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標題* Solar pumps for farmers is govt's next mission
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新聞日期* 3/04/2018
6 商情內容* Aiming to relieve the distressed farming community in
Content the country, the Union government plans to come with
a new scheme to equip them with solar pumps. These
solar pumps apart from conserving water and power
usage could supply excess power to the micro-grid and
generate income for the farmers.

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy banks on

Kisan Urja Suraksha evam Utthaan Mahabhiyan (KUSUM),
to save on power subsidies. “We are seeking to
install 1.5 lakh solar pumps under the ministry of
new and renewable energy's KUSUM scheme,” said Anand
Kumar, MNRE secretary.

“With micro-grid connections in place, power

utilities could save thousands of crores spent on
power subsidies to farmers,” said Kumar, speaking
about the scheme at a TERI function.

The scheme is already in its final stages of

finalisation. “The KUSUM scheme is at a mature state
of finalisation. We hope to roll it out by the first
half of the next fiscal,” Anand Kumar later told THE

According to Kumar, the scheme would have the

capability to generate additional Rs 10000-Rs 60000
per month through solar pumps and through initiatives
to allow usage of infertile lands as solar farms.
“These tail farms with 1-2 MW capacity needs about
four acres to set up. Any farmer with one acre land
to devote could participate under the scheme,” Kumar

However, contrary to the MNRE secretary's viewpoint,

industry observers noted that there are existing
problems with solar pumps being used in various
states under the state government schemes. “We are
struggling with millions of crudely made and
inefficient solar pump sets which are being used
currently. We are figuring out how to convert these
existing sets into energy efficient pumps with four
or five star rating,” said Pankaj Kumar, secretary,
Bureau of Energy Efficiency.

The BEE is currently engaged with the state

governments of Uttar Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh to
convert solar pumps of farmers in these states. In UP
alone, lakhs of pump sets, procured often with World
Bank and other aids by multilateral agencies to state
governments, were found to be grossly inefficient.

Apart from solar, the MNRE is also coming up with

revised policies to aid project developers of micro-
hydel and wind power producers, and setting up new
green power corridors to aid power transmission from
renewable energy sources.

The government has not been able to achieve its

targets under the rooftop solar scheme, which led to
a rethink on the solar policy. “We are expecting the
first bid for offshore wind power to happen in this
calendar year,” said Anand Kumar, MNRE secretary.

The locations for offshore wind power generation from

within India's sea boundaries have been selected as
Dwarka, off Gujarat coast and another off Tuticorin
in Tamil Nadu, Kumar said. His ministry is expected
to finish an offshore bidding policy for wind power
later this year.
7 tech/2018/04/03/solar-pumps-for-farmers-is-govt-next-
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