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MICROBIOLOGICAL REVIEWS, Mar. 1983, p. 46-83 Vol. 47, No.

Copyright 0 1983, American Society for Microbiology

Bactericidal and Bacteriolytic Activity of Serum Against

Gram-Negative Bacteria
Bayer AG, Institut fdr Chemotherapie, Pharma-Forschungszentrum, 5600 Wuppertal-], Federal Republic of
INTRODUCTION ............................................................. 46
Deectio of Serum Bactericidal Activity ............................................................. 47
Deteto of Serum Bacterlolytic Activty ............................................................. 51
Requirenents for Serum-Mediated Kilng: Complement ............................................ 51
Role of Antibody ............................................................. 54
Role of Lysozyme ............................................................. 57
Additional Fact ............................................................. 58
Sequence of Events After Exposure to Serum ........................................................... 59
RESISTANCE TO SERUM BACTERICIDAL ACTIVITY .................... ........................ 62
Defiition of Serum Restance. ............................................................. 62
Location of Serum Resbtance Determinats at the Outer Membrane ........... ................. 62
Role of Lipopolysaharldes .................. ........................................... 64
Role of Acidic Polysaccharides ............................................................. 66
Role of Plasmid-Determined Factors ............................................................. 68
Role of Other Outer Membrane Proteins .............................................................. 70
Clnical Observations on the Relevance of Serum Resistance as a Bacterial
Pathoenkity Determinant ............................ ................................. 71
Evidenc from Experimental Infecions of Laboratory Animals .................................... 74
CONCLUDING REMARKS ............................................................. 74
LITERATURE CITED ............................................................. 74

INTRODUCTION acetylmuramoylhydrolase; EC; this

basic enzyme degrades peptidoglycan to form
Exposure of many strains of gram-negative monomers or multiples of the disaccharide-tetra-
bacteria to suitable concentrations of human or peptide unit (265).
animal serum results in loss of viability, and The majority of investigators of bactericidal
sometimes dissolution, of the bacterial cells. and bacteriolytic phenomena have utilized se-
Since the recognition, towards the end of the last rum from humans (26, 222, 328) or from domes-
century, that the bactericidal and bacteriolytic tic (194, 2%) and laboratory animals (7, 47, 144)
properties of serum are destroyed by heating at as sources of complement; the capacity to kill
56°C, an extensive literature has accumulated gram-negative bacteria is associated, however,
indicating that the killing process is effected by with serum from a wide variety of warm-blooded
deposition on or insertion into the bacterial and cold-blooded animals, including fish (218,
envelope of thbe assembled terminal proteins of 322), and probably reflects the distribution of
the complement cascade, the membrane attack immunological responsiveness and the comple-
complex (MAC). It is now clear that activation ment system in the animal kingdom. Susceptibil-
of complement by gram-negative bacteria can ity to the serum bactericidal system is a wide-
occur via the classical or the alternative path- spread characteristic of gram-negative bacteria;
way; the former usually requires for its activa- in addition to the many well-documented in-
tion recognition of bacterial surface antigens by stances of enterobacterial susceptibility to com-
certain antibody classes, whereas activation of plement, serum is known to possess bactericidal
the latter can be initiated and amplified, in the and bacteriolytic activity against susceptible
absence of antigen-antibody interactions, by representatives of practically every gram-nega-
poorly understood structural or conformational tive genus so far examined. In fact, any procary-
characteristics of the cell surface. Killing by ote that presents a lipid bilayer membrane to the
serum is often, but not invariably, accompanied external environment would appear to be poten-
by bacteriolysis, an event dependent on ade- tially susceptible to complement killing. Al-
quate amounts of lysozyme (mucopeptide N- though outside the scope of this review, comple-
ment in conjunction with specific antibody is teractions justify a reexamination of these reac-
also capable of lysing lipid-enveloped viruses tions. Bactericidal and bacteriolytic systems will
(67). also be discussed in relation to the defense of the
In addition to susceptible strains, there are host against infection.
gram-negative bacteria that appear refractory to
the serum bactericidal and bacteriolytic sys- MEASUREMENT OF BACTERICIDAL AND
tems; these resistant strains are frequently iso- BACTERIOLYTIC ACTIVITY
lated as causative agents of infections involving
tissue damage. It has therefore been suggested Detection of Serum Bactericidal Activity
that serum resistance is an important determi- In its most simple form, determination of
nant of virulence in at least some infections due serum bactericidal activity involves exposure of
to gram-negative bacteria; although much of the a suspension of viable organisms to a suita-
literature does tend to show a relationship be- ble concentration of antibody and complement,
tween insensitivity to serum and the ability to incubation at the optimum temperature for com-
cause infection, the precise role and relative plement activity, and determination, after suit-
importance of serum resistance at any stage of able periods of time, of the absolute concentra-
the infection process is at present not clear. tion of surviving organisms by some form of
It has often been noted that smooth strains of viable counting. Unfortunately, no single tech-
gram-negative bacteria, synthesizing a lipopoly- nique has emerged as a readily acceptable and
saccharide with a high degree of substitution of widely applicable standard assay for estimation
core units by 0-specific side chain moieties, are of serum activity, and the reader is confronted
more resistant to serum than rough isolates or by a bewildering array of assays that frequently
mutants that have lost the ability to either syn- make meaningful comparisons between studies
thesize or attach the 0 antigen component of difficult. As a number of parameters have been
lipopolysaccharide (214, 222, 260, 300, 329). defined that significantly influence the outcome
Similarly, resistant strains can be sensitized to of the serum bactericidal reaction, it is some-
serum by agents known to disrupt the integrity what surprising that no definitive study of opti-
of the outer membrane (246). Serum-resistant mun conditions for bactericidal activity has so
Escherichia coli strains are less likely to be far been undertaken. It is, for example, well
agglutinated by anti-O antigen antibodies than established that the serum susceptibility of a
susceptible strains (201); 0 inagglutinability is gram-negative strain is influenced by the growth
often correlated with the presence on the bacte- conditions employed for preparation of the bac-
rial surface of acidic polysaccharide K antigens terial inoculum; this may be partly due to envi-
(227). These and many other observations make ronmental influence on the biosynthesis of cell
it likely that resistance to serum is determined surface structures that affect the degree of serum
by the presence of structures at or near the susceptibility (302) and partly to its effect on the
bacterial surface capable of interfering with the metabolic state of the target cell (106). In batch
formation, attachment, or subsequent activity of culture, both the nature of the medium and the
the MAC. The recent realization that some phase of growth during which the cells are
antibiotic resistance plasmids carry a determi- harvested may influence the response to serum.
nant which reduces the serum susceptibility of It has been repeatedly observed that E. coli and
E. coli strains (244) has led to a substantial other gram-negative bacteria are more readily
increase in interest in the mechanism of serum killed by serum when in the early logarithmic
resistance, partly due to the fact that plasmid- phase than in either the lag or stationary phases
determined serum resistance is an easily quanti- (54, 55, 263). In fact, susceptible strains may
fiable parameter that lends itself to investigation appear to be completely refractory to the serum
by recombinant DNA techniques (165) and also bactericidal system if the bacteria are harvested
because it is now important to determine wheth- before the onset of rapid cell division (54).
er or not administration of antibiotics may select Melching and Vas (180) demonstrated that
bacteria with undesirable invasive properties logarithmic-phase E. coli 0111:B4 cells were
(33). more susceptible when grown in a simple salts
The large number of studies devoted to serum medium than in a nutritionally complex medium.
bactericidal and bacteriolytic reactions have not Furthermore, cells offered glycerol or acetate as
been the subject of a full literature survey since a carbon and energy source were less suscepti-
the excellent review by Inoue (127), which ble than glucose- or succinate-grown cells; the
appeared in 1972. Since then, a number of im- authors postulated that these differences might
portant advances in our understanding of the be related to the ability of the cell to repair
activation of complement pathways by viable complement-mediated membrane damage. Simi-
gram-negative bacteria and of the nature of the lar observations were made by Maaloe (163,
bacterial surface in relation to host-parasite in- 164), who noted that Salmonella typhimurium
grown in diluted broth was more susceptible to come of a bactericidal reaction, particularly as
human serum than when grown in undiluted both pathways may function simultaneously to
broth; the experimental conditions were ar- kill susceptible bacteria (242, 282, 306). Early
ranged in such a way that the growth rates in colonization of the intestinal tract by commensal
these media were identical. Addition of various bacteria ensures that small quantities of antibod-
monosaccharides and organic acids to the sys- ies directed against the surface antigens of many
tem led to a phenotypic increase in serum resist- types of gram-negative bacteria are present in
ance, whereas addition of ammonium salts had the blood and tissue fluids of humans (150, 168)
the opposite effect. The serum susceptibility of and a variety of animals (150, 289). Thus, IgM
chemostat-grown E. coli urinary isolates was and IgG antibodies directed against surface anti-
markedly dependent on the nature of the limiting gens of E. coli (45) and other enterobacteria
nutrient and, to a lesser extent, on the dilution (187, 189) as well as against Neisseria species
rate (302); in addition, the reproducibility of (45, 100) and Haemophilus influenzae (219) can
serum bactericidal kinetics was higher with che- be detected in the serum of adults in the absence
mostat cultures than when batch-cultured cells of any history of immunization or specific infec-
were used. These observations make it essential tion. In those cases in which the presence of
that particular attention be given to the proce- antibodies capable of participating in comple-
dure for inoculum preparation for serum bacteri- ment activation can be demonstrated, the serum
cidal assays; when batch culture is utilized, can be utilized in the bactericidal assay as a
bacteria should be harvested during the early source of both antibody and complement. Anti-
logarithmic phase of growth from, if possible, a bodies against some overtly pathogenic gram-
medium that can be formulated with a minimal negative bacteria, such as Vibrio cholerae and
amouiit of batch-to-batch variation. Bacteria Salmonella typhi, are generally absent from non-
should be grown at a temperature at or near the immune sera, and it has been common practice
optimum, as cultivation at suboptimal or elevat- to supplement the bactericidal system with an
ed temperatures frequently results in alteration antibody source in the form of heated (56°C)
of serum killing rates (144, 229). In a comparison immune serum when investigating such organ-
of three established serum bactericidal assays, isms (261). This procedure is, however, compli-
DeMatteo and colleagues (55) found that the cated by the fact that natural and immune anti-
system demonstrating the highest degree of kill- bodies differ in physicochemical properties that
ing activity was the only one using cells in early affect their behavior in bactericidal tests (189).
logarithmic-phase culture. It is therefore unfor- Also, immune sera are rich in IgG, which func-
tunate that many procedures use bacteria in an tions poorly in complement activation in com-
undefined and variable metabolic state, includ- parison to IgM; at high concentrations, IgG
ing those washed from overnight agar slope molecules may inhibit the complement-mediated
cultures and suspended in diluent (138, 183, killing mechanism (213, 220). These factors must
296). be taken into account when considering the
The procedure adopted for harvesting and design of serum bactericidal assays.
washing of cells before exposure to serum may Since the realization (254) that a very high
influence the outcome of the bactericidal reac- proportion of cases of neonatal meningitis are
tion; the frequently adopted procedure of cen- caused by E. coli strains carrying the Kl poly-
trifugation at 0 to 4°C is likely to temperature saccharide antigen, much effort has been spent
shock the cells and should be avoided (342). on examining the possibility of a correlation
Cells that have been extensively washed with between Kl carriage and serum susceptibility of
buffer may show increased susceptibility to se- clinical isolates; in these cases, it would seem
rum, and a more accurate estimation of true particularly relevant to assess the antibody con-
serum susceptibility may be obtained by resus- tent of sera, as the Kl antigen is the major
pension in buffer without washing (78). surface polymer in these strains (255), is a poor
Complement activation in the bactericidal re- immunogen (255), and may prevent effective
action may depend on an initial antigen-antibody activation of the alternative pathway (290).
interaction at or near the surface of the bacterial Possible sources of error may materialize
cell. Classical pathway function normally re- when bactericidal systems containing heteroge-
quires the formation of a complex involving neous sources of antibody and complement are
immunoglobulin M (IgM) or IgG molecules (28, used. Interaction between serum proteins of one
253, 261), and amplification of the alternative animal species and antibodies of others occur
pathway may also require the participation of an and may lead to fixation and deviation of com-
immune reaction (81, 151). The presence in the plement from the bactericidal system (261).
reaction mixture of antibody molecules that are Large differences have also been reported when
able to participate in complement activation is sera from different animal species have been
necessary, therefore, to properly assess the out- compared. For example, Ogata and Levine (221)
compared the ability of rabbit, human, and guin- of bacteria during the bactericidal reaction may
ea pig sera to kill E. coli K-12 strains harboring lead to an underestimation of survival rates,
plasmid R100; they found that human serum particularly when immune sera are used as a
killed E. coli K-12 J6-2 more efficiently than component of the test system (179). Such an
either rabbit or guinea pig serum and that the effect is detectable by using a control containing
nature of the serum also affected the ability of serum in which complement activity has been
the plasmid to modify the serum response. abrogated by heating at 56°C. The use of low
Schwab and Reeves (271) compared the bacteri- numbers of bacterial cells will favor the occur-
cidal activity of sera from eight species of verte- rence of gross antibody excess and may lead to
brates and found considerable variation in the inhibition of serum bactericidal action (339).
efficiency with which the sera could kill a num- Essentially identical rates of killing of suscepti-
ber of enterobacterial strains, although it was ble bacteria are seen over a wide range of
not possible to put the various sera in an unam- inoculum sizes, and inocula up to 107 cells per
biguous order with respect to this property. ml may be used in bactericidal assays (310).
Within a given animal species, however, there Olling (222) found no variation in the serum
appears to be little variation in the bactericidal response of 10 E. coli strains over a concentra-
activity of serum from different healthy individ- tion range of 104 to 1010 cells per ml.
uals, reflecting the ubiquity of the complement A wide range of buffers and other diluents
system and a shared spectrum of antibody speci- have been incorporated into serum bactericidal
ficities. This has been particularly well estab- systems; that these solutions can have signifi-
lished for the human subject (222, 242, 328), and cant and unpredictable effects on the efficiency
Olling and associates (223) have demonstrated of complement killing was recently demonstrat-
that the reactivities of sera from sailors based in ed by Clas and Loos (43). They found that the
various European, Asian, and South American killing of Salmonella minnesota by guinea pig
countries are identical. serum, which proceeded efficiently in the pres-
The bactericidal action of serum is demonstra- ence of 0.02 M Tris, pH 7.4, or 0.004 M thiogly-
ble over a wide range of serum concentrations, colate buffer, pH 7.1, was totally abolished in
although the rate of killing is known to generally 0.1 M phosphate-buffered saline, pH 7.6, an
increase with increasing serum concentration effect which might be due to a nonspecific
(203, 259). For the study of serum bactericidal inhibition of complement action by high cation
activity in relation to infection, the majority of concentration (328; P. W. Taylor, unpublished
investigators have employed systems containing data) or to a specific inhibition by phosphate
relatively high concentrations of serum to en- ions (7, 172). Wardlaw (328) found that bacteri-
sure that killing is not limited by availability of olysis by human serum of E. coli Lilly was
essential components of either the classical or markedly dependent on the pH and ionic
alternative complement pathway; thus, concen- strength of the system. Somewhat surprisingly,
trations in the 20 to 100% range have been the pH optimum for bacteriolysis was found to
successfully utilized in a number of studies (26, be 8.4, in comparison to an optimum for hemoly-
105, 162, 222, 236, 310). However, assembly of sis of 7.15 to 7.35 (170). Similarly, an optimum of
the alternative pathway from the 11 pathway 0.06 for ionic strength was found, with a sharp
proteins purified from human serum has re- decrease in activity either side of this peak; this
vealed that its bactericidal and bacteriolytic ac- contrasts to the erythrocyte system, in which
tivity is insignificant at protein concentrations near-maximal rates of lysis occur at an ionic
equivalent to a 1:16 dilution of serum (268). Clas strength of 0.147 and significant hemolysis oc-
and Loos (43) also detected almost no alterna- curs at pR = 0.177. This suggests that the require-
tive pathway activity when guinea pig serum ments for lysis of E. coli Lilly may be rather
was used at dilutions of greater than 1:10. Re- unusual, as the ionic strength of human serum is
cently, E. coli K-12 strains have been used by a about 0.183 (95). The Tris buffer system at pH
number of investigators to elucidate the nature 8.4 used by Wardlaw has been widely adopted
of plasmid-determined serum resistance, and of for studies of serum bactericidal activity (95,
necessity, very low concentrations, often in the 241, 310), often without due consideration that
region of 1 to 4%, have been utilized to achieve a optimum conditions required for bacteriolysis
demonstrable difference between isogenic pairs and bactericidal action may be different. A high
(25, 79, 196). It is likely, therefore, that only pH is, in fact, known to promote the action of
classical pathway activity is being observed in lysozyme on gram-negative bacteria (216, 217).
these studies. If relatively high concentrations of serum are
Antibody is needed in such small amounts for used, the strong buffering capacity of serum may
complement activation that it is rarely a limiting limit the pH range of the serum-buffer mixtures
factor in bactericidal systems (95). Attention has and keep any effect due to pH at a minimum
been drawn to the possibility that agglutination (310). Although the use of Tris buffer has been
criticized on the basis that divalent cations nec- '1
essary for complement activity may interact
disadvantageously with this buffer (244), it ap-
pears to be comparable to many buffers used in E
bactericidal systems (43, 310). In the absence of
definitive data on optimum conditions for bacte-
ricidal activity that apply to the majority of 0D la

strains of bacteria commonly investigated, it C

would seem advisable to use one of the buffer 10
systems that have been developed for studies of 0
immune hemolysis (170); gelatin-veronal-buff- U
ered saline plus Mg2> and Ca2, pH 7.35 (89), 0
provides the essential divalent cations necessary a.
for complement activity at optimum concentra-
tions, does not affect deleteriously the viability
of gram-negative bacteria, and provides an envi-
ronment in which very high rates of serum
killing of susceptible bacteria can be achieved 0 1 2 3
(268, 306, 342). hours
Addition of complex nutrient solutions, such
as Hanks balanced salts solution (222, 344) or FIG. 1. Response of Citrobacter sp. strain C14 (0),
nutrient medium (54, 194), to serum bactericidal E. coli CS (0), and E. coli C42 (A) to incubation at
37°C with 75% human serum. Data of Taylor and
systems may have adverse effects on the ability Hughes (304).
of the system to kill normally susceptible strains
(55); nutrient broth is known, for example, to be
anticomplementary at high concentrations (208). well known (240) and will not be reiterated here.
The modification of bactericidal assays by po- However, it has been common to select only one
tentially metabolizable sustrates has been stud- point in time, usually in the 1- to 2-h range, at
ied in detail by Michael and Braun (184). They which to evaluate survival; the validity of this
found that high concentrations of various com- practice must be questioned, as it has been
plex nutrient media protected Shigella dysenter- frequently observed that killing of some strains
iae from the bactericidal action of human serum, does not proceed at a constant rate. For exam-
whereas concentrations below 0.1% enhanced ple, many smooth, serum-susceptible strains
its susceptibility. Glucose significantly en- show a characteristic response (Fig. 1) in which
hanced bacterial susceptibility, whereas other there is little change in the viable count during
carbohydrates not metabolized by S. dysenter- the first hour of exposure, but the number of
iae had no significant effect; the authors suggest- survivors after 3 h is generally less than 1%
ed a relationship between bacterial metabolism (299). The rate of killing after alternate pathway
and susceptibility to serum which has subse- activation is lower than that associated with the
quently been studied in detail (106, 306). A classical pathway (256), and strains of Serratia
complex situation was apparent when individual marcescens also show a delayed serum-suscep-
amino acids were added to the system. Those tible response as a result of selective activation
amino acids known to stimulate metabolic activ- of the alternative pathway (320). The true nature
ity also enhanced serum killing, others had a of the interaction between bacterial cells and
protective effect, and some were without effect activated complement components can only be
on the rate of killing. Two analogs, 5-methyl- evaluated, therefore, when the number of bacte-
tryptophan and fluorophenylalanine, interfered rial survivors is estimated at frequent time inter-
with bacterial killing in the presence of usually vals during the reaction.
bactericidal concentrations of serum. Nutrient Although measurement of the serum response
factors necessary for high killing rates are pre- in the presence of a large excess of the serum
sent in adequate concentrations in the serum components essential for complement killing
used for the assay (306). Therefore, addition to would appear to be the most direct way of
the system of complex nutrient solutions serves determining the degree of serum killing, some
no purpose and modifies, in an incompletely workers have preferred to estimate the survival
understood way, the serum killing kinetics. of bacteria over a range of serum dilutions, the
The majority of studies of serum bactericidal extent of bactericidal action being expressed as
activity have used any of a number of viable the reciprocal of the highest serum dilution
counting procedures to determine bacterial sur- showing killing activity (194, 263, 271, 296, 318).
vival rates after exposure to serum-buffer mix- It is possible that differences in bactericidal titer
tures; variations inherent in viable counting are merely reflect different quantitative require-
ments for some complement components at high 277), involving spotting serum dilutions onto
serum dilutions, and differences established un- seeded agar plates, are difficult to control, and
der conditions of limiting complement concen- some batches of agar possess high anticomple-
trations may not be apparent when bactericidal mentary activity. However, a rapid method de-
kinetics are determined in the presence of ex- veloped by Provonchee and Zinner (241) and
cess amounts of all required serum factors. For using the Steers-Foltz replicator (288) has been
example, the small increases in survival of E. successfully used for the screening of phenotyp-
coli K-12 J6-2 resulting from acquisition of plas- ic modifications to serum susceptibility induced
mid R100 are demonstrable only over a very by growth in sublethal antibiotic concentrations
limited range (0.5 to 3%) of human serum con- (303). A rapid colorimetric assay (195) has made
centrations (25, 221); at these concentrations, possible the genetic analysis of plasmid-borne
key components of the classical pathway may be serum resistance genes by gene cloning tech-
present in limiting amounts and alternative path- niques (1%).
way components will have been diluted to such Techniques that do not rely on determination
an extent as to be nonfunctional. of cell viability have also been used to quantify
The inherent disadvantages of viable counting serum bactericidal activity. Kato and Bito (144)
procedures for estimation of survival after se- took irreversible loss of protein (P3-galacto-
rum treatment led Muschel and Treffers (208) to sidase) synthesis as an index of bacterial killing,
develop an alternative assay based on the ability because serum-treated cells may be active in
of surviving bacteria to remultiply when re- both respiration and macromolecular synthesis
moved from the action of antibody and comple- but inactive in cell division. Fierer and col-
ment. This widely used assay involves exposure leagues (78) measured the release of 5 Cr-la-
of bacteria to suitable serum concentrations for beled lipopolysaccharide from serum-suscepti-
a reaction period of 1 h followed by the addition ble and serum-resistant bacteria and found a
of a standardized volume of growth medium, correlation between serum susceptibility and
such as brain heart infusion broth; the anticom- release of label. However, even heat-inactivated
plementary activity of the medium terminates serum released approximately 20% of 51Cr from
the bactericidal action of the serum, and the serum-susceptible E. coli cells.
density of the cultures after a second incubation
period will be proportional to the number of Detection of Serum Bacteriolytic Activity
organisms surviving the initial exposure to se- Relatively few bacterial strains are lysed by
rum. The optical densities obtained are convert- serum, even in the presence of adequate
ed to percentages of the control values and amounts of lysozyme; this contrasts with the
plotted on a probit scale against the log of the many strains that are killed without obvious
serum volume. The resulting linear relationship lysis (328). Lysis can be followed by measuring
enables the 50% lethal dose of serum to be the optical density of
determined. For obvious reasons, the assay is regular intervals (95,serum-exposed
bacteria at
Alternatively, the
only valid when antibody concentration is varied release of radiolabeled intracellular markers (29,
against a background of constant complement 286) or cytoplasmically located enzymes
concentration, or vice versa. It also depends on can be monitored. Amano and co-workers (7), (130)
the assumption that surviving bacteria that have their extensive studies of immune in
been exposed to potentially damaging amounts bacteriolysis,
of complement will multiply at an identical rate developed a technique in which sodium deoxy-
cholate is added to suspensions of serum-ex-
to bacteria that have not been so exposed after
transfer to nutrient media. However, one could posed bacteria. Only spheroplasts formed by
immune bacteriolysis are solubilized by this
envisage that the cellular activity of serum-
exposed bacteria might be directed towards re- procedure;
after centrifugation and removal of
protein by precipitation, released nucleic acids
pair of complement-damaged sites, resulting in are measured spectrophotometrically.
diminution or temporary suspension of cell divi-
sion. Michael and Braun (185) compared the MECHANISM OF SERUM BACTERICIDAL
photometric assay with a conventional direct AND BACTERIOLYTIC ACTION
plating method and consistently found a greater
number of survivors with the latter procedure, Requirements for Serum-Mediated Killing:
suggesting a continuation of complement-medi- Complement
ated bactericidal or bacteriostatic activity after Evidence that serum-mediated killing of gram-
addition of broth. negative bacteria via the classical pathway nor-
The necessity of screening large numbers of mally requires all nine complement components
bacterial cultures or clones has led to the devel- of that pathway was provided by Inoue et al.
opment of a number of rapid assays for serum (134). They reacted E. coli with guinea pig serum
bactericidal activity. Plaque assays (77, 212, that had been depleted of the classical third
complement component, thus forming a com- bactericidal and bacteriolytic activity, but its
plex of bacterial cells, antibody to an unidenti- presence in physiological amounts resulted in a
fied bacterial surface antigen, and the first three threefold increase in activity. Killing was depen-
components of the classical pathway (BAC142 dent on the presence of C9.
cells). These studies strongly suggest that deposition
Functionally pure C3, C5, C6, C7, C8, and C9 of the assembled proteins of the MAC onto the
preparations were then added in various combi- surfaces of susceptible bacteria is responsible
nations to the sensitized bacteria; only when all for serum-mediated killing and is a necessary
components were present in the reaction mix- prerequisite for lysozyme-mediated bacterioly-
ture could lysozyme-mediated bacteriolysis be sis. Depending on the bacterial strain selected
demonstrated. Goldman and co-workers (98) for investigation, generation of the MAC may
studied the antibody and complement require- result from either classical or alternative path-
ments for the killing of an E. coli K-12 strain. An way activation; indeed, both pathways may be
antigen-antibody interaction involving IgM mol- activated simultaneously (242, 282, 306). Only
ecules was necessary for classical pathway- the five terminal components, C5 through C9,
mediated killing of this rough strain. A require- are directly involved in the assembly of the
ment for Cl, C4, C2, and C9 was directly macromolecular protein complex on the target
demonstrated; addition of Cl-deficient human membrane (152, 315) after proteolytic activation
serum to BAC1 cells, generated with functional- of C5 to C5b. Assembly of the MAC involves the
ly pure human Cl, resulted in killing of the transformation of hydrophilic molecules into a
sensitized cells. BAC142 cells were killed after macromolecular amphiphilic complex capable of
addition of a human C3 through C9 source, and integration into lipid-containing bilayers (21, 23).
BAC1 cells were only killed when a human C4 The complex is a short, hollow cylinder 150 to
through C8 source and functionally pure human 160 A in length with an internal diameter of 100
C9 were present; omitting C9 resulted in surviv- A and is rimmed by an annulus of an external
al of all bacterial cells. These workers also found diameter of 200 to 220 A at one end (Fig. 3). The
that treatment of antibody-sensitized bacteria other terminus bears an apolar surface 40 A in
with high concentrations of functionally pure length that inserts into the hydrophobic mem-
guinea pig or human Cl rendered the organisms brane interior; after insertion, the MAC behaves
resistant to killing by whole sera; this effect was as an integral membrane protein complex, as it
partially dependent on the amount of antibody resists elution from the membrane by ionic ma-
used to sensitize bacteria. Such unpredictable nipulations, binds nonionic detergents, and can
effects may account for subsequent failures to be reincorporated into artificial lipid vesicles
generate bactericidal systems completely from (21). The major part of the vertically oriented
functionally pure classical pathway compo- cylinder, including the annulus, is located exteri-
nents. or to the lipid bilayer, and it has been proposed
That gram-negative bacteria can also be killed that the MAC penetrates through the membrane,
by the alternative pathway of complement acti- forming a channel (319) that destroys the integri-
vation was suggested by the observation that ty of the attached membrane; channel formation
C4-deficient guinea pig serum possessed bacteri- would seem likely, as the terminal complement
cidal activity against E. coli B and C strains components produce large increases in ion per-
(256); C4 is essential for classical but not for meability across planar lipid bilayers (171). The
alternative pathway function (Fig. 2). These MAC appears, therefore, to be identical to the
strains were, however, killed significantly more classical complement-induced lesions found on
slowly by C4-deficient than by normal guinea pig sheep erythrocyte (126) and E. coli (95) mem-
serum, and killing by C4-deficient serum was branes. Available evidence suggests that the
preceded by a lag phase, during which there was MAC is a stable complex (molecular weight,
no change in the number of viable organisms in 2,050,000) of the terminal complement proteins
the incubation mixture. Using proteins purified and has the formula (C5b, C6, C7, C8, 6C9)2
to homogeneity (269) and at concentrations cor- (C5b-9)2 (237). Very recently, however,
responding to those found in serum, Schreiber et Tschopp and Podack (238, 323) found that, un-
al. (268) have shown that antibody-independent der certain conditions, C9 undergoes spontane-
bactericidal activity can be generated from the ous polymerization to form a dodecamer with a
11 components (Fig. 2) of the alternative path- structure very similar or identical to the MAC.
way. Comparable kinetics of activation by E. This raises the possibility that the transmem-
coli K-12 W1485 in the isolated component brane channel may be poly(C9) and that C5b-8
mixture and in C4-depleted serum were ob- functions as a poly(C9) generator complex by
served; lysis but not killing was dependent on reducing the activation energy of C9 polymeriza-
the presence of lysozyme. Properdin (factor P) tion. If this is the case, C5b-8 must remain
was found to be a nonessential component for attached to poly(C9) after channel formation, as
C1Ag-Ab C1

L C4a
04 00
Mg + C4b,2a
a C4b,2a,C3b

classicalpathway -C
2b A3b C6
C 5a
CC55b XC 5b-9
alternative pathway
C3 - C3b

VC 3 C3b C3b,CBb
C3b Bb C 3b,P,Bb,C 3b

C 3 (20) ,D C 3 (H20) Bb

FIG. 2. Schematic representation of the classical and alternative pathways of complement activation. The
classical pathway is usually initiated by an interaction between antigen-antibody complexes involving IgM or IgG
and Cl; this complement component is composed of three distinct subunits, Clq, Clr, and Cls, and circulates as
aCa2+-dependent complex of one Clq, two Clr, and two Cls molecules. The Clq subunit combines with the Fc
portion of IgM or IgG and is known to have six binding sites for immunoglobulin. Critical conformational
changes in Clq lead to conversion of the proenzymes Clr and C1s to Clr and C1s, molecules with serine protease
activity (243). The cleavage of Cls to Cls is catalyzed by Clf and results in formation of two peptide chains
(molecular weights, 56,000 and 30,000) held together by a disulphide bond. Cls then cleaves C4 (molecular
weight, 204,000) and C2 (molecular weight, 98,000) to generate the C3-cleaving enzyme C4b,2a. Fluid-phase C4
is cleaved into two fragments, C4a and C4b; the larger fragment, C4b, may bind covalently to the activating
surface, but C4a is released into the fluid phase and takes no further part in the activation of subsequent
components. C2 is cleaved by Clsinto two fragments, C2a and C2b; C2 cleavage is inefficient unless native C2 is
bound to C4b in the presence of Mg2+. The larger fragment, C2a (molecular weight, 72,000), remains bound to
C4b, and this complex constitutes the "C3 convertase." Cls can generate a large number of C4b,2a complexes.
C4b,2a cleaves C3 (molecular weight, 190,000) to form two fragments, C3a and C3b (molecular weight, 181,000);
the enzymatic site for C3 cleavage resides on the C2a moiety ofC3 convertase. C4b binds C3 in a way that makes
it susceptible to enzymatic attack. C3a is an anaphylatoxin and is released, whereas C3b binds to the activating
surface through a short-lived reactive carboxyl group; when this happens in the vicinity of a C4b,2a complex, a
new complex, C4b,2a,3b, is generated and constitutes the "C5 convertase." The binding ofC3b to surfaces is
inefficient, and many C3b molecules are released into the fluid phase. C4b,2a,3b then cleaves C5 (molecular
weight, 206,000) into the small fragment CSa, a chemotactic factor, and CSb. C5 cleavage initiates a self-
assembling process, the membrane attack pathway, which results in the formation of a stable transmembrane
complex involving CSb, C6 (molecular weight, 128,000), C7 (121,000), C8 (153,000), and C9 (79,000). The
alternative pathway is activated when factor D (molecular weight, 24,000), a serine protease present in active
form in blood, cleaves molecules of factor B (molecular weight, 100,000) that are transiently associated with C3
in the presence of Mg2+. In this way, small amounts of a C3-cleaving enzyme, C3,Bb, are formed, which
producesC3b in normal serum or blood at a low rate.C3b can associate transiently with B, which when cleaved
by D yields C3b,Bb, also aC3-cleaving enzyme. These two enzyme complexes are unstable and the subunits
spontaneously dissociate; C3b,Bb may complex with factor P (molecular weight, 184,000; previously known as
properdin) in the presence of Mg2+ to form a stable C3 convertase which may then bind an additional C3b
fragment to be converted to C3b,P,Bb,C3b, the C5 convertase of the alternative pathway. C3 and C5 cleavage is
catalyzed by the Bb fragment, an unusual serine protease. Under normal physiological conditions, the pathway is

subject to strong negative control by (molecular weight, 150,000) and the enzyme C3bINA (C3b inactivator;
molecular weight, 88,000). binds stoichiometrically toC3b and prevents its interaction with other proteins,
whereas C3bINA splits C3b in the presence of,1H to prevent formation of C3b,Bb. However, on certain
bacterial surfaces, C3b,Bb,P can be formed in substantial amounts because the conformation of certain surface
structures protects the complex against P1H- andC3bINA-mediated negative control.

the terminal (C5b-9) components are complexed require the presence of physiological amounts of
to each other after their isolation from mem- C9 (98, 268), this is clearly not always so. Serum
branes by Triton X-100 solubilization (22). from a patient with a selective, total deficiency
Evidence that polymerized CSb-8 may also be of C9 possessed bactericidal activity against a
capable of mediating bacterial killing has come clinical isolate of E. coli, although killing oc-
from studies of C9-deficient serum. Although, in curred at a rate of about 3% of that observed in
some cases, serum bactericidal activity may normal serum (160). Normal serum depleted

FIG. 3. Side (s) and axial (a) projections of C5b-9 MACs incorporated into artificial lipid vesicles. Vesicles
not carrying complexes (asterisks) do not contain stain (sodium silicotungstate). Scale bars represent 100 nm.
Electron micrographs courtesy of S. Bhakdi, Giessen, Federal Republic of Germany, and J. Tranum-Jensen,
Copenhagen, Denmark.

immunochemically of C9 and serum from C9- mented by an unidentified component of the

deficient patients killed strains of Neisseria gon- pseudoglobulin fraction of human serum (97). It
orrhoeae and Neisseria meningitidis but at a is unlikely, however, that these pathways will be
much slower rate than normal serum (115). of relevance to natural mechanisms of serum
Membranes of killed bacteria lacked the typical killing.
complement lesions, thus providing limited evi- Role of Antibody
dence in favor of poly(C9) channel formation.
A number of workers have presented data The question as to the role of antibodies in the
suggesting that the MAC may be formed as a initiation of the serum bactericidal reaction has
result of activation of mechanisms distinct from been the subject of long controversy (see, for
either the classical or alternative pathways. example, the review by Inoue [127]) that has
Steel and associates (287) reported a bactericidal only recently been resolved owing to the realiza-
mechanism against V. cholerae that was activat- tion that both complement pathways can cause
ed by F(ab')2 fragments and was Ca2' depen- deposition of MAC proteins onto the surface of
dent and C4 independent; Ca2+ is required for gram-negative bacteria and that the require-
the functional assembly of the Clq, Clr, and Cls ments for activation of these pathways are dif-
subunits to give enzymatically active Cl esterase ferent. For example, Wardlaw (328) was unable
(Fig. 2). Rough E. coli K-12 derivative 200P was to show a requirement for antibody in the killing
killed at very low efficiency by a mechanism of a rough strain, E. coli Lilly, by human serum.
analogous to reactive lysis of erythrocytes; ex- sterzl et al. (289) found that serum obtained
posure of unsensitized bacteria to the trimolecu- from newborn piglets possessed bactericidal ac-
lar complex C5b-7 in the presence of C8 and C9 tivity against rough, but not smooth, strains of
produced a bactericidal effect that was enhanced Salmonella and E. coli; piglets do not receive
by pretreatment of cells with EDTA and aug- gamma globulins from the mother during the
intrauterine period but only postnatally, via co- injection of Salmonella enteritidis polysaccha-
lostrum. These observations complemented ear- ride, more than 99% of the complement-activat-
lier work by Turk (324), showing that precolos- ing activity was associated with the IgM fraction
tral calf serum possessed high bactericidal of rabbit serum. Robbins et al. (253) purified to
activity against rough enterobacteria, and he homogeneity IgM and IgG anti-S. typhimurium
implicated the alternative pathway, then known antibodies from the sera of immunized rabbits;
as the properdin pathway, as the mediator of this they found IgM antibodies to be 18-fold more
activity. Other workers obtained apparently active in bactericidal assays than IgG antibod-
conflicting data. Goldman et al. (98) found an ies. Very small amounts (6 to 7 ng) of purified
absolute requirement for IgM in the killing of E. IgM from rabbits immunized with Pseudomonas
coli 200P, and Rowley (260) observed that a aeruginosa were found to be effective in bacteri-
series of rough mutants of S. minnesota required cidal assays with the homologous strain, where-
the presence of antibody directed against sur- as little or no bactericidal activity was observed
face lipopolysaccharide determinants for killing with as much as 40 ,ug of IgG (28). The molar
to take place. Sheep serum could not kill E. coli ratio of the bactericidal activities of IgM to IgG
Lilly after absorption with the homologous was greater than 1:250,000. When compared on
strain (194). It is now clear that these differences a molar basis, IgM purified from rabbits immu-
can be explained on the basis of differences in nized with S. typhimurium 0 antigen was ap-
methodology, particularly those relating to se- proximately 250 times as active as IgG in a
rum concentration and to the efficiency of the complement-dependent bactericidal assay (270).
bactericidal system employed, as rough strains Although these and other (116, 117) studies have
are known to be susceptible to both antibody- emphasized the superiority of IgM antibodies
dependent classical pathway activity and anti- over IgG as activators of the classical pathway
body-independent alternative pathway activity in the bactericidal reaction, there are large dif-
(26, 242, 306). ferences in the relative activities of the two
In the serum bactericidal reaction, initiation of antibody classes. It is known, however, that
the classical pathway generally results from for- during the development of the immune response
mation of an antigen-antibody complex at or there is a progressive increase in the association
near sites on the bacterial surface that can constant of the antigen-antibody bond (64, 112)
interact with activated molecules of the comple- and hence a concomitant increase in the biologi-
ment cascade. Extremely small amounts of anti- cal activities of antibodies produced during this
body are required for complement activation; period; differences in avidity of antibodies in
for example, Michael et al. (188) estimated that these studies are likely, therefore, to be a reflec-
10 ng of antibody per ml can be demonstrated by tion of the adoption of differing immunization
a system possessing bactericidal activity via the schedules and animal species for production of
classical pathway. Sterzl and co-workers (289) antibodies. Thus, Schulkind and co-workers
found the bactericidal reaction to be 2,500 to (270) demonstrated a 5-fold increase in the spe-
10,000 times more sensitive as a means of anti- cific bactericidal activity of IgM antibodies and a
body determination than the agglutination reac- 12-fold increase for IgG antibodies during devel-
tion. The bactericidal reaction has, therefore, opment of the immune response over a 70- to 80-
been used as a procedure for the diagnosis of day period. Antibodies of a single immunoglob-
diseases such as typhoid fever (108) and syphilis ulin class were further fractionated into
(170). populations of molecules with different activities
There is wide variation in the efficiency with in bactericidal assays, indicating that at any one
which different antibody classes can function in time during the course of immunization the
complement-mediated killing. Although natural serum represents a pool of antibodies specific
antibodies in serum may belong to the IgM, IgA, for a given antigen. Similar variations in affini-
or IgG classes (45), the predominant natural ties of antibodies during the immune response
antibodies to representative enterobacterial spe- were found by Pike and Chandler (235). These
cies are contained in the IgM fraction of human authors determined the efficiency of IgM and
plasma (187); the IgM fraction possessed 140- IgG produced in rabbits inoculated with live V.
fold more activity against S. typhi and 560-fold cholerae at intervals over a period of almost 1
more activity against E. coli than the IgG frac- year. The activity of IgM in serum bactericidal
tion on a weight basis (187). The bactericidal assays remained relatively constant over this
activity of cord serum from newborn infants was period; this contrasted with IgG activity, which
found to be low in comparison to the activity of increased markedly during the immunization pe-
the serum of the mothers (91); neonatal serum is riod. These differences could be due to varia-
markedly deficient in IgM, as only IgG molecules tions in the relative amounts of IgG subclasses in
are transferred across the placental barrier. Sim- the IgG pools, as some subclasses, such as
ilarly, Landy et al. (153) found that, after a single hunman IgG3 and IgGl, are known to activate
complement efficiently, whereas others are vir- bodies directed against heat-stable cell surface
tually inactive in this respect (151). antigens of E. coli and a number of Salmonella
Early studies with purified specific excretory sp. Absorption of human serum containing anti-
IgA suggested that this antibody could activate S. typhi antibodies with a heat-killed suspension
bacteriolytic mechanisms in the presence of of S. typhi resulted in loss of bactericidal activity
complement and lysozyme (3). Subsequent in- against S. typhi and other strains with cross-
vestigations have failed to confirm this finding reacting 0 antigens, but not against salmonellae
(63, 116, 117), and it has been suggested that the with unrelated 0 antigens (203), suggesting that
IgA fractions examined by Adinolfi et al. (3) may antibodies were specific for the 0 side-chain
have contained small amounts of contaminating moiety of lipopolysaccharide. Glynn and Ward
active immunoglobulins of other classes (63, (96) showed that normal and immune sera lose
261). More recent reports have, however, pro- bactericidal activity against gonococci after ab-
vided evidence that IgA may activate the alter- sorption with erythrocytes coated with lipopoly-
native pathway in bactericidal reactions against saccharide, an observation confirmed by Tra-
E. coli (281). There is clearly a need for clarifica- mont and co-workers, using hyperimmune
tion of the role of secretory antibodies in serum rabbit antisera (318). Immunization with lipo-
bactericidal reactions in the light of recent ad- polysaccharide gives rise to complement-acti-
vances in the molecular biology of complement. vating antibody against homologous Salmonella
In classical pathway activation, IgM and cer- sp. (50, 270, 333) and E. coli (282, 333). Lipo-
tain IgG antibodies interact with the Clq compo- polysaccharide from a gram-negative strain in-
nent of the Cl complex; Clq is a 400,000- hibits the bactericidal activity of both normal
molecular-weight glycoprotein formed from 18 and immune sera against the homologous strain
peptide chains. Electron microscopy studies (10, 50, 189, 282), but such experiments should
(273, 295) have revealed that Clq has an unusual be treated with caution, as lipopolysaccharides
ultrastructure: six peripheral globular moieties may activate complement pathways and deplete
are attached by fibril-like strands to a central serum of complement in the absence of antibody
core. Clq has six binding sites for the Fc portion (84, 88, 199). In addition, RNA, a frequent
of immunoglobulins, and these are situated on contaminant of lipopolysaccharide and endotox-
the six globular moieties (151). At least two of in preparations (336), is able to act as a nonspe-
the six valencies must bind to immunoglobulins cific inhibitor of serum bactericidal reactions
before the next stage in the complement se- (10). Antibody for classical pathway activation
quence can take place. Studies of antibody- may be directed against antigenic determinants
mediated erythrocyte lysis have indicated that on the core moiety of lipopolysaccharide (39,
one IgM molecule is sufficient to combine with 260) and against enterobacterial common anti-
at least two Clq binding sites, whereas the gen (59); antibody against outer membrane pro-
reaction with IgG requires that two IgG mole- teins of N. gonorrhoeae and N. meningitidis
cules be present in close proximity (30). As also functions in serum bactericidal systems
recently stressed by Atkinson and Frank (13), (318). Similarly, antibodies raised against the E.
the attachment of one molecule of IgG to an coli receptor protein for phage A participate in
antigenic surface does not influence attachment the killing of lamB+ E. coli K-12 populations
of other molecules, so a very large number of (83).
attached IgG molecules may be necessary for Comparatively little work has been done on
the required proximity to be achieved. It thus the role of anticapsular antibodies in the serum
becomes easy to understand the relative effi- bactericidal reaction. Antibodies to the exopoly-
ciencies of IgM and IgG as mediators of bacteri- saccharide of mucoid strains of P. aeruginosa
cidal phenomena. (28) and to the group-specific capsular polysac-
Antibodies mediating bactericidal activity charides of N. meningitidis (100) are known to
combine with antigenic determinants on or very activate complement in the bactericidal reac-
near the bacterial surface so that complement tion.
may interact with lipid membrane components. There is, therefore, a large body of evidence
For this reason, antibodies directed against fla- indicating that, during the bactericidal reaction,
gellar (H) determinants are ineffective (10). the classical pathway is dependent on Cl activa-
There are a large number of studies demonstrat- tion by antigen-antibody complexes. The lipid A
ing directly and indirectly that both normal and moiety of lipopolysaccharide is known to acti-
immune sera contain complement-activating vate Cl in the absence of antibodies (199), but
antibodies specific for antigenic determinants this region occupies a position deep in the outer
carried by lipopolysaccharide. Schwab and membrane of gram-negative bacteria (338) and
Reeves (271) examined sera from a number of would not normally be exposed on the surface of
species, including humans, pigs, kangaroos, liz- cells; it is unlikely, therefore, to function in situ
ards, fowls, and toads, and found natural anti- as a Cl activator. Loos and colleagues (161)

demonstrated that serum-susceptible Klebsiella they lyse to a significant extent only in the
pneumoniae and E. coli could bind the activated presence of lysozyme (132). Lysozyme is pre-
form of Cl in the absence of detectable IgM (<2 sent in blood and serum at a concentration in the
,ug/ml) and IgG (<1 ,ug/ml). Binding of native Cl range of 1.54 to 9.74 ,ug/ml (mean, 5.64 pg/ml;
from absorbed normal human serum was also 80). Bacteriolytic activity is negligible when the
demonstrated, but the possibility exists that enzyme is removed from serum by adsorption
small amountsofIgM might remain after absorp- onto bentonite (132, 328, 342) or by neutraliza-
tion. The question of whether or not antibody- tion with anti-human lysozyme antiserum (95,
independent Cl or CT binding leads to demon- 167, 306). Bacteria treated with lysozyme-free
strable bactericidal activity has been recently serum retain their rod shape but are converted to
investigated by Betz and Isleker (19, 20). They spheroplasts after subsequent addition of lyso-
exposed E. coli J5, which is deficient in galac- zyme in physiological amounts; these sphero-
tose-4-epimerase, to radiolabeled Cl; Cl was plasts will eventually lose their integrity and lyse
bound to cells in a dose-dependent manner and unless protected from osmotic forces by hyper-
essentially all bound Cl was subsequently acti- tonic solutions (48, 70, 86, 342). The rate and
vated. The complex consumed purified C4 and extent of bacteriolysis is directly related to the
C2 to an extent compatible with classical path- lysozyme concentration (95, 132). Pretreatment
way activity. Addition of C3-9 resulted in a 90% of bacteria with lysozyme has no effect on the
decrease in bacterial viability, demonstrating rate of lysis of serum-exposed cells (9), suggest-
that antibody-independent activation of the clas- ing that lysozyme gains access to its peptidogly-
sical pathway may contribute to the killing of can substrate only after formation of a functional
rough gram-negative bacteria. However, the C5b-9 complex has disrupted the integrity of the
smooth parent strain, E. coli 0111:B4, from outer membrane (92, 134).
which the mutant J5 was derived (177), was not The role of lysozyme in the bactericidal reac-
killed by this mechanism, even though it is tion has, in contrast, been the subject of some
known to be susceptible to serum (206). This controversy. Serum killing occurs in the com-
suggests that antibody-independent classical plete absence of lysozyme (134, 268), and it has
pathway activity may be more important in the therefore been asserted that the enzyme has no
killing of rough rather than smooth strains. effect on the rate of serum killing by complement
Preincubation of cells with hyperimmune anti-E. (86, 167, 185). Other workers have, however,
coli J5 IgG or IgM resulted in increased Cl produced data that tend to contradict these
binding, although consumption of later compo- findings. Inoue and co-workers (132) removed
nents was comparable to that observed with all detectable lysozyme from rabbit antiserum
antibody-independent activation. These studies and guinea pig complement and found that a
demonstrate unequivocally that the classical mixture of these reagents possessed much re-
pathway may be activated in the complete ab- duced bacteriolytic but still powerful bactericid-
sence of antibody and that this system is rele- al activity against E. coli B. The addition of 5 ,ug
vant to the killing of rough gram-negative bacte- of egg white lysozyme per ml to this system both
ria. Its relative importance in comparison with enhanced and accelerated the bactericidal effect.
other more established mechanisms of activa- Glynn and Milne (95) found that neutralization
tion awaits further investigation. of lysozyme activity with antilysozyme antiser-
The alternative pathway may be activated by um or removal by bentonite adsorption resulted
insoluble immune complexes (81, 281), but this in reduced rates of serum killing of both a rough
mode of initiation is likely to be of only minor and a smooth isolate of E. coli. The addition of
importance in serum bactericidal reactions egg white lysozyme restored killing of the rough
(151). Early evidence for an antibody-indepen- strain by both sera and of the smooth strain by
dent bactericidal mechanism distinct from clas- antiserum-treated serum. Lysozyme addition
sical pathway activation was provided by Ward- did not, however, completely restore the activi-
law and Pillemer (331, 332), whose discovery of ty of bentonite-adsorbed serum to normal levels,
a bactericidal system requiring properdin pro- and Glynn and Milne suggested that bentonite
vided the impetus that led to the elucidation of adsorption, in addition to removing lysozyme
the alternative pathway. It is now clear that from serum, had also resulted in the loss of a
subsequent demonstrations (289, 296, 324, 328) factor, distinct from antibody and complement,
of bactericidal activity in the absence of anti- that was necessary for maximal rates of killing of
body are likely to be manifestations of alterna- the smooth strain. Removal of lysozyme from
tive pathway activity. human serum by bentonite adsorption resulted
in reduced killing which could be completely
Role of Lysozyme restored by the addition of egg white lysozyme
Although susceptible gram-negative bacteria (70, 98). Taylor and Kroll (306) recently found
are killed by antibody-complement systems, that removal of all detectable lysozyme activity
from human serum by bentonite adsorption or at 52°C. Smooth organisms were killed by com-
by neutralization with purified anti-human lyso- plement in the presence of antibody, but the
zyme IgG resulted in a relatively small but presence of the labile component was also re-
reproducible reduction in the rate of killing of a quired. Killing of rough strains presumably oc-
rough, encapsulated E. coli strain. Optimal ac- curred after antibody-independent alternative
tivity could be restored by the addition of phys- pathway activation, whereas killing of smooth
iological amounts of egg white lysozyme, and strains required classical pathway activation.
the addition of larger quantities of the enzyme The author speculated that the labile component
further increased the rate of killing. The addition might be an alternative pathway component or
of various quantities of lysozyme to unabsorbed regulator, and this raises the interesting possibil-
serum also resulted in increased killing kinetics. ity that serum killing of some strains of gram-
The reasons for these conflicting findings are negative bacteria requires the participation of
unclear but may be related to methodological both pathways, or at least one pathway and a
differences and differing requirements for the limited number of components of the other. That
killing of various strains of gram-negative bacte- both pathways may be activated simultaneously
ria. If the differences in the rate of killing be- is suggested by a number of studies (102, 242,
tween normal and lysozyme-free sera are small, 306), but the relevance of any interaction or
then great care is needed in constructing re- synergy between the two in the serum bacteri-
sponse curves. In many of the cases in which the cidal reaction is an area that has been almost
influence of lysozyme on serum killing has been completely ignored. Similar effects have been
dismissed as negligible or nonexistent, insuffi- noted after zymosan adsorption of serum (306).
cient sampling over the defined time period has Treatment of serum with this yeast cell wall
been carried out. Also, it has been common preparation at 17°C is known to remove proper-
practice to remove lysozyme activity by benton- din (331) and also part of the lysozyme activity
ite treatment of serum, but this procedure is (210), but not to activate the complement cas-
known to remove gram-positive bactericidins cade. Zymosan-treated serum was found to pos-
(211) that may possess activity against gram- sess no bactericidal activity against a rough,
negative species (35, 61), as well as factors encapsulated E. coli strain that was susceptible
essential for alternative pathway activity (306). to both classical pathway- and alternative path-
Addition of antilysozyme antibodies could, in way-mediated killing, even though the serum
theory, result in complement deviation and loss retained a functional classical pathway as judged
as a result of complement activation by antigen- by its high lytic activity against sensitized eryth-
antibody complexes. One possible explanation rocytes. Addition of an antibody source to the
of the enhancing effect of lysozyme is that system failed to restore bactericidal activity, and
depolymerization of peptidoglycan removes a the authors (306) speculated that either proper-
barrier to the rapid assembly of the C5b-9 com- din or another alternative pathway component is
plex at the inner membrane, as it is likely that essential for classical pathway killing of the E.
the primary lesion responsible for the bactericid- coli strain or that zymosan removed a previously
al effect occurs at this site. unrecognized factor essential for classical path-
way killing. As classical pathway-mediated kill-
ing has yet to be demonstrated by assembly of
Additional Factors chemically pure classical components, the in-
triguing possibility remains that other compo-
The alternative pathway has been entirely nents in addition to Cl through C9 and antibody
reconstructed from chemically pure components are needed. Glynn and Milne (95) found that the
(268), and there is good evidence that classical reduction in the rate of serum killing resulting
pathway killing requires only Cl through C9 and from neutralization of lysozyme by antilyso-
some activating mechanism that usually in- zyme antisera could be completely restored by
volves antibodies of the IgM or IgG class (98, the addition of egg white lysozyme, whereas loss
134). There are a number of reports in the of full activity after bentonite adsorption could
literature, however; suggesting that the presence not. The bentonite-adsorbable factor essential
of additional factors in serum is necessary for for full serum bactericidal activity has, there-
maximal rates of killing to occur. For example, fore, properties similar to those of other en-
Skarnes (282) examined the bactericidal activity hancers of serum killing.
of rabbit and guinea pig sera against a number of Serum from a variety of animal species con-
rough and smooth enterobacterial strains and tains relatively low-molecular-weight cationic
found that complement killing of rough strains proteins that have been collectively termed ,B-
occurred in the absence of antibody and re- lysins; the proteins possess lethal activity
quired an additional nonspecific component that against gram-positive bacterial types and appear
was destroyed by freezer storage and by heating to be released from platelets during coagulation
of blood (121). Unless special care is taken, be so short with these organisms as to be virtual-
therefore, these substances are likely to be pres- ly undetectable (146, 167). Consequently, the
ent in variable amounts in human and animal availability of an enormous amount of data relat-
sera utilized for bactericidal tests. The primary ing to the genetics and metabolism of K-12
site of action of I3-lysins is considered to be the derivatives, as well as a wide range of well-
cytoplasmic membrane (60), and consequently, characterized substrains and mutants, should be
these proteins have no direct lethal action carefully weighed against the disadvantage that
against gram-negative bacteria possessing an the extreme susceptibility of K-12 to serum
integral envelope structure. Removal of 3-lysins provides only a limited opportunity to discern
from rabbit serum, however, was shown by early events in the bactericidal reaction that
Donaldson and co-workers (61) to result in de- must precede any reduction in viability.
creased bactericidal activity against E. coli B Although direct evidence is lacking, it would
cells. Highest rates of killing were obtained seem reasonable to assume that during this
when 3-lysins, lysozyme, and the antibody-com- latent period the components of the MAC are
plement system functioned in a cooperative under assembly at the site of the primary lesion.
fashion. It would appear, therefore, that disrup- This period may correspond to the first stage of
tion of outer membrane integrity by the MAC complement attack on E. coli, as demonstrated
provides the means whereby P-lysins may reach by Michael and Braun (185), who found that
their target sites at the cytoplasmic membrane. cells exposed to slightly diluted serum and diva-
Recently, Carroll and Martinez (35, 36) isolat- lent cations for 7 min and then washed could be
ed and characterized the major heat-stable bac- efficiently killed by highly diluted serum in the
tericide from rabbit serum. They demonstrated absence of cations. No killing could be detected
that the primary bactericidal activity of normal during the initial period of exposure, and highly
rabbit serum against Bacillus subtilis resides in a diluted serum had no bactericidal activity. Se-
single, 1,800- to 2,000-molecular-weight cationic lective removal of the late-acting complement
polypeptide which they designated PC-Ill (35, components from the second-stage treatment
36). They found that both E. coli ML35, a K-12 resulted in complete loss of activity. Therefore,
derivative, and an S. typhimurium strain were once functional lesions have been assembled,
rapidly killed after exposure to 80 to 200 ng of loss of viability rapidly ensues, and killing pro-
PC-Ill per ml. Although gram-positive bacteria ceeds in a logarithmic fashion as reflected in
were significantly more susceptible, PC-Ill con- steep killing kinetics of susceptible organisms
centrations in normal rabbit serum were found (54, 221, 306). Rapid killing of bacteria suggests
to be about 1 ,ug/ml, and it is therefore likely that that the bactericidal mechanism has a high de-
antibacterial activity against gram-negative gree of efficiency. It has been well established
strains would manifest itself in relatively undi- by the classic studies of Mayer (170) that lysis of
luted serum. Any possible interrelationship be- sensitized erythrocytes by complement follows
tween direct or indirect ,B-lysin PC-Ill activity one-hit killing kinetics. The gram-negative cell
and the antibody-complement system awaits fur- obviously presents a more complex target for
ther elucidation. complement attack than the erythrocyte; bacte-
ria have a more complex envelope structure,
Sequence of Events After Exposure to Serum
they can respond rapidly to changes in the
environment, and they have a capacity for repair
of damaged sites. Nevertheless, Inoue et al.
Exposure of susceptible gram-negative cells (128) developed an analytical method for deter-
to serum is generally followed by a period during mination of the number of lesions necessary for
which there is little apparent change in viability; killing of E. coli B that involved exposure of
the length of this period varies depending on the increasing concentrations of antibody-sensitized
bacterial strain used, the test system, the serum bacteria to a constant amount of complement;
concentration, and the metabolic state of the their data was comparable to theoretical curves
bacterial cells. For example, early-log-phase E. based on one-hit killing kinetics. However,
coli O1l1:B4 or 0127:B8 cells grown and tested some theoretical aspects of these estimations
at 37°C in the system of Davis and Wedgwood have been criticized by Wright and Levine (343),
(54) began to lose viability 6 to 12 min after who reexamined dose-response kinetics for kill-
exposure to human serum, whereas Pasteurella ing of E. coli by using human serum lacking
septica growing in undiluted horse serum sur- either C7 or C8 and then adding back, in analogy
vived in an identical fashion to control cells for to the hemolysis experiments of Mayer, limiting
30 to 40 min after addition of specific antiserum amounts of the missing components. They found
(105). Rough enterobacteria, including E. coli that killing of E. coli, as well as complement-
Lilly, B, and K-12 strains, appear to be extreme- mediated inner and outer membrane damage,
ly susceptible to serum, and the lag phase may required more than one hit and that the lethal

process closely approximated two-hit killing ki- cytoplasmic membrane. For example, active
netics. The authors suggested that this reflected transport of sugars, amino acids, and 86Rb+ (a
the dimeric nature of the MAC, but it does not K+ analog) are inhibited by serum treatment
preclude the possibility that damage to inner and (53). Exposure to lysozyme-free serum has also
outer membranes are independent events. been reported to cause a rapid efflux of 86Rb+
Serum treatment of E. coli cells results in from preloaded cells (167, 342), suggesting that
rapid and often total release of enzymes, such as serum may function by dissipating the electrical
alkaline phosphatase and 5'-nucleotidase, that potential of the inner membrane. We have re-
are associated with the periplasmic space (53, cently found, however, that significant amounts
71, 130, 306, 342); release is dependent on of 86Rb+ may be released by heat-inactivated
activation of the terminal complement attack serum and even by some buffers (306) and that
sequence and formation of a functional MAC serum-resistant strains of E. coli may release as
(130, 342). Integration of the MAC into phospho- much preloaded 86Rb+ as susceptible strains
lipid bilayer areas of the outer membrane there- when exposed to activated complement compo-
fore disrupts outer membrane integrity and re- nents (P. W. Taylor and H. P. Kroll, unpub-
moves the barrier to hydrolysis of peptidoglycan lished data). It would, therefore, seem pertinent
by lysozyme (92, 130, 167). It is unlikely, how- to treat data of serum-mediated 86Rb+ release
ever, that damage confined to the outer mem- with caution, particularly when inadequate in-
brane is responsible for the lethal activity of formation regarding nonspecific marker release
complement. For example, Feingold and co- is presented.
workers (70) examined the effect of lysozyme- Complement-mediated damage to the inner
free human serum on E. coli K-12 cells in the membrane is likely to be limited and not involve
presence of 0.6 M sucrose; cells plasmolyzed in gross disruption, as bacterial respiration remains
this fashion were found to be refractory to the relatively unaffected until late in the reaction
serum bactericidal system. Bacteria grown for sequence and may even be transiently stimulat-
extended periods of time in the presence of ed (10, 272). However, it then becomes difficult
sucrose did not undergo plasmolysis when re- to explain how complement can cause lethal
suspended in hypertonic solutions and were damage to the cytoplasmic membrane after de-
susceptible to serum. The authors therefore sug- position onto and insertion into the outer mem-
gested that cells were killed after complement brane. Some of the possibilities have been dis-
damage to the cytoplasmic membrane and that cussed by Feingold et al. (71) and more recently
plasmolyzed cells escape this damage due to by Wright and Levine (342). The limited size of
retraction of the cytoplasmic membrane. Fur- the hydrophobic domain of the MAC (21) makes
thermore, plasmolyzed cells promptly released it unlikely that a transmembrane channel could
alkaline phosphatase (71), demonstrating the es- be inserted across the double membrane system
sentially nonlethal nature of outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria. One possibility is that
damage. These experiments have been criticized the cytoplasmic and outer membranes are dam-
on the grounds that the high concentrations of aged by two separate complement-mediated re-
sucrose employed would inhibit bactericidal ac- actions that occur during the course of bacterial
tion (127, 205), yet the data presented by Fein- killing. Insertion of the MAC into the outer
gold et al. (70) demonstrate a high degree of membrane is known to cause release of phos-
bactericidal activity in the presence of sucrose. pholipid into the surrounding medium (129, 131,
These studies (70, 71) also provided evidence 133, 341), and extensive disassembly of the
that complement damage to the cytoplasmic outer membrane would allow subsequent MAC
membrane results in irreversible loss of viabili- insertion into the cytoplasmic membrane. Such
ty. The K-12 strain used, 200P, is inducible for a mechanism would, however, appear to be
the cytoplasmic enzyme P-galactosidase but discounted by the observation of Wright and
lacks a transport system for P-galactosides. The Levine (342); they exposed E. coli cells to C8-
loss of the permeability barrier to o-nitrophenyl- deficient serum, removed excess complement
P-D-galactopyranoside paralleled the loss of via- components by thorough washing, and then
bility of plasmolyzed and nonplasmolyzed cells treated C5b-7 bacteria with purified C8 and C9.
after exposure to lysozyme-free serum, whereas Cytoplasmic membrane damage occurred in the
serum-mediated periplasmic enzyme release oc- absence of any new C5b-7 deposition, thus dem-
curred readily in the absence of lethal effects. onstrating that damage to the cytoplasmic mem-
Loss of P-galactoside crypticity after serum brane is not a result of fresh complement activa-
treatment has subsequently been observed by tion on the cytoplasmic membrane after outer
Martinez and Carroll (167) and by Wright and membrane disruption.
Levine (342) and found to be strongly correlated Another possibility, considered by Feingold et
with cell death. Serum treatment also causes al. (71) and subsequently by others (167, 342), is
other perturbations that suggest damage to the that effective lesions occur only when terminal

complexes are deposited on the bacterial surface plays multihit characteristics (171). Poly(C9)
at the points of contact between the cytoplasmic might, therefore, have evolved to effect deter-
and outer membranes described and character- gent-like disruption of the gram-negative outer
ized by Bayer (16). Simultaneous damage would membrane to allow CSb-8-mediated cytoplasmic
then occur on both membranes. Evidence in membrane perturbation. Such a mechanism
favor of this mechanism has been obtained by would not necessarily require fresh deposition of
Wright and Levine (342), who found that the MAC proteins after outer membrane disruption,
kinetics of release of periplasmic enzymes and as CSb-8 could be translocated onto active sites
intracellular cations after exposure to lysozyme- at the cytoplasmic membrane subsequent to
free serum are virtually identical, indicating that poly(C9) generation. Analysis of the distribution
cytoplasmic membrane damage and outer mem- of the proteins of the membrane attack pathway
brane damage are closely coupled events. They between cytoplasmic and outer membranes of
found, as have others (130, 306), that cytoplas- serum-treated bacteria would help resolve the
mic marker release is selective; large intracellu- various proposed mechanisms, and such experi-
lar molecules such as P-galactosidase (molecular ments are presently being conducted.
weight, 540,000) and thiogalactoside transacety- Such a translocation step is suggested by the
lase (molecular weight, 63,500) are retained. observation that, in contrast to erythrocyte ly-
Insertion of the MAC at points of membrane sis, the serum bactericidal reaction requires an
adhesion would also account for cytoplasmic input of bacterially generated energy. Griffiths
membrane damage of E. coli C5b-7 by purified (106) demonstrated that the lethal action of
C8 and C9 in the absence of any new CSb-7 antibody and complement against P. septica
deposition (342) and for the fact that stationary- could be prevented by addition of uncouplers or
phase cells, possessing few adhesion sites, are inhibitors of oxidative phosphorylation 5 min
relatively less susceptible to serum (55, 342). As after initiation of the bactericidal reaction. Com-
exponentially growing bacteria possess only 200 plete inhibition of serum killing by an inhibitor
to 400 adhesion sites per cell (16), such a mecha- (cyanide) and an uncoupler (2,4-dinitrophenol)
nism suggests that many lesions formed on the was also found with an E. coli strain (306). E.
surface would not directly result in killing, mak- coli LP1092 cells were killed by human serum
ing the serum bactericidal system a relatively after a lag period of about 10 min; if KCN was
inefficient phenomenon. added to the system 8 to 18 min after initiation of
A resolution of the current controversy con- the bactericidal reaction, the degree of inhibition
cerning the molecular nature of the MAC in was much reduced. Exposure of LP1092 cells to
favor of a poly(C9) cylindrical structure would serum was followed by a rapid and large in-
present another possibility for closely linked crease in intracellular ATP levels; ATP synthe-
cytoplasmic and outer membrane damage. sis did not occur when bacteria were exposed to
There are indications that complement-mediated dialyzed serum, which killed at a much reduced
outer membrane damage differs from damage to rate. Addition of glucose or serum ultrafiltrate to
erythrocyte membranes and to bacterial cyto- dialyzed serum restored optimal bactericidal ac-
plasmic membranes. MAC lesions on erythro- tivity, suggesting that optimal killing of gram-
cyte membranes restrict the free diffusion of negative bacteria requires an input of bacterially
small molecules such as sucrose and raffinose generated ATP. It is not known for which early
(157, 280), whereas damage to the outer mem- stage in the lethal process energy is required.
brane facilitates the rapid diffusion of macromol- The precise nature of the lethal event after
ecules through the membrane. This latter obser- interaction of MAC proteins with fluid bacterial
vation indicates disruption of the outer membranes (144) is unknown. A rapid efflux of
membrane, as periplasmic enzymes are too large intracellular cations (167, 342) without inhibition
to diffuse through the transmembrane MAC of respiration (10, 272) suggests that comple-
channel. Extensive disruption is also suggested ment kills E. coli by dissipating the energized
by the frequently observed release of outer state of the cytoplasmic membrane and that
membrane fragments, as lipopolysaccharide- MAC proteins form ion-permeable channels.
protein-phospholipid complexes, into the sur- They would then act in an analogous fashion to
rounding environment after exposure to serum membrane-active colicins such as El, K, and Ia.
(53, 70, 340). Thus, a detergent-like action rather These colicins have been found to inhibit respi-
than ion-channel formation appears to be opera- ration-linked active transport systems (74), to
tive at the outer membrane. Erythrocytes (171) lower intracellular ATP levels (74), to cause a
and E. coli protoplasts (5) undergo slow C5b-8- rapid efflux of intracellular K+ (335), and to
mediated lysis which parallels increases in ion inhibit the energy-linked transhydrogenase reac-
permeability of C5b-8-treated planar lipid bi- tion (264) as a consequence of a rapid and drastic
layers; this process follows single-hit kinetics, in reduction of the membrane potential (334). ATP
contrast to membrane disintegration, which dis- levels fall after colicin treatment because the
bacteria attempt to maintain the concentration RESISTANCE TO SERUM BACTERICIDAL
gradient of K+ and possibly Mg2+ through the ACTIVITY
expenditure of ATP. Serum-treated cells do not,
however, lose ATP, even when metabolizable Definition of Serum Resistance
substrates have been removed from serum by Under conditions approaching the optimum,
dialysis (306). The effect of MAC formation on many strains of gram-negative bacteria are rap-
the electrochemical potential (A*) across the idly killed by human and animal sera. Some
cytoplasmic membrane has recently been evalu- strains appear to be completely refractory to the
ated by measuring the uptake of the lipophilic serum bactericidal system, and prolonged incu-
cation tetraphenylphosphonium and of proline bation in the presence of adequate amounts of
(A. F. Esser, Fed. Proc. 39:1755, 1980). Both sensitizing antibody and an excess of comple-
functions were inhibited by deposition of C5b-9, ment components may result in a considerable
but formation of C5b-8 with C9-deficient serum increase in viable cell numbers (125, 302). There
had a similar effect. In the absence of C9 deposi- are, however, many strains that fall between
tion, uptake and transport recovered but were these two extremes with regard to serum suscep-
irreversibly inhibited by addition of C9. These tibility; significant reduction in viable count may
experiments illustrate that C5b-8 can transiently be apparent only after lengthy periods of incuba-
perturb the cytoplasmic membrane but that dis- tion (125, 299, 320). Nevertheless, these strains
sipation of Ai alone is insufficient to account for should be regarded as susceptible to serum, or at
the bactericidal action of serum. least significantly different from strains that are
Exposure to serum also results in an inhibition capable of replicating in serum, because de-
of macromolecular biosynthesis, but in all cases crease in viable cell numbers implies insertion of
in which kinetics of precursor incorporation functional MACs into sites on the surface of the
have been followed, reduction in cell viability cell envelope from which they can effect killing,
was evident well before inhibition became ap- albeit slowly. It is therefore unfortunate that
parent. It is likely, therefore, that inhibition of many studies have described as resistant strains
macromolecular biosynthesis occurs secondary which have undergone significant reduction in
to the lethal event and merely reflects a running viability after incubation in serum (145, 221, 251,
down of cellular activity in cells that have al- 279). In an extreme example (79), certain antibi-
ready been rendered nonviable. For example, otic resistance plasmids were described as con-
loss of viability of E. coli O111:B4 cells began ferring serum resistance on E. coli K-12 strains;
almost immediately in the bactericidal system of in fact, numbers of plasmid-carrying strains
Melching and Vas (180), whereas RNA synthe- were reduced to 1% of the inoculum after 30 min
sis was affected after 7 min, changing from an of incubation in 3% human serum. Although
increasing rate of synthesis to a constant rate of these plasmids did reduce by a small amount the
synthesis. In contrast, the rate of DNA synthe- rate of serum killing, they clearly did not confer
sis was not affected until after 15 min. Total serum resistance. It is recommended that the
RNA accumulation began to decrease after 15 term "serum resistance" be restricted to the
min, and after 30 min much of the intracellular description of strains that are totally refractory
RNA began to be lost. Inhibition of DNA accu- to serum when tested in early logarithmic phase
mulation was not apparent until after 25 min, in assays containing excess amounts of the com-
and protein synthesis was affected even later in ponents of the bactericidal system.
the reaction sequence. Inhibition of RNA syn-
thesis followed by inhibition of protein and DNA Location of Serum Resistance Determinants at
synthesis was also noted for antibody-comple- the Outer Membrane
ment-exposed P. septica (105) and for rough There is no evidence that resistant gram-
strains of E. coli (167, 306). Martinez and Carroll negative bacteria circumvent the bactericidal
(167), however, noted significant rates of DNA action of serum by producing proteases or other
synthesis, even well after cell lysis had oc- extracellular products that neutralize or destroy
curred; the significance of this extended lysis the functional integrity of complement compo-
remains unclear. Until the point of inhibition, nents in the fluid phase (139). As protoplasts
mRNAs and their translated products remain derived from serum-resistant enterobacteria
fully functional (167). Early suggestions (8) that (248) and even from gram-positive bacteria (204)
inhibition of protein synthesis is responsible for are rapidly lysed by complement, it appears that
loss of viability of serum-exposed bacteria ap- the outer membrane constitutes the main barrier
pear, therefore, to be unfounded; indeed, a to the serum killing of gram-negative bacteria.
certain amount of protein synthesis appears to Serum-resistant cells may be sensitized to the
be essential for maximal rates of serum killing, bactericidal action of serum by treatment with
as inhibitors of protein synthesis reduce the rate Tris and EDTA (246, 248), a process known to
of viability loss (184, 306). lower the permeability barrier of the outer mem-
brane by effecting the release of approximately Comparatively few molecules of radiolabeled
half of the complexed lipopolysaccharide (156). MAC components were rapidly and irreversibly
Similarly, serum-resistant enterobacteria be- bound to the surface of Re595 cells. Therefore,
come susceptible to complement after exposure this serum-susceptible strain consumes relative-
to polymyxin B (75, 293); this antibiotic is ly small amounts of C5, C7, and C9, and these
known to adversely affect the integrity of the components are efficiently and stably deposited
outer membrane (72, 313), perhaps as a result of on the bacterial surface. Much larger amounts of
its ability to complex with lipopolysaccharide the terminal components were deposited onto
(15, 198). Further, albeit indirect, evidence for S218 cells, but binding reached a peak after
cell envelope involvement in the determination about 10 min, and a progressive loss of the
of serum resistance is provided by the observa- bound components was observed with pro-
tion that penicillin- or cephalosporin-resistant longed incubation. The serum resistance of S.
mutants selected from serum-resistant, antibiot- minnesota S218 is not, therefore, attributable to
ic-susceptible populations of gram-negative bac- a defect in MAC formation on the bacterial
teria may be serum susceptible (183, 214, 252). surface; the formed complex does not remain
It appears that serum resistance does not associated with the surface, suggesting that the
result from a block in the activation of the complex fails to integrate into the outer mem-
complement cascade. Rather, MACs formed on brane. Furthermore, MACs could be eluted
the surfaces of serum-resistant strains are not from the surfaces of S218 cells, but not Re595
effectively inserted into the bacterial membranes cells, after incubation in buffers of increasing
and are released without causing lethal damage ionic strength (140), indicating that MACs on the
(139, 140). Reynolds et al. (247) found that surface of the serum-resistant strain did not
equivalent amounts of C3 were deposited on the behave as integral membrane proteins. Signifi-
surfaces of serum-resistant S. typhimurium cells cant loss of membrane phospholipids from the
and on the same bacteria that had been rendered serum-resistant strain was not observed, demon-
susceptible to serum by treatment with Tris and strating that loss of surface-bound MACs was
EDTA. They did, however, fail to show deposi- not due to shedding of part of the bacterial
tion of C5 on untreated cells, an observation that surface. Other workers have also found that, in
contrasts with those of other workers (139, 140, contrast to serum-susceptible organisms, phos-
221). Ogata and Levine (221) observed compara- pholipid is not released from serum-resistant
ble fixation of C4, C3, and C5 by E. coli J6-2 and strains (17), emphasizing that one mechanism of
by the same strain harboring plasmid R100 after serum resistance is due to a failure of amphiphi-
treatment with low concentrations of either lic MACs to integrate into hydrophobic domains
guinea pig or human serum. However, the de- on the bacterial envelope.
gree of serum resistance conferred by this FII One parameter that appears to be intimately
incompatibility group plasmid is marginal and related to the ability of MACs to integrate into
only detectable in systems containing small biological and artificial membranes is the degree
amounts of serum and is, therefore, not compa- of fluidity of these structures. Consequently,
rable with the high levels of resistance attribut- factors reducing the fluidity of either the outer or
able to many wild strains. C3 deposition on the cytoplasmic membranes of gram-negative bacte-
surface of serum-resistant blood isolates of E. ria could be crucial in determining serum resist-
coli has been demonstrated by Fierer and Finley ance. The degree of disruption of phospholipid-
(75). Joiner and colleagues (139, 140) have re- cholesterol liposomes varies inversely with the
cently studied the interaction of C3 and some of concentration of membrane cholesterol (275),
the terminal components of the complement and there is a correlation between susceptibility
cascade with the smooth S. minnesota strain of sheep erythrocytes to complement attack and
S218 and a deep rough mutant (ReS95) of S218 the ratio of membrane lecithin to sphingomyelin
that synthesizes a lipopolysaccharide containing (171), suggesting that increased membrane fluid-
only lipid A and 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic ity enables a more efficient assembly and inte-
acid; S218 is completely resistant to serum, gration of MACs on phospholipid membranes.
whereas Re595 is highly susceptible (139, 260). Incorporation of the fluidizing and fusogenic
Although both strains consumed 75 to 80% of agent 2-(2-methoxy)-ethoxyethyl-8-(cis-2-n-oc-
the C3 from human serum, twice as many mole- tylcyclopropyl)-octanoate into sheep erythro-
cules of radiolabeled C3 were bound per cell of cyte membranes loosens phospholipid acyl-
S218 compared with Re595. C5, C7, and C9 chain packing and thus increases membrane
depletion of human serum after incubation with lipid disorder; cells treated in this way become
Re595 cells was found to be relatively low; in extremely susceptible to complement lysis (274).
contrast, depletion of C5 and C7 by S218 cells Below the phase transition temperature, mem-
was 95% after 15 min of incubation, and com- brane phospholipids are in a state of gel packing
plete inactivation of C9 occurred after 5 min. with their acyl chains in a restricted and ordered
state; above this temperature, they are in a ing lipopolysaccharide molecules with long 0
liquid crystal state with the fatty acyl chains side chains were less fluid than preparations
exhibiting a high degree of molecular motion. containing the same number of lipopolysaccha-
Kato and Bito (144) have examined the effect of ride molecules lacking 0 side chains and some
the physical state of membrane phospholipids on core sugars (257). Furthermore, removal of
the susceptibility of E. coli to immune lysis. about half of the S-type lipopolysaccharide from
They found that the phase transition tempera- membrane preparations by EDTA treatment
ture and the temperature at which cells became greatly increased the fluidity of the membranes.
susceptible to complement were both subject to Although these findings are controversial (49),
variation depending on the conditions of bacteri- they would, if verified, suggest an attractive
al growth and were highly correlated. Thus, mechanism for the serum resistance of smooth
susceptibility to complement increased rapidly gram-negative bacteria. Clearly, however, sus-
with increases in temperature, up to the point at ceptibility to complement is dependent not only
which the transition to liquid crystal is consid- upon the properties of hydrophobic membrane
ered finished (27°C for E. coli B cells grown to domains. Modulation of hydrophilic structures
stationary phase in complex media at 42°C). The also influences the ability of complement to
authors suggested that membrane fluidity is interact with membranes. For example, removal
obligatory for the formation of functional com- by enzymatic hydrolysis of N-acetyl-neuraminic
plement lesions. Parenthetically, membranes be- acid (NANA)-containing structures from the
come initially more rigid after insertion of the outer surface of the membrane increases eryth-
MAC (51, 90), probably as a result of reorienta- rocyte susceptibility to complement lysis (154).
tion of ordered bilayered lipid effected by strong Therefore, of the structures that have been
binding of phospholipids to MAC proteins (68). implicated as mediators of serum resistance,
Akiyama and Inoue (4) reported that comple- lipopolysaccharides and outer membrane pro-
ment-resistant variants of E. coli K-12 had a teins may affect membrane viscosity, whereas
less-fluid membrane structure due to a shift of some acidic exopolysaccharides (e.g., K anti-
fatty acid composition, although the basis of gens of E. coli) might function in an analogous
these changes is unclear as resistance was lost fashion to the NANA-containing structures on
during maintenance of the strains. the erythrocyte membrane.
It therefore becomes attractive to suggest that
those macromolecular components of the outer Role of Lipopolysaccharides
membrane that are thought to confer serum
resistance do so by virtue of the fact that they The earliest attempt to systematically define
reduce membrane fluidity and exclude integra- cell envelope components involved in the deter-
tion of MACs. Unfortunately, relatively little mination of serum resistance can be attributed to
information is currently available concerning the Wardlaw (329, 330), who compared the compo-
physical state of gram-negative membranes. sition of purified envelopes from a smooth,
Overath et al. (231) found that less than one-half resistant E. coli strain with those from the
of the outer membrane phospholipid takes part rough, extremely susceptible strain Lilly. The
in the order-disorder transition, whereas the author originally postulated (328) that resistant
bulk of cytoplasmic membrane phospholipids strains might contain relatively few phospholipid
become ordered, suggesting that many lipid mol- complement-binding sites on the envelope in
ecules in the outer membrane cannot participate comparison with susceptible strains. It was
in the lipid-lipid interactions characteristic of the found, however, that both strains contained
order-disorder transition owing to interaction comparable amounts of envelope protein and
with protein. These lipid-protein interactions lipid but that there was a ninefold difference in
would therefore have a fluidizing effect on the the amount of lipopolysaccharide that could be
outer membrane. In support of this contention, extracted from the envelopes by the phenol-
Nikaido and co-workers (215) have found that water procedure (336). It was suggested that, in
isolated outer and cytoplasmic membranes from some way, an outer membrane rich in lipopoly-
a S. typhimurium rough (Rc) mutant, incorporat- saccharide could protect celis from complement
ing spin-labeled fatty acid probes, produced attack. However, the phenol-water technique
remarkably similar electron spin resonance removes only a proportion, sometimes very
spectra, indicating minimal immobilization of small, of R lipopolysaccharide from rough
probe by the Rc lipopolysaccharide, which lacks strains but is considerably more efficient when
O side chains and sugar residues from the outer applied to smooth forms (85). Efficiency of lipo-
core (338). Other studies, however, suggest that polysaccharide extraction could, therefore, go
complete, S-type lipopolysaccharide may in- some way towards explaining the disparity in
crease the microviscosity of the outer membrane yields of this macromolecule from the two
(40, 257). Outer membrane preparations contain- strains. Both Rowley (259) and Michael and
Landy (186), using only smooth enterobacteria, cient in epimerase increased in direct proportion
showed that serum-susceptible organisms pos- to the amount of galactose added to the growth
sessed less intrinsic endotoxic activity than re- medium.
sistant ones, a function that can be directly Further evidence of the influence of the 0 side
attributed to the lipid A moiety of lipopolysac- chain moiety of lipopolysaccharide on serum
charide (193). However, no significant differ- susceptibility was obtained by Roantree and co-
ences could be found in the amount of lipopoly- workers (214, 291), who derived serum-suscepti-
saccharide extractable from 28 smooth, urinary ble mutants from resistant, smooth Salmonella
E. coli strains of differing serum susceptibilities strains by selection for resistance to cephalo-
(301). Similarly, mutations to serum resistance sporin or penicillin. The majority of such mu-
occurred independently of quantitative changes tants were rough or part rough as a result of
in E. coli lipopolysaccharide content (300), and partial or total loss of the 0 side chain. A small
phenotypically induced transitions from serum number, however, possessed lipopolysaccharide
resistance to susceptibility were not accompa- with an 0 side chain sugar-to-core sugar ratio
nied by differences in lipopolysaccharide yields identical to that found in the parent strains,
(308). Therefore, although strains with a low indicating that other factors must be involved in
lipopolysaccharide content may generally be the determination of resistance of the smooth
susceptible to serum, it is unlikely that the parental strains. Feingold (69) found that serum-
absolute amount of polymer in the envelope is resistant E. coli and Pseudomonas strains be-
the major factor determining resistance. came susceptible after growth in media supple-
Apparent differences in lipopolysaccharide mented with low concentrations of
yields obtained from smooth and rough strains diphenylamine. Analysis of lipopolysaccharides
may be due to the fact that R-type lipopolysac- extracted from diphenylamine-grown cells re-
charides have a significantly lower molecular vealed a striking reduction in the ratio of 0 side
weight than S-type molecules, because R lipo- chain sugars to core sugars when compared with
polysaccharides lack the side chain moiety and cells grown in the normal way. Some serum-
sometimes a portion of the core. Therefore, resistant, smooth E. coli strains are converted to
comparisons between smooth and rough strains serum susceptibilty after growth in the presence
with regard to serum reactivity may not be valid of the 6-f3-amidinopenicillanic acid mecillinam
and in any case will provide no information (303); lipopolysaccharides from cells grown in
concerning the nature of the serum susceptibility this way contain reduced amounts of 0 side
exhibited by many smooth enterobacteria. Lipo- chain components (307).
polysaccharides do, however, play a central role In all of these studies, increased susceptibility
in determining the susceptibility of enterobac- to serum was accompanied by a reduction in 0
teria to serum. For example, mutations from the side chain sugars of lipopolysaccharide. Howev-
smooth to the rough colonial form, usually but er, these structural changes were relatively dras-
not invariably associated with loss of the ability tic inasmuch as serum-susceptible cells showed
to synthesize lipopolysaccharide 0 side chains many of the characteristics of rough organisms.
(137, 227, 338), are accompanied by drastic Many susceptible clinical isolates are complete-
increases in serum susceptibility (127, 166, 214, ly smooth by cultural, morphological, and sero-
260, 300, 314). In a detailed study of this phe- logical criteria and are indistinguishable in this
nomenon, Dlabac (56) examined the susceptibil- respect from serum-resistant organisms. As the
ity to piglet serum of a series of rough mutants 0 side chain length and degree of substitution of
derived from a smooth S. typhimurium strain; core stubs by 0 side chains is known to be
although the smooth strain was completely resis- subject to phenotypic and perhaps genotypic
tant, nearly all of the rough mutants were sus- variation (42, 46, 99, 312), the possibility arises
ceptible. There was a progressive increase in that the degree of serum resistance expressed by
serum susceptibility corresponding to sequential smooth strains may simply be a reflection of
loss of sugar residues from the lipopolysaccha- these parameters.
ride core. S. typhimurium mutants deficient in In general, more 0 side chain material was
UDP-galactose-4-epimerase form incomplete li- associated with lipopolysaccharide from serum-
popolysaccharides which lack both 0 side resistant than from serum-susceptible urinary
chains and that part of the core distal to the point strains of E. coli, but differences did not reach
of the biosynthetic lesion, unless supplied with levels of statistical significance (301). Similarly,
exogenous galactose (230). Dlabac (57) found no quantitative differences in lipopolysaccharide
that, when grown in galactose-free medium, sugar composition could be found between se-
these mutants were susceptible to serum; when rum-resistant mutants and their respective E.
galactose was supplied to growing cells, they coli parent strains (300). It appears unlikely,
became increasingly serum resistant with time. therefore, that the serum resistance of gram-
Similarly, the serum resistance of mutants defi- negative bacteria is determined solely by the
length and numiber of 0-antigenic polysaccha- Role of Acidic Polysaccharides
ride chains associated with lipopolysaccharide,
although these studies do not discount the possi- Muschel et al. (203) examined the acidic exo-
bility that a subtle rearrangement of lipopolysac- polysaccharide (Vi antigen) content of clinical
charide components within the molecule might isolates of S. typhi and suggested that serum-
account for the observed differences in serum resistant S. typhi strains produced larger
reactivity. amounts of Vi antigen than susceptible strains.
Many strains carrying a full complement of Later, a similar relationship was proposed for E.
lipopolysaccharide 0 side chains may be suscep- coli strains isolated from both intestinal and
tible to serum although, unlike rough strains, extraintestinal infections (201). Correlations
they are not usually promptly killed but exhibit a were far from complete, however, and in each of
delayed sensitive response (299). That this delay these studies only eight strains were examined.
is related to the presence of 0 side chains is Other work also suggests a relationship be-
indicated by observations made with colonially tween acidic exopolysaccharide production and
rough variants derived from a serum-resistant serum resistance. Glynn and Howard (94) found
mutant (300, 305). One rough form had lost the that saline extracts of serum-resistant strains of
ability to synthesize the lipopolysaccharide 0 E. coli were, in general, more able to non-
side chain as a result of a mutation in the his- specifically inhibit the agglutination of sheep
linked rbf gene locus that specifies sugar trans- erythrocytes by antierythrocyte serum than ex-
ferases participating in 0 repeat unit biosynthe- tracts of serum-susceptible strains. The authors
sis (227) and was rapidly killed by serum, interpreted the inhibitory effects as being due to
whereas another colonially rough form retained the presence of K antigens in the preparations;
serological 0 specificity, produced a full com- the contribution of other components in the
plement of lipopolysaccharide 0 side chains, extracts is unclear, although purified K antigen
and was killed in a delayed fashion. Inheritance polymers from two strains were shown to pos-
by a promptly susceptible rough E. coli strain of sess agglutination-inhibiting activity. It was also
the rJb locus from a serum-resistant, K-negative, shown that a purified hexuronic acid-containing
smooth 08 Hfr donor resulted in smooth recom- K antigen from a serum-resistant strain had
binants that displayed the delayed serum killing greater inhibitory activity than equal amounts of
response (300, 311). E. coli urinary isolate Ki antigen, a NANA homopolymer, from a
LP729 (serotype 09) displays delayed serum susceptible strain. It has been subsequently es-
killing kinetics (300, 302); when grown in the tablished, however, that hexuronic acid-contain-
chemostat under conditions of carbon limitation ing E. coli exopolysaccharides are more potent
and magnesium limitation, the degree of killing inhibitors of hemagglutination systems than
after 1 h of incubation in human serum was NANA-containing polymers, regardless of the
directly related to the ratio of the lipopolysac- reactivity in serum of the strain from which the
charide 0 side chain sugar (mannose) to the core polymer was extracted (301). It has been sug-
sugar L-glycero-D-mannoheptose (308). These gested that acidic polysaccharides may exert an
observations make it likely that 0 side chains do influence on the extent of bacterial killing by
not determine serum resistance per se but that a serum due to an ability to impede antibody
high degree of substitution of lipopolysaccharide binding and subsequent attachment of comple-
core stubs by long 0 side chains is responsible ment components to the bacterial surface (94).
for the delayed serum killing response character- Current evidence would tend to suggest, howev-
istic of many smooth isolates. The mechanism er, that polysaccharide capsules do not repre-
by which 0 side chains may do this is unclear; sent a diffusion, permeability, or adsorption
the attractive possibility that low membrane barrier to macromolecules such as IgG (147) or
fluidity, resulting from synthesis of a complete other proteins (146) and that 0 inagglutinability
lipopolysaccharide, reduces the rate of insertion frequently associated with the presence of acidic
of functional MACs into the cell envelope has polysaccharides superficial to the bacterial sur-
not so far been investigated. It has been fre- face is most likely due to surface protein compo-
quently suggested that long 0 side chains cause nents (136) or to inhibition of lattice formation
the antibody-mediated activation of complement between adjacent bacteria (38).
at some distance from the site of lesion forma- No obvious relationships were found when
tion, and intermediates therefore decay before acidic exopolysaccharides were prepared by two
they can be incorporated into functional MACs methods from a large number of urinary E. coli
(204, 206, 261, 262). Such a concept could also isolates of various serum susceptibilities (301).
be extended to include antibody-independent Some susceptible and resistant strains produced
activation of the alternative pathway, as the large amounts of K antigen with high hemagglu-
polysaccharide moiety of lipopolysaccharide is tination-inhibiting activity, but both groups also
known to activate complement (199). contained strains that produced small quantities
of polymer with no detectable activity. A similar ty of these strains is related to a capacity to
lack of correlation was found for E. coli bacter- resist the bactericidal activity of serum. The
emic strains by McCabe et al. (174). Mutations relative homogeneity of Kl strains as a group
to serum resistance did not result in increased (276) makes them considerably more attractive
exopolysaccharide production (300). Inheritance material for comparative epidemiological studies
of the his-linked genes for K27 antigen produc- than random E. coli isolates.
tion by E. coli recipients did not result in an Two groups have reported on the cloning into
altered serum response, regardless of whether plasmids of the chromosomally located, serA-
recombinants produced R lipopolysaccharides linked kpsA locus determining synthesis of Kl
or had simultaneously inherited 0 side chains (228) and its expression in E. coli strains. Silver
(311). Van Dijk and co-workers (325) also failed et al. (277) used a cosmid cloning vector in
to find a correlation between K antigen produc- combination with in vitro packaging techniques
tion as determined by the hemagglutination inhi- to clone the Kl genes; kpsA specified synthesis
bition method and the serum resistance of blood of a NANA polymer in E. coli K-12 that was
and fecal isolates of E. coli. Klebsiella strains indistinguishable chemically and immunological-
are frequently found to be susceptible to serum ly from that of wild-type Kl strains. In contrast
(77, 103), even though most members of this to the K-12 host, E. coli K-12 expressing the
genus produce copious amounts of hexuronic cloned Kl antigen was reported to be serum
acid-containing acidic polysaccharide (294). P. resistant on the basis of efficiency of plating on
aeruginosa isolates originating from the respira- agar containing equine meningococcal group B
tory tracts of patients with cystic fibrosis are antiserum; the non-0-acetylated form of the Kl
known to be generally more susceptible to se- antigen and the group B polysaccharide are
rum than strains of this species from other identical (255). Timmis et al. (316), using an
sources (122); cystic fibrosis isolates are gener- identical cosmid cloning-packaging system, in-
ally extremely mucoid (58), owing to the produc- troduced a number of BamHI or PstI-generated
tion of a polyuronide of composition similar to fragments into an E. coli K-12 strain. In 6%
alginic acid (159). rabbit serum, all K-12 cells were killed after 3 h,
There appears, therefore, to be substantial whereas all Kl+ derivatives survived; such dif-
evidence against a major role for acidic exopoly- ferences were not apparent at higher serum
saccharides as mediators of serum resistance, at concentrations. These results complement those
least in a general sense that can be discerned by of other investigators who have assigned a role
comparative epidemiological investigation. for the Kl antigen on the basis of genetic studies
These polymers form a distinctly heterogeneous of serum resistance. Kl-negative mutants of E.
group of bacterial products with regard to chem- coli Kl clinical isolates were found to be more
ical composition, antigenicity, molecular size, susceptible to high concentrations of serum than
biophysical properties, and the intimacy of their their parent strains (32). Rough, Ki-positive E.
association with the cell surface. These factors coli bacteremic isolates were resistant to 10 to
are likely to distort any such complex relation- 20% human serum, whereas single-step isogenic
ship as that between serum resistance and the Kl-negative derivatives, with an identical outer
interaction of the bacterial surface with activat- membrane protein profile, were found to be
ed complement components unless steps are extremely serum susceptible (87). These studies
taken to minimize these effects. It is in any case therefore suggest a direct role for the Kl antigen
clear that any increase in serum resistance di- in the protection of E. coli against serum killing.
rectly attributable to the presence of acidic As Taylor and Robinson (311) had earlier failed
polysaccharides cannot form part of a general to observe any increased serum resistance after
mechanism for resistance of gram-negative bac- inheritance of genes determining biosynthesis of
teria, as many groups, such as Salmonella spp. the K27 antigen, Gemski and co-workers (225)
(56, 209, 214), possess a high level of intrinsic constructed strains expressing both Kl and K27
serum resistance and yet do not produce acidic antigenic determinants. It is possible to prepare
polysaccharides. such hybrids because gene loci for these anti-
E. coli strains synthesizing the Kl antigen, an gens are nonallelic (227). Hybrid strains express-
a-2,8-linked NANA homopolymer with a degree ing both Kl and K27 antigens exhibited serum
of polymerization of 150 to 200 sialyl residues in resistance, but at levels lower than those found
situ (321), are isolated with high frequency from with a Kl parental strain. An isogenic Kl-
cases of neonatal meningitis (254) and renal negative derivative expressing only the K27
infection in infancy (142). Thus, the Kl antigen antigen was fully serum susceptible. Loss of
or the presence of closely linked traits may be a capacity to produce Kl antigen by chemostat-
virulence factor related to the pathogenesis of grown cells is accompanied by a large increase
these diseases. Several groups have considered in serum susceptibility (308).
the possibility that the Ki-mediated pathogenici- When, however, E. coli Kl clinical isolates
are examined and compared, no clear picture of colicins V and I; a BamHI-generated fragment
emerges with regard to a relationship between increased the resistance to fresh rabbit serum of
Kl carriage and serum resistance. Bjorksten et a Col- E. coli 078:K80 strain. The gene specify-
al. (26) found no consistency in the way fecal, ing serum resistance, the iss determinant, was
blood, or cerebrospinal fluid isolates of E. coli mapped to a 5.3-kilobase sequence within the
Kl reacted in a number of test procedures fragment and found to be closely linked, though
involving bacteria-serum interactions, including not coincident with, genes for colicin V produc-
serum bactericidal systems. No significant dif- tion. It is likely that the iss gene product, in
ferences could be found between the amount of addition to inhibiting insertion or activity of the
acidic polysaccharide produced by urinary and MAC on the outer membrane (25), is responsible
fecal Kl strains and their reactivity in human for the increased virulence associated with CoIV
serum (222). E. coli Kl strains from cases of carriage. That the iss gene product may be
neonatal meningitis were more susceptible to important in relation to the ecology of these
serum than those from cases of neonatal or adult organisms is suggested by the observation that a
sepsis or adult meningitis (236). In these studies, high proportion of virulent E. coli strains isolat-
many serum-susceptible Kl isolates were re- ed from infections of hospitalized patients carry
ported, and as a group, Kl strains appear to be and express ColV-determined functions (52).
rather serum susceptible. It is therefore difficult Reynard and Beck (244) reported that the
to reconcile these data with the results of the plasmids Rl and R100 (NR1), in addition to
genetic studies cited above, particularly as the encoding resistance against a number of antibi-
latter have generally utilized E. coli K-12 strains otics, were able to confer relatively high degrees
as hosts for KI genes; effects attributable to Kl of resistance against rabbit serum on a number
carriage would therefore be seen against a back- of E. coli K-12 strains. This ability appeared to
ground of high serum susceptibility. Discrepan- be restricted to F-like plasmids; plasmids from 4
cies could be due, however, to the fact that anti- of 16 clinical isolates examined were able to
Kl antibodies are not usually present in protect E. coli K-12 J6-2N against the bactericid-
reasonable amounts in normal sera or, indeed, in al action of rabbit serum (245). Although it has
the sera of patients recovering from either E. been repeatedly confirmed that certain F plas-
coli Kl or meningococcal B infection (266). mids are able to afford host protection against
Sialic acid-containing polymers, including the the bactericidal effects of serum, there has been
Kl capsule (290), restrict activation of the alter- some controversy over the degree of resistance
native pathway, and so killing of such strains that plasmids may confer that has its origins in
would be expected to proceed via the antibody- the fact that, as discussed earlier, the use of
dependent classical route. If Kl is the only widely differing techniques and the utilization of
major surface antigen available for interaction serum from a variety of sources and at different
with serum factors, then apparent resistance concentrations makes meaningful comparisons
may be due to lack of a mechanism for classical between such studies difficult.
pathway activation. The addition of an effective Thus, a number of other workers have been
antibody source to the bactericidal system might unable to confirm that either Rl or NR1 protect
then result in killing. The high incidence of K-12 strains against serum killing. Fietta et al.
serum-susceptible Kl isolates observed in most (79) could not detect increased survival after
clinical studies emphasizes that the Kl antigen inheritance by strain J6-2 of plasmid RI when a
cannot be universally considered as providing system employing highly dilute human serum
protection against serum killing mechanisms. was used; they did, however, report that 8 of 26
plasmids examined conferred relative serum
Role of Plasmid-Determined Factors resistance to E. coli K-12 strains. A plasmid was
The earliest report of an altered serum re- said to have conferred resistance if the amount
sponse after the acquisition of foreign DNA of serum needed to reduce the viable count to
appears to be that of Muschel and associates 1% after 30 min was greater for R+ progeny than
(202, 207), who found increased serum resist- for R- parents. The amounts of serum required
ance after lysogenization of E. coli K-12 with A to effect this degree of killing were extremely
phage. In 1974, Williams Smith (338a) noted that small, usually about 3% of the total reaction
strains of E. coli invasive for humans and do- mixture, and at such concentrations classical
mestic animals harbored ColV plasmids which, pathway components may be present in limiting
when transferred to K-12 and other E. coli amounts and alternative pathway activity is al-
strains, were responsible for increased lethality most certain to be nonexistent (268). Taylor and
for chickens and mice and a greater ability of the Hughes (304) examined by two assay methods
host bacteria to survive in blood and serum. the effect of carriage of a wide range of R and
Binns et al. (24) have cloned various fragments Col plasmids, including Rl and NRl, on the
of CoIV,I-K94, a plasmid specifying production susceptibility of six E. coli K-12 strains to nor-
mal human serum. With both methods, all K-12 bacteriocin determinants. One strain, E. coli C8,
strains examined were rapidly killed by serum, displayed delayed human serum killing kinetics;
regardless of plasmid carriage. Survival in rabbit curing of all markers resulted in a small but
serum was also unaffected by the presence of significant increase in serum susceptibility. In-
these plasmids. Part of this discrepancy can be troduction into the cured derivative of plasmids
attributed to the source of serum; Reynard and from six of eight other river isolates and of
Beck (244) used commercially available lyophi- plasmids Rl and R100 resulted in significant
lized rabbit serum as source of antibody and increases in survival in serum. Rl and R100
complement, and the material was reconstituted were unable to modify the serum response of a
with physological saline, whereas in other stud- cured strain derived from a promptly susceptible
ies, fresh rabbit or human serum was used. isolate, and the authors therefore suggested that
Human serum appears to be an inappropriate lipopolysaccharide 0 side chains, the surface
source, as Reynard and co-workers have them- components responsible for the delay in serum
selves reported that plasmid Rl does not provide killing, were essential for expression of plasmid
K-12 strains with protection against human se- factors that modify susceptibility to serum, at
rum (245). Much of this confused situation has least in systems containing adequate concentra-
been clarified by Ogata and Levine (221), who tions of fresh human serum. That this might be
examined the effect of various concentrations of so was indicated by the results of a study of
rabbit, guinea pig, and human sera on E. coli plasmid-determined factors expressed in recom-
strains carrying plasmid R100. They found that binants from Hfr crosses carrying defined com-
differences in the serum reactivity of pairs of K- binations of polysaccharide surface antigens
12 strains with and without R100 could be de- (311). Plasmid factors encoded by Rl and R100
tected provided a high bacterial cell density and failed to modify the promptly susceptible re-
relatively low concentrations of rabbit serum sponse to human serum of either E. coli F470 or
were used. At a given serum concentration, F470 progeny that had inherited and expressed
survival of plasmid-carrying strains decreased as his-linked genes for K27 antigen production.
the bacterial concentration decreased. Howev- Recombinants inheriting the rJb locus for 08
er, in 10% rabbit serum, significant killing of all side chain production showed delayed serum
five plasmid-carrying K-12 strains was ob- killing kinetics, and serum susceptibility was
served, and in four cases, incubation for 50 to 60 additionally decreased by the presence of either
min resulted in less than 10% survival. It is of the two plasmids. Although not completely
therefore clear that what is being measured is serum resistant, a small but significant contribu-
not serum resistance as defined earlier but a tion towards the partial resistance to serum of
reduction in the rate of killing that is only such recombinants was made by plasmid-deter-
manifest under certain experimental conditions. mined genes.
One could imagine that insertion of novel plas- Plasmid R6-5 is, like R100, a large, low-copy-
mid-encoded proteins with unrelated cell func- number, conjugative, multiple antibiotic resist-
tions into the outer membrane might fortuitously ance plasmid of the FIl incompatibility group.
reduce membrane fluidity and hence the rate at Timmis and co-workers have recently shown
which MACs are inserted into the membrane, (195, 196, 316) that R6-5 encodes a factor that
especially when concentrations of serum are increases the survival of the moderately serum-
limiting. E. coli J6-2(R100) survived better in susceptible fecal isolate E. coli 59 in rabbit
guinea pig serum than E. coli J6-2, but in human serum. Using gene cloning techniques, they lo-
serum, which is a much more potent source of calized these functions to a segment of the
bactericidal activity than either rabbit or guinea plasmid specifying conjugal transfer functions.
pig serum, a barely discernible effect was re- Analysis of serum-susceptible deletion and in-
corded over a serum concentration range of 0.5 sertion mutants demonstrated that the gene
to 2%. The authors (221) suggested that failure specifying serum resistance was coincident with
of other groups (245, 304) to detect a protective the traT locus, one of two loci involved in
effect of R100 against human serum was due to surface exclusion, the poor recipient ability in
the use of serum concentrations greater than conjugation of F factor-carrying cells (1). The
10% and cell concentrations 10- to 100-fold traT protein is present at about 21,000 copies per
lower than used in their study. cell and is situated on the outer surface of the
As is clear from the studies of Binns et al. (24), outer membrane. It has, therefore, the capacity
more readily detectable effects of plasmids on to prevent cell-protein interactions that would
bacterial survival in serum can be achieved if normally result in assembly and insertion of
strains with a certain intrinsic level of resistance functional MACs. It is likely to do this in a
are used as hosts. Taylor and Hughes (304) highly specific way, as plasmids containing point
cured a number of enterobacteria isolated from mutations in the traT gene no longer confer
polluted river water of antibiotic resistance and protection against serum, even though bacteria
contain more of the altered gene product in their tible strain to serum resistance with DNA from
outer membrane than do bacteria harboring the disseminated gonococcal infection strains was
parental plasmid (196). The studies cited above accompanied by the appearance of a new princi-
suggest that the presence of plasmids of incom- pal outer membrane protein with a molecular
patibility group FII may increase the rate of weight (36,500) characteristic of the donor. The
survival of suitable host bacteria on serum, principal virulence factor for Aeromonas sal-
although it is clear that the degree of resistance monicida, the causative agent of systemic furun-
conferred is not enough to explain the total culosis in salmonid fishes, appears to be a
resistance to human serum of many clinical 49,000-molecular-weight surface protein, the A
isolates. The bactericidal assays used in much of protein. Resistance of pathogenic strains to hu-
this work have been specifically tailored to man, rabbit, and trout sera is dependent on the
demonstrate the maximum possible difference in presence of A protein (200).
serum reactivity between isogenic pairs. Differ-
ences demonstrable with rabbit serum but not SERUM BACTERICIDAL ACTIVITY AS AN
apparent in human serum may be of little rele- IMMUNE DEFENSE MECHANISM
vance to an understanding of the role of serum Precise in vivo evaluation of the role of bacte-
resistance as a host defense mechanism. Plas- ricidal mechanisms against gram-negative bacte-
mids encoding products that decrease the serum ria has been difficult to achieve, most obviously
susceptibility of suitable recipients have been because of the difficulties in distinguishing com-
found in wild strains that are completely suscep- plement-mediated bactericidal and bacteriolytic
tible to serum (304), indicating that the ecology phenomena from other specific and nonspecific
of these determinants is likely to be complex. host defense systems that may also modify the
The limited amount of epidemiological data interaction between host and invading parasite.
available suggests that the carriage of R and Col Furthermore, other host systems, such as im-
plasmids shown previously to be capable of mune phagocytosis by blood leukocytes, may
conferring increased levels of serum resistance also require at least some of the components of
on individual E. coli strains isolated from other complement for efficient processing and elimina-
sources does not play an important role in tion of invading microorganisms. It is also likely
determining the serum susceptibility of E. coli that distinct components of the host defense act
populations, at least in urinary tract infections in concert after a challenge with potentially
(125). Indeed, the obviously multifactorial na- pathogenic microorganisms and that comple-
ture of serum resistance makes it unlikely that ment-mediated humoral killing mechanisms will
any convincing association between resistance be of more importance in the pathogenesis of
and expression of surface structures would some infections than in others. For example,
emerge from such an approach. Hopefully, a only a limited role for the serum bactericidal
better understanding of the molecular nature of system can be envisaged in infections caused by
the bactericidal reaction will allow conclusions bacteria eliciting granulomatous tissue respons-
to be drawn about the biophysical characteris- es in which the ability of the microorganisms to
tics of the cell surface that enable gram-negative survive in an intracellular location protected
bacteria to circumvent the potentially lethal ac- from circulating noncellular mediators is a well-
tion of complement. established prerequisite of pathogenicity. Con-
versely, in infections such as gram-negative bac-
Role of Other Outer Membrane Proteins terial endocarditis, in which invading
A serum-resistant mutant derived from a microorganisms colonize a site that is apparently
smooth, delayed-susceptible urinary isolate of inaccessible to phagocytic cells, resistance to
E. coli produced more of an envelope protein of serum bactericidal factors appears to be an
molecular weight 46,000 than the parent (309); important pathogenicity factor enabling strains
the amount of this protein was subject to varia- to resist elimination from the host (12, 62, 109).
tion as a result of alterations in growth condi- Further complications arise because bacterial
tions and was well correlated with environmen- surface determinants known to increase the se-
tally induced modification of the bacterial rum resistance of certain gram-negative strains
response to serum (308). The authors suggested may also provide protection against other host
that the protein factor was involved in the deter- defense mechanisms (27, 123, 149). However,
mination of serum resistance but that it was only acquisition by gram-negative bacteria of deter-
functional when superimposed on a full comple- minants known to increase serum resistance is
ment of lipopolysaccharide 0 side chains (309). sometimes associated with an increase in viru-
A protein modifying the response to human lence (24, 214), suggesting a direct role for serum
serum of N. gonorrhoeae has been identified in resistance as a bacterial pathogenicity factor in
strains producing disseminated gonococcal in- certain situations. The importance of the com-
fection (120). Transformation of a serum-suscep- plement system in host defense is suggested by
the observation that the acute stage of many Olling (66) found that only 37% of isolates were
gram-negative infections is characterized by in- completely resistant to normal human serum and
creased biosynthesis and turnover of comple- that 26% were markedly serum susceptible.
ment proteins (13) and a reduction in the serum The survival of apparently serum-susceptible
level of natural complement inhibitors (337); bacilli in the blood of bacteremic patients might
thus, in these situations complement behaves as be related to a number of factors. Serum from
an acute-phase reactant. In some infections, the some bacteremic patients has been reported to
primary mechanism of defense is provided by be ineffective in bactericidal assays utilizing the
immune phagocytosis, and many serum-resis- infecting, homologous organism, even though
tant strains can be efficiently phagocytosed after the strain is fully susceptible to serum from
opsonization (135, 279, 344). Nevertheless, an healthy individuals (251). A similar phenomenon
extensive body of literature has steadily accu- has been reported for naturally ocurring bacter-
mulated implicating resistance to the bactericid- emia due to Brucella canis in an adult beagle dog
al action of serum as an important determinant population (124). Bacteria may circumvent the
of virulence in certain infections. Much of this serum bactericidal system by adopting an intra-
data is derived from two broad sources: a large cellular location in the blood or reticuloendothe-
number of epidemiological studies based on clin- lial system (250). For example, viable bacteria
ical observations are complemented by results may be found within leukocytes of patients with
obtained with experimental invasive bacterial infections of the blood system (283). The early
infections in laboratory animals. activation and consumption of complement be-
fore the onset of shock (82) may render bacteri-
Clinical Observations on the Relevance of Serum cidal activity efficient only during the initial
Resistance as a Bacterial Pathogenicity stage of bacterial invasion (66), when cells may
Determinant be in a state of low metabolic activity and
Are gram-negative bacteria isolated from in- therefore not susceptible to complement-mediat-
fected clinical material more resistant to serum ed killing (54). Many gram-negative bacteria
than random isolates from noninfected sites? It capable of rapid growth in a nutrient-rich in vitro
would seem reasonable to assume that serum- environment may achieve only very low rates of
resistant gram-negative bacteria would possess a cell division when present in tissue or body
significant survival advantage in the blood sys- fluids (169, 181, 182, 239).
tem, and Roantree and Rantz (251) and Fierer et Bacteria dividing at submaximal rates may be
al. (77) found that a much higher proportion of less susceptible to serum than more rapidly
strains isolated from the blood of bacteremic dividing cells (302), and this may assist survival
patients than of those isolated from feces or of apparently susceptible isolates in vivo. Also,
urine was resistant to killing by human serum. the genetic basis for virulence may be expressed
Similarly, Vosti and Randall (326) found signifi- completely only during growth in vivo: gono-
cantly fewer serum-susceptible E. coli strains cocci adapted to growth in chambers implanted
isolated from blood cultures than from urine and subcutaneously into guinea pigs were found to
feces. Of 46 isolates of P. aeruginosa from blood be resistant to human serum, but loss of this
cultures of patients in a New York hospital, 42 phenotypically acquired trait occurred after a
(91%) were found to be resistant to human few generations of in vitro growth (249). Serum-
serum (344); these authors also found, however, susceptible E. coli acquired phenotypic resist-
that many apparently saprophytic pseudomo- ance to serum after multiplication in rat mono-
nads were also serum resistant. In a survey of nuclear cells; resistance was rapidly lost during
clinical isolates of S. marcescens, Simberkoff subculture on solid medium (176). Residence in
and co-workers (279) found that no blood culture monocytes from normal guinea pigs leads to
isolates were serum susceptible, whereas 40% of increased serum resistance of smooth strains of
urinary isolates were susceptible to comple- Brucella abortus (292). Thus, serum resistance
ment-mediated mechanisms. There appears, attainable in vivo may not be apparent after in
therefore, to be a strong correlation between vitro assay.
serum resistance and the ability of a variety of Perhaps, however, the most important factor
gram-negative bacteria to invade and survive in that should be considered pertains to the im-
the human bloodstream. Furthermore, bacter- mune status of the infected individual. Preexist-
emia caused by serum-resistant E. coli strains is ing disease is of major importance in the acquisi-
more likely to be associated with shock and tion of bacteremia and in its outcome (173, 222,
death than bacteremia due to susceptible strains 345) and may therefore reduce the necessity for
(174). However, in a study of patients with invading bacteria to express virulence determi-
bacteremia due to gram-negative bacteria and nants. For example, patients with sickle cell
including a large number of elderly patients and anemia frequently contract systemic salmonello-
patients with complicating disease, Elgefors and sis, and serum from such individuals displays

deficient bactericidal function against S. typhi- isms. In contrast, the majority of upper urinary
murium (114), probably as a result of abnormal tract isolates were not susceptible to serum
alternative pathway activity. Neonates with hy- obtained from the infected patient. In some
perbilirubinemia as a result of blood group in- cases, the infecting strains were inherently se-
compatibility are prone to infections with gram- rum resistant, but others were efficiently killed
negative bacteria, and their serum possesses by normal human serum. The serum of at least
significantly decreased bactericidal activity some of these patients was found to contain high
(190) due to inhibition of complement function amounts of IgG antibody (297) directed against
by bilirubin (73). Sera from patients with cirrho- determinants within the lipopolysaccharide of
sis of the liver have also been found to have the infecting strain (298) that effectively inhibit-
decreased bactericidal activity against E. coli ed the bactericidal action of both the patients'
(76); patients with this disease are unusually sera and normal serum, probably by blocking
susceptible to bacteremic infections with gram- cell surface sites normally available to IgM
negative bacilli (141, 317). Serum bactericidal molecules. No evidence was found of a general-
activity has been reported to be reduced in ized decrease in serum bactericidal activity of
patients with pyelonephritis (143) and chronic patients with urinary tract infections. The per-
renal failure (197). Clearly, it is important when sistence of serum-susceptible organisms in the
evaluating the role of serum bactericidal mecha- upper urinary tracts of patients whose sera con-
nisms in relation to infection to consider the tain specific blocking factors that arise as a
possibility that the serum of patients under in- result of bacterial invasion and colonization sug-
vestigation may have a reduced capacity to kill gests an active role for complement-mediated
normally susceptible organisms. There is evi- bactericidal mechanisms in defending the kid-
dence to suggest that cell-mediated host defense neys against infection.
functions may be impaired within the urinary It has been suggested, however, that comple-
tract (41, 191). It is possible, therefore, that the ment-mediated mechanisms are of limited rele-
serum bactericidal system may constitute an vance to infections involving kidney tissue. As
important defense mechanism in those parts of part of an investigation of the basis of the
the urinary tract in contact with antibody-com- vulnerability of the kidney to infection, Beeson
plement-containing fluids. Urinary isolates do and Rowley (18) reported that exposure of hu-
not appear to constitute a particularly serum- man or rabbit serum to homogenates of renal
resistant group of organisms (222, 299, 326), tissue resulted in rapid loss of complement activ-
although Kimball et al. (145) have presented ity. They suggested that this effect could be
evidence indicating that E. coli 0 groups most extrapolated to the situation in vivo, and they
frequently isolated from patients with bacteri- attributed the anticomplementary action of renal
uria possess a higher degree of intrinsic serum tissue to the ability of the kidney to produce
resistance than organisms belonging to 0 groups ammonia, which is known to inactivate the
infrequently isolated from infections of the uri- fourth component of complement at pH 8.5 to 10
nary tract. The significance of this observation is (101); Beeson and Rowley, however, conducted
unclear, as the distribution of 0 groups causing their experiments at pH 7.4, and at this pH the
urinary tract infections broadly reflects the rela- effect of ammonia on complement activity is
tive frequencies of those 0 groups predominat- minimal (101). Contradictory findings were pre-
ing in the gut flora (107). During initiation of sented by Henkel (118), who could find no
urinary infection, urinary pathogens are thought inhibition of serum bactericidal activity by kid-
to enter the bladder during micturition through ney homogenates. The phenomenon has recent-
the short female urethra, and the bacteria con- ly been reinvestigated by Ormrod and Miller
cerned are those nonanaerobes predominating at (226), using renal tissue maintained in vitro
that time in the gut flora. Once inside the urinary under physiological conditions. There was a
tract, however, there appears to be some selec- rapid decrease in the hemolytic capacity of
tivity with regard to the type of pathogen that serum after addition of kidney tissue, but C3
can successfully invade and colonize the upper levels remained essentially unaltered. Liver tis-
urinary tract. For example, it has been shown sue, however, had a greater complement-inacti-
that only strains of E. coli producing large vating capacity than renal tissue. Inactivation
quantities of K antigen are able to infect renal was not due to ammonia, as the concentration of
tissue (93). Gower and co-workers (103) exam- ammonia produced had no effect on the rate of
ined the serum susceptibility of the infecting complement inactivation, and liver tissue pro-
gram-negative organism from patients with in- duced only marginal amounts of ammonia. The
fections that had been localized to either the authors stressed that the conditions necessary
upper (ureters and kidneys) or lower (bladder) for C4 inactivation by ammonia (101) are incom-
urinary tract. A very high proportion of lower patible with renal physiology and limit the po-
infections was due to serum-susceptible organ- tential role of ammonia as a factor modifying
complement-mediated immune mechanisms. could block complement-mediated killing mech-
Furthermore, the degree of complement inacti- anisms (110). It is tempting to speculate that
vation after even prolonged incubation of serum such blocking mechanisms are responsible for
with renal tissue was insufficient to affect com- the survival of genotypically serum-susceptible
plement-mediated bacteriolysis of an E. coli bacteria in tissues from which they would nor-
strain, suggesting that the significance of com- mally be swiftly eradicated by the host's defense
plement inactivation in vitro as a factor modulat- mechanisms.
ing host defenses has been exaggerated. Com- Susceptibility to the serum bactericidal sys-
plement-mediated bactericidal activity is tem seems to be of primary importance in deter-
inhibited by hypertonic, but not hypotonic or mining the pathogenesis of infections due to
isotonic, urine (2), an observation likely to have Neisseria sp. Thus, gonococci causing localized
significance regarding the often exaggerated genital infections are generally susceptible to
(191) susceptibility of the renal medulla to infec- human serum (65), whereas they normally in-
tion, as the mechanisms for concentrating the vade the blood system and produce disseminat-
urine are mainly located in this part of the ed gonococcal infection only if they are resistant
kidney. In fact, the susceptibility of the renal to killing by serum (65, 267, 285). Deficiency of
medulla to infection is less during water diuresis antibody does not account for inability to kill
(11). The relative inability of serum-susceptible disseminated gonococcal infection pathogens
strains to survive in the renal environment is (45) but in some cases is related to IgG blocking
compatible with present concepts of host de- mechanisms (175). Similarly, IgA-mediated bac-
fense in the urinary tract. The primary means of tericidal blocking mechanisms (113) may aid
disposing of bacteria that enter the bladder is dissemination of N. meningitidis in the early
mechanical, and immune processes are probably stages of systemic meningococcal disease (104).
confined to the bladder wall and are likely to be Establishment of localized gonococcal infection
exclusively cellular in nature (44). In contrast, in the genital tract by serum-susceptible strains
both humoral and cellular defense mechanisms might be promoted by inhibition of complement-
are known to be operative in the kidney (191). mediated bactericidal activity due to proteases
Selection within the urinary tract is also implied in seminal plasma (233). Similarly, absence of
by the observation that strains from patients adequate levels of antibody and complement in
with asymptomatic bacteriuria may be more cerebrospinal fluids may contribute to the main-
serum susceptible than fecal isolates, whereas tenance of high concentrations of bacteria in
strains from patients with symptoms of urinary untreated cases of meningitis (278).
infection are more serum resistant than either Perhaps the most convincing evidence in fa-
fecal isolates or isolates from asymptomatic vor of a role for bactericidal activity in these
patients (223). In some patients with asympto- infections is afforded by observations on pa-
matic bacteriuria, the infecting strain becomes tients with total or near-total congenital deficien-
more susceptible to serum if the infection is left cies of a single complement protein. The critical
untreated (158). Spontaneous clearance of role of C3 in a variety of immune reactions
asymptomatic bacteriuria may be preceded by beneficial to the host is indicated by a general-
an increase in the serum susceptibility of the ized susceptibility to microbial infection in indi-
urinary pathogen (224). viduals deficient in C3 (6, 13). Patients with
Complement-mediated bactericidal mecha- genetic deficiencies of the proteins of the MAC
nisms may also be important in other types of have a propensity to infections with bacteria of
infection. The overwhelming majority of entero- the Neisseria group. Thus, deficiencies of C5
bacteria causing bovine mastitis were found to (111, 232), C6 (14, 31, 111, 234), C7 (31, 155,
be serum resistant (34). Isolates of Bacteroides 234), and C8 (31, 234) are associated with epi-
spp. from feces were significantly more serum sodes of gonococcal or meningococcal bacter-
susceptible than isolates from patients with clini- emia and meningitis. The observations imply
cal infections, including bacteremia (37). Strains that the late-acting complement components are
of Bacteroides fragilis, the predominant species necessary for normal host defense against patho-
found in serious infections, formd a group char- genic Neisseria spp., particularly with regard to
acterized by a high degree of serum resistance. impeding dissemination of serum-susceptible
Waisbren and Brown (327) recorded specific bacteria. As the absence of these components
defects in the ability of patients' sera to kill the does not impair the opsonic and leukocyte che-
infecting organism in a variety of clinical situa- motactic functions of the complement system, a
tions that included Pseudomonas pneumonia, direct role for serum bactericidal activity is
chronic pyelonephritis, endocarditis, peritonitis, suggested by these observations, particularly as
and septicemia; sera from similar patients were phagocytic cells are often inefficient in ingesting
subsequently shown to contain IgG directed these organisms.
against bacterial surface components which Individuals deficient in Cl, C4, and C2 do not
appear to be unduly susceptible to infections body-complement systems is likely to play a role
with gram-negative organisms; it is likely that in in the pathogenesis of at least some infections
such individuals the alternative pathway is re- due to gram-negative bacteria. It can therefore
sponsible for preventing serious recurrent infec- be inferred that the serum bactericidal system
tions (13). has evolved partly in response to the need of the
host to efficiently eliminate invading bacteria
Evidence from Experimental Infections of from potential sites of infection. In suitable in
Laboratory Animals vitro systems, these complement-mediated reac-
A clear relationship has emerged between tions often proceed at an impressive rate, al-
serum resistance and the ability of enterobac- though one feels that our understanding of se-
teria to produce endocarditis in experimental rum killing would progress in a more orderly
animals. Durack and Beeson (62) found that only fashion if there was broad agreement on the
serum-resistant E. coli strains were consistently basic methodology of serum bactericidal assay.
able to cause infective endocarditis in rabbits Recent work has emphasized the essentially
prepared by prior placement of an intracardiac multifactorial nature of serum resistance, and a
catheter. In contrast, all five serum-susceptible number of distinct cell envelope polymers, such
strains tested caused endocarditis in C6-defi- as outer membrane proteins, lipopolysaccha-
cient rabbits. Similar experimental models were rides, and acidic exopolysaccharides, have been
used to verify this relationship with P. aerugi- implicated as mediators of resistance to activat-
nosa (12) and S. marcescens (109). ed complement components. The relative impor-
Evidence from animal challenge experiments tance of these various structures is less clear, as
suggests a relationship between virulence and is the precise way in which some gram-negative
serum resistance. For example, the ability of E. bacteria successfully circumvent the lethal
coli strains to multiply in the peritoneum and mechanism. It is to be hoped that future work
produce infection in mice after intraperitoneal will shed some light on the biophysical proper-
challenge was correlated to their ability to sur- ties of the outer membrane of resistant organ-
vive in in vitro serum bactericidal systems (258). isms that will permit a description of serum
Serum-susceptible enterobacteria are cleared resistance in purely molecular terms.
from the blood of rabbits more rapidly than
resistant organisms and are recoverable from the ACKNOWLEDGMENT
viscera 24 h after infection at only about 10% of I thank my wife, Jan, for help in preparing the manuscript
the concentration of resistant strains (250). A and for endless encouragement.
similar relationship was established for E. coli
after intravenous injection into normal mice
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