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My Childhood Bestfriend.

My childhood best friend was my school friend and we live very far apart so we can only see
each other when we are at school. this best friend of mine’s name is Nicho, he was the one that
really wanted to be a friend of mine with full sincerity.
At the time, Nicho and I are like two peas in a pod, we always think alike, looked a like and even
sounded like we are the same person, we always played together no matter what. How we met
is just like how any new students meet at school, At the time I was new at school and didn’t
know anyone, and when I was alone at the breakroom in our school, Nicho came to me, greet
me and said that he wants to be friends. After knowing each other we realized that we have a
lot of personalities in common, we like spicy foods, koalas, guitars, cars and superheroes.
Nicho and I got along really well and never even fought once in our entire lives, I stopped seeing
Nicho because Nicho move to a more advanced school where he gets to learn more than what
he can at our last school. Nicho and I are now still friend just not as close as we used to be, we
started to make new friends and time after time we started to grow apart from each other, but
sometimes we still play games together in our computers. Thank you.

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