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IUBAT-International University of Business Agriculture and Technology

Founded 1991 by Md. Alimullah Miyan

Department of Languages (CAAS)

First Term Examination Summer Semester-2018
ENG 101: Basic English Composition
Course Instructor: Sheikh Md. Rokonul Islam
Time: 7 Mins Marks: 100

1. Greetings 10
2. Introduce yourself: Name, Address, About your previous educational institutions, your
parents, your hobbies and so on. 20
3. Tell about your Likes and Dislikes. 20
4. Talk about your favourite things: 20
"Who is your favorite singer?"
"Who is your favorite person?"
"Who is your favorite athlete?"
"Who was your favorite elementary teacher?"
"What is your favorite show?"
"What is your favorite movie?"
"What is your favorite dessert?"
"What is your favorite program?"
5. Describe a picture. Different Parts of the Descriptions....... 20
1) Introduction
2) What is where?
3) Who is doing what?
4) What do you think about the picture.

6. Conclusion and greetings 10

Best of Luck

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