Praana and Apaaua cease, we find nothing ot· sort of merging or Laya which is deviod of inbal,
Suuya. All Saukalpas desires or thoughts or plans ing and exbaliog, where there is oo knowledge, c,f
will cease. Tberefore tbonghless or desirdess state the rnund etc. a□d the mind dcviod of all functions
is Raajaycoga or Eaevala K □rubhaka can be achieved is best of all. Therefore it is known, as ba, been
only wbeo Praana. moves in Sabasraara Ramala said above in the slooka, that that state where there
throagb Susburnua for twsnty four hours i, e., one is no Vikaara chaug-e no experience i. e-, Niraitmaya
day and one oigbt,Then one achieves Raajayooga. _is Kaevala Kumbbaka or R/l,aj�yoogil. tis also
lt is not possaible to explain where and in what way known that by attaioin5 Ra,1jayooga alone one
the Pra,;ua m�rg,·s after appearing for twentyfour becomes · jeewan M ukta or free from th, cycle of
hours in tbs Susbuen oa. The person practising does birthi a□ I d,;athi iri this v Jry life. As s□ch it.
not know the pilssing of time. It will get merged is·vet-y clear' tbat one must particularly practise
in a state wbich we do not know- So long as the 'rihaeechari Mudra, It is my opinion· t,hat it is
ton 0a ue remains firmly io the tbroat there is no way better to learn Rbaeecbari Mudra tbrougb a guru
for Praana to eoter Ida and l:'iogala. Ia tbe same directly to have rarly success.
way if the tongue is firmly fixed 1n the throat for a
period of twenty four hours i.e., a day and a night Some time back when [ fell a victu rn to a jo,ep
. that itself result, in Kaevalrt Kumbhaka. There is aecident, I got mucb relief from this Kbaeechari
no <i'tber way for Kaevala Kurnbbaka. When one Mudra. If I do not know this Khae00har1 lfudra
attains tbe state where be can merge tbe Pmana in on the spot where tbe accident has taken place, · in
Sa�sr,.ara Kaen�la for a period of a day and uig bt that very inetant, I would have fell ffat before death.
he will then attam Kaovala I<umbbaka or RaaJi­ Row ·1bat happcued J will rehte. At the time· whea ··
yooga. It is my opinion tb'1t Kaevala Knmbb:ikc; the accident took place some of tbe nerves in the
bas to be known by personal experience, and not Aadhaamcbakm got wounded and resulted iri blee·
through others expei ience. ding. Due to serious injuries at Muulaadbaara, and

Onset of Kaeva1a Kumbhal;a
Onset of Eaovala Ihnubhaka

any sensr, that time durin; wtiioh th,i tom(t1e g-1t

in the Central parts of the body some of tbe �p]i-­
firmly fixed in the tbwat, this b]nr,ding did not
cate nerves tbere also split up and b2_gan bleed10g,
occur I r1id not feel any bo lily p,ins rtlso. After
At that instant at that dread of night U'O Ohek,
wards, as I ha.d no likiag to u1der20 any treat,,ne,,t
in tbat helpless :;tate l bad t,o sit in Dhyaana after
I took usual rest and my b)dy becam,, more stron::;
makina the mind tranguil and firmly fixing the
and I recovered my bealth, So, so long as the t1n1ue
tongu; in the throat got tbrongh steadiness of mind,
is firmly f:ixeil in tbe throat a!! bleeding from the
At that time it was very painful in tbe pfl,rts near
body to outside stops. 'l'bere was no huo:2;er and
and below the abdomen. The one strange thing
thirst. The whole body was drowsy rmd Blis,,fnl.­
that happened before the tougne fimily fixed in the
'Jhere was no weakness, [ continued my journey
throat is that bleeding continued without any st·,p­
11/ter recovering my herilth by spending some time
page, [ folt as though orw nerve i� tbe heart rose
io pure trnnquility of mind, Since the rraana starts
up, It was very,painful even to 1ohale and exhale
at Muulartdllaara aad movas out upto D inches
through Ida and· Ping�la, I bad no strength to
dist'mco in tb.e external world i-e. bahya.rtkaasa and
inhole the outside air, Some sort of drowsmess
since it grows ag,i,iri in the external world to enter
fell all over the body, It was felt that I am
]oos 8 ing my senses of tbe outter world- From tbe tho Wf>Y tb9,t goes to Muulaadhaa.ra, I got tbe firm
belief that by only stopping tbe chief Praana itself
body and ears some non material was co m ing out.
, we can !set ',aevala E:urnbhtka This was also con•
My eyee found a ver:; bright light .and it became
immensely dark iu an iust,1nt, I could not know firmea by 3hri Vasista tbus:
what to do, Immediately I fixed the tongue m tbe
0Waadasangula Paryante Naasaagrae Vimalambarae
tbrwt.-�I know only so far. Afterwards l did not
Sanwi dl1ru Sohh Prasamyanho Pranamaspa;ndo Nfrudhyata,
know �nything, Even sense of body also wa� not
there.. 1 fell lying at that place where tbo acc1drnt 1t was said that by merging samvit J naana
look ii]ac.e, l have got some consciousness just
and 'Dnrnti' at a distance of 12 inches from the end
before dawn, 'I'ill then untill 4 to 5 honrs, I had
of the nose, the movement of Praana is becoming
no consciousness. Immediately after com mg to
controlled. 'l'berefore tbe P,amaana given by Rri
rnnses the body began bleeding and all the bodily
. .
pains returned, At the time wben I did not }.1ave Vasista for attaining Kaevala Kumbhaka or Raaj·1-

20 21
Onset of I,aevmla }{umuhaka Onset of Kaevala Kumbbaka

yooga is getting proved. By this Praana is merging all useless for the practitioners of Yooga. Shri
in the external world. At that time A paana from Yoogindra. bas also told that
M uulaadbaara is breaking open the entrance way of i, best anrl t-hat Aatmadbyaana is
Kundalini to reach the Susbumna. ln this way, .Haajayooga or Kaevala E:umbhaka.
when the Yogi will be able to merge both Prnana
and Apaana in external world, a,t that iusta□t he Divaana puujayelli□gam, Ratrou chah'a nopujaayeet
will become absorbed in Aatmadbyaana. Shri Sarvada Puujayellingam, Nirndhataha,
Va.sista said that one gets peace through As.tma­
dhyaaua alone and that attainment of paa,ce is not, Sri Swaatmaaraarua Yoogindra told the same
possible in some other wa,y. It is said: opinion as of Sbri Vasista. It WR>s said tbat Aatma.­
linga. should .not be worshipped either when the
"Dhyaanoopahaara Yeev.aatrna Dhtanaruasya Mabe;rchanam Praana moves through Surya by name Id!\ or thro­
V!nBstenetaren�Ja 11:aatma Labhyata Yevand'. ugh Ohandra by name Pingala,. As the mind
would move if there is breathing, it is said that the
Dbyaana is a continuous flow of Self aware­ Aatma t!Jat is called as linga, can be worshipped
ness A atma J naana before the Consciousness of a after controlling tbe Ida and known as
Saadbaka. Dbyaana is a great worship That is Diva and Ratri or Surya and Chandra. Controlling
why it is said that it is not possible to att9,in Aatma. of Surya and Chandra is called Kaevala Knmbbaka
through some other ways. Pmanas will merge or Raajayooga. It is said:
in Sushumna only when Sun and Moon or Praaoa.
a,od A controlled. 'l'hen mind becomes Shaktaha Kaevala Kurnbha.ena Yadhestan1 vaayn Dhaaranaatb.
firm. ·,/ 1f the Praanas merge in Sushumna the Raajayooga paaarn chaapi Labhatae Natra Samshayah.
mind becomes tranquil. "Susbumnanta.rgate Vaayu
Manasthairya.lil Praja.ayatae " was the statement It was said that for that Yogi who achieves .
of SM Vasista. So all tbe wa.ys of different Kaevala Kumbbaka without any inhaling or
Yoogas are only for Kaevala Kurnbhaka or Raa.j,1- Bxhaling there is notbin"b desirable in the three
. yooga. It is my firm opinion that those ways worlds. For him everything is easy. It was
of Yoogas that are devoid of Raajayooga are said that due to the strength of JCa.evala. Kumbhaka

22 23
Onset of Kaevala Knrobhaka
On 26th & 27th
March 1966 at
as the Praana moves s-ccording to his will, the
Yogi attains the state of Ra,jayooga, 'Ihose alone
Sri Yogiraja just
\Vho attains Raajayooga state, are jeevanmuktas, come out from
Wbo will be abJve the cycle of births and deaths. Bhusamadhi
Others can never he fr2e Th:Jse who ,e;ot tho fruits after twc days
of Raajayooga are becoming persons beyond Sukha ::it the compass 1
or Praanam They are happiness itself. Those who of Umakotilinge·
attain Raaj,1yooga are €<8tting at the rnme instant sv. ata Swamy
the I(al?!tlata, by name Unnuni got by the combi­ 1.long With Sri
nation ul the seed by name Tattva, Ksbetra or place Rf!malal Kishan
with the merging of Praana and A p,ana by nai:ne Se,;sions Judge Rajahroundry Sri Muttangi Ayyam:.a,
Surya and Chandra aod the jala, by n'Hlle Paravai­ B·A LL Bo, Sri Veera I{rishna Nageswara R�o and
Muttangi Bala Krishna•
ragya or intense �euuuciation. l t is becoming clear
that there is no doubt in this. Dm to this Kalpalata
alone all sorts of Siddbis are becoming possible Due
to tbi, Kalp>tlata alone, it is known that all Siddhas
are getting victory over Kala. or Death and a
surmounting the Kaah10hakra the cycle of births Sri Yogiraja
and deaths, with free will �re able to become Jpevan Vaidyaraja ente·
l\l uktas and are attaining the throne of Raajayooga ring the pit on
So by the practic,, of L'Lrnbik-,, Ifaevala Kumbbak-i 30th Marcb 1965
st the compass
will ru'Bh forth and the practitioner becomes firmly
o!Sri DatlaVen•
fixed and deeply absorbed in yooga.
kah Ramanayya.
'' Tfijadha Draslituh Swaruupae Avasthaanam" Raju for pracht
"' ing 4 days Sama
At that time, that is, at tbe time of concentra­ dbi underground,
tion. during Kaevala Kumbbaka the seer Purusba In tbe photo can
rests in bis own unmodified state. be seen
Sri Nirmalanauda Maharaj and Sri Datla. Venkata Ramaneyya
Raju, Racbapa1li, East Godavary, along With Sd Yogiraja
Patanjili say, that the, control of is the
stoppage of inhalation and exha,lation or regulation
of hreatb which follows after securing that steadi­
ness of posture Aasana.
" Ta,,gmin Sa.ti Swaasaprasw�asayoor�
Ga.tiv!ccha.edhah praanae.yaamah H
Sri Yogiraja Vaidya.raja after coming out of the pit after
36 hours Bhus,madbt at Kotili ngala Kshetram along With Swaasa is inspiratory breath. Praswaasa is
Sri Penumastha Satyanaravana Raju, Supreme Cour.t .Tud�e, expiratory breath. Tbe energy in the h0dy is
Sri Penum�stha Ramabhadrarain, Sri Ba.sireddi, Sri Ramalal pra&na. By controlling the motion of lungs, we
Kishan, Sri MuttangffAyyanna etc-, Dan control the Praana that is vibratiai( inside. By
Dontrol of 1:'raana, tbe mind can be easily control led
as the mind is fastened to the Praaui.. Mind rests
in Prnana during deep sleep.
Sri Krishna the Lord o( Yoga says that:
�• Apaauae Juhvati Praanaam
Praanaepaans,m 'tatbaparae
Praanaapaan�gatae Ruddhva
Prae:naayaama paraay-ariab
Others offer Praana out going breath in Apaana in­
coming breatb and Apaana ia Pra'tna, restraining
the passage of Praana and Apaana absorbed in
But to Sri Sankara, Praanaayaama is the con­
A Section of the people �:itnessing the underground
trol of 11ll life forces by realising Brahman in all
Bhm:aroadhi for 3G hours demonstr2.ted by Sri Yogiraja. at
Rajahruu ndry.
About Praanaayaama
About Praa.naaya3111a.

neg ation of However the various combinations of these i□ the

things as tbe mind at. d the like. 'fhe atmosph�re aod the at·ranger.nent of nutrients in
Tho thought
the ULli verse is the outgt.1ing breath. food stuffs are dependent upon ti:le catalytic action ,,;
g bt·aath.
"I am l:lrahtUan" itself is the incomin of praana. l\fon·lrbs the prMna, thron"h the ex-
er is
The permanance of that though thereaft po sed nerve ends in the mouth and b��ck of the
fillina i n ,
the restrai,1ed hceitb Tbere am Puur;ika throat from food and drit1k. Breathing must be slow
in!, and
Raecbakai emptying. K111nbhaka re�train and relaxed to allow for the sufficient absorption of t
Kaevala absolute and pure .PraanaayaatUas, praana for tbe needs of the nervous system.· Food
t,o the yoga should be t�or,rngbly m1stioated to release the
Prsanaayaama Yooga is the Science of breath, praana cootamed therein and water sbould ba sipped
the air
Tlle control of thi vital Ji'orne Pn,.,na ir1 slowly and allowed to rem,i,io in the mouth and
we breath that is just what the sanskrit term praa gullet for a few momants for tbe same reason.
yaarua means •.·,
the Most amounts of. prnana ah.sorbed, are assimi­
Praana is the Divine mother E,1ergy, lated by nerve endings of thCJ luu•>s
control " as well·. It IS
Universal Creative power and Yaallla msaos because of this kaow!•,dge that the nncient yogis
or science of coo trol. 0 alled the process of breathing H�wah Kh�ana which
Underlying all manifested creation of life is .
literally means eating air. They also realised that
aining, ch;i,­
tbis Divine Energy, Supportin,! ttnd strnt the g:eat �alue in food and drink was t,he praana
ngiog and altering as necessary to b,.la�0e the contarned rn tbem and this knowledde led in ti
of the praa na,
tions of life. Man r<'ceiws most t? bbe development of tbe braatbaiian or one w�:
ugh he
he, throagh tbe air. He breaths, altho lives on breath aloae, without food or drink. ft ca�
s he eats , the
also receives some through tbe food �e reaso�ed ,b 1t what we eat is alr�ady caotained

water he drinl>s and by simple absorption thro m the air we breath. thtt it could be possible ancl
. .
the,l!kiu. perhaps ideal to live by breath alone.
Do not confuse p1aaoa with r1ny other of the

There are men and women live in the world

elements received through the breathing proc today who do not partake of food and in some ca;es
like oxygen and hyarogen or the nutrients water and yet live a healthy life. Such is the ui'ti- 11
through food and dt·ink. Praaoa is n one of thes
About Praa naayaaum,
Aboub Praan?J,�yaame.
• l�afl.y 9," abh-:tantaL'&. Stambha � Vrit Li• • d esa � ,.B,ah
ana by mystics of var­ ., .
mate end in the oontrol of prs. , h
&,ux sabl'!O pandn:i.crto iHrga Sukshn.:ah "
piratory system of the
ious religious pursuits The res

According to the three <lOIDoonen.t" • "• ••he ex t. .er- ,,;

st magnifi(Jient gene·
human body is one of the mo n a l •'•h e rnterno· l and the •steady, ~P raaoaayaam 16
ization on the face
rative and distdbutin,; organ nt yogis. H still .re aar a ed as lengthy or subtle. 'l'he "e'
' ,en t"ion
of this e:.rth. A m ,rvel to processes are modified bY t h e• regulations of spaoe
der n scientist, and not . ,
holds mysterious for the mo �'.me a.nd nurnber, Exhalation is Raechaka, iobala�
ns and purposes
much is known of its iunotio �10n is Puuraka and retention is Ifombhaka which
gs are tw o spong eli ke res piratory organ s !ll�rna�es the pe�iod o! life, augmeo t.i ug the 1!1 ner
The lun
enate the blood
in the thoraoi0 region. •rhese oxyg spmtu.,l fvrce, vigour and vitality· Ai',er Expna-
from it. One is situated · • �·nd su9pension, sets iu tbe absolute
and remove oarbondioxi:le tion. i n_sp1rat1on
d therefore seperated
on each side of the ohest an whrnb is restra1arno·0 the praoao 1� w by u1rec
,. t·1na0 1t to
9,rt and larger blood

from each other by the he �xternal or mternal obj,,ots:


iu its own serous r.uem­

vessels• Each l's enclosed 'B aah ya.a.J-nyanta.ravbhayekshepi
!1 d�g,turthah ,.
has its base resting on ·
brane called the pleura and Absolute concerns with fixino-o of the p raana Ill tbe
lungs contain over 500
tbe Diaphragm. These two v�rwus oba �ras slowly step by step to the last
• .
cell were spread out on .
million cells. And if each !oms where ::,;aurnadhi takes ple.oe T·he ra t'10 b·et-
r hundreds o! squre feet.
a Uall area they would cove

ween m1:m1at10n Puumk9, retention

• 1 1 •
' 1:1.nmo
r , b a k a .an d
braath between 13 exh a,at, 1 1· 00 R aeobaka is 1 ·. 4.• xi· Saaa · o r. bb a pr.aawaa-
In ordinary respiration we . .
average of 1,0C0 times an aama 1� with mental Japa of any Mantra either
!l,nd ·21) ,imes a minute an �
Sukshama takes in app• artyatri or �nd ·_very powe1ful tban Agarbb�
bottr. A sballow breath praana,,,yaama wlnch IS plain not att1nded with
hes of air. While a long
roxhriate]y 20 cubic inc
y encompass nearly 100 an! Jap,,. Perfection Biddhi depends on inte n.i ,.·•,y
deep breath Dirgha ma
consider that 15 breaths of ,he efforts of tbe Practitioner.
cubill inches ol air. Yogis
s in 24 bonrs is normal. · ·
per fuinnta or l'J,690 breath As . to Vaedaa · 0 ta, g1vrng out of all external
interest to observe that the ·
In this respect it is of o b'Jects is Baeebaka, taking in of all the sp'm·t· ua l
in nature are the rapid
most exoit!\ble creatures lmowleda,,e J� ·, p uuraka aod k,eeping to oneself of ;,uch
d are slow in resp iration.
breathers,calru and compose
About Praanaa.yaama About PraaMayaama

knowledge is Kumbbaka. Chitta mind Praana Bio­ and the Universe. Working of pra'lna oan be seen
energy and Veerya seminal energv are intimately in systolic aod di,i,stlt!io aotions of the he,i,rt , iu the
rel.,,ted. I! one is oontroll0d the others become auto­ actions of inspiration and expiration, in the dio-es-
rnatioaily get controlled. '.l'bere is relation between
. . . . "
tion, Ill e:rnr.etwn, rn the Ss<Jretio□ of semen l ch _,v!P"°'l
l:'rnana ;;nd Cbitta just as wind and fire, 'Wind fans �hymc>, �astrio juice, saliva, in ruoviog tbe eye lids
the fire so too Praana movas the Cbitta Hatba rn wa!krng, playing talking, thinking, reasoning
Yoogaapproacl:res Aatma by controlling the Praana feeling ,i,nd even willing. It is the link beween
while Ra<tjayooga approaobes Br::,bman by oootro­ the astral and physical
lling tbe Obitta. By controlling praana it is e(>sy By controlling the act of bnathin"' all tbe
to control the cbitt'l.. Knowing Praana is knowing variou, motions and the different nerve� currents
tbe Vaedas as bre&tb is Brahman. rraana is the sum can b,; controlled,
total ol all energy tb,,t manifest tbe universe and 'l'he breatb d irect0d by tbooi{ht under the
is the RUlU tota.l Pi all the forces in nature. oontrol of the will is a vitalising and ro<reneratino­
foroe. Feel it is you are breatbi;g, Inhal:
Further Pra.ana is the sum total of all latent
forces and powers that are bidden in man and slowly and steadily with a concentrated mind·
Retoin it as long a� you can comfortably 'Ihen
everywbere around. All beat, light, electrioity,mag­
exhale slowly. No Blrain should b., at any stage.
netism all pby8ioal and menM,l fore3 s are manifes­
Control tbe occult inner life powers w11i0b underlie
tations of Praana which springs from the fouutain
Atma. Pra,;i,na is force on every J:}lane of being �he breath._Be a yogi, radiate j1y, lig9t aod power,
1 be vibrations of the psychic Prnana., keeps op th(l
highest to lowest. All th11t mnves or works or has
Jifo even Aakaasa er etber are 11lso an expression oi ;1110/l, Sankalpa or thinking and thought is produced•
J he seat ol l:' is the heMt. l t. assmnr-s five
Praanar! his also rehted to mind, will Soul and to forms Pra.ami. in heart, Apa.ana in anu;, Samaana.
the Supreme Being. So. know huw to control the in navel, udaaoa in throat and Vya.a,na �ll pervad·
little \\!aves of Praana w�rking tbroL!.�h tbe mind, mg. Tbe colour of l:' is ied. Meditate on
Then 'itbe secr0,t of subjugating Universal Praans, A UM the Supremo ligbt. l nhale A tbronO'b Ida.
will flash to you: A yogi who is an expert in this lift nostril for 16 Matras, retain U for 64 :\fatras
secret, will have no fear from any power as he bas and t·xbale M tbrough Pingala rigbt nostril for 32
mastery over all the forces and powers in nature Matras and this will bestow peace.

30 3!
About Praanaayaarn�

Sit on Siddhaasan, close the eyes, ke,p the left

nostril closed with right ring and little fingers,
Slowly inhale wit>iout making any sound as Jong
as you Cf>n cowfortably tbrough the right nostril
'rh0n cbse the right nostril wii h ri.t;ht thumb and
retain the breath firmly prrnsing the cbin against
the chest. Hold the breath uutil perspiration. 'l'ben
exhale very slowly without making sound through
left nostril by closing the right nostril witb the
thumb. Repeat AU M mentally with Bbaava and
meaning during inhalation, retention and exhala­ s:1 Yogiraja just before coming out from the underground
pit after 36 hours Satnadhi praotisiog at Radhe Krishna
tion- This purifies brain, destroys worm;;, diseases Ashram Rachatla, In t'e photo can be seen Swamy Cbidrupa·
of excess wind, Yaata or Rheumatism will be re­ nanda and Swamy Vidyanandu. Saraswe.ti.
moved It further destroy, decay and. deatb, awakens
Kundalini and iacrea,se, bodily fire. This is Surya
Bhe<la Praanaay11ama.
Kaevala Kumbbab which n9'tnral ly s2ts with
Lambik'.l, is devoid of ioha\:i,tioa and ex:h,lation. It
rnbsists m<1ny times during the practiJe of Kbae·
chad without breath unconditioned by ple,ce,
j number and time. It is absolute and pnro after
giving µp inhalation and exhabtion holding breath
with ease, '.rl10 bre:1,th suddenl,y stopa without
Punraka ancl Raechaka leading to Raajayooga. Th­
rough lKaevalflo d1,wns the knowledge of Knndalini
and is aroused, Sushumna becomes pore ana free,
'rhe practitioner attains perfection in Yoga. Glory
to tbose exalted persons. Sri Vibhuti Jyoti Nityananda K aveeswar •:introducing
Sri Yogiraja at tbe world Conference on.. Scientific
Yog• on 2Qnh Dec, 1970 at New Delhi ,Tusb bsfore mercury
intake demonstration, along with Dr. v. S. Rao.
Of Mercury - Rasa Vidya

Some of tbe ancient Masters advoc�ted the

assimilation of mercury to obtaiu tbe immortal ,
state, Sidhani9,{(Hrj11a1, an:l. Nityanaatln, among
otheis, were able to as8imilate mercury intb their
systern, and so attained immortality. J rrst as by
Sri Yogiraja Vaidya.taia along with his father, sister, controlling the Pra' and Vaayu one becomes
brother and mother. immortal so too by conquering and assimilating me­
rcury one can become perfected and immortal. This
bas been referred to in many ancient texts inclu­
ding the Hatha Yoga Pradiipika, whicb says;
' Rasasye. Manase.chai va.
Cb•ncbalatWam SWabbaavitab
Rasoob2.dho Manoo Badbam
Kimua Siclhyathi Bbrutal ae
Murcbetoo Baratae Vyaadhi
Mrutoo J e·evayati Swaya.rn;
Bhadhah l{becbautam Dhattae
Ra-soo Vt1!),yu0hB,eha Parvati '

'Oh Paarvati, By the oombinatio11 of medioal

herbs, mercury and by the different breath cootro]s
the Praana may be controlled. Vi'ben the Praana is
controlled all diseases will be annihilated. Life and
Sri Yogirnia Vaidyaraja. With energy will be tbe boon, and immortality attained.'
Bhagavan Priya Ma Fero•e TaleyarKbao ci
Tiruven-nan:ialai, et Pondicherry.
Of Mercury - Basa Vidya

O! Mercury • Rasa '{ldys

Those who are perfected in Y,,ga and mercmy­ ' months daily. I ha·,e observed very good results
control will ba blessed by immortality. with children as well as with adults, 'l'be standard
reference wo, ks for this treatment are the Ha,tba
Mercury has been known in India sienoe the Yooga Pradiipib and the R�saratna<tk�B.
earliest times under the ne,mes of Rasa or Parade.
The metal is liquid at ordinary temperatures, but "Trilokya Vyapakao Yesou
Tamkaro Dhaarayet Tuyah
becomes solid at very low temperatares. It is very
Sarnt.havet Khaecbaro Divyo
poisonom, and is a good conductor of heat. Mer­ 11a_haakaayoo Mahaa.. Baiah,
cury must be pnrifiwl and turned inta a powd8r by
Sweechacba!ld l!a.haa Veerah
faing it in an earthen pot with v11rious hr•rbs and Sivatulyo Bbavethasah,
herbal juices, This prooess transforms the mercury Thasya, Mntra Pnreeshabhyam
into mercuric salt wbiob is non-poisonous powdar Se.rva Loohaadi Ka11nchaanam 1
and may then be \J,sed orally. Tb, type of pro­ Jayatae Na,tc• Sanda ha
cessing necessary for using mercury to cure disea­ Tsatweda Spanimadep
ses will depend upon the nature of the patient, and Ras,,akaeyo 1'v1a�aasidhah,
also upon the type of disease from which he is Sa.rva Lo'kaeshu Puujyatae·
suffering---····· My. Gur□ji urged me to cultivate Avadhyo Daeva Daityanarn,
Rasasidhi whilst I was practising the Kaechari Yavachendit.rka Ii.fedinee
Mudra, and so I started the intake oC various mer· Bhurnjano nivya Bhogarocha
cury salts for perfection. I have administered Kridatae Bhairavo Yadhah
mercury prepBrations as well as conducting res(1aroh Matra Yamtrasu Papakharma
Kusa!a San•otrnhailhi Koovid.ha:
on the \Iese of mercury for curing diseases. [ have
Thesham Sidhyathi Naanyadha
administered mercnry preparations iu a number of
Viclhibalath Sd Paradah Parad,h".
cases ol leproey, and I have observed m:J,rked irnpro­
vement!(<in a great nu:nb,t· of cases, In the initial The pedected Mercuric assimilatorn are the
stages daily I/30th of a Tola of mercury is admini­ masters of all medical herb3. There is nothing they
stered and then this is increased gradually to 118th cannot conquer in the tbree worl,fo. Even their
of a Tola. This l/Sth of a Tola must be takon for six excrets will transform tbe base metals into gold, they

34 35

, vidy•
Of Mercm•y - Ra,a
sa vid1a
0[ Mercury - ]la • • iJdhf> Naa craa • a and Sbri Nit eaodh .
they ate the Sri
• S'
\n the th r ee w o rl <l s,
asse­ 8 iddh , even tb1 c, h� qu_n '"" Siddoi ;: •
tire respect!tble B y this Mercury a ,' a , " " " "" '
mig h ti es t.
becoruing t
he bee" ,oJdi" y ga nd attr,in e d Raajayo i,·a1t bave bas
mightiest ol the i m m o rt a\
practised R'¾sa ; ooo;a along with Raaj�vo"a
\\l become nnot be conq
" ga and
mitation one w T h y c a rs . tbe use •if
hitnse ll. attained Siddbi m
luvers of SIVA n d th e y are the roaste ' •!:las.a or i110rcury- It
. tbe book , B,asa Ratnaakarn' that th

god YM!A, a )'oga was told • m e

even by death e w h o ar e perfected in h abJve two yooc,is
ol their lives.
'rnos �d fu\\Y wit " bave used Ras;,, Yooga for the be-
n bi b
ll b e i, _ nai.p
ntrol wi n � fl t of those wbo could not attarn o . YooO'a " I
and cVlercury co ry ea sy to attain Suprem . m y .
lt is ve r\, A.s w1sbed to experiment , as fas as
energies won\ d
immortality. e ot "Kbaecha
hrou gh th e pr a ct ic \og permi'", on the science of R i,a Mernury rrnd won 1 d
'rn1n1ui\ity t m o ti o n o! Va ayu bestow liere try to explai n some of my experiences in tl.
ols the highest ns
it easily contr pr oc e ss w a s given the th\s re spect. Just asap erson got vIC
· tory over death
thi� The aim ol
conceotration, of Y og a. need no t be afraid of the I,or d Yama, just so b
Masters difica·
place by the n of th e roent'>l roo
anni h il a ti o tb e use of Rasa and Ra aayana Mernury and com�
process is tbe !lliud one po
inted . r /
tion, a n d m aki n g pounds of mercu y an of tb e Bbasmas ashes o
in the 8aptadbaatus sev n elemrats one need no!
b ec oroes a\: orbJd
tb e m i
By tbis process lly fee\ that there is
n d no worr_Y abont disease 1: was explained that 1•t is .

er s o n a er possible to cure many kinds o f diseases, to live

the snpreroe.
l p of the mind oth
y tor tbe a b io rti o o
Praana "' very I oog life and toe 0 i· oy al I tbe P I e sures in all
other sure wa t hi s pr o o 0ss tnak,is tbe �
A s aasa, t b e w�r" possible, still kee prn, . ,, very stron"0 hody
cess. p\aoe tbe Aak
than this pro
i e. V ,i,ayu to
outr ol ol
i n
th e
o w
is e�sy to atta
in. 1
n so
and without
e h o d
y. s
' n
· Y soodbara
any weak'enrn" of th e vital

· forces of
the b't'gbest a o n th at no other WftY ca th
. way in the "R

ddba explained in tbs
ascerti tne Tran­ follow;ug sa ,aka.asa Sudhn,ak<i,ra" •
am ol s,ron,l o n t o th e highest Snpre feel Yah Sree SuLa Varasya : evana Midam
sur�Y t! a
is K h ae ch ari. I lurther ll '
N°,.,yam Karo t"h
1 a Vai
than tb e ol a
quil\ty other o ce ss is tile highest on Rasa Oeerghayurdb ana Dha.nya oharma
a, pr y.
that tbi3 -Yoog ess to attain iroroorta\it Sah1tah p.iaapnooti Soukhvam . param,
pr o c ated.
other Y ooga operl y assimil Loke Keerti p&ra mparam Vitanute
e sa m e i! pr
ow th
1J,lso will best
. .


Of ?.fercury - Ilasa. viaya
Of Mercury · Rasa Vidya

Pra·ntae 'Iesya Parangatih Ni-yetam

away but also the body will become, light and will
possess brightness and one attaines immense light­
Satyaro Sivae nooditam
ness and brightness. It cnred all tbe cbconic dis-­
v'i'hosoever takes Mercury Rasa everyday and eases tha,t arise iu the body .<ucb as Rheumatism,
gets it digested in his body, those will have long Hysteria, loss of vital f,;rces, Leprosy, Diabetis etc,,
life, bE1viog good conduct will enjcy big best plea­ Mind will get good strength. In the body ,
sures with out the least · taint of pain, attaining un,i,lloyed concentration reigns. There will be no
greatest fame in the world, will enjoy all sorts of nervous weflkuess, l f such Mercnry as this is turned
wealths and ultimately will get union with the into ashes and is useJ one can have so rna,ny good
Bigbest Lcrd. '!'bis was the Gtatement of Para-_ results. Now a days we are having very limited
meswara true to the very lett,,r and not at all nurnbcr of people in our country wbo prep,1re these
false. In, my experience I have found that modern Ram Bbasmas ashes of mercury Through the grnce
doctors in the world\ those who do not have any of my gum I am taking Mercury. It is m,1kiug
experience in using this Rasa, alone have oh jucted me rrmcb happier. Among the Ra,a Bbasmas Rasa
_ Maanikyam is very good, Urlaya Bbaslmram i 8
for the use of Rasa, but great Yogis nHver did so­
Only thorn who have received the grace of the Gum also good. These Bbasmas will f(ivo results as bas
alone can take this Rasa. II others happen to take been mid by Ram Siddba S!Jri Siddh:. Nait<:;aarjuna
this, they will ba liable for so many dangers and at only wl1en they a,re fire-pwnf. Those wbich >lre �
last they may come nearer to tbeir grave, dne not fireproof, fire useless. \Vhen Mercil'ry is t1irned
Ii into powder it must attain blooJ red c:,lour or the
to la,ck of knowledge of the iotalle. Technology is
a seer�-t one and can be learnt in person, For colour of tbe red-stone or it must b,we tbe bright­
sometimil one should take this mercnry with red colour of the rising Snn. Sucb a Bbasm;i, is
mixtures of some medical herbs and in the called as R;i,sa Ilfa»nikya by the experienced. Tbe
presence"'Df the Guru. Alter that, if the r'.'gu!ar body of those who could have such R ,s;i, Bhasma
course iii' over one can take pure merc'ury w1 tbout_ explained above, will turn metr.lic. He will b,corne
any mixture of any herbs and in any way one likes. very much shining, It ca□ change the appe�ranoe
Jn my experience I have found that by usirg tbis of rd] tbe metals. It is mid "Debe Lok<i.e Sivan­
Mercury not only so 'many diseases will be cured karam ". All metals afGer getting their colcnrs

38 39
Patf6ru-,iind l'ractitioners·of Yoga:.
O, Merc1iry - Rasa Vidya

cha,nged, will attain gold colour here. ft was sa,id

that th,, body will be e:;iuivaleut t,o Lord fswarn.
So everybody's opinion is that Meroury is the
Vitality ol Lord Iswara. There are seven elet!'.leots.
These Rasa- Bhasmas or A�hes of Meroury are
aeting as Vi.jrayudha in curing the eighteen
types of Leprosy and other maoy kinds ol chronfo
diseases, as to my own ei::perience,
Shri N ityanaadha Siddha declared that:

Siddbairganai Sura;,atai Rasa Siddh•k ,amaih

Baddham Hataathparama Mantra Balaenathalscha
Ti.�!!J.�. fivisist& ],,faJn.1 fdih Kruta mantra- ja; �ih Dr, V. Lohnadha Rao, B, V, Sc ..
·PcLLA, \Ve&tGodavary.
Kaa,antato JlasMare Vara Bhandhanamoha
Birth: 15-7-1934

The above sloka clearly states that whosoever

makes tbe Mercury into the form of a pill, tha.t is
fire-proof a.nd in tbe form of a. faoe and wears it on
their bodies, such people will b�oomo 8iddha puru­
Ehas, will attain all the maotr:i. siddhis, will be a
cbid among men, 'I\ ill he praised by DevM and
Siddba Fumsh:.s, ::rnd will attain the greatest
Rbaecharatva. But such Ritsagulikas can be bad
only by e�erienoed people and by those upon whom
the grnoe'of the guru bas rested. E'or others it is
not pos,dhle. This is very easily obtainable for
those who ha,ve the grace of the Guru. It is also "
Sri Arugapalli Sriniv•••n B. A.
known that those housf:holders who obtain such KovvuRu. West Godavarv.
Birth: 8..,,-10-1987,
rs of Yoga:
Patrons and<,�}'actitione
On Dhaatus • Metals

pills as those mentioned above and establish them

in their houses after modifying them as Rasalingas
and would worship them taking proper care of the
same, will become ve1·y wealthy and will be freed
from all sorts of Brabmahatyapatakas, killing of
Bmbmanas women etc., Now some experiments are ,
being coo ducted in our country for these Rasagu­
likas, It is known, that Siddbapurushas are experi-
mrnting 011 the use of this Mercury and compounds
of mercury io some of the parts of Himalayas,
Rish1kesh, Almora, i\ ainital and other places.
Sri Duggina Venka�rarii'anna,
ALAMPnRAM, West G-oc1avtry
Birth: 31- l-1914
On Dhaatus Metals a

Now I want to relate my experiences regar·

ding Dhaatus Metals· Dhaatus elenients are Copper,
Iron, Tin, Silver, Gold, Lead, eto. The Rasa
Prakasa Sudhak9ra has had thus told that by taking
the nine gems after adding proper chemicals one
attains Sakala Siddhatva, longevity,Vak Siddhi and
will be free from all sorts of diseases. It is well .
known in tbe world that all the Bbasmas of the
various Dhaatus will bestow longevity and will make
one free from all sorts of diseases.
Sri Kondreddi Brahmam,
HACHARLA, West Go<l&Vfi.l'Y' 41
. Bh-tb · 11-5-1932
On Dhaatu• l\Ietal• On Ohaa!us · l\Iet. ls

Copper: It bas to be prep1red after adding with this Tron ashes, sulphur fa put in fire
some medical herds Upadbatus aud roots and should sulphur should become fire proof. It could cbiefly
be potentised. In my experience by poteotising five cure so tn% □y diseases as Polio, white leproiy
or six times w0 ;ret very pure 'I'amra Bhaim a,sbes Le,uooderrna, Astrna and ii\ case3 of indigestion ii
of copper. It o�u b, prepared either with red or gave very good results, If Zinc is kept on fire '
black tint. whatever the colour may be it ab,uld be along with this Tron ashes, it will not loose either '
pure. If Sul pbur is mixed with this, the bdgbtness it; current or vit�lity. This is rny experience. Such
of the Sulphur should not get destroyed by fire. a oombination of tbe ashes of Iroa and Zinc wbich
Sulphur contains a cnrrent which gives it much are fire-proof will be in the form of a wbito powder.
brightness. By mixing Sulphnr with tbe ashes of The VltA,lity in these elements will not cease, ft cures
copper 'I'amra Bbasma it attains a red tint. By di�betis and l use tbe asbe.i of the three, Copper,
taking thi,i mixlurn all the spots on tbe body due Iron and Zinc for diabetic patients Bnt one rnuet
to Meha or Leprosy can be cured. It clears away all have much experience for preparhg Iron asbas 1\1:y
had water in body. Body gets brightness. Parti. opinion is tbat it is b,tter to learn it directly from
cularly it bas cured all tbe skin diseases Tt gives the Gurn. If c�pper and Iron '>re made int) asuei
good di�esti ve power. If 'I'am1·a BuasmB•, along with Vilality in them should not go ou,, 'i'i.,e eiet:ueut 's
Sulphur and some medical herds, is pnt in fire, Sul­ which are devoid of vitality are useless- This is
phur should not decrease. This is my experience. It my opinion.
can cure all the diseases due to Leprosy witb 'fin or Vanga This Vanga has to•be purified
guarentee. Such ashes of copper which c�nnot keep and with that medicines are to ba prep1tred,
up Sulphur in fire are useless. Gold and T, n Swarna Vanga is very good It is
prepared from this 'J'in 1'bis can be prepared
Tron: H"'is useful br all sorts of disease;i. This tbruug h cooking. It is also prepared through
should be also very pure in ashes It is good to prep­ _
potentrnatioos. But the Bhasma prepared by
are this by ,� to 7 potentisations. It is good if the cooking will have either white red or aolden
ashes of iron is of a red tint. 8y using 40 i!ays, colour- Vvith wbatev:;r colour it may hav; been
it purifies the blood in tbe body and produces prepared, the Jeeva is them should not get
rnuob. blood in the system. It has cured nervous destroyed. 'I'hat Bbasma whiob bas the red colour
weakness, hysteria and Anaemia as well. If along l is the best, golden colour is also good. If these ashes

42 43

Qn Dhaatns - Mei•la

a1e taken, they give much happiness, ment l bala­


nce. Hysteria, white discharge,, syphlis and other

diseasrn pr,rtaining to genitals and constipation
troubles are cured well by this Bhasma. It gives
good strength to the body. It omes all sorts of
aiseases. '1 his Bbasma is used for many Sicldha Lambika is the highest of Yoga Processes and
Kriyas. '.!"his VangaBbasma and Easn Bbasma t-lrn supreme unfailing way to att1in Suprems
ha,e the same equivalent qunlit,ies Sri Yasodbarn Snpt1rconrniousness,
SiddhR. bas explained the method of preparation of Chumbant-ee ye.di, Lambika&grarnanisam
this medecine, in Basa Prn!msa Sudhakara and bas Jilrvaa Rasa Spandiaee
praised it much. 'I'he Jeeva fo this Vanga Blmsma So1.kshaaraa Katukaaml& dhugdha. Sadrusee
also should not get destroyed. 'l'his should ba also Madhvaajyathnlyath,.dha
fire-proof. 'l'bat Vanga·Bhasma which is not fire Vyaadheenaarn baranarn Jara!tnt!·iakb airauarn
proof is of no use. Sastra.aga Mo-odhe,,rant1.m
T has yas yaadamaratvamas taaku 11 at ham
Like tb is I am trying to get the ashes of all Sidddhanganahushanam
the elements. Preparation of the ashes of silver and Utkalloola Kalaajalam cba Vimalam
gold is also there- Regarding Swarna Bhasma, evrn Dhaaraama.ygru Yeh µ ibae
tho Guru of Shri Adi Sankiracb�rya, Sbri Govinda Nirvyadbih Koomala
Pada Yogindra bas praised �nob. He bas 'praised Vapuryoog1i Obira.njeevati
that Swarm, Bhasma as Nectar itsell If the ashes Mur<lhoashhodasa patra P«dma
of silver and gold are taken it does immense good. Dhuudhyasyooras&njam Niya;nya
It is learnt that oy·en Yati pungavas have praised it Vivarae Sbaktirn Pa.raamchintha'; an•
much. It can cure all sorts of diseases due to Maba
Vaata. I my�elf prepared tbe ashes of the above By securing tue tip of the tongue errect in the
elements I w&'.'tked with my guru for some time to p h arynx toucbing the point under pituit,i,ry or
prepare these Bbasmas which have been giving good pineal body and closiag the two n'.,strils, S ,mwas,i,
results. 'I'he important book for me i.� Ram Ratna­ pituti.ry fluid ooses and the practitioner feels the taste
kara. I am experimentingon the Dhaatus or elements of the six tastes and his body will become immune
rnenuioned i□ this Rasa Ratnakara. to disease and death attaining the supec powers of
The Glory of Lam bib The Glory of Lamhika

Yoga. Lambika will bestow all other ef'fcots of other comes tho knowledge of past !Ind future- By making
processes autornatioally and the Yogi beoomes Samyama on work, meaning, aod knowledge, which
established in higher Samyama and Santha states are ordinarily confosed, c,mes tbe knowledo-e of
all animal sounds By perceiving the impressions,
On oontrol of Praaua by Lambika, control of comes the knowledge of p�st life. By making
Ohitta comes and thence aiises supreme oontrol of Samyama on the signs in a·rntbar's b)dy kaowle­
the organs. Dhaarnna is holding tht1 mind on to some dge of bis mind comes, but not ,its contents- that
particular object" Au unbroken flow· of knowledge
not being the object of the Samyama. By m:.king
in that obj ,ot is Dhyana. When that, giving up all
Samyama on the form of the body, tha perceptibility
forms, reflects only the meaning, it is Samaadhi.
of the form being obstructed, and the power of.
'Ihese three when practised in regard to one object
manifest.a tirJn in the eye being separat1d, the Yogi's
is Samyama whioh will come with Lambik!I. By
bJdy becomes unsecen. By this t,be di8a,ppearnnc.e
the conquest of that (1ornes light of knowledge.
or concealment of words which are b"ing spoken
That should be employed in stages. By the suppre­
and such othar tbings, are also explained. K,i,rma is
ssion of the disturbed impressions of control, the
of two kinds soon to be fructified, and late to be
mind, which persists in that momeat of control is
said to attain the controlling modifications. Its f, uctified By making Samy:tma on these, or by
flow becomes stea·dy by the habit of Lai:nbika, Taking the signs called Arishta, portents, the Yogis knows
in all sorts of objects, and conceotrati□-g upon tbe exact time of separntion from their bDdies. By
one objeot, these two powers being destroyed and making Sarnyarna on friendship mercy ete• the Yogi
manifested respectively, the Chitta gets th_e modi­ excels ia the respect,ive gu,lities. By making Saruy­
fication oalled,Samaadhi. The one pointedness of the ama on the strength uf the ele pbant, and others their
chitta is when the il!.lpresion that is past and that respective strength comes to the Yogi. By making
which is pres�p:t are similar· By this i� explained S amyama on the Effulgent Light comes the know­
the threefold ttansformation of form, time aud state hdg� of the fine, the obstructed, and the remote. By
in fine or gross ma-tter, and in the organs. That makmg Samyama on the Sun, oomes the knowledge
which is acted upon by transformation, the succe­ of the world. Un the moon the knowledge of the
ssion of ohanges is the cause of manifold ev0lution, cluster of stare, On tbe pnle-st3.r comes tho know­
By making samyama on the three sorts of changes ledge of the motions of tbe stars. On the navel

46 47
The Glory of Larnbika

The Glory of Lo,mbika mind, outside of the body, ca,lled great disembodi
edness, comes disappearance of the covering to
circle, comes the knowledge of tbe constitution of light, By making Samyama on tho gross and fine
the body. Oa the hollow of the throat, comes forms of the elements, their essential traits, the
cessa,tion of hn ,ger. Oo tbJ nerve called Kurma, iohereoce of th2 Gunas in them and on tbeir con·
comes fixity cf the body. On tbe light eman�ting tributing to tho experience of the soul. comes mas• I
from the top of tbe hei:td, sight of Siddhas. Or by tery c,f tbe elements. From that comes minuteness
the powC'r of Pra,ibli,1 all knowleil;e. T n the heart and the rest of the powers, glorification of the
kGowledge of minds. Enjoyment consists in the body, and indestructibleness of tbe bodily g11a)itios.
'!'be g!rJrification of the body is beauty, complexion
non-discrimination of the soul and Satva which strength, adaman tiue hardness. By making Sam­
are totally different bocauBe the latter exists for y a ma on the objectivity and_ power of illumination
anothu Samyama on the self-centred one gives of the org�ns, on egoism, the inherence of the
knowledge of the Pnrusha. From that arises tbe Gu oas in them and en their contributing to the
knowledge b!Jlooging �o Pratibba supernatural expnience of the soul, comes the conquest of the
hearing, touching, seeing, tasting, and smelling. organs. Prom tbat comes to the body the po wee of
These are obstacles to S,madhi; but they are power rapid movement like the mind, power of the orga,ns
in the worldly state. vVhen tbs oanse of bondage independeotly of tbo body a,nd conquest of naturo­
B y making Samyarna on the discritrJination bet­
of the Chitta has become loosened the Yogi, by his ween tbe Sattva and the P11rusba come omnipotence
knowledge of its channels of activity, the nerves, and ornnisc'ence. By giving up even these powers
enters another's dody. By conquering the current comes the destrnction of the very seed of ev'il, which
called Uda.m; the Yogi does nut sink in water. or leads to Kaivalya. The Yogi should not feel allured
in swamps, he can walk on thorns etc., a.od can or flattered by tbe overtures of Heavenly Beings for
die at will. By the conquest of the current Samana foar of evil again. By makiag Samyama on a parti­
cle of time and its precession and succession cimes
he is surrounded by a blaze of light.. By making
Samyam1 on th,e relation between the ear nnd the discrimioation. 'I'bose things which cannot bG diff­
erentiated by species, sign ftni! phce, even they wit!
Akasha comes ffivine bearing- By making Hamyama b8 discriminated by !;he above Samyama The saving
on the relation betwe0n the Akasba and the body knowledge is tbat knowledge of discrimin,i,tion
a,nd becoming light as cotton wool etc, through wbich simultaneously covers all objects, in all their
meditation on them tbe Yogi goes throogh the skies variMions. By the similarity of purity between the
By making Samyama on the real modifications of the Sattva and tbe Purusha comes Kai val ya.

The order of \Ra.jayoga' at the ·world Conference on
EPILOGUE Scientific Yoga at New Delhi on
Bbagavanpriya & Mahayogini 20th to 23rd Dec ] 970 along with
Thus you b,we His Holiness Swami Rama and others
seen bow Sri Yogi
raja beautifully br­
O)!gbt out to onr
mind's eyeall about
the Lambika Yoga
along with Praana­
ayaama, use of Me·
rcury and Dbaatus
in Yoga, blended
with his own perso
nal experience in
the science of
Rbaecbari- By
touching the roof of the pharynx with the tip of the
elongated tongue, closing the inn0r nJstrils one can
fly in the air and so many other Siddhis as enume­
rated in the last nrticle glory of Yoga will crown
the Yogi. Those who want to practise the Lambika
Yoga are always welcome to tbe order of Raja Yoga
and the gates will be always opento all. 'fhe quali­
fioat,ion for tbi,j! Yoga is a very burning zeal to
learn and practise the prosess with endurance
devotion and love for the Master. The instructions
will be given t,i,,ee to the mem hers of the order of
Rajayoga. Now begin to practise this great Yoga
process and attain the bigh state ol Yoga the Bliss
Di vine, I�rom left to I ight:
Miss:Eli½abeth, Yoga Teacher {1, s. A,
�- Mahayogini S. R. Y. · RajyalakBhmi Devi Bahadur,
419,K, T,Road, Maha Yogini Rajya Lakshmi
Ganahipuram, Devi Bah.dur, Dr. V. S. Rao, H. H. Swami Rama, Yogiraja. Vaidyaraja,
T IR U PA TI; Visveswara Yoga Beae.irch Dr- Elizabeth Faust M. D. Philadelphia u. s. A.
Chittoor District, Institute.

Yogiraja Vaidyarai• born on 3[-12-1933 in Padipeta
/ village, near Tirupati i,o Cbittoor District, Andhra Pradesh,
} Commenced life of Yoga right from 13th year of age- Bad Hi
} been to Rishikesh by !9th year stayed there ,ill 25th year ii!
m of age practising Khaecharj Mudra, :Pranayarna.. Learnt Ill
I the application of RASA Mercury and COPPER Tamra form
Himedicated purpoqes under the able and learned guidance ofli\
::: I
. VisiteJ all pla.ce3 in H1imalayas performing Yogic exercisesm
\ Stayed at FiHANTI ASHRAM for fiva years preaching Yogic)
Fl exercisesQ Prefrebtly managing Sri Rarlhi,, Krishna. Ashram !H
} •t Racharla• West Goda vary, Andht·• Pradesh. Exhibited 'E
1fj Bhusaroadhi a_ supreme Yogic feat being inside earth fu1ly !]1
} air light at �jahroundry in 1966 and st,yed inside the :H
Ff earth for 36 hours.
Presently practising NIRVIKALPA SAMADHI and I
t doing experiments Uesides treatment of diseases.
t Interested to perform Yogio FEATS fike B HOOSAMAOHI
rn abroad and tio propogate Indian Yogic culturo.
= �: : : : : : : : :;: : :;: : : :

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