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This framework is often used to measure whether a treatment has a palpable, real genuine, and

noticeable effects on patients (Meltzer, 2019). In other words, clinical significance measures the
effectiveness and the changes of a treatment under study. Statistical significance is a
framework used by researchers to measure whether a specific finding is likely to happen due to
factors of interest or chance (Benjamin et al., 2018). Statistical significance can be measured by
factoring elements, such as the size of the sample and the target population's distinct
characteristics. In psychology and medicine, clinical significance is the practical worth of clinical
intervention. The critical difference between the two terms is that scholars often use statistical
significance to test the hypotheses of their studies. In contrast, the clinical significance is used
to measure the practicability of a specific treatment protocol. Another difference is that
statistical significance can be used in all research studies, while clinical significance only applies
to healthcare-related research.

As a researcher, clinical significance concept can help me support the positive outcomes in my
project in the following ways. The first way is calculating the absolute risk. Absolute risk can be
used to measure the size of the risks associated with the intervention. If the risk is low, then the
intervention is beneficial. Another method is calculating relative risk. According to (Benjamin et
al., 2018), relative risk is the number showing a researcher the size of the intervention that can
positively impact the patient's health. In this project, working out at least 30 minutes a day,
three days a week, can improve diabetic patients' health. b

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