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Task N # 1

I am Henry Muñoz I am 19 years old, I like learning English, playing

sports and watching TV. What makes me happy in this life is that
the people who are close to me are in good health, it also makes
me happy to go to spiritual retreats and serve God. I am good at
sports, I am also good at learning new things and I have the ability
to relate to strangers very quickly, so I am very social and open to
things out of the ordinary. In my free time I watch TV, I feed street
pets which makes me very happy, I also practice English by bussu
and I exercise.
My true hero is my father, he is a person who started from below
and who has had to fight for what he is today, despite all the
mishaps he has had to overcome, he responds for his children,
loves his children and gives his life for their children, if it wasn't for
me I wouldn't be studying. What motivates me to work hard and
make an effort in my career is that my parents feel proud to have a
good son and to work to be an educated and values person. my
biggest achievement was getting a good score on the icfes. When I
was little I wanted to be a person of principles, a person who liked
to help animals, I also wanted to be a professional in life.
If I could do something for a day, it would be feeding all the animals
on the street and taking care of the people who harm them. I like
living next to animals and taking care of them. My friends say that I
am a very sociable and serious person, they say that I am good at
everything I do because I set my mind to it and they know that for
me friendship is the basis of offering trust and hospitality.
I live in London. This weekend, I visit my friends in Brighton. The
train to Brighton leaves London at 6.45 in the morning. In the early
afternoon, we want to go on a sightseeing tour. In the evening, we
going to a concert. The concert starting at 8 o'clock. I come back
to London on Sunday. My train arrives in London at 7.50 in the

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