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Double Layer

I. Qualitative Detection of Adsorption of Ions and Neutral Molecules on the Mercury

Electrode and Excess Charge on the Electrode
Dolores ~ a r and
h Francisco Memlicuti
Universidad de Alcala de Henares, Alcala de Henares, Spain

Electrochemistry cannot be understood unless one under-

stands the locations a t which important events occur. Elec-
trode reactions can only take place at the interface between hence the excess of electric charee on the electrode is the
the electrode and the solution of electrolvte. Interfacial slope of the electrocapillary curve at any potential.
zones on the two sides of the interface have dimensions of a According to the Gouy-Chapman diffuse-layer iheory for
few tens of angstroms and the whole structure is called the
double layer. '['he adsorption of ions and neutral molerules
constitutrs the underlying phenumenolopy of the double qM= (8RTec)'" sinh (zF+&RT) (4)
layer and contributes t o t h e most experiment-consistent
molecular model of the interface. The rate of electrochemi- where r is the dielectric constant, c is the concentration of
cal reactions is influenced by the double layer structure, that the electrolyte in the bulk of solution, and 4ois the potential
is, by the presence of adsorbed species on the electrode. difference between the surface and the bulk of solution; that
is, 60 = 6 (X= 0) - $4~). The other quantities in eq 4 are the
The~ry~-~ gas constant R, the absolute temperature T, the Faraday
Electrocapillary curves are a primary tool in adsorption constant F, and the electronic charge on ions z.
studies in electrochemistry. They are simply plots of surface The model proposed by Stern abandons.the Gouy-Chap-
tension versus votential. Since good measurements of sur- man limit x = 0, the metallic surface, as the inner limit of the
face tension are-made far more conveniently a t liquid-metal diffuse layer and suggests an equipotential plane at an un-
electrodes, work with mercury has dominated in this area. specified distance xz from the electrode surface. This plane
The simplest device to produce electrocapillary curves is the is now commonlv called the "outer Helmholtz plane"
dropping mercury electrode (DME). The weight of the drop (OHP), and it is the plane of closest approach for the ions to
at the end of its life is gmt,.,, where m is the mass flow rate the electrode surface. So eq 4 takes the form
of mercury issuing from the capillary, g is the gravitational qM= ( ~ R T c c )sinh
~ ' ~(zF$~IZRT) (5)
acceleration. and t-...-"-is the lifetime of the droo. This force is
counterbalanced hy the surface tension acting around the where $2 is the potential at the OHP defined by 4 2 = @(xz)-
circumference of the capillary, whose radius is r,; thus, d s ) . I t must he pointed out that this model does not take
into account the specific adsorption. Equation 5 can he
transformed into the relationship

4%= (2RTIzF) aresinh qM

One can easily see that the drop time t,. is directly propor- (~RTcc)''~
tional to surface tension y; hence a plot oft,,, versus poten-
tial has the same shape as the true electrocapillary curve.
The ordinate is simply multiplied by a constant factor,
which can be separately taken into account. Sometimes
these plots of drop time are also called electrocapillary
The Gibbs adsorption isotherm for a ionic system a t con-
stant temperature and pressure takes the form,
which permits evaluation of 4 2 from qMat any potential.
-dy = q"dE, + r,dp (2)
where qM is the excess charge density on the electrode, E+is The simplest measuring apparatus that will give time-potential
the votential of the workine electrode measured with resnect curves with a dropping mercury electrode is shown schematicallyin
Figure 1. The electrolyte solution is placed in a beaker, and a satu-
to the reference electrode reversible to cation (E+) or anion rated calomel electrode serves as a nonpolarizable electrode, while
(E-), r+is the relative surface excess for the cations (r+) or the mercury drops flowing from the glass capillary form the polariz-
anions ( L ) , and fi is the chemical potential. From the elec- able electrode. The capillary is connected by rubber tubing to the
trocapillary equation (eq 2), it is clear that mercury reservoir, which is placed approximately 50 cm above the
. . orifice. Both electrodes. the mereurv electrode (throueh a
platinum contartl and the calomel elrotr<,dr,are connected directly
' Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. m a simple potrntiomcrrr fed u i t h a ? - \ ' I,atttry.
Bard, A. J.; Faulkner, L. R. Electrochemical Methods; Wiley: New
York, 1980; Chapter 12. Procedure
Bockris, J. O'M.; Reddy. A. K. N. Modern Electrochemistry; Ple- Solutionsof0.1N KC1,O.l N KI.0.1 N N IC4H,)4CI,nnd~at!!rnrrd
num: New York. 1973; Vol. 2. amyl alcohol in 0.1 KC1 must lw prepared. Ench solution ir. placed in
4Bockris. J. O'M. J. Chem. Edoc. 1983, 60,265. the \,essel,and the potenrial applied is gradually raised frum O 18,

Volume 65 Number 7 July 1988 649

_.; ----
'Potentiometer ":..:::

T ~ e s Capillary
e r v o i ? .
... A

" . . " sahlrat-

F l o w 2. EleCiroca~illarvcurves of d r m time aoalnst ~otentialItakin0
e&slomal elecnode GCE) as referencela1dropping mercury eleclrade (DMEI
m 0 1 N KC ( 0 1 and 0.1 N KI ( A l a t 25 OC.

~efere'nce S\olution
electrode studied
Figure 1. A simple apparatus for measuring sumce tension.

1500 mV in steps of 100 mV, except for the vicinity of electrocapil-

lary maximum (ECM), for which the steps are 50 mV. In order to
determine the drop time t,.., that is, the period between the begin-
ning of drop formation and falling off of the drop, the time taken by
a large number (10-30) of drops is measured with a stopwatch and
divided by the number of drops. Plots of drop time versus potential
yield the electrocapillarycurves for each solution. Caution must be
taken in handling mercury since its vapors are poisonous and it is
very easy to spill.
As we want to compare the different electrocapillary curves, we
must use caution when preparing all the solutions that must have
the same concentrations. Besides, drop time is dependent of the Figure 3. Electrocapillary cuwes in 0.1 N KC1 (.)and 0.1 N N(C&Is)&l (A)(%%
height of the mercury column h, so this must be kept constant legend of Fig. 2).
during the measurements.
Results and Discussion
Figures 2 to 4 show the electrocapillary curves of 0.1 N KI,
0.1 N N(C4H9)&l, and saturated amyl alcohol in 0.1 N KCI,
respectively, together with the electrocapillary curve or 0.1
N KC1 used as a reference. The shape of electrocapillary
curves is approximately parabolic although there are signifi-
cant variations as the electrolyte is changed. A feature com-
mon to all the curves is the existence of a electrocapillary
maximum (ECM). Since the slope of the curve is zero a t this
point, the potential a t which it occurs is the potential of zero
charge (PZC) for the system. Thus qM = qs = 0 a t the PZC
( q M is the excess charge on the electrode and qS on the
solution). At more neeative ~ o t e n t i a l sthe d r o ~ sbecame
negatively charged, while the; acquire a positive charge a t
more uositive potentials. The units of electronic charge com-
posing any excess repel each other; hence they counteract
the usual tendency of the surface to contract, and they weak-
en the surface tension.
As can be seen in Figure 2 the electrocapillary maximum,
which lies a t -400 mV in 0.1 N KCI, shifted toward more
negative potentials, -700 mV, in 0.1 N KI. This is indicative
of the more pronounced specific adsorption of iodide anion. F gum 4 Elsnroeapl lary cwves in 0 1 N KC1( 0 1and saturated amyl alcaho m
Since the electrode is more polarizable than the solution, the 0 1 N r(CI ( A ) (see legend a1 F g 21

650 Journal of Chemical Education

Fngure 7 Schematic representauan of #on$d strlbdlon when the electrode s
charged(s, bl or Is "oncharged (cl Potential profl es thr0.g" the SolAon slae
of the double layer in the same cases.
Figwe 5. Electrocaplllary curve for the mercury-aqueous 0.1 N KC1 lnteriace
at 25 'C. E- vs. SCE.

Charge Density q for the Ditferent Potentials

Valves cdcvlated graphic8lly.

aVaI~es obtained by numericalprocedure

Figure 6. Variation of me potential 6. between the outer Helrnholh plane

(OHP) and the bulk of the solution against potential E- vs. SCE in 0.1 N KC1 at
d ~ n l c mby) ~multiplying by the factor 42718.4. From the y-E
25 'C. curve obtained (Fig. 5), the charge density, q M , can be evalu-
ated by the slope of the curve a t any potential. The slope can
be calculated, or graphically as it is shown in the same figure
or by a numerical procedure that fits three consecutive
counterchange is induced there. T o regain the condition q M points t o a symmetrical parabola and determines the tan-
= 0, the potential must be shifted to a more negative value, gent a t its middle point. The results obtainedaregiven in the
so that the excess of snecificallv adsorbed anions is exactlv table.
counterbalanced by an'opposing excess charge in the diffusk The $2 potential can be calculated by using eq 6. For a
laver. Similar conduct occurs in 0.1 N (CdHdaCI.
. . .the electro- solution 0.1 N KCI at 25 "C, that equation can be written
capillary maximum lies in -300 mV, but in this case the
soecific cation adsor~tionshifts the ECM in the ~ o s i t i v e
-..- - -.-...
The flattening of the electrocapillary curve, observed in where 42 is in millivolts and q M in rC/cm2. The values oh-
the case of amyl alcohol in 0.1 N KC1 (Fig. 4). is characteris- tained are given in Figure 6. These values can be explained in
ticof the adsorption of neutral molrcules. As ran be seen, the the following form. At the left of the ECM, the charge on the
adsorption is inore effective near the porential of zero electrode is positive, the excess charge on solution is nega-
charge. As theelectrode charge increases, the electric field in tive,and therefore mz is positive (Fig. :a). On the nmtrary,at
the double layer starts to draw in strongly polarized water more negative potentials than the EMC,m2 is negative (Fig.
molecules, which leads to displacement of the less polar 7h). In the ECM,thr electrode is not chareed. - . there is not
organic molecules. Adsorption can take place only near the excess charge on solution and 4 2 is zero (Fig. 7c).
PZC, where the water can he removed easily. It must be taken into account that the specific adsorption
Plots oft,, against E of the solution 0.1 N KC1 can be has been ignored. That means, no charge is presented be-
converted in y-E plots (taking into account that the inter- tween electrode surface and OHP.
face tension of this solution at -700 mV (vs. SCE) is 427 It is remarkable that all the results presented have been
obtained by undergraduate students. Is it not wonderful to
Welssberger. A,: Ross~ter.6. W . . Eds. PhysicalMemodsofChem obtain excess charge on the electrode and structural infor-
istw W ley: N e w York.1971: Vol. I. Pan 11. Chapter V. mation from time measures?

Volume 65 Number 7 July 1988 651

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